49:656 Brief Clinical Note A case of neurosarcoidosis with recurrent episodes of neurological dysfunction and diffuse cortical lesions on magnetic resonance imaging Kiyohide Usami, M.D.1)*, Satoshi Muramoto, M.D.2), Hiroshi Yasui, M.D.3), Toru Kimura, M.D.1)and Shigenobu Nakamura, M.D.1) Abstract: We report a case of a 35-year-old man with histologically confirmed neurosarcoidosis who developed recurrent episodes of right-hemispheric dysfunction with diffuse cortical lesions of the right hemisphere on mag- netic resonance imaging (MRI). A brain biopsy revealed granulomatous inflammatory cells in both the subarach- noid space and Virchow-Robin space, which might relate to the recurrent neurological dysfunction and MRI find- ings. (臨床神経,49:656―659, 2009) Key words:Sarcoidosis, Neurosarcoidosis, Magnetic resonance imaging, Diffuse cortical lesion Sarcoidosis, a multisystem disorder of unknown cause, was admitted to our hospital in early April, 2007 (1st admis- commonly affects young and middle-aged adults and fre- sion). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) evaluation revealed leukocy- quently presents with pulmonary, ocular and skin lesions. It tosis with a predominance of mononuclear cells, low glucose is diagnosed when clinicoradiological findings are supported levels and increased protein levels. He was treated as having by histological evidence of noncaseating epithelioid-cell a viral or bacterial meningitis with aciclovir and ceftriaxone. granulomas1). About 10% of patients with sarcoidosis de- The neurological symptoms completely resolved in a week. velop neurological symptoms2); neurosarcoidosis can present After one month, he developed fever and drowsiness after in a variety of ways. Although magnetic resonance imaging general malaise and was treated for recurrent meningitis (MRI) is a sensitive test for neurosarcoidosis, diverse findings (2nd admission) because of similar CSF findings to those of have been reported in neurosarcoidosis2)3). Therefore, neuro- the 1st admission. His consciousness improved in several sarcoidosis is a diagnostic challenge, particularly when sys- days. He had neither headaches nor nuchal rigidity through- temic sarcoidosis has not been confirmed3).Furthermore, out either clinical encounter. brain biopsy―necessary to make a definite diagnosis of neu- In late September, five months after the 1st admission, he rosarcoidosis4)―is difficult because of complications of ac- developed general malaise the night prior to admission. His cessing cerebral tissue. family found him to be confused, and he was readmitted to We describe a case of a patient with histologically con- our hospital (3rd admission). Physical examination revealed a firmed neurosarcoidosis who developed recurrent episodes temperature of 37.3℃ and nuchal rigidity. Neurological ex- of neurological impairment of the right hemisphere with dif- amination revealed confusion, bilateral occasional conjugate fuse cortical lesions of the right hemisphere on MRI. deviation, rotation of the neck to the right, left unilateral spa- tial neglect, dysarthria, left-sided hemiplegia and mild lower Case Report facial palsy, and left-sided dysesthesia. His left-sided limbs were hypertonic and left plantar reflex was extensor. A 35-year-old man developed fever and neurological dys- At this 3rd admission, routine laboratory studies were no- function involving confusion and left-sided hemiplegia and table for C reactive protein of 1.65 mg!dL (normal; <0.24 *Corresponding author: Department of Neurology, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital〔2 Otowachinji-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto, 607―8062 Ja- pan〕 1)Department of Neurology, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital 2)Department of Radiology, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital 3)Department of Pathology, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital (Received: 29 September 2008) A case of neurosarcoidosis with recurrent episodes of neurological dysfunction and diffuse cortical lesions on magnetic resonance imaging 49:657 mPSL・pulse therapy 1,000mg oral PSL 60mg 50mg 40mg adynamic ileus Neurological symptoms† 1st admission 2nd admission 3rd admission 2007/4 56789101112 Brain biopsy 1st admission 2nd admission 3rd admission Date 2007/4/9 4/13 5/9 5/17 9/24 10/1 10/4 2008/1/7 CSF Cell (/mm3) 14 23 9 6 7 4 3 poly (%)/mono (%) 28/72 29/71 11/68 0/88 27/50 8/92 13/87 Sugar (mg/dL) 37 48 32 34 33 34 68 Protein (mg/dL) 196 224 233 196 185 146 61 ACE (U/L) 1.2 0.7 0.2 Blood CRP (mg/dL) 2.01 0.84 <0.24 1.65 <0.24 WBC (/µL) 10,100 7,900 8,300 12,800 ACE (U/L) 21.5 10.8 sIL-2R (U/mL) 2,200 539 Fig. 1 The clinical course involving part of the laboratory data from the 1st admission. †: At the 1st and the 3rd admission, confusion and bilateral occasional conjugate deviation, rotation of the neck to the right, left unilateral spatial neglect, dysarthria, left-sided hemiplegia and mild lower fa- cial palsy, left-sided hypertonic limbs, dysesthesia and left extensor plantar reflex were revealed. At the 2nd admission, only drowsiness after general malaise developed. mPSL; metylprednisolone. PSL; prednisolone. poly: polymorphonuclear cells. mono: mononuclear cells. mg!dL) with normal calcium levels. Angiotensin-converting Head MRI repeatedly taken from the 1st admission, dem- enzyme (ACE) level was 21.5 U!L (normal; 8.3-21.4 U!L). Sol- onstrated diffuse cortical lesions of the right hemisphere of uble interleukin-2R (sIL-2R) level was 2,200 U!mL (normal; hyperintensity on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery 220-530 U!mL). Examination of the CSF revealed leukocyto- (FLAIR) (Fig. 2A, B) and T2-weighted images, especially re- sis of 7 mm 3 (normal; 0-5!mm 3 ) comprising 27% polymor- markable at the 1st admission, with leptomeningeal enhance- phonuclear cells and 50% mononuclear cells, with protein ment at the right hemisphere on gadolinium-enhanced T1- levels of 185 mg!dL (normal; 15-50 mg!dL) and a glucose of weighted image (Fig. 2C). The signal intensities on diffusion- 33 mg!dL (blood glucose level was 121 mg!dL). Tuberculin weighted image were not changed. skin test was positive. Chest radiograph showed neither bi- His left hemiplegia gradually became worse for a few days lateral hilar lymphadenopathy nor lung lesions. The clinical after the 3rd admission, but then improved after a week al- course and laboratory data from the 1st admission are shown though he remained slightly confused. Neither nystagmus in Fig. 1. nor convulsions were noticed. Follow-up MRI revealed no The following were examined at either the 1st or 3rd or change. Electroencephalogram taken four days after admis- both admissions: anti-human immunodeficiency virus anti- sion showed mild slow waves around frontal lobes, but nei- bodies, anti-nuclear antibodies, anti-Sjögren syndrome-A an- ther laterality of background activities nor epileptiform dis- tibodies, cytoplasmic and perinuclear staining for anti- charge were found. Six days after admission, he developed neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, microbiology and culture vomiting and abdominal bulging, and abdominal computed of CSF for bacteria including tuberculosis and cryptococcus, tomography (CT) confirmed adynamic ileus and lymphade- PCR for tuberculosis and herpes simplex virus, and cytology. nopathy within the intraabdominal cavity. Chest CT re- All of the above were negative. vealed mediastinal lymphadenopathy, but no lung lesions. 49:658 臨床神経学 49巻10号(2009:10) A B C D F E G Fig. 2 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the patient before therapy (1.5T, MAGNETON VI- SION PLUS, SIEMENS) at the 1st admission (A) and the 3rd admission (B) shows right-hemi- spheric diffuse cortex lesions of hyperintensity (arrow) on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image (TR = 8,000, TE = 110). Bilateral, periventricular foci of hyperintensity are also noticed. Gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted image (TR = 621, TE = 12) at the 3rd admission shows leptomeningeal enhancement at the right hemisphere (arrowhead) (C). Lymph node biopsy of the mediastinum reveals noncaseating epithelioid granulomas and multinucleated giant cells (D: hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ×100). Right temporal lobe biopsy shows noncaseating epithelioid granulomas and related inflammation in the subarachnoid space (arrow) (E: hematoxylin-eosin, frozen section, original magnification ×100) and in the Virchow-Robin space (F; hematoxylin-eosin, and G; hematoxylin and anti-CD34 staining vascular endothelium, original mag- nification ×400). Whole-body gallium scan was negative. Bronchoalveolar lav- granulomas and lymphocytic infiltration were seen both in age was not performed. the subarachnoid space and Virchow-Robin space. We did After receiving informed consent from the patient and his not see any degeneration or inflammation of vessel walls, or family, we performed a biopsy of the lymph nodes of the me- necrosis of neurons. diastinum under mediastinoscopy (Fig. 2D) and a brain bi- We diagnosed his disease as neurosarcoidosis and started opsy from the right temporal lobe (Fig. 2E, F, G). Both re- prednisolone 1.0 mg!kg!day after pulsed intravenous meth- vealed noncaseating epithelioid-cell granulomas without find- ylprednisolone were given because of a recurrence of neuro- ings of tuberculosis, fungus, or malignancy. In the brain, the logical symptoms and adynamic ileus. The symptoms sub- A case of neurosarcoidosis with recurrent episodes of neurological dysfunction and diffuse cortical lesions on magnetic resonance imaging 49:659 sided in a week as in the past. Tapering the dosage of predni- brosis and irreversible parenchymatous damage developed. solone to 0.3 mg!kg!day, his neurological symptoms have
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