NEWS CBK'. 8ROADCASTS DAILY WATROUS Trans·Canada Network: (Trans·Canada Network) 8:00. ':00 2.In. 1:00.6:30, 540 Kcs. ':00 p.m. 12 Mldnlaht CBC Dominion Nelwork: Prairie Region 10:00 p.m. Transmitter Times given in this Schedule are Central Standard DATE OF ISSUE, OCrOBER 27, 1945. PRAIRIE REGION -----------Wcck 0' Nov~mb~r 4th, 1945 612 Ttelephone Bldg_I Wlnnlpe" C.n.d. Davidson Dunton is Jeepers! Named CBC Chairman Ottawa. - The appointment of A. Chairman of U.S. Commission Voices Davidson Dunton, former chairman Public Grievance of the Wartime Information Board, By PAUL A. PORTER, and a Montreal newspaperman, as Chairman, Federal Communications chairman ot the Canadian Broad­ Commission, U.S.A. casting Corporation, has been an­ A group of friends and I were nounced in the House of Commons by listenIng the other evening to the Han. J. L. Ilsley, minister of finance radio. The program was interesting and acting premier. The appointment and in good taste, and we sat qUi£'tly is for a three-year term. Dr. Augustin as we enjoyed It. Suddenly general Frigon remains as general manager conversation was resumed. I realized of the Corporation. that it was because the commercial The present Board of Governors of had come on. I commented on this, the CBC, as announced in the Annual and my hosbss said, "Oh, yes. I've Report for 1944-45 recently issued, is traIned myself so that I never hear as follows: Howard B. Chase. Mont­ the commercials. So many of them real; Rene Morin, Montreal; Dean are silly, anyway." Adrien Pouliot, Quebec; Mrs. T. W. A columnist for a newspaper chain, Sutherland, Revelstoke. B.C.; Fred­ which also operates a number or erIck J. Crawford, Toronto; William Bob Hope and Jerry Colonna (CBe Dominion Network, Tuesdays, 9:00 p.nt,) have discovered a new use jor the post-lOOr vehicle. Twenty new jeeps like prosperous radio stations, observes J. Parker, WinnIpeg; B. K. Sandwell, the one in the picture are being offered on Hope'S show as first prizes in a that the listeners' ears "have become Toronto; Very Rev. W. Eastland contest that stresses the irnpOrtance oj buying and holding Victory Bonds schooled to close automatically when Fuller, Saskatoon (term expired Nov. the commercial comes on. and the I, 1944); J. Wlltred Godfery. Hallfax sonnel and Administrative Service. great bulk of this synthetic verbiage (term expired Nov. 1, 1944); and Public Broadcasting is never heard at all." and Financial. A. W. Trueman, Winnipeg, (ap­ But other numbers of people, to pointed March 19, 1945). Now in Twelfth Year Assets Increase The fixed assets of the Corporation JUdge from complaints which reach CSC's Annual Report. Det.alls Year of were Increased by approximately the Federal Communications Com­ Important Progress I$255,000 during the year, and to mIssion, have not developed this new Three CBC Governors faculty of "tune-out ear." Attention is drawn to the fact that. finance these expenditures worktng On a recent summer afternoon in Reappointed to Board publicly owned and operated radio is capital was reduced by approximately the New Hampshire mountains, a Ottawa.-Three members or the now in its twelfth year in Canada. $100,000, to 51,034,933, the balance (Continued on page 5) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's and that the CBC is now 1n the being provided out of current reve­ Board of Governors have been reap­ ninth year of its existence as a cor- nues. Capital developments during pointed by recent Orders-in-Council, poration, in the annual report of the the year have been the purchase and CBC Men Attending accordIng to a CBC statement Just Canadian Broadcasting Corporation improvement of the property of the issued. for the fiscal year ended March 31. National Program Administration Quebec food Meet The governors are Howard B. 1945, recently issued from Ottawa. Building and Studios, now located at CBC people are not only giving Chase and Rene Morin of Montreal, "During that period," the report 354 Jarvis Street, Toronto; the pur­ thorough broadcast coverage to the and Mrs. Mary Sutherland or Revel­ adds, "broadcasting has established chase of technical equipment for the United Nations Food and Agriculture stoke, B.C. Mr. Chase, present chair­ ttself as one of the most important EngIneering Headquarters, Montreal Conference in Quebec, but are lend­ man of the Board. and Mrs. Suther­ and efficient means of furthering the Studios: the International Service ing assistance in the work of the land were first appointed in March, national war effort and fostering Studios in Montreal; CJBC transmit­ conference itself. John de B. Bayne, 1943. Mr. Morin, former chairman national unity; these ends are tel' at Dixie, Ont.; and CBA trans­ cac administrative officer at Sta­ and now vice-chairman, has been on achieved by rapid and widespread mitter at Sackv1l1e, N.B. The eighth tion CBM, Montreal, has been lent the Board since November, 1942. dissemination of news and infol'ma- annual balance sheet of the Cor­ to the organization as radio Uatsoa Their rp.appointment is for a three­ Uon, and by giving every secUon of poration, as at March 31, 1945, shows officer. year period from November 1, 1945. the people opportuniUes to hear the a net operating deficit of $72,747.09 Other CBC men attendIng the views and opinions or others: more- for the fiscal year. Quebec sessions BI'e: Harry Boyle, Madame Tussaud. Everyone knows over the broadcasting of entel'tain- The work of the important program supervisor of fnrm broadcasts, who the romantic history of the founder ment programs of all kinds, from the dIvision is covercd under 17 headings: is in charge of domestic broadcasts of Tussnud's-who as a young mar­ lightest trifles to serious drama and News, Special Events, Overseas Unit, dealing with the conference; Ab ried woman modelled heads of thc symphony music, has helped to build Talks and Public Affairs, Women's Kemp, farm commentator in the On· leaders and vicl1ms of the French and sustain morale and to prevent Interests, Farm Broadcasts, Rcli­ ttlrlo and Quebec Regions, who gives Revolution. The first public exhibi­ war-weariness." gious and Institutional Broadcasts, a daily talk from Quebec; Mavor tion of her work was in 1789 ... The report. covcrs cac activities School Broadcasts, MusIc, Drama. Moore. of the CBC shortwave service. Marie was arrested and imprisoned, under nine headings: Board of Gov- Feature Broadcasts, Children's Pro­ who is in charge of international but escaped to London with some of £.rnors, Executive, Program Division, grams, International Exchange Pro­ broadcasts; and Ethelwyn Hobbes. her collection and with the idea of Commercial Division, Press and In- grams, cac Dominion Network, An­ women's commentator from Mon­ the exhibition which has become formation Service, Station Relations nouncing and Broadcast LllngUD-ge, treal. Charles Miller of Station CBM world famouS.-E. O. Hoppe, on BBe. Division, Engineering Division. Per- (Continued on page 4) is the conference announcer. Page 2 CBC PROGRAM SCHEDULE Prairie Region Yorkshir"man "Singing Stars" -Il] SUNDAY, November 4th, 1945 [D- Returns November 4 Young singers from all parts of All times given aTe Central Standard, lOT Mountain Time deduct one hour. Canada will be gathering in radio's STATION CBK, WATROUS 8:30 STAR THEATRE (30 Mins.) anterooms for a coast to coast hear­ ing on the broadcasts oC Singing 10:00 CBC NEWS 9:00 SWEET AND LOW (30 Mins.) SLars of Tomorrow as the program's 10:02 NEIGHBORLY NEWS FROM 9:30 LATIN AMERICAN SERENADE (30 1l1insJ third season opens this week. The THE PRAIRIES premiere broadcast will feature two 10:15 THE PRAIRIE GARDENER 10:00 CBC NEWS AND COMMENT­ sopranos, Alexandra Belugtn and ARY U5 Mins.) 10:30 TO BE ANNOUNCED Jean Hayes, on Sunday, November 4, 11:00 BBC NEWS 10:30 DOMINION SPECIAL at 4:30 p.m. over the CBC Trans­ 11:15 CANADIAN YARNS (30 Mins.) Canada network. 11:30 THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT Auditions designed to encourage 11:59 DOMINION OBSERVATORY the participation of young aspirants OFFICIAL TIME SIGNAL in the program have been held 12:00 MUSICAL PROGRAM __A/ote.J-.:1_- throughout Canada. John Adasktn, musical superVisor of Singing Stars, 12:15 JUST MARY CHAMBER MUSiC (10:30 a.m.) and Rex Battle. conductor of the 12:30 CANADIAN PARTY A new chamber music ensemble program's orchestra. were among the 1:00 CBC NEWS made up of three Toronto musicians audition judges. 1:04 WASHINGTON COMMENT- will open a serIes of nine concerts The Yugoslavian-Canadian Alex­ ARY over the CBC Trans-Canada net­ andra Belugin is already familiar 1:15 MATI'HEW HALTON with radio, having appeared on a work this morning. Included in the Britain's globe-trotting, multilingu­ 1 :30 RELIGIOUS PERIOD number fo CBC recitals. Jean Hayes, ensemble are Harold Sumberg, vio­ ous Jack-of-all-trades, WILLIAM 2:00 24-year-old widow, of Waterloo, On­ NEW YORK linist; Cornelius Ysselstyn, 'cellist; HOLT, is a familiar personality to PHILHARMONIC tario, has also won her musical spurs and Alberto Guerrero, pIanist. The thousands of Canadian radio listen­ SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA as recitalist and Stratford bronze series will be devoted to the per­ ers. He is remembered for his talks medallist. Both will compete for the 3:30 CHURCH OF THE AIR formance of the complete repertoire in the program"Britain Speaks" and three scholarships to be awarded to 4:00 CBC NEWS of Mozart's t.rios, begInning on the innumerable BBe broadcasts on war­ the three winners at the close of the 4:03 RT. HON. MALCOLM opening date wIth the Trio No.2 in ti7Jte life in Britain.
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