INDEX TO FISHERY INDUSTRY. A. Alewife tisher~' in-Continued. Page, AlJalone- Page. New Halllpshire .. 679 Fishery 596,601,61:1 North Carolina .•.••. 478 Meats..•.•.........•.594,599, 601, G03, 604,607,618 Rhode' Island........•........294,297,30:1, :1OS, :100 Shells 594,597,599,601,604,607,618 Yirginia 4;,1,4::.6 Abalones, dried...... ..• 596 Alewives V" 2G8, 428 ;~94 Abseeominlet, NewJersey....•..•.•..•.....•••.. Earl~' all1lndallCe of 82,1;12,221, 70U, 710, ilG, 7:2-1 Accomac connty, Virginia ••.•.....•..••...•.•. .401, 4(j5 ror b3it _ " ..119.154,156,157, Hi::, 21:1. ~!4!:', 2f;J Acipenser stUNO .••••• •••••• .... •••••• ••• ••• •••••• 50:2 Fresh 119,1:13,138,18:3,186,187, Ula, 19li, 2'25. Acoakset river, Massachnsetts ........••..... __ .. 274 2{)4, 2[)H, 20:3, 27G l 2e4, 314 Acushnet river, Massachusetts •.••.••.••••...••.2G7, 270 In lake Ontario (i7:3 Adams, J. and B. C., on fisheries of Camden, Maine. 49 Pickled _.121, IPS, 191, l!l2,225,24S,2il5.2m. Adamsville, Rhode Island...... •.•. .. 29,J ~H4 2761 285, Addison, Maine.••...........•...•.•........... _. 25 2~5. Snloked 121 1 248, 276, 285, 2!J(), 297, 709 .IElurichthys 7IlarinU8 ,..... .. 586 Statistics of cateh of. ••.. 109, 11-3,281, 31-1, ~~4,1, 38~. Africa, exports offish to 205,206 411,417,424,452,479,504,505,515,523 Agawam ril'er, Massachusetts.... •.•... 7:>3 Algm, commel'dal ,alue of. .... ..•... .•.•.. 266 Agawam station, Massachusetts, alwewifo fishery AI;;'" Fertilizer Company...... 6D of .. 2(j4 Alicante, fish exports to __ I'!!! Alaharna- Alligator.g3rs 570,r,7~ :Fisheries of . 5(j8 Alpena, Michigan G;;S Statistics of salt·water fisheries of .••.•.••• 568 Altllmaha river, G,·orgia __ [,[)'2,514 Alahama river .••..........•..•.•.•........••••. AllUl.g:ln~ett~ Nnw York __ .. __ , _.. __ _ _ :~53, 3()O Alameda, California. ..•... ..•.•. ..•. ...... ..... 6Hl Ambergris 264, 272 Alameda county, CllJifornia, statisticsof fisheries of 6:24 Amelia island, Florida....... 524 Aluska- American lUBch fish _ __ . :~70 Cod fishery of ,. ..•.•. .•.. ..•... ...• 6:10 Amesbury, :llllssachusetts 132, 134 Fisheries ~f 591, 630 Amherst, lake Eri<'...... .•.••. ••.......• lill7 Fur-seal in(lustry of. .••••. •... .. ...••... Gao AmitYYille, N",," York ,. 371 Sllore fisheries of.... .. Gao Anastllsia islan'1, Flori,la 525 Statistics of fisheries of..••....,. """ (;30 Allacapa iRlnnrl, C:LIifnrnia__ 5Cl~l.61)1 'ValruB fiBhery ()~ '.... 6~O AnehoYies, herring tis 11,1:{ Whale fishery of •.•••..••. , •.••...•.. 6,,0 Ancho,v for hait .... .. .. .. (joa Alaska Commercial Company 5Pl, ,,9:1 Anelote'keYR, I>'lorida ..•. __ 5:17,548,:'149 Albemarle 6011110- Angel islan<1, California ,.. 61[1 AlewHe fishery of...•.•..••..,. .. ••.• 4/il Angola, Delaware ,.. 416 Shad fishery of ..•.•..••.•..•..•, ••••.. 481 Anna Mnria. :Florida..... 546 Albicore ...•...••••...•.•.........•.. " [,!li), (;00 Annapolis, Maryland __ 04:27,445, 4t17 .Aleona, lake Huron...... •..... ...... 65S Anne Arundel county, Maryland....... ...• 442 Alewife- AnnisCjllarn, cape Alill, Massaclmsetts 143, 165 Hedges .. 67 Annisquam river, :;\Iassachusetts: _. __ .. 143 Pounds . 57 Antardic fur·seal fisllery " 118, 315 ·Weirs 43,7'6, ill, iU9 Anticosti island, lHllihut 3t .. IG7 ~?? Alewife cove, Connecticnt '" , a18 Antil'oisen riYer, Yirginia . Apostle islands, lake ~(]pel"i()r......•... Gol;, Alewife fisbery iu- L'l~', Connecticut river ....••........•.••..•.•" 319 Appaluchee Florida. __ .... ....•. .•.••• 554 Maine ..... ~ .. ~ 15,45,47,48,5:>, G7, 61,64, (J7, 7.1, 7f\, 10:2 Apl'a];lrlJi('ola, Florida- Maryland •.•......... __ "_.. , ... .... 427 Fbh·cIJring n·t. ~ .••• '_.••••-. -_. --" •• Massachusetts , .•. _ 21:1,222,2:14, Fisheries of . [,01 235,2:19,244,245,246,248,:249,252,258,260, Gill-net- fishing at . Gul 264,265,267,27:1,274,2;.", :276, 686, 710, ill, Mullet·curing at . 55!) 716, '717, 7i1!, 723, ,'.n, 7:2"', 730, nl, 73:~, 7;H Muliet lbllcry of , :j3n 740 INDEX TO I?ISHERY INDUSTRY. Appalachicola, Florilla -Continued. Poge. Bait-Continued. Page. Oyster hldustryof .•.•.... .•.. ..•... 563 II }'resh fish for ....•.l0, 22,24,29,37, 46,53,66,73,77, Al'palachicob bay, Florida .•.•.. .•.•.. ..•.•. .... 559 Ii 93,94,95,108,118,119,120,284,314 Appalachicola fishery at, Palm key. ...•.. •... •... 546 11 Frozen herring for cod..... .........•.. .... 17 AppledoTC island, Isles of Shoals •..... """ 111, 112 ,I Herring for 28,42,57,71,154,156,157, Appoungansett bay, Massachusetts " 273 Ii 161,162,163,164,179 Appon:mg, Rhode Island, clam and scallop fish· II Horsefeet for .........•.. """ ....•. .•..•. 367 crics of ..•.••. ....•. 305 il Lobster ...............•........•.•.26,40,141, Ilk') Aptos, Californill, .••. .. .•.. .•.••. 605 I! Lobsters for ...•...... " 262, 269 i AfIuitticaset pond, Massachusetts .•.•......... --. 267 iit Mackerel for ..•••••..••..•.•..... , .•••.•.154,163 Arc:wholl, Fram-e, oyster culture at ...•.. .. 472 II l\Ienhadenf<}r.. __ , 28,31,78, If,l, 151, .Arius fell8 _ _ fie5, 5e6 ~l 159,~5.261,362,370 Armstrong, Jake Ontario... ........ .. ....•. ...•.. 672 l\fnllet for......•..•......•.....•.......,.. 585 Iii Arnold's Ili8lory of Rhode IBland •••••••••••. ••• '" 737 I' Sardines for ......••• '" . •..• • ... ••.. .•.•.. 609 Arrowsic, .Maine.....•........•..•...••.. " ••.••. 74 II Sea.gulls for............... ••. .•.••. .•.•.. 156 AI'fcdiu8 megacephalu8 •••••• ••.. •••• •••. •••. •••••. 612 Shack............. ..•••. ..... .•• .•...•.•.. 156 A,-fediu. quudri8l.'Tiatu8 . •••••••••••••••••• " •• •. •. 612 I Shucktlsh for•..••.•. '" ••. .•.. .•.•.. ...•.. 307 Ashnpoo river, South Carolina..... .... .•.. •••.•. 50B I Smelts for 609 Ashland, lake Superior ...••........•...... """ 635 Sperling for , """ .••.......•. '" .•.134,163 Ashley river, South Carolina.., "" "" 506 I Squid for ....•.••••• , "" ••••..••.156,159, 160, 161 Ash Poiut, Maine .......•.•••.......••.•. "" ..•. 55 I Value of •.•• •••• •••• ••.•• .••••. ...• .••• 170 Asbtabulll, Ohio...............•.,. .••.....•. ..•. 669 III: Bait.chopper . .. ... .. .. ..• .••••. •. .•.. ...• .•.. 195 Aspen 1m,y, Masschusetts, squidding at ,.. 159 Bait.mill, maehilie......•., ...•.. "" .••••. """ 68 Assatt'ague bay, Maryland..... ...... .••••. ..•.•. 425 Baitingfleet. '".. .... .••••. .... ... ... .•.•.. .•.••. 159 Assawamsett pond, Massachusetts .•...•..•. ".'" 7:H II Baitillg Hollow, New York .•.•....•...•."'" ...%1, 3f>4 Assonet, Massachusetts.. .•.. .••••. ..•. .••. 278 I! Baker's island, Massachusetts .••••..... .•.• .••••. 698 Atkins,C.G., river fisheries of Maine ,.,.,. 10 II Baldwin,Nt'w York.•••...... __ .. "" .•. _.. ...... 372 ATl:Hltic and Virginia Fertilizing Company.••... 353, 360 :1'.1' Baltimore, Mary]and- Atlantic City, New Jersey ...•...•.•••.•.•.. 394.395,3D9 , Market for fresh fish. """ .•. .•• •••• ••.••. 197 AtJanticville,NewYork .......•.....•..•••... '" 363" Oyster packing in ....•..••....••.... """ 443 Atwood, Captain N.1'3 "'" .•.••. 63,227,231 II Oyster trade of. "" .•.... "" . __ ..... 204, 444, 445 Atwood, Elisha, on wbale fIshery ofWel1fleet, Mass· 'i Bank coil fishery...........•.... "" ......•.28, 129,23:1, acbllsetts .........•...•....•..•..••••••••...o. 235 'I 315,683.690,693,694,696,707,729 Atwood, J. R., on fisheries of cape Cod... •••.•. ••. 223 I Banqllerean- Cod fishery •.•.••• , ....••, ••.•.•.•...245,267,273 ~:s~~;~{'si~: 'O~I;~;~S' ~f'fi~h 't'~ ~: ~ ~::: :~::: ~ ~:205: 206, :~ J Halibut fishery ..••.. , ..•, .60,100,156,157,175.180 Austrian fishermen. "." .•.••..•••••.•••••.••.G!ti,627 I Barataria, Louisiana,. .••• ••••.• •••• •••• .••• .•.••. 579 Avery point, Connecticut ..•••• •.••.... •••• 317 II Barbadoes, fish exports to.....•••'" •••••••••.•.167, 704 Azores- Ii Barcelona., New York "" .,.. .•.•.. ...• .•.. ...•.. 670 Exports of fish to.......•.••.••••.205, 206, 207, 217 I Bar Harbor, Maine .•••••.•••••••••••••.••. .•.•.. 34 Whale fishing at. .. ""., "" ......•.• , 229 I Barlowtown, Massachusetts...••••••••..•••••.•,. 251 Barnegat bay, New Jersey .••••••.•.•••.•. '" .•.385, 386 B. II Ba.rnegat inlet, New Jersey ••••.•.•.•..• _.•.•.•.384,3A9 Babson's Hi8fo1"!1 Of Glouce8ter•. """ •.•c.. .••••. 686 I Bftrnegat, New Jersey •••••.•.•...•... , .•, •••.•.394, 396 Bllbyloll, New york.... ...• ..•. ..•.•. ..•••• ..•... 371 II Barnstable district- Hackies, fishing for ..•.•. .••. .••. •.......•. 309 Cod fishery of...... .. 2'26 Bae!, river, Virginia ...•. "" .•..•. "" """ •••. 457 I Fishing fleet of..•.., ••.••••. """ .•.. 223 Bailey's :Mistake harbor, Maine•.••..••.••.•._... 20 Mackerc.l fishery of.... ..•• •• .. .. .••••. .••. 226 Bairdiella chry8ura.• .••, .•.•.•••••.•••.••••••••. 525,529 Review of..•.•• '" ••. •.•• .••••. .••••• •••• . 223 Bail'diel/a pUflclata. .••••••••.•••••.•••.•.•••. "" 586 Statistics offisheries of........ •••• •••• •.•. 224 lIait- Whale fishery of......•.•...•...•••... 0 •••• 226 Alewives for 119, 154,156,157,163,213,248,261 Barnstable, Massachusetts- Anchovy for "" •..••.....•..•,. .•.• 603 Eel fishery of.•••••.•••••••" .•• • •. ••.• .•. 246 eapeUn for.... •.•..• ..•••. ..•••. •••••. ••.• 135 Lobster fishery of. ..••• ••••••.•.•••.. .•••. 246 Clams for 2'2,25,36,37,38,41,42,47,54,59,67, Mackerel fleet of, in 1851. ••••.,.. •••••• .••. 116 73, 77, 93, 95, 96, 98, 100, 133, 136, Salt·works at •...•••.•.•,." .•.•....,. .... 127 139,141, lW, 16.';, 179, 225, 244, 255, Scallop fi~hery of.. .••• .••••• .•.••. ..•. .••• 246 259,271,358, 686, 694, 724, 726, 729 Wcir fishery at...... ...•.. 246 Cod ...... """ ._.. '''''''''''' ...••.....231,707 Barracuda ...•...•.....•.•••... _ 595.597, 600,
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