PE 4j October 20, 1967 $Hffi&-&E.m&ffi&&ffi ffiffiW&tuWY${8ffi&ffiY rL FffiBEffim$ffilp ffiffi&&ffiH$ ffiffiW PE&${ Albonion Porty ond Government Delegotion led by 4 Comrode Mehm:t Shehu conciudes visit to Chino. Orgc*rize Clesses for Study of fu{eo Tse-tum€,'s Thought A Througlrout the eouertry -{k Renm;in Ribao editoriol. Exceflent Sitsrotior?; Esst Wind Prevoitrs Gver Wesc Wcr?d QtToTHTE{}ilS FRoH GIIfiEftffi &ffi , mfi0, T$E-TUtg "A bosom friend afar brings a distant Iand near." China and Albania are separated by thousands of rmcuntains and rivers but our hearts are closely linked. We are your true friends and com- rades. And you are or.Ers. Message oJ Greetinqs to the Fifth Cangress af the Albanian Pariy oJ Labour (October 1966) The struggle ef the proletariat and the revalutiomary people to change the world corngirlses the fulfilment of the follorving tasks: to change the objective world and, at the sanre tirne, thcir own suhjective werld - to change their cognitive abitity and change the relations hetrveen the subjeetive and the objeetive ,, world. :): ,.4.., :i5 an Practice (July 1937) Bevisionism is one fcrsr ef bourgeois ideology. The revisiou- ists deny the differences between socialisrn and eapitalisrn, between the dictatorship of the proletariat and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. EVhat they advocate is in fact nqlt tire soeialist line but the capitalist line. Xn present circcEnastances, revisionism is rnore pernicious than dogrnatism. One of our current important tasks on the ideol*gical front is to unfold eriticisrn of revisionism. Speech at th.e Chinese Communist Party's National Conf erence on Propagand.a lVork (March 1957) I tl'ti il Choirmon Moo Tse-tung Our greot teocher, greot leoder, greot supreme comnronder ond grect helmsmon ; I- choirrnon Moo ond Vice-choirmon I Lin Piqo R.eceive Albqnion Porty And Govermment Delegotion Comrade Mao Tse-tung, our most respected and AIia, Mihallaq Zicishti, Rahman perliakrl TEiD beloved great leader, Chairman of the Central Jakova, Agim Merq Foto Cami, Piro Bita and yasil Committee of the Chinese Communist party, and his Nathanaili. close comrade-in-arms, Vice-Chairman Lin piao, on Chairman Mao and Comrade Lin Piao had a the afternoon of October lZ received Comrade most cordial talk with the Albanian comrades. Mehmet Shehu, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Albanian party of Comrades Chou En-Iai, Chen Po-ta, Kang Labour and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Sheng Li Fu-chun, Liu Ning-I, Yang Cheng-rn'u, A1bania, and members of the Albanian Party and Liu Hsiao, Lo Kuei-po and Wu Fa-hsien were pr.es- Govelnment Delegation he led: Comrades Ramiz ent during the reception. Press Golle!??umique olt Alhamian Farty and &oyerlrmelrt Belegatism's Uisit to Ghina I T the invitation of the Central Cornmittee of the and Shanghai ard, at the special ireritatiom of Gair- / r Communist Party of China and the Government of man ]Iao Tse-tung. ris:ted l\'r:ha- Ibe deiegeirmtl the People's Repubiic of China, the Albanian Part1. and r:siteC fa:lcrles. pe.opie-s co-r-::€is. r@fus d th- Government Delegation headed b1' Comrade fleS^net Pec:l:'-. ':'beraioa -+:ET- u:irlmicies ed oiber Shehu, Member of the Poitical Bureau oi '&e Ce=:ral cit==l a-d edrm,si{Eal insltu:icls- ft had rid,e con- Committee of the Albanian Party of I-abour a=d Chat- '"acts ald comdial Erediags aad disoosioas *16 Qhinese man of the Council 6f |fin;stsrs oi rle People's warkers. p€es:rn$, cort'manders and fighters of the Republic of Albania, paid a frierrdly risit to Coina {rom Feople's Ijberation ArEv" Rcd Guards, rerolutionary September 26 to October 14, 1967 and celebrated tlre cedres and rer-oluti.onar-r intellectuals, gained an ex- 18th anniversar5r of the National Day of the People's Re- tensir-e understanding of China's great proletarian public of China together r,vith the Chinese people and cu-tural revolution and rvitnessed the excellent situation Chairman Mao Tse-tung, the great leader of the Chinese ard brilliant victories of this revolution. Everyrvhere people. the Chinese people accorded the delegation a grand, s.-arm and magnificent welcome in a jubilant festive Chairman Mao Tse-tung, the great leader of the atmosphere, which vividly demonstrated the profound Chinese people, and his close comrade-in-arms Comrade militant friendship of the Chinese people for the A1- Lin Piao met Comrade Mehmet Shehu, Head of the Al- banian people. banian Par'ty and Government Delegation, and Comrade Ramiz A1ia, Member of the Political Bureau and the During the visit, Comrade Chou En-lai, Member of Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Albanian the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Party of Labour, and the other members on the delega- Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party tion and had most cordial conversations with them. and Premier of the State Council; Comrade Kang Sheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political The Albanian Party and Government Delegation Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Com- visited Peking, Tsinan, Tsingtao, Tachai, Taiyuan, Yenan rnunist Party, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee October 20, L967 of the National People's Congress and advisor to the Committee of the Albanian Party of Labour and First Cu-ltural Revolution Group Under the Party's Central Secretary of the Central Committee of the Labour Youth Ccr".rnitbe; aad Comrade ti Fu-chun, Member of the League; Comrade tr'oto Cami, Alternate Member of the Sta:rding Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee oI the Albanian Party of Labour; Central Committee of the Chinese Comrnunist Party Cornrade Piro Bita, Director of the International Depart- and Vice-Prem.ier of the State Council, heid talks with ment of the Central Committee of the Albanian Party the Albanian Party and Gorrernment Delegation headed of Labour; and Comrade Vasil Nathanaili, Albanian by Comrade Mehmet Shehu. Ambassador to China- The two sides reaffirmed the principles and stand The Albanian Party and Government Delegation set forth in the Joint Staternent of China and Albania highly appraises China's great proletarian cultural rev- dated May 11, 1966. They had deep exchanges of ex- olution. It holds that this revolution carried on in perience on socialist revolution and sociatrist construc- accordance with the revolutionary theory and thought tion in the two countries, and particularly on horv to of Comrade Mao Tse-tung, the great Marxist-Leninist prevent revisionisrr and the restoration of capitalism and the worthy suc:cessor and heir to the undertakings and holv to consoli.daie and strengthen the dictatorship of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, has defended and of the proletariat and the socialist system. They had further developed Marxism-I-eninism, has made and is further exchanges of viervs on important questions con- making outstanding contributions to the treasure-house cerning the present international situation and the in- of Marxism-Leninism. ternational commr:list movement. These were talks The Albanian Party and Government Delegation bet,"veen close comrades-in-arms and between true expresses fuIl support for Comrade Mao Tse-tung's brothers, which proeeeded in a most cordial and friendly proletarian revolutionary line and firmly denounces atmosphere permeated with utmost candour and great China's Khrushchov for his counter-revolutionary revi- sincerity. The two sides were comple*ef identical in sionist line and his criminal schemes and activities to their stand and r,,iews on the questions discussed. restore capitalism in China. The Albanian Party and Also taking part in the talks on the Chinese side Government Delegation stresses that China's great pro- were: letarian cultural revolution is of historic significance both to the international communist movement and to Comrade Liu Ning-I, Member of the Secretariat all the oppressed nations of the u,orld. TodaJ', the at- of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist titude towards China's great proletarian culturai revoiu- Party and Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of tion is touchstone distinguish Marxist-Leninists the National People's Congress; Cornrade Yang Cheng- a to from revisionists, genuine revolutionaries from wu, Alternate Member of the Central Committee of the and counter-revolutionaries. The Albanian Party of Labour Chinese Communist Party and Acting Chief of the and the Albanian people will give firm support to General Staff of the Chinese Peop).e's Liberation Army; China's great proletarian cultural revolution and will Comrade Liu l{siao, Member of the Central Committee continue to do so to the very end. of the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Ambas- sador to Albania; Comrade I.o Kuei-po, Member of the The Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and people are sincerely gratefui to the Albanian Party of Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs; Comrade Fang Yi, Labour for their high appraisal of and full support for Alter"nate Member of the Central Committee of the China's great proletarian cultural revolution, which Chinese Comrnunist Party and Minister of the Com- constitute a tremendous encouragernent to the Chinese mission for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries; people who are in the midst of a revolutionary upsurge, and Comrade Li Tien-yu, Deputy Chief of the General The Chinese Commlinist Party and the Chinese Staff Chinese People's of the Liberation Army, and people highiy appraise and express great admiration othels. for
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