/ ■ ' e£. Average Daily Net Press Run - The Weather y". Forecast of U. S. Weather Bureau 's-. ) " •• ' ; g a r ttw- Week Ended October IS, IMS THURSDAY, OCTOBER IT, 1963 Fair tonight, low hi the mld- PAGE TWENTY-rOUR 13,825 40s. Stinny and warm. Saturday, iKanrlffHtfr Ew nin j high around 80: Member of the Audit Bureau of Oiroulatfon Chapman Court, Order of Manchester“— A City of V iUage Charm Amaranth, will meet tomorrow Jensen Elected About Town at 7;46 p.m. at the Masonic (ClasOfied Advertising on Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Temple. 'Visiting matrons and By Skating Club YOL. LXXXm, NO. 16 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1963 Ttoe Covenant Women’s Guild patrons will conduct initiation Shurfine Gdlden Harvest Sale of 1963 6 t Trinity Covenant Church will work. Mrs. Harold Loomis is Howard P. Jensen of Bolton chairman of the refreshment jneeit tomorrow at 8 p.m. at was elected president of the the home of Mrs. Kf. KJn&r committee. G)ngressman RaA, lae Keeney St. Mrs. Carl Skating Club of Bolton, Inc., Events' Bruce G. Ohagnot, seaman for the 1963-64 season at a JotaMwn will serve as co-hostess. Gtp yew Mindly A/9 SloM todof whm wI m i M ndlf at apprentice, son of Mr. and Mrs. meeting Monday night held at m s . to Add Galls Author Tfce Loyal Circle of Kings George Chagnot, 24 Emerson •yfag Yw wRHM « wUiMlicliM if ymr St., recently graduated from Motts Community Hall. In State Lord Home Named Daughters will ;^>onsor a rum­ Assisting him with club duties IworiklooAbdIiigolhiidntpriciiMwiiidiKilBiiniTHddiliwr mage sale Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. the Navy Recruit ’Training Cen­ ter, Great Lakes, HI., and has and business will be Dr. Louis yhwllwr.A/6 ulmOiri lihniy unfUonttiwIwlM A Pro-Red In Woodruff Hall, Center Con- Block, vice president,: Mrs. gregatiooial Church. Donations beert assigned to sonar school ywwr SMRpwR mip wiw in Key West, Fla. Stanley McCormick, secretary; mcemen Dempsey Closes moy be left at Jhe church Mon­ NEW YORK (A P)— A Mrs. Evert Carlson, treasurer; California congressman day from 7 to -9 p.m. Mrs. William Dion and Mrs. and the d i r e c t o r s , Walter State Woodland Marshall Finlay, both of the Doherty, Richard Chapman and says Jessica Mitford, au­ ■Hie Rev. Felix M. Davis, HOUSTON, Tex (AP) — Tlief> They were met at Houston’s MPHNA staff, are attending the Paul Jesanls. U.S. space team for two-man International Airport by a space­ thor of “ The American minister of the Slicopd Congre­ After the business meeting, To Macmillan Post Connecticut Regional Educa­ HARTFORD (AP) — Way of Death,” is “ pro- gational Church, will speak on rendezvous missions and three- craft center security guard. ’This tional Program for professional films taken at the ice show man moon shots was to be In­ is a courtesy normally accorded Connecticut woodlands and Commuriist, anti - Ameri­ '‘Emotlorlal Problems of Living” nurses which is being held at last spring were shown by Paul at an open meeting of the Wom­ creased today with the selection only astronauts and Washington brushlands are closed to the can” and a foe of the Chris­ Cedarcrest Hos^pdtal, Newington, Jesanls. These will be shown of 10 to 16 new astronauts. dignitaries. en’s Fellowship to be held Mon­ today. again during the menvbershdp public because of drought tian religion. day at 8 p.m. in Fellowship drive in November to all In­ Informed sources Identified Informed sources also indicat­ conditions. The order by Miss Mitford called the ac­ Baptist Speaker three potential members of the ed another Edwards pilot, Capt. Hedl. Prior to the program, a The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ terested persons, the date to Gov. John N. Dempsey cusation a “ red herring.” Tito Feels Push Fails short devotional so "vice will be Mrs. Carl M. Capen, Ameri­ be announced. group in advance, bu t, the David R. Scott, 30, had been Ip a statement entered in the morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, Manned Spacecraft Center said added to the space team. Scott went into effect last mid­ held In the chapel. The Lucy will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. can Baptist missionary to ’Thai- TRICK or TREAT appendix of the Congressional Spencer Group is in charge of FRESHER-BY-FAR strict secrecy on names would was known to have spent Thurs night. It will delay the start Record last ’Tuesday, Rep. at the home of Mrs. Sarah Tom­ lEJid. will speak Sunday at 8 be maintained until the after­ day with San Antonio relatives iFor Butler, hospitality and the Ferris Rey­ linson, 98 High St. A cup auc­ Pinehursf Budget of the upland game and James B. Utt, a Republican, He Gained nolds Group will .serve refresh­ p.m. at the Connecticut Baptist Three Represent Buy your fresh Golden noon news.conference announce­ but was unavailable for com­ listed what he called Commu­ tion will be held after the busi- Plnehurst State of Con­ Pumpkins, all sizes, Sweet ment. ment. duck hunting season. ments. All women of the church ne.ss meeting. Convention to be held at the nist-linked activities of Mi.ss are Invited. Cider and Trick ’n Treat The news conference Is sched­ ’The ages of Scott and Bassett 'The Governor announegd his Central Baptist Church, Hart­ Area at Parley necticut selected poultry. Lean Government Inspected State of Iowa decision after conferring with Mitford and her husband, candy at Plnehurst . uled for 4 p.m. Eastern Standard strengthened speculation the Robert Treuhaft. From Visit Mi.ss Milicent Jones of Tol­ ford. Hershey Bars Time. third gfroup of astronauts would Eionald Mathews, dirazfor of the \ The VFW will sponsor “ sea­ land Rd., Bolton, a member of Mrs. Charles E. Kelly of 66 State Park and Forest Com- Her book said Utt. strikes Mrs. Capen, a second gener­ Milky Way Two of the three arrived be the youngest, averaging “ another blow at the Christian food night” tomorrow from 8 the Manchester Garden Club, Walnut St., and Mrs. George 4 Legged Fresh Snickers miaslon. Mathews told Dempsey Bv HARRY KEU.Y LON'DO.n \ a P) — Lord p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at the post Thursday night but declined about SO years. ’The 271 appli­ religion WASHINGTON (API - Yugo­ was elected Bird Life chairman ation mi.ssionary, is the daugh­ W. Jones and Mrs. ’Thome Per­ Frying Chickens F R E S H P O R K Mars Bars cants for the group had to be that the forest fire hazard is Home was natWd today to home, 608 E. Center St. on the board of the Federated ter of Presbyterian mi.ssionaries ry, both of Glartonbury, will be lomment as they stepped from , _,__ ' The book criticizes the Amer- slav President Tito's vi.sit to the Boxes of 24 a commercial jet plane from no older than 34 as of June 30. I w steadily during the ^ industry, al­ capital was short and not all lie Britain's newjirime min­ Garden Clubs of Connecticut, in Korea. Born in Kwa.ngju. delegates from the MSnnechaug 1 large chic ary speu. I leging funeral directors Inc., at the annual meeting Disitricft of the Connecticut Val­ Los Angeles. Nine men selected last year sweet. But his aides .say the ister— the man \\H)o must Korea, the former Miss Louise They are Capt. Charles A. averaged 32.6 years. The seven Dempsey said his order will | overcommercialize and charge (Communist chief feels he got; ti'.v to carr\- the CoXserva- yesterday in Westport. Her term ley Girt Scout Council attending plus 2 extra legs... Center Pork Chops 79e remain in effect until the emer­ of office will be two years. It Nera'land completed high school the 36th National Council Meet­ Bassett, 30, and ’Theodore C. Mercury astronauts averaged too much. what hfe wanted: U.S. recogni­ tive party to vielor.v iii elec­ PUBLIC in the foreign high school in This low price applies to thin, regular thickness, double or Freeman, 33. Both are from Ed­ 34.6 years in 1959. gency Is at an end. Mias Mitford, In Denver, Colo, tion of his independence. was announced that the Man­ ing In Miami, Fla., beginning 45c lb. ’The game and duck hunting tions within the ne.xt year. chester Garden Cl3b was one of Pyengyang, earned her B.A. de­ Monday and continuing through double thick chops with pocket In for stuffing. Also to wards Air Force Base, an ad­ The Mercury group pioneered replied: “ The whole thing is so "Moscow had acknowledged gree at the University of Rich­ center pork roast. vanced pilot training installation the U.S. manned space program season was scheduled to begin beneath comment that I'd earlier that there can be shades The soft-spoken but incisiV* the winners In the -Civic Beauti- Oot. 25. They were elected tomorrow. Any days lost will be foreign secretary, 60, was ap­ HARVEST flcation Contest for Its landscap­ mond, Va., and later completed as delegates last May. Candy C o m ..........29c that supplied nine of the 16 as­ with solo flights that were ter- rather not comment. I'm long­ between white and black, now some oriental studies at Colum­ Selected Large tronauts selected In 1959 and last added to the end of the season, ing to meet any and all ques­ pointed by Queen Elizabeth II \ ing of the Tolland County Agri­ The National Cbuncll Meet­ Wa.shington has followed suit," to be her first minister at th« bia University, New York City.
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