IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Afghanistan Sheir khan Bandar [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Algeria Alger DZALG [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande / Voyageurs/ Hydrocarbures Annaba DZAAE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande / Voyageurs Arzew DZAZW [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande / Hydrocarbures Bejaia DZBJA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande / Voyageurs/ Hydrocarbures DjenDjen DZDJE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande Ghazouet DZGHA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande / Voyageurs Mostaganem DZMOS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande Oran DZORN [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande / Voyageurs Skikda DZSKI [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande / Voyageurs/ Hydrocarbures Ténès DZTEN [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marine marchande Antigua and Barbuda Antigua (Falmouth Harbout at St.Pauls) AGANU [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] St.Johns AGSJO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Argentina Bahía Blanca ARBHI [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Barranqueras ARBQS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Buenos Aires ARBUE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Caleta Paula ARCVI [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Campana ARCMP [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Charata ARCNT [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Clorinda ARCLX [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Colón ARCOL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Comodoro Rivadavia ARCRD [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Concepción del Uruguay ARCOU [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Friday 1st of April 2016 Page 1/83 © World Health Organization IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Concordia ARCOC [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Corrientes ARCNQ [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Del Guazú ARDGU [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Deseado ARPUD [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Diamante ARDME [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Formosa ARFMA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Gualeguay ARGHU [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Ibicuy ARIBY [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Iguazú ARIGR [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] La Paz ARLPA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] La Plata ARLPG [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Madryn ARPMY [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Mar del Plata ARMDQ [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Necochea ARNEC [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Paraná ARPRA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Punta Loyola ARPLO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Punta Quilla ARPQU [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Resistencia ARRES [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Rio Gallegos ARRGL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Rio Turbio ARRYO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Rosario ARROS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] San Antonio Este ARSAE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] San Lorenzo ARSLO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] San Nicolás ARSNS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Santa Fe ARSFN [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Ushuaia ARUSH [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Villa Constitución ARVCN [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Zárate ARZAE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Friday 1st of April 2016 Page 2/83 © World Health Organization IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Australia Albany AUALH [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Ardrossan AUARD [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Bowen [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Brisbane AUBNE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Broome AUBME [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Bunbury AUBUY [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Bundaberg AUBDB [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Burnie AUBWT [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Cairns AUCNS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Carnarvon AUCVO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Christmas Island [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Cocos Islands [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Coffs Harbour AUCFS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Dampier AUDAM [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Darwin AUDRW [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Derby AUDRB [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Devonport AUDPO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Eden AUQDN [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Esperance AUEPR [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Exmouth AUPEX [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Fremantle AUFRE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Geelong AUGEX [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Geraldton AUGET [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Gladstone AUGLT [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Hay Point AUHPT [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Hobart AUHBA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Friday 1st of April 2016 Page 3/83 © World Health Organization IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Launceston AULST [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Lord Howe Island AULDH [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Lucinda AULUC [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Mackay AUMKY [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Melbourne AUMEL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Melville Bay AUGOV [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Milner Bay AUGTE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Mourilyan AUMOU [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] New Castel AUNTL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Adelaide AUPAE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Alma AUPTL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Bonython AUPBY [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Giles AUPGI [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Hedland AUPHE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Huon AUPHU [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Kembla AUPKL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Kennedy AUTIS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Latta AUPLA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Lincoln AUPLO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port of Botany Bay AUBTB [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Pirie AUPPI [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port Walcott AUPWL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Portland AUPTJ [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Spring Bay AUSPB [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Stanley AUSTA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Sydney AUPJK [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Thevenard [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Townsville AUTSV [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Friday 1st of April 2016 Page 4/83 © World Health Organization IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Wallaroo AUWAL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Weipa AUWEI [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Westernport AUWEP [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Whyalla AUWYA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Wyndham AUWYN [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Yamba AUYBA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Azerbaijan Baku AZBAK [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Bahamas (the) Bimini (Alice Town) BSBIM [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Freeport BSFPO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] George Town BSGGT [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Governors Harbour BSGHB [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Marsh Harbour BSMHH [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Nassau BSNAS [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] New Bight (Cat Island) BSNET [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Bahrain Al Muharraq BHRAS [ ] [ x ] [ ] Hidd (Asry, GIIC, Abdulla Ahmed Nass BHBAH [ ] [ x ] [ ] - A.A. Nass) Mina Salman (AP Terminal) - Al BHMAN [ ] [ x ] [ ] Jazeera Shipping Sitra (ALBA, GPIC, Bapco, Basrec, BHMIN [ ] [ x ] [ ] UCO-Marine, Bahrain Mineral, AGAS) Barbados Friday 1st of April 2016 Page 5/83 © World Health Organization IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Bridgetown BBBGI [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Port St Charles in St Peter is also a seaport. The number 0003 is attached to the BBBGI code. Port St Charles [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Belgium Antwerpen BEANR [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Gent BEGNE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Niewpoort BENIE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Oostende BEOST [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Zeebrugge BEZEE [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Brazil Barra dos Coqueiros BRBAR [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Belem BRBEL [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Cabedelo BRCDO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Corumba BRCMG [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Fortaleza BRFOR [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs every day from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Imbituba BRIBB [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Itaguai BRSPB [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Also provides service to Port of Angra dos Reis (BR ADR). Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Friday 1st of April 2016 Page 6/83 © World Health Organization IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Itajai BRITJ [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs every day from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Itaqui BRITQ [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Also provides service to Port of Ponta da Madeira (BR PMA). Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Macaé BRMEA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Maceió BRMCZ [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Manaus BRMAO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Also provides service to Port of Chibatão. Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Natal BRNAT [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occur only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time). Advance notice required. Paranaguá BRPNG [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Also provides service to Port of Ponta do Felix/Antonina (BR PFX). Inspections for SSC issuance occurs every day from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Pecém BRPEC [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Recife BRREC [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Rio de Janeiro BRRIO [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Also provides service to Port of Niteroi (BR NTR). Inspections for SSC issuance occurs every day from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Rio Grande BRRIG [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Inspections for SSC issuance occurs only on business days from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) . Advance notice required. Friday 1st of April 2016 Page 7/83 © World Health Organization IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates Name Code SSCC SSCEC Extension Other Information Salvador BRSSA [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] Also provides service to Ports of Aratu (BR ARB) and Madre de Deus (BR MDD). Inspections for SSC issuance occur every day from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time) no Porto de Salvador and only Tuesday and Thursday, from 09:00 am to 15:00 pm (local time) nos Portos de Aratu (BR ARB) and Madre de Deus (BR MDD).
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