Annex. Activities Involving Social Dissemination Lectures, Round-tables, Debates [7.10.2004] Hall, Centre de Cultura [23.11.2004] León Contemporània de Barcelona Rector Gabriel Ferraté gave a lecture on [1.9.2004] Universal Forum of Cultures. Debates on Education, co-organised by the “Liderar la universidad de la sociedad del Barcelona Faculty of Psychology and Educational conocimiento” at the University of Leon, Spain, Librarian Núria Ferran took part in the Human Sciences and the Fundació Jaume Bofill. on occasion of the specialisation course on Movements and Immigration World Congress “Política educativa i igualtat d’oportunitats. university academic management. Organised with a presentation of the COINE (Cultural Prioritats i propostes”, a lecture given by Xavier by the Fundación General de la Universidad de Objects in Networked Environments) project and Bonal, Miquel, Àngel Essomba i Ferran Ferrer. León y de la Empresa. the result of its application to content at the http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/bonal0305.html Centre de Documentació of the Museu d’Història [24.11.2004] Fòrum Can Basté. Barcelona de la Immigració a Catalunya. Organised by the [10.10.2004] Centre d’Estudis i Recursos Jordi Alberich, lecturer at the Faculty of Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània. Culturals, Provincial Council of Barcelona Information and Communication Sciences, took The Museu d’Història de la Immigració a Cecilia Braslavsky, the late Director of part in the talk “L’efecte Mobius: nous Catalunya’s website UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education, llenguatges artístics i comunicatius en la cultura http://oliba.uoc.edu/lab/migracio/index.htm. spoke about “Possibilities and limits of youth visual digital”. educational policies. Reflections on the [2.9.2004] Madrid conclusions of the 47th International [25.11.2004] Girona Jordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty of Conference on Education” during the fifth Jordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies gave a edition of the Debates on Education. Economics and Business Studies, gave a lecture on “Les TIC en l’empresa: 10 idees lecture on the information technologies and sobre el canvi tecnològic digital a Catalunya”. [21.10.2004] Saragossa enterprise, at Girona’s PIMEC headquarters. Francesc González, lecturer of the Tourism [4.9.2004] Linz (Austria) Programme, took part in a colloquium on [25.11.2004] Escola Politècnica Superior. Girona Pau Alsina, Co-ordinator, Artnodes space, tourism during a seminar held at the University Rector Gabriel Ferraté gave the lecture “Escola delivered the paper “On Art, Science and of Saragossa. Politècnica Superior 30 anys. Del passat al Technology e-Learning”, at the Ars Electronica present, passant pel futur”. Festival congress. Timeshift: The world in [28.10.2004] Barcelonès Support Centre twenty-five years. Mario Pérez-Montoro and Sandra Sanz Martos, [26.11.2004] Madrid lecturers from the Faculty of Documentation, Ismael Peña, the Administrator of the Campus [14.9.2004] Barcelonès Support Centre gave a lecture on “A la cerca del valor afegit en for Peace, gave the lecture “Trabajo en red: The Faculty of Computer Science and les empreses: la gestió del coneixement i intranets”, at the V Conferencia Tecnología para Multimedia invited free software programmer l’aprenentatge al lloc de treball”. Open to the el Desarollo Humano. ICTs: A Tool for Miguel de Icaza to give a lecture on free public. development. software. http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/deicaza0904.html [4.11.2004] Hotel Domo de Vilafranca del [29.11.2004] Jalisco (Mexico) Penedès Adriana Gil, lecturer at the Faculty of [15.9.2004] Provincial Council of Tarragona Joaquim Nadal, Catalonian Minister for Psychology and Educational Sciences, gave the Local Development Unit Territorial Policies and Public Works, attended a lecture “Voces no escuchadas: juventud y TIC” Jordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty of lunch-and-debate session of the Tribuna Oberta at the V Coloquio de Estudios de la Cultura. Economics and Business Studies, gave a Vilafranca. lecture on the information and communications http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/nadal0505.html [30.11.2004] Guadalajara (Mexico) technologies (ICTs) and work. Toni Badia, Head of the Faculty of Psychology [4.11.2004] Valencia and Educational Sciences, gave the lecture [21.9.2004] Vilafranca del Penedès Joan Miquel Gomis, lecturer of the Tourism “Xarxes de formació de professors i treball A new lunch-and-debate session of the Tribuna Programme, took part in a round-table on the col·laboratiu”, during the International Book Fair. Oberta Vilafranca was held, with Enric low-cost airlines, together with representatives Esquerra, General Director of Condis from Iberia, Air Europa, Air Berlin, Vueling and [1.12.2004] University of Barcelona. supermarkets, as a special guest. Savia Amadeus. Organised by Travel Advisors Departament of Sociology Guild, an association of specialised company Rosa Borge, lecturer at the Faculty of Law and [22.9.2004] UOC, Central Building travel agents. Political Science, gave the lecture-workshop Professor Charlotte Gunawardena, from the “La participación electrónica: estado de la College of Education at the University of New [4.11.2004] UOC, Central Building cuestión y debate sobre sus dimensiones Mexico (USA), gave a lecture on distance The Head of the Faculty of Humanities gave a sociales y políticas”. education and cultural diversity. lecture on “The Connectivist Paradigm: Art http://www.uoc.edu/idp/dt/cat/borge.html The event was organised by the Faculty of Science and Consciousness” by Roy Ascote. Psychology and Educational Sciences. [9.12.2004] University of Seville [11.11.2004] Hotel Fira Palace. Barcelona Pau Alsina, Co-ordinator, Artnodes space, gave [23.9.2004] Chicago (USA) Jordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty of the lecture “Revistas electrónicas y cultura Raquel Xalabarder, a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, gave a audiovisual digital: el caso Artnodes”, at the Law and Political Science, gave a lecture on lecture on “Pimes, innovació en procés i Faculty of Communication’s Graduates’ Hall. copyright and the responsibility of the Internet formació en competències: cap un nou model service providers, during the Intellectual de creixement de l’economia catalana”, within [14.12.2004] Hall, Centre de Cultura Property in Europe meetings, organised by the the session “Tecnologia i coneixement com a Contemporània de Barcelona Center for Intellectual Property Law at the John motors de l’economia” of the Jornada dels A new session of the Debates on Education, Marshall Law School in Chicago. Economistes organised by the Col·legi organised by the Faculty of Psychology and d’Economistes de Catalunya. Educational Sciences, took place, with the [29.9.2004] Centre d’Estudis i Recursos presence of Jorge Wagensberg, Director of Culturals. Casa de la Caritat. Barcelona [17.11.2004] Badalona CosmoCaixa and Professor of the Theory of Pau Alsina, Co-ordinator, Artnodes space, gave Jordi Vilaseca, Head of the Faculty of Irreversible Processes at the Faculty of Physics the lecture “Art digital a Catalunya” within the Economics and Business Studies, gave a of the University of Barcelona. The lecture was “E-CULTUR@ i els Serveis Municipals” cycle. lecture on “Adaptació de les PIME a les NTIC. titled “Educar a la frontera: entre la intuïció i la Situació actual i tendències”, at the Fent comprensió”. [30.9.2004] Barcelona Empresa meetings run by the Institut Municipal Adoració Pérez, Head of the UOC Library, took de Promoció de l’Ocupació, Reactivació part in the round-table “Internet como medio Badalona, with the collaboration of the CIDEM. para la promoción de la lectura”, where she delivered the paper “La biblioteca de referencia virtual y su uso”. 67 [11.1.2005] UOC, Central Building [22.2.2005] Hall, Centre de Cultura [14.5.2005] Headquarters of the Col·legi The Faculty of Law and Political Science invited Contemporània de Barcelona Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. Girona Professor Fred von Lohmann, of the Electronic A new session of Debates on Education took Pau Alsina, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities Frontier Foundation, to give the lecture place, co-organised by the Faculty of and Language and Literature, and Co-ordinator “Problems Generated with the Protection of Psychology and Educational Sciences and the of Artnodes, gave a lecture at the international Intellectual Property on the Internet”. The Fundació Jaume Bofill. Christian Laval, meeting “El paisatge transgredit. Interseccions lecture was given in English, and a number of sociologist and Associate Researcher at the de natura, art, ciència i tecnologia”. The questions and a debate followed. University of Paris X, and member of the Institut meeting was jointly organised by the UOC, de Recherches of the Fédération Syndicale Híbrids la Plataforma, the Col·legi d’Arquitectes [17.1.2005] Amics de la UNESCO. Barcelona Unitaire, acted as guest speaker. de Catalunya of the Girona area, the Escola Anna Busquets, Head of the East Asian Studies http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/laval0405.html d’Art Floral, and the Fundació Espais d’Art programme, gave the lecture “La Xina que va Contemporani of Girona. veure Lord MacDartney: el segle XVIII”, included [24.2.2005] UOC, Central Building in the cycle “Els dilluns de la Xina”. Round-table “L’organització d’un despatx [17.5.2005] Vilafranca del Penedès d’advocats”, organised by the Faculty of Law A lunch-and-debate session of Tribuna Oberta [18.1.2005] Escola d’Administració Pública de and Political Science. took place with Miguel Ángel Fraile, the Catalunya. Barcelona Secretary-General of the Confederació Catalana Agustí Cerrillo, lecturer at the Faculty of Law [1.3.2005] Faculty of Library and de Comerç and the Confederación Española de and Political Science, gave the lecture Documentation Studies of the University of Comercio, as a special guest. “L’Administració electrònica local”. Barcelona http://www.uoc.edu/dt/cat/fraile0905.html Librarian Cristina Barragán gave the lecture “El [25.1.2005] Madrid programari lliure en l’àmbit de la documentació i [25.5.2005] Òmnium Cultural premises in Esther Pérez, Head of the Tourism Programme, biblioteques”.
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