Faculty Notes 203 Appointments 203 Honors 203 Activities 205 Publications Administrators' Notes 208 Honors 208 Activities 208 Publications Documentation 209 Academic Council January 24, 2000 220 Academic Council March 2, 2000 225 Academic Council Aprill8, 2000 231 Academic Council May 10, 2000 238 Academic Council August 24, 2000 245 Academic Council September 6, 2000 253 Graduate Council October 4, 2000 J A N U A R Y 5 , 2 0 0 1 N u M B E R 8 2 0 3 Appointments Eugene D. Fanning Center for Business Communications, has been elected to the board of trustees of the Arthur W. Page William J. Caponigri, assistant profes­ Society, a select membership organiza­ sor of sociology, has been appointed tion of public relations and corporate director of the Community Learning Cen­ communications professionals devoted to ter, currently being created in the former ethical practices and strengthening the Goodwill Building on North Eddy Street. profession. He is the first ND faculty member to be selected for membership and one of three academics on the board Honors serving as chair of the Society's business' school committee. John H. Adams, associate professor of biological sciences, has been appointed to A book by Robert P. Schmuhl, professor serve as the chair of the Malaria Research of American Studies and director of the and Reference Reagent Resource Center John W. Gallivan Program in Journalism, (MR4) Scientific Advisory Council. The Ethics and Democracy, has been cited by council was established to provide guid­ the Chicago Thbune Books section (Dec. ance to this Resource Center on such 2) as one of the "Choice Selections" in issues as prioritizing reagent acquisition nonfiction for 2000. Published by the Uni­ and to serve as a liaison to the malaria versity of Notre Dame Press, Schmuhl's research community. book, Indecent Liberties, is one of 40 notable titles in the newspaper's listing of Robert N. Barger, adjunct associate pro­ "favorites from the past year." fessor in the Computer Applications Pro­ gram, has been named to a three-year Alan Carter Seabaugh, professor of term as chair of the standing committee electrical engineering, has been appoint­ on telecommunications of the American ed chair of the IEEE Electron Devices Educational Research Association Society Nanotechnology Technical (AERA). Subcommittee Meredith S. Chesson, assistant professor Erhard M. Winlder, professor emeritus of anthropology, was nominated for and of civil engineering and geological sci­ accepted membership into the East Coast ences, received the Meritorious Service Archaeological Marching and Chowder Award, Engineering Geology Division, Society, a professional organization of Geological Society of America, at the archaeologists who work in the Middle annual meeting of the Geological Society East. of America, Reno, Nov. 15. George A. Lopez, professor of govern­ ment and international studies fellow in Activities the Joan B. Kroc Institute for I~ternation­ al Peace Studies and fellow in the Helen Asma Afsaruddin, assistant professor of Kellogg Institute for International Studies classics, chaired the panel, "Defining was elected in July to a second two-year ' Orthodoxy and the Internal Other" at the term as chair of the board of directors of annual conference of the Middle East The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Studies Association, Orlando, Fla., Nov. 18. Ahsan Kareem, Robert M. Moran profes­ sor of civil engineering, received the 1999 Peri E. Arnold, director of the Washing­ Munro Prize awarded annually by Elsevi­ ton, D.C., Program and professor of gov­ er Science for the best paper published in ernment and inte_rnational studies, was a Engineering Stn1ctures for the paper, guest on Chicago's WGN Radio's "Exten­ "Application of Wavelet Transforms in sion 720," commenting on the second Earthquake, Wind and Ocean Engineer­ presidential debate, Oct. 11, and on ing." The prize was shared by the coau­ National Public Radio's "Thlk of the thor, K. Gurley. Nation," discussing the unresolved 2000 presidential election, Nov. 30. James S. O'Rourke IV, associate profes­ sional specialist in the Mendoza College Eleanor Bernstein, C.S.J., associate of Business, coi1current associate profes­ professional specialist and director of the sor of management and director the Center for Pastoral Liturgy, presented 2 0 4 FACULTY N 0 T E S "The Liturgical Year-Part 2" at the Dio­ ence, "Beyond Words: Visual Information a! Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, cese of Memphis, The Liturgical Ministry in Special Collections," Chicago, July 5-7; Department of Physical Engineering and Institute, Memphis, Dec. 1-2. and an invited lecture, "Giulio Acquaticci e Mechanics of Materials, Grenoble, France, John Zahm collezionisti di Dante," at the Oct. 12; "The Current State of High Ray­ Paul Bradshaw, professor of theology, conference "Quei battenti sempre aperti: leigh Number Thrbulence," Joint Fluid presented "The Common Roots of Jewish Gli Acquaticci e TI·eia nella cultura marchi­ Mechanics and Magneto Hydro Dynamics and Christian Prayer" for the Institute of giana," 'Ireia, Italy. Nov. 4. Seminars, Laboratory of Geophysics and Humanities, John Carroll University, Industry, Grenoble, France, Sept. 28; and Cleveland, Nov. 13. Keith J. Egan, adjunct professor of the­ "How Cells Know Where to Go," an invit­ ology and chairperson of religious studies ed seminar at "From Physics to Biology David B. Burrell, C.S.C., Theodore M. at Saint Mary's College, presented "From Symposium," Princeton Univ., Oct. 21. Hesburgh, C.S.C., professor of arts and Solitude to Contemplation to Love" and letters, professor of theology and philoso­ conducted a workshop on "The Land­ Linda Gutierrez, assistant professional phy and fellow in the Joan B. Kroc Insti­ scape of the Soul in John of the Cross" at specialist at the Center for 'Iransgene tute for International Peace Studies, pre­ the annual Summer Seminar on Car­ Research, copresented: "Expression of sented "Analogy, Creation, and Theo­ melite Spirituality, St. Mary's College, Interleukin-8 (IL-8) and IL-8 Receptor logical Language" at the Jesuit Institute, Notre Dame, June 18-24; presented five 'TYpe A (IL-8-RA) in Human Myometrium Boston College, Oct. 19. lectures on "Eucharist in the New Millen­ and Leiomyoma" with I. Sozen, L. M. Sen­ nium" at the Retreats International pro­ turk, E. Kovanci and A. Arici, at the 56th Meredith S. Chesson, assistant professor gram, Notre Dame, July 3-7; presented Annual Meeting of the American Society of anthropology, co-organized with S. Kus the keynote address on "Meditation for Us for Reproductive Medicine, San Francisco, the session "Other Ways and Others' Ways Ordinary Folks" and four lectures on "The Oct. 21-26. of Presenting Archaeology and Ethnogra­ Landscape of the Soul" at the Center for phy: Nourishing the Spirit and Quicken­ Theological and Spiritual Development, Noriko Hanabusa, assistant professional ing the Mind" for the American Anthro­ the College of Saint Elizabeth, Morris­ specialist of East Asian languages and lit­ pological Association meetings, San town, N.J., July 10-15; five lectures on the eratures, presented "Summer Program Francisco, Nov.; and coauthored and pre­ "Landscape of the Soul" at the Rock Hill Participants and Host Families' Percep­ sented "A Virtual Thle of Life and Death: Oratory, Rock Hill, S.C., July 17-21; the tion of Language and Culture in Daily Archaeologies of the Senses and Ethno­ keynote address, "The Wisdom of Saint Life," coauthored withY. Collier-Sanuki, graphies of the Past" with J. Graham and Therese," at the 75th celebration of the at Hokkaido International Foundation Ian Kuijt, visiting assistant professor of parish of Saint Therese, Munhall, Pa., 15th Symposium, Hakodate, Japan, July anthropology, for the "Other Ways" ses­ Oct. 1; "Holiness" to the Spirituality Com­ 30; "The Necessity and Effectiveness of sion; copresented "Urbanism and House­ mittee at Little Flower Parish, South Pre-Orientation for Study Abroad Pro­ hold Structure: Early Bronze Age life at Bend, October 10; and "Therese of grams," coauthored withY. Jo, at the 2000 Bab edh-Dhra', Jordan" with Ian Kuijt, at Lisieux: Saint and Doctor of the Church" annual symposium of Association of the Department of Anthropology, Univ. of for the Spiritual Formation Program of Japanese Language Thachers in Europe, Montana, Missoula, March. the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Helsinki University of Thchnology, Holy Cross Parish, South Bend, Nov. 9 Helsinki, Finland, Aug.27; and "Pre­ Lawrence Cunningham, professor of and 16. Departure Preparations for 'Iravelling/ theology, presented a lecture on the art Studying in Japan," coauthored withY. of Samuel Bak at the Snite Museum of Rev. Patrick D. Gaffney, C.S.C., acting Jo, at the 9th Annual NECTJ Conference, Art, Notre Dame, Nov. 5. director of Mediterranean Middle East the Japan Society of New York, Oct. 14. Studies Program, chairperson and associ­ Mary Rose D'Angelo, associate profes­ ate professor of anthropology and fellow David N. Harley, instructor in history, sor of theology, participated in the Henry in the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Interna­ presented "Brain and Soul in the Early J. Luce III Fellows in Theology confer­ tional Peace Studies, presented an invited Enlightenment: Arminianism and Mecha­ ence in Princeton, N.J., Nov. 3-5, where lecture, "Faith and the Uncertain Struggle nism," at a symposium on Medicine, the she delivered a paper entitled "Early for Power: Islamic Movements in the Body, Religion and Secularization in Early Christian
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