THE - SUNY - Cobleskill Vol. 6 Issue 4 Circulation 2,500 December 1983 Question of the Month By Maja & Michelle Who was your childhood her o? Charlie Fales . .. .. .............. .. .... Capt ain America Mala Wasserbach ..... .... ............ : . ... .... Her Parents B"UKI el' f er .. ............ ... ... .... .......... Batman Jobi Friedman ........ .' . .. ...... Jo, From " Little Women" K e 11 y C 0 WInS .......... ....... .... ........ .. S·IoniC . Woman A m y K ehoe .. .... .. ... .. •. •. .... ...., .... .. .. .. James Bond Ther esa Bergman . .. .. .•. .•..•....... ..... .. Shaun Cassidy Scott A llen . ... .... ... •.. • ... • . F ran Tar kenton John Field .. .... .. ... .• . •. .... .. .. Roger Staubach Jeff O' Hara . .. ... .. ... .. .. ...... Speed Ra cer Sean Boot h ... .. .. .... .• .. • • . •. ..• . ... .. ...... His M om E dward Sen ior ....... ..... .. ... ........... Batman Sherri Whitehead . .. .. .•. •.• . .• .- • •. ........... Tarzan Dave COI~ .. .. ... .. .. • ...•. ........ .. .... .. .. Aquaman • Shawn Hogan ..... • .... .. • . • . .• .. •. ..... L one Ranger Mark Sm ith .... .... ..... .. • . .. .. • . .. ... Jim Rockford Scott Pr obeck . ... ... ...... .... • . ... ... Charlie Brown Lisa Sc huttenhelm · . .. ..• . • • . • . • . .. ... Mickey M ouse Ken Puffer ...... .. ... .. ......• . • . ...... Underdog Bi ll Br ierley ... .. ... .. .... .. •• •• . • •• . • . .- ... Steve Austin State Police 'Visit' Campus Notice to Students by Douglas W. Murpby to door to make the students go to the In order to eliminate the many extremely shori notice and had little donn office in order to show their m's. rumors on campus regarding the 1.0 . time to react to the situation. They were By now everyone who lives on By the time they were finished it was checks in the donns on Tuesday not involved in the investigation other campus should be at least aware of, if past -1.;,00 A.M. At this late hour they evening and in President Brown's than being present in the donns and not enraged by, the rude " Identification woke many people out of a dead sleep, aooence, I want to communicate to you cooperating with the State Police as raid" conducted by State Police & and interrupted others from whatever my basic Wlderstanding of what look instructed by the state Police. campus Security, late night, Tuesday ,~ other private a~vities they may have place. At this time the college ad­ November 15. Was the " raid" com· been engaged m. This was a very Several State Police officers con· ministration Is seeking additional pletely within legal limits? And judging criticp.l week l or many students, with ducted an investigation based on in­ details relating to the circumstances by the nwnber of people they caught big tests ~d tenn papers due before fonnation that a nwriber of students surrounding the incident. It is obvious (not to mention the ones that they did ThanksglY1!lg VacatIOn, therefore sleep were using college identification cards the police are looking for students who nofcatch) with altered or fake m cards was essential. People I kn?W who had with altered birth dates. They entered are misusing their 1.0. cards by having was the " raid" justifiable? However it tests at 8:00 A.M. the followmg morning residence halls requesting to see the date of birth altered. Students is not the justification of this "raid" were rudely :awakened ~t ungodly hours student 1.0. cards. As a result, 1.0 . should be aware that they can be which should be questioned, but rather of the morning by Police. This hardly cards were confiscated from eleven arrested for using a forged instrwnent the way in which it was conducted, allowed them the amount of sleep ~y students. No arrests were made. to ottain liquor or other privileges specifically, the hour at which it was felt necessary for best results on un- While college officials were informed restricted to certain age groups. Also, conducted. portant tests. Nearly everyone who was of the investigation shortly before it students should remember that altering The raid,which went through all of the raided was angry, and many people began, I would like to stress that your an lD. card is groWlds for major "Cement CIty" donns and Wieting were frightened. Donn Directors and R.A. 's were given disc!'plinary action. Hall,began in the vicinitj of 10 :30 P.M. The. next time the people r~ponsible In several donn$, such 85 Wieting Hall, for this " raid" feel the necessity for this officials of Public Safety and state kind of action they should be more Police went from door to door, poun- considerate. They could have achieved ding on every door, and ordering the sam.e effect without ~ so rude; National News students to produce their college ID awakerung and offending so many On September 1, the state Depart· mate claims that he fOWld secret cards. In some donns, such as Fake innocent people at such a crucial time papers about Berlin, that were dated Hall, they had the RA. 's go from door in the semester. ment sent what they thought were empty file cabinets, for refurbishing by 1959. The government now believes that liunates at Lorton prison, a maximum· secret documents have been circulating security prison. Last week authorities throughout the prison for a long time. On Thursday and Friday, college and other campus administrators are learned that there were top secret In­ Washington officials forecast a number administration officials met to discuss piecing together the entire evening, and telligence files within the cabinets. of car thefts and burglaries in "what actually went on during this have been in direct contact with the An inmate had given the documents Washington as spels do their best to get STATE POLICE RAID." Chancellor's office in Albany. Dr. to a local reporter, who returned them clearance into. Lorton Prison. Dr. Poole's note to the campus-which Brown also has been in contact with the to the state Department. Another in· was issued on Thursday, attempted to Schoharie County District Attorney's explain some of the happenings of Office, and will be in contact with the Tuesday night, however, as President state Police officials at the Troop Brown and Vice President Poole met Headquarters in Loudonville, New International News with other campus administration York (where the main office for this members, it was discovered that the district's State Police are located). Cuba will soon be getting its first presented a list of suggestions for free state Police did not have permission or President Brown will also be ad­ fem ale PolitbUr o m ember. This elections, free press, a clear reasonable cause to bother, wake up, dressing the Student Government in the committee is one of the most powerful presidential succession process. In disturb, etc . over 1,.200 college next week or so, to " get the word out" in the country. Vilma Espin', who is a retaliation, Marcos lashed " Perhaps it students-who are also residents of the and to "clear up any misconceptions" leading feminist, is not new to Cuba's is time I made some demands on you." state of New York. that this incident may have created. It inner core: since 1959 Espin bas been He accused his audience of "tu The State Police did have permission is important to him (PTesident Brown ), married to the Defense Minister, who is evasion, smuggling, bribery and double to speak with one Ten Eyck Hall to know that the students of this college Castro's brother. bookkeeping." Marcos closed. " If this resident, In reference to the possible are protected by the laws of this state Ferdinand Marcos, the Philippine government is at fault, it is because the improper or illegal use of an and that students who go to Cobleskill president, invited more than 500 of his government has been deceived by so­ automobile and then this may have lead College are not harrassed at any time. country's top businessmen to meet with called straight and honest businessmen to the "I.D. CARD FIASCO. " Further infonnatlon will be made him. This seminar dealt with national who are supposed to be the pillars of As of this writing, President Brown available as it is known. economic survival. The businessmen socIety." WHI RLWINO, November 1983, p. 2 Horoscope c •• ~Ht-s..-. • 2J ARIES: (t.brch 21 to April 19)-A USRA: (Sept. to ~t D)-You can kind of ··busines.s as usuaJ" we-ek with accomplish something now that suc­ ceeds ~yond your fondest opKIa­ t~ possibility of romance and in­ tions. T unee in to what did and didn't crea~ social life. Take care 01 pro­ jects rcequiring detail work. since you work in thee past. You can make are now more patient than usual. Ose marvee lous imprcession on otheers and your artistic creativity . your popularity zooms! TAURUS: (A pril 10 to May SCORPIO: (Oct. 23 to Nov_ IO)..-Concentrate on career and finish Il}-Your meergy is high and you up any projects nrried over from last could feeel prcessuree from many month. Catch up on correspndence dcemands. Curb impatieen« and adopt and contact advertiSing or publicity -,i positivee outlook with couragee . peoplee . Get involved in.a nnv artistic SAGITTARIUS: (Nov.l1 to Ocec. Friday is here again. Everyone is getting ready to go downtown Il)- You'ree feeeeHng conteent and to party and to have a good time. First students go over to the hobby--have fun! GEMINI: (May 21 to June gratificed with your Iifee, but don't grocery store for a couple of six packs of beer. Then they go back boast about your victories. Somee to the room and start partying. They play games like quarters, IOl-Coordinate your previous efforts and work cooperatively with others. may ~ moving their re'sidence and it mexican, biz buz, and cardinal puff. Then at about 11 :00 everyone is a pleeasant experience. A project • Guard against impulsive actions. This decides to go downtown. While they are down there they drink you finish now could bring. future is the iime: to look carefully before some more, dance, talk to some friends and iust have a gOOd time.
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