UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LUD WIG B R U M L EN, OF HOBOKEN, N E W J ERSEY. MPROVEMENT IN PROCESSES FOR MANUFACTURING WERD GRIS, Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 1s, 133, dated September 8, 1857. To all chon it may concern: and water and the clear solution mixed with Be it known that I, LUDWIG BRUMLEN, of a solution of blue vitriol, after which I add of Hoboken, in the State of New Jersey, have in the refuse liquid from verdigris, let the whole vented a new and Improved Mode of Manu stand still for thirty minutes, and then stir it facturing Verdigris and other Colors, as Paris up every twenty minutes till the paris-green Green and Chrome-Yellow; and I do hereby is completely follmed, which will be the case in declare that the following is a full and exact about two hours. The liquid over the paris description thereof. green contains now still much paris-green and To manufacture the crystallized verdigris I acetate of soda in solution, and, neutralized by take the refuse liquid from chrome-yellow a solution of soda and arsenic, precipitates still after this article is struck down from a so paris-green of an inferior but still very good lution of lead in acetic acid by bichromate (quality, leaving acetate of soda in solution. of potash, or the remaining liquid from white This last refuse liquid from paris-green con lead after it is struck down from a solution of sists now almost entirely of sulphate of soda leadin acetic acid by soda or potash; or, in case and acetate of soda, and is therefore worth I have none of these refuse liquids I neutral saving in order to get the acetate of soda again ize vinegar by soda, or potash, or pearlash, and to be used for verdigris. To effect this I use evaporate these different liquids to such an this last refuse liquid to dissolve bichromate extent that one gallon contains five or six of potasli in it, to precipitate with it chrome pounds of dry acetate of soda or acetate of yellow from a solution of lead in vinegar. The potash, or both mixed in solution. This is remaining liquid from the chrome yellow is easy to ascertain by a hydrometer of Twaddle, then again used for verdigris, as already stated. according to which the condensed liquid, when The proportions for paris-green cannot be 1400 warm, contains five pounds in solution exactly given, because they depend much on when the hydrometer shows 280, or six pounds the degree of heat employed or on the quan when it shows 340. I then put into a suffi tity of Water used for the solutions of arsenic ciently-large tub or tank blue vitriol in such a and vitriol. I use four hunded to four hun proportion that one hundred and ten pounds dred and forty pounds blue vitriol to three hun of it come to every one hundred pounds of dred and twenty to three hundred and forty acetate of soda or potash, and let the con pounds of arsenic and soda-ash, according to densed hot liquid containing the acetate of its strength, just enough to neutralize the vit soda or potash run over the vitriol, constantly riol. Of refuse liquid from verdigris I take to stirring it up, so to bring it in constant con the above named proportions of vitriol and ar tact with the acetate of soda or potash to pre senic from one hundred and eighty to two hun cipitate the verdigris which will settle at the dred gallons, according to its strength. Should bottom of the tank. When all the vitriol is that not be sufficient, I add vinegar enough to decomposed and the verdigris settled the form the paris-green. liquid standing over it is drawn off and used In order to use the refuse liquid from verdi as hereinafter will be described. This liquid gris again for manufacturing verdigris of it, contains a great quantity of Verdigris in solu and not to be compelled to make paris-green, tion, cannot, however, be used for it again on I neutralize the same by hydrate of lime, account of the great quantity of sulphate of which by double affinity will decompose the soda or potash it contains, and has therefore acetate of copper contained in the liquid to to be used either for manufacturing paris oxide of copper and acetate of lime. The sul green with it or to be decomposed again to get phate of soda contained in the liquid will at the ingredients back again in the shape of blue the same time decompose again the acetate vitriol and acetate of soda. The verdigris in of lime to sulphate of lime and acetate of soda, the tank is then washed out with clear water, so that the original verdigris liquid is now de and then taken out to be dried in order to composed to oxide of copper mixed with much have it ready for the market. sulphate of lime, and to acetate of soda mixed To use the refuse liquid from the verdigris with sulphate of soda. The former I use for for paris-green, Ifollow the following process: blue vitriol by dissolving the oxide of copper in White powdered arsenic is dissolved in soda sulphuric acid, and crystallization, leaving the 2 1S, 33 sulphate of a lime as a refuse, good for nothing. either of the two ways described as it may The latter-that is, the clear solution of acetate best suit him. of soda and sulphate of soda-hasthen to be pu I claim now as my invention rified from all sulphate of soda by a further ad 1. To use all these refuseliquids from chrome dition of acetate of lime sufficient to turn all yellow and white lead to make verdigris of the sulphate of soda into acetate of soda and them. sulphate of lime, which is almost insoluble, 2. To use the remaining liquid from verdi. and will settle at the bottom, leaving the ace gris to make paris-green of tate of soda in solution, to be evaporated and 3. To use the remaining liquid from paris used for verdigris in the manner already de green again for making chrome-yellow. scribed. 4. To use the refuse liquid from verdigris In order to be sure that all sulphate of soda again for verdigris, in the manner described. is decomposed by acetate of lime, it is good to 5. The manufacture of verdigris, paris take ample of the latter and then add of a green, and chrome-yellow from the different clear solution of soda, till a further addition of Waste liquids specified, in the manner sub. the latter will not precipitate any carbonate stantially as described. of lime, which will be the case as long as the liquid contains any acetate of lime. This LUDWIG BRUMLEN. mode of using the refuse liquid from verdi Witnesses: gris again for the same article leaves it en FRED, HEYNE, tirely to the option of the manufacturer to use WM, Rijg-ER. .
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