University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of September 2005 Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: C Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti University of California-Davis Armand R. Maggenti University of California, Davis Scott Lyell Gardner University of Nebraska - Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/onlinedictinvertzoology Part of the Zoology Commons Maggenti, Mary Ann Basinger; Maggenti, Armand R.; and Gardner, Scott Lyell, "Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: C" (2005). Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology. 18. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/onlinedictinvertzoology/18 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 152 from a special spinning organ. C calamus n. [L. calamus, reed] (NEMATA) The shaft of the spi- cule. calathiform a. [L. calathus, basket shaped, bowl-like; forma, shape] Shaped like a cup or bowl. cadavericole n. [L. cadaver, dead body; colere, to dwell] An calcanea see unguitractor organism feeding on the dead tissues of another organism. calcar n.; pl. -caria [L. calcar, spur] 1. A spur-like projection. caddis n. [Gr. kadiskos, urn or box] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In 2. (ARTHRO: Insecta) A spur- or horn-like hypertrophied Trichoptera, a case bearing larva. seta or spine, with roots that may be incorporated in the cadre n. [L. quadrus, square] (ARTHRO: Pentastomida) The tegument. calcarate a. sclerotized mouth lining. Calcarea n. [L. calcarius, of lime] A class of sponges of the caducous a. [L. caducus, falling] Naturally detached or shed; Phylum Porifera, with skeleton formed of spicules of cal- having the tendency to fall off early or before maturity. cium carbonate laid down as calcite; tissues unlike other caducous muscle (ARTHRO: Insecta) In exo- and endoptery- sponge classes due to three grades of construction: ascon- gotes, larval muscles that may persist for a short time in oid, synconoid and leuconoid. the adult and may play an important role until destroyed. calcareous a. [L. calcarius, of lime] Composed of, containing, caecum, cecum n.; pl. caeca [L. caecus, blind] 1. A pouch or or of the nature of limestone or calcium carbonate. saclike cavity extending from the alimentary canal with an calcariform a. [L. calcar, spur; forma, shape] Spur-like. opening at only one end. 2. (BRACHIO) Evagination of the calceolate a. [L. calceus, shoe] Slipper-shaped; oblong with a outer epithelium projecting into the endopuncta of the coarctate middle; calceiform; calceoliform. shell; pallial caecum; mantle papilla. 3. (ECHI) When pre- sent, a blind pouch arising from the posterior (precloacal) calceolus n.; pl. calceoli [L. dim. calceus, shoe] (ARTHRO: region of the intestine; function unknown. 4. (SIPUN) see Crustacea) In Malacostraca, complex sensory organelles on rectal caecum. cecal, caecal a. the antennules and accessory flagellum of amphipods. Caenogaea, Cainogea n. [Gr. kainos, recent; gaia, earth] A calciferous glands (ANN: Oligochaeta) Esophageal glands of zoogeographical region including the Nearctic, Palearctic, earthworms, excretory in function; controls the level of and Oriental regions, as opposed to Eogaea. caenogaean certain ions in the blood, particularly calcium and carbonate a. ions; glands of Morren. caenogenesis see cenogenesis calcific a. [L. calx, lime; facere, to make] Producing lime salts. caisson n. [L. capsa, box] (ANN: Oligochaeta) A box-like ar- calcipala n. [L. calcis, heel; pala, shovel] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In rangement of longitudinal muscle fibers in certain earth- certain Diptera, a flattened lobe at the apex of the basita- worms. rus of the hind leg. calabar swelling Transient subcutaneous nodule or swelling calcospherites n.pl. [L. calx, lime; sphaera, ball] (ARTHRO: resulting from the traversing filarial nematode Loa loa. Insecta) Calcium accumulated in the adipose-bodies of lar- vae of phytophagous Diptera. calamistrum setae (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) In many cribellate Araneae, a row of curved bristle-like setae on the dorsal calice n. [L. calyx, cup] (CNID) The open end of a coral skele- part of the fourth metatarsus; functioning in combing silk ton. see corallite. 153 Maggenti and Gardner Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 154 calicle see calycle headlike region of dicyemids. 2. (NEMATOM) Anterior ex- calicoblastic epithelium (CNID: Anthozoa) A specialized por- tremity of a nematomorph, often marked by a white area tion of the ectoderm of corals that produces the aragonite followed by a darkened band. skeleton in the true or stony corals. calthrop n. [ML. calcitrapa, a four-pointed weapon used to ob- caliology n. [Gr. kalia, hut; logos, discourse] The study of struct enemy movements] (PORIF) A tetraxon spicule with dwellings or natural shelters utilized by animals. four rays more or less equal. callosity n.; pl. -ties [L. callus, hard skin] 1. A state or quality caltrop spines (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Lepidoptera, specialized of being callous. 2. (MOLL: Gastropoda) The local thickened tibial spurs of limacodid larvae. part of the callus or inductura of the shell. calva n. [L. calvaria, skull] A skull-cap; an epicranium. callous a. [L. callus, hard skin] Hardened; having a callus or calvarium n. [L. calvaria, skull] (NEMATA) Subcuticular cephalic callosities. framework. callow worker (ARTHRO: Insecta) A newly emerged adult calvous a. [L. calvus, bald] Lacking hair; bald. worker ant whose exoskeleton is still relatively soft and calx n.; pl. calces [L. calx, heel] 1. A heel, or the portion of a lightly pigmented. see teneral. limb corresponding to the heel. 2. (ARTHRO: Insecta) The callum n. [L. callus, hard skin] (MOLL: Bivalvia) A sheet of distal end of the tibia. shelly material filling in the anterior gape in the shell of calyciform a. [Gr. kalyx, cup; L. forma, shape] Calyx-like or certain adult mollusks. goblet-shaped. callus n.; pl. calluses, calli [L. callus, hard skin] 1. An unusu- calycine a. [Gr. kalyx, cup] Cuplike; calyx-like. ally hardened or thickened area; a rounded swelling. 2. (ARTHRO: Insecta) In brachycerous Diptera, a knoblike calycle n. [Gr. kalyx, cup] 1. (ARTHRO: Crustacea) A small cap swelling on the cuticle. 3. (MOLL: Gastropoda) A shelly sub- on the umbones. 2. (CNID: Hydrozoa) The theca of hy- stance (inductura) on the parietal region or extending from droids. the inner lip over base or into the umbilicus of the shell. calyculate a. [Gr. dim. kalyx, cup] (ARTHRO) Pertaining to an- calobiosis n. [Gr. kalos, beautiful; biosis, manner of life] A tennae furnished with cup-shaped joints for insertion of form of symbiosis in which a species lives in the nest of, next annulus. and at the expense of another either temporarily or perma- calyculus n.; pl. -li [Gr. dim. kalyx, cup] 1. Any cup-shaped nently. structure; calycle. 2. (CNID: Hydrozoa) A cavity of a coral calomus n. [Gr. kalamos, stalk, reed] (NEMATA) The shaft of containing the polyps. the spicule between the manubrium and the lamina; some- calyoptis larva see calyptopis stage times called the spicule shaft. calypteres n.pl. [Gr. kalypto, cover] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In caloric a. [L. calor, heat] Of or pertaining to heat. Diptera, small membranous lobes or disk-like structures at calorigenic a. [L. calor, heat; genere, to produce] Generating the base of the wing, just above the halter. see alula; heat. squama. calorimetry n. [L. calor, heat; metricus, of measuring] The calyptoblastic a. [Gr. kalyptos, covered; blastos, bud] (CNID: measurement of heat exchange in an organism or in a Hydrozoa) Pertains to hydranths in which the gonophores system. are commonly borne singly or multiply on stalked blas- tostyles that are encased in peridermal gonothecae. calotte n. [F. calotte, skull cap] 1. (MESO: Rhombozoa) The 155 Maggenti and Gardner Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 156 calyptobranchiate a. [Gr. kalyptos, covered; branchia, gills] mal end of a pulvillus. Bearing gills imperceptible from the exterior. cameral liquid (MOLL: Cephalopoda) A fluid found in the most calyptodomous a. [Gr. kalyptos, covered; L. domus, house] recently formed nautiloid shell chambers. (ARTHRO: Insecta) Pertains to nests, especially of social cameration n. [L. camera, chamber] Divided into chambers. wasps, in which brood combs are surrounded by an enve- lope. see gymnodomous. camerostome n. [L. camera, chamber; stoma, mouth] (AR- THRO: Chelicerata) A ventral groove in the propodosome of calyptopis stage (ARTHRO: Crustacea) In Euphausiacea, the Acarina, wherein lies the capitulum (gnathosoma). third larval stage characterized by differentiation of abdo- men and appearance of compound eyes. see zoea. campaniform a. [L. campana, bell; forma, shape] Bell or dome-shaped. calyptostase n. [Gr. kalyptos, covered; stasis, standing] (AR- THRO: Chelicerata) A stase in which acarine instars are campanulate a. [L. dim. campana, bell] Formed like a bell; subject to regressive characters from losing the use of ap- bell-shaped. pendages and mouthparts, to remaining enclosed in the campestral a. [L. campester, of fields] Inhabiting open coun- tegument of the preceding stase or in the egg-shell; nym-
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