(continuación 4) - Miranda IM - Mirror Magic 2.0.2 - Mixxx 1.4.2 - monotone 0.26 - Monster Frenzy - Moodle 1.5.3 051116 - MoonEdit 0.14.1s - Mousotron Pro 4.7 - MOZiE 0.9.1 - Mozilla ActiveX Control 1.6 - Mozilla Backup 1.4.2 Catalán - Mozilla Backup 1.4.4 - Mozilla Backup 1.4.4 Castellano - Mozilla Sunbird 0.2 - Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 Castellano - Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 Català - Mozilla DVD-Libre Thunderbird 1.5 Inglés - MP3Gain 1.2.5 - Mp3tag 2.35 - MS .NET Framework 1.1 - MS .NET Framework 2.0 - MS Access Snaphot Viewer 97/2000/2002 - MS Excel Viewer 2003 - MS Excel Viewer cdlibre.org 2003 Actualización de seguridad - MS PowerPoint Viewer 2003 (041207) - MS Report Viewer 2005 - MS Visio Viewer 2003 - MS Windows Installer 2.0 Windows NT - MS Windows Installer 3.1 v2 2006-04 Windows XP - MS Word Viewer 2003 - MS Word XML Viewer 2003 - MusikCube 1.0 RC2 060121 - Mustrum 2.0.3 Instalador - Mustrum 2.0.4 - MWSnap 3.00.78 - MySql 5.0.20 - MySQL Administrator DVD-Libre es una recopilación de programas para Windows: 1.1.9 - mySQL for Python 1.2.0 - MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.0.25 - MySQL Query Browser 1.1.20 - ● libres / gratuitos al menos para uso personal o educativo NapkinRace 1.0 - NetBeans IDE 5.0 - NetTime 2.0.b7 - Neverball 1.4.0 - NIS Edit 2.0.3 - Njam 1.25 - ● nlite 1.0 RC7 - No Gravity 2.0 - Notepad++ 3.5 - NSIS 2.16 - numarray 1.5.1 (py 2.3) - numarray 1.5.1 sin limitaciones temporales (py 2.4) - Numerical Python 24.2 (py 2.3) - Numerical Python 24.2 (py 2.4) - Nvu 1.0 - Nvu 1.0 Castellano - Nvu 1.0 Català - OCS Inventory 3.0 - Octave 2.1.73 - onlineTV 2 - Open Clip Art En http://www.cdlibre.org puedes conseguir la versión más actual de este Library 0.18 - Open Watcom 1.4 - OpenExpert 1.40 - OpenOffice.org 2.0.2 - OpenOffice.org 2.0.2 DVD, así como otros CDs recopilatorios de programas y fuentes. Alrededor Castellano - OpenOffice.org 2.0.2 Català - OpenWengo 0.99 - Opera 8.54 - Organizador de favoritos del día 15 de cada mes están disponibles nuevas versiones de las Vértigo 1.0.6 - Oriens Enhancer Gold 2.6 - P3dO Explorer 1.8 - Paint.NET 2.61 - Paint.NET castellano 2.5 castellano - Partition Saving 3.10 - Password Safe 2.16 - Password Safe 2.16 Castellano - recopilaciones para su consulta y descarga. Pathological 1.1.2 - PC Inspector File Recovery 4.0 - PC Inspector Smart Recovery 4.5 - PCWizard Programas incluidos en el DVD 2006 1.68 - PDFCreator 0.8 Catalán - PDFCreator 0.9 - PDFCreator 0.9 Castellano - PECL 5.1.2 - Penguin-Command 1.6.3 - pgAdmin3 1.4.1 - PhotoFiltre 6.0.2 Castellano - PhotoFiltre 6.0.2 Catalán - 123 FREE Solitaire 2004 5.40 - 1by1 1.54 - 7-zip 4.32 - AbiWord 2.4.3 Català - AbiWord 2.4.4 - PhotoFiltre 6.2.3 - PHP 4.4.2 (instalador) - PHP 4.4.2 (zip) - PHP 5.1.2 (instalador) - PHP 5.1.2 (zip) - AbiWord 2.4.4 Import/Export Plug-ins - AbiWord 2.4.4 Tools Plug-ins - Abyss Web Server X1 2.3 - PHP Designer 3.0.6 - PHP Home Edition 2.3.4 - phpMyAdmin - Picasa 2.2.0 (28.10) - PIL 1.5 - Ad-Aware Language Pack 1.1 - Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06 - Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.1 - Adobe PiX Pang 1.6c - Pixia 2.8f Castellano - Pixia 3.3b - Plone 2.1.2 - Polar Tic Tac Toe 1.0 - POPTray 3.1.0 Acrobat Reader 7.0.7 - Advanced Strategic Command 1.16.3 - Advanced Strategic Command 1.16.3 - Portable Puzzle Collection 20051022 - PostCast Server Free 2.6.0 - PostgreSQL 8.1.3 - PostNuke Editores - AFPL GhostScript 8.53 - AIDA32 3.93 Personal - Airstrike 1.0 pre6 - Alice 2.0 050405 - Alien Blaster 1.1.0 - AM-DeadLink 2.07 - Amaya 9.5 Windows XP - Amaya Diccionario Castellano - 0.762 - PostNuke 0.762 Castellano - POV-Ray 3.6.1c - Power Defrag Lite 2.10 beta2 - Powerbullet aMSN 0.95 - AnaBuilder 2.46.2 - Anagramarama 0.1 - Analog 6.0 - Ant Movie Catalog 1.44 - PrimoPDF - PrintFolder 1.2 - PSeInt 20060413 - PSPad - Putty 0.58 - py2exe 060129 - Antivir Personal Edition Classic 7 (060417) - Apache 2.0.55 - Apophysis 2.02 - Arasan 9.0 - 0.6.5 (py 2.3) - py2exe 0.6.5 (py 2.4) - PyAIML 0.8.5 - PyChecker 0.8.17 - PyGame 1.7.1 - PyGTK ArgoUML 0.20 - Armagetron Advanced - Art of Illusion 2.2 (ejecutable) - Art of Illusion 2.2.1 2.6.3-1 (py 2.3) - PyGTK 2.6.3-1 (py 2.4) - PyGTK 2.8.6-1 (py 2.3) - PyGTK 2.8.6-1 (py 2.4) - PyInstaller (archivos comunes) - ArtRage 2.05 - Aspell 0.50.3 - Aspell Diccionario Castellano 0.50.3 - Aspell 1.1 - PyKaraoke 0.4.1 - PyMedia pre 2 (py 2.3) - PyMedia pre 2 (py 2.4) - PyMOL 0.99 - Diccionario Catalán 0.50.3 - Asteroid Arena 20020609 - Asteroids 3D 1.00 - Attribute Changer 5.23 - PyOpenGL (py 2.4) - PyOpenGL Context 2.0.0.c1 - pySQLite 2.2.0 (py 2.3) - pySQLite 2.2.0 Audacity 1.2.4 - Audiograbber 1.83 - AutoQ3D 1.20 - Avant Browser 10.2.51 - avast! Home Edition (py 2.4) - Python 2.3.5 - Python 2.4.3 - PythonCard 0.8.1 - PyTraffic 2.5.3 - Pywin32 208 (py 2.3) - 4.6.763 - AVG Free 7.1.385.729 - Avidemux 2.1.2 - AVS DVD Player - AxCrypt 1.6.3 - Pywin32 208 (py 2.4) - Qdacco 0.3 beta1 - QuickMessenger 3.0 Catalán - QuickMessenger 3.2 - aXiebal 2004 - aXiebal Winter - Aya 5.53 - Azureus Windows 9X - Azureus Windows QuickMessenger 3.2 Castellano - QuickTime Alternative 1.69 - Quintessential Player 4.51 - Quitómetro XP - Berkeley DB 4.4.20 - Berkeley DB Java Edition 2.1.30 - Berkeley DB XML 2.2.13 - BG ASCII 2.0 - R 2.2.1 - Racer 1.10 - RahmanImager 1.0.0 - Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 - Real Alternative 1.32 - BilliardGL 1.75 - Bitstream Vera 1.10 - BitTorrent 4.4.1 - Black Penguin 0.3 - Blender 2.41 - 1.48 - RealPopup 2.6.167 - Recuerda Más 1.0.3 - Reflexion - Regex Coach 0.8.4 - Regular Expression Blob Wars 1.02.1 Instalador - Blob Wars 1.02.2 - Block Attack 1.1.2 - (sigue dentro) Editor 1.4.0 - ReportLab 1.20 - Resize Browser 1.0.4 - Restoration 2.5.14 - Risk - RK Launcher http://www.cdlibre.org Abril de 2006 0.4 beta - RKopie 3.0 - (sigue detrás) (continuación 2) - Boa Constructor 0.4.4 alpha - BOINC 5.2.13 - BomberClone 0.11.6 - Brennig's 1.4.2 (continuación 3) - HardCopy 16.0.02 - HelpMaker 7.2.002 - Hexplorer 2.6 - Hexy 1.74 - Holotz's Castle - Bricks I - Bricks Jr - Bricks Jr Instalador - Bubble Escape - Bubble Train 1.0 - BumpRace 1.43 - 1.3.8 - HTMLDOC 1.8.23 - HTMLGate Free 12.2.1B - HTTrack 3.40.2 - I have no tomatoes 1.5 - BurgerSpace 1.6.1 - burnatonce 0.99.5 - C-evo 0.14.7 - C.a.R. 4.2 060408 - Calendar Magic 16.0 - IceBreaker 1.9.5 - Iceows 4.20b Castellano - ICheckers 2.0 - Icy Tower 1.3.1 - iDailyDiary 3.20 - Cannon Smash 0.6.6 - Cartes du ciel 2.76 completo - CCleaner 1.28.277 - CDBurnerXP Pro 3.0.116 ImageForge 3.60 - ImageWalker 2.20 - ImgBurn - Indiepath Asteroids - Indy build 13 050629 - beta - CDCheck - CDex 1.51 - Celestia 1.4.1 - Centarsia 1.3 - Chain Reaction - Chaos Pro Inkscape 0.43.1 - Inno Setup 5.1.6 - Inno Setup Tool 5.1.5 - Invader 2.1 - iPodder 2.1 - iRATE radio 0.3 - - Check4me 2.03 - Checky 2.5 - Childsplay 0.81.8 - Chomp 1.46 - ClamWin 0.88.1 - Clan IrfanView 3.98 - IrfanView 3.98 Castellano - IrfanView 3.98 Plug-ins - IsoBuster 1.9 - IZArc 3.5 beta 3 - Bomber 1.05 - Clic 3.0 Castellano - Clic 3.0 Català - CLISP 2.38 - Cobian Backup - Cobian IzPack 3.8.1 - Jago Client 4.7 - JAlbum 6.4 - Java Runtime Environment - Java Software Internet Tools - Code::Blocks 1.0rc2 - ColorCop 5.3 - ColorWiz 1.0 - Combinaisons Juniors Development Kit - JavE 5.0 - JavE FIGlet fonts 3.8 - JClic - jEdit 4.2 - Joomla! 1.0.8 - Plus 2.70 - ComiX 0.2 - Continental 2.1 - Crack Attack! 1.1.14 - Crimson Editor 3.70 - CubeTest 0.9.3 - Jump'n'Bump 1.51 - Jump'n'Bump 1.51 Instalador - jv16 Power Tools - K-Lite Codec Pack Full CutePDF Writer 2.5 - Daemon Tools 3.41 Castellano - Daemon Tools 4.0.3 - Daimonin 0.966 - Danger 2.71 - K-Meleon 0.9.12 - KaraWin Free (060227) - KartingRace 1.02 - KBall 1.0 041216 - from the deep 0.1.1 - DBDesigner - DeepBurner Free - Deluxe Snake 3.8.1 - KeePass 1.04 - KeePass 1.04 Castellano - KeyNote 1.6.5 - KnotPlot 0.9998 060306 - Krystal Drop 0.7 - Democracy Player 0.8.2 - Deslizzzp 3.4 - Dev-C++ - Dia Win32 0.95 pre7 - DirGraph 2.0 - Disk La Abadía del Crimen 20050205 - LaserTank 4.1.2 - LaserTank 4.1.2 Castellano - Lazarus - Imager 1.4 - Ditto 2.6.7 - DjVu Browser Plug-in 6.0.1 - Domino Puzzle 0.1a - DominOSA 1.73 050722 - LBreakout2 2.5.1 - LeechGet 2004 Mozilla/Opera Plug-in 1.10 - LeechGet 2005 1.5.1600 - Lemmis 1.0 - DomiSol 1.2 - Doxygen 1.4.6 - Dragonboard 0.8c - Drawing for children 2.0 - Drupal 4.6.6 - Drupal Lilypond - LinCity-NG 1.0.3 - Link Popularity Check 3.0.1 - Liquid War 5.6.3 - LMarbles 1.0.6 - 4.6.X Castellano - Drupal 4.6.X Català n - DVD Identifier 4.3.0 - DVDStyler 1.4 - e-Counter 4.0.2006 - LOA 1.0 - Logisim 2.0.5 - LopeEdit Lite 5.0 - Lost Labyrinth 2.6.3 - LPSolve IDE - Lupas Rename EasyISO 1.3 - EasyPHP 1.8 - EatTheWhistle 3.2 - Eclipse 3.1.1 Castellano (1) - Eclipse 3.1.1 2000 5.0 - Machine Ball 1.0.1 - Mambo 4.5.2 - Maxima 5.9.3 - Maxima 5.9.3 Castellano - Maxthon 1.5.2 Castellano (2) - Eclipse 3.1.2 - Eclipse Graphical Editor Framework 3.1.1 - Eclipse Modeling build 21 - Maxthon 1.5.2 Castellano - MazezaM 1.0 beta - MCell - MD5summer - Framework 2.1.1 - Eclipse UML2 1.1.1 - Eclipse Visual Editor - Emilia Pinball 0.30c - Enigma Media Player Classic Windows 9X - Media Player Classic Windows XP - MediaInfo 0.9.2 - Enthought Python 0.9.3 - EQTabla 5.20 060407 - Eraser 5.8 - EssentialPIM 1.71 - EssentialPIM - MediaPortal - MediaWiki 1.6.3
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