Mexico’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program (CCT) International Day of Families, New York, 05/12/2011 Living better LivingLiving betterbetter strategystrategy guidesguides allall governmentgovernment actionsactions andand policpoliciesies toto aa commoncommon goal:goal: sustainablesustainable humanhuman developmentdevelopment ToTo achieveachieve thisthis commoncommon goalgoal thethe strategystrategy focusesfocuses on:on: • Allowing people a full social participation, to develop and enhance their capabilities (nutrition, education, health, dwelling and social infrastructure) • Caring and improving the environment by promoting social cohesion • Incorporating sustainability criteria in social policy • Raising the productivity of people to have better employment and income options Oportunidades’ Objective DevelopDevelop andand strenghtenstrenghten capabilitiescapabilities ofof familiesfamilies livingliving inin extremeextreme povertypoverty conditionsconditions AchievementAchievement ofof betterbetter welfarewelfare standarsstandars andand thethe improvementimprovement ofof education,education, healthhealth andand nutritionnutrition optionsoptions Oportunidades’ Interventions Seniors Support Infantil Vivir Mejor (Live Better for Children) Nutrition Vivir Mejor (Live Better) Health Education Energetic Component Jóvenes con Oportunidades (JOP’s Scolarships and (Opportunities for youth) school supplies Oportunidades covers the entire life cycle of benificiary families. Components and benefits offered by Oportunidades (In US Dollars) NutritionNutrition Components and benefits offered by Oportunidades (In US Dollars) Component Support Amount What is it? Corresponsability Responsible HealthHealth Components and benefits offered by Oportunidades (In US Dollars) EdEducationucation Educational Support Structure (Scholarships) Evolution of Poverty in Mexico 1992-2008 Patrimonial Percentage of population in poverty in Mexico Insufficient income to buy a basic food basket, to make the necessary expenditure in health and education, as well as, in housing, clothing and transportation. Capacities Insufficient income to buy a basic food basket and to make the necessary expenditure in health and education. Food (Extreme poverty) Insufficient income to buy a basic food basket (daily consumption of 2,200 kilocal per person) CONEVAL (National Council of Social Developmet Policy Evaluation) Oportunidades in Numbers 2009 Households served by type of area 2009 Oportunidades’ Budget OportunidadesOportunidades handleshandles thethe bigestbigest budgetbudget forfor aa FederalFederal GovernmentGovernment prograprogramm inin Mexico.Mexico. ItsIts operativeoperative costcost ((lessless thanthan 3%3% ooff eacheach investedinvested pesopeso)) makesmakes itit oneone ofof thethe mostmost efefficientficient ConditConditionalional CashCash TransferTransfer programsprograms worldwworldwide.ide. Oportunidades Evolution OportunidadesOportunidades is the utmost Social Development Program in Mexico, besides from being an important instrument of SocialSocial Policy.Policy. $ 38,072 MDP $ 47, 845 MDP $ 63,089 MDP Very important growth: From 2.5 millon families assisted in 2000 to 6.5 millon families in 2010assisted in 95,135 localities from 2,444 municipalities, troughout the 32 states of Mexico. General Processes 1 Targeting 1.1 Localities targeting 1.2 Families targeting 2 Incorporation Incorporation of families 3 Corresponsabilities Certification of the fullfilment of families’ corresponsabilities 4 Supports delivery 4.1 Calculation of the amount of the cash transfers for each family 4.2 Delivery of supports Identification of families Survey Analysis Identification Survey of the socioeconomic of the socioeconomic Of thethe elegibleelegible families 1 hr information of the household Each Social Promoter makes an average of 10 surveys per ¿Con qué? day, to ensure their quality Cuestionario Único de Información Socioeconómica (CUIS) Diap. XXX Dispositivos Móviles (DM)Diap. XXX Promotores Sociales (PS) New model in urban areas 2009 Alternative model of management and attention in urban areas, more effectively in the processes of care and operation of the program, to enhance the impact in the development of families’ capacities Includes : NewNew multmultidimensionalidimensional tartargetinggeting modelmodel IncreasedIncreased coveragecoverage ofof healthhealth servicesservices thatthat respondrespond toto thethe dynamicdynamicss ooff cciities.ties. InIncreasecrease thethe aammmmountount ofof mmooneneyy ggiivvenen bbyy thethe sschchololarshiarshippss,, givegivenn tthehe higherhigher opportunityopportunity costscosts inin urbanurban aareasreas RepRepllacacinging EElementarylementary sshoohooll scoscollarshiparshipss wwithith aa compensatorycompensatory ssupportupport foforr ffamamiilieslies wwithith yyoungoung childrenchildren SchoolSchool performanceperformance bobonusnuseess NewNew conditionalityconditionality sscheme,cheme, givinggiving greatergreater fflexibilitylexibility iinn complyingcomplying PaymentPayment bbyy debitdebit ccardard New actions in 2010 Increase the number 1 of families Specially in urban areas Oportunidades increase of 600,000 families Programa de Apoyo Alimentario increase of 400,000 families New actions in 2010 New cash transfer: 2 Live Better for Children 8.9 USD for children from 0-9 years old in both programs (up to 3 kids per family) Impact of the Cash Transfers Without Federal Government Transfers*, the number of people living in extreme poverty would have increased 2.6 millions (13.5%) according CONEVAL. People living in extreme (alimentary) poverty Additional 2.6 million people in food poverty without without Oportunidades Transfers* *Transfers = Oportunidades, Becas del Gobierno, Procampo y Adultos Mayores According to SEDESOL (Social Development Agency) estimates based on the ENIGH (National Survey of Households’ Incomes and Outflow) 2008 from INEGI (National Institute of Geography and Statistics) What makes Oportunidades a succesful CCT Empirical evidence of the Time line: well defined entry pospositiveitive effects ooff tthehe Program and exit requirements Clear objectives and structure Quality in health and education services Positive incentives for people to comply with their corresponsabilities Adequate targeting Consider external and internal evaluations results in order to improve the operation and its effects Capacity of adaptation to both national and international context International Cooperation Countries and Internationals BetweenBetween 20082008 andand 20092009 OportunidadeOportunidadess wellcomedwellcomed Organizations moremore thanthan 3030 countries,countries, internationalinternational organizationsorganizations • European Union andand foundationsfoundations thatthat werewere interestedinterested inin knowingknowing • Guatemala andand learlearningning aboutabout thethe ProgramProgram asas wellwell asas inin recievingrecieving • Ecuador counsel.counsel. ThisThis activitiesactivities allowedallowed thethe exchangeexchange • Guinea Bissau ofof experiencesexperiences andand thethe dedevelopmentvelopment ofof prprojects.ojects. • Morocco • Tanzania • Panama • Japan • Honduras • Paraguay • Chile • Brazil • Pakistan • Brundi • Phlipines • New York City • Ford Foundation • Gates Foundation • Wold Bank • UN - WFP • American University.
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