~~The Zip. Code Your want gW for 'Springfield i$ --Phone 686-7700 V Publlfhed Every Thursday by Trumpr PAJ^ 609 Mo.rlt ov.«., SprlnflfUld^-NXtWl -• Subscription Rate' iicond Clo«» P»»loa« =5o.50~Yeerly ..r-^—^ypgldot Springfield, N.J P.O. Box £9, Springfield, N.J. 07081 -snaipEreLTFte^ Springfield,unit of XARE, a non-profit inizattoi, has been formed by. 18 students 'lorenc^^Ciaudliieer School. The "saidehK," fe.organizea to help needy persons, ;are Ing; Uterature, "film strips and other „, ation about.the organization from CARE " J-' r, York. These Items wllTr I to a school assenAly-program.. T glBdgpw ppfa " a fund-raising campaigpg n .; Proceeds • wili l be forwardeddd to of both parties this jreek agreed•'.: 8^'where the money will be •' • I that-tlvn projectednewalignment of UnlonCoun- pd?j*aB helpi for needy ty'^ss^mbiydistriciB'would have little effect ' on tflwiICipjil ^lectlonp In Springfield. The new districting plan, as presented by ths_ state /rcapportionment commission, changes: -1 " - Vthree two-man Assembly districts, 'central aid' i to eastern, northern (including )' and southern. (See map on Page 9);" ild voters wiU-r>^ain one pf. their- two present District 9-C assemblymen, HOgO -..•• \ M.iJ5Wtt-.iOf_Summlt, since-Summlt Joins" -Springfield w the^w District 9-B, along with New Providence, Berkeley Heights.Westfield,. \ art : v / -W^:!;:NA^^T0liES :; _.'•.. MARIE sMrra Garwood. Union And Hillside/ '• __.. „, National Librsjy .,_ , _ " Bsemhlyman Peter J^McDonough oil ^observed this year from Sunday ' * l~:will run this' year in the new 9-C, the j Saturday, Apfif26;tito Spring- , nern-^Jlstrlct, Talcing HiB: place otK the" Library announced anewseryice.,. ballot for bcal voters wiU be Assemblyman, _„ a- which will begin on, Monday;.,,- • "Herbert j, Heilmann of Union. AIL three of _ ed:•sijt repraauctions.Vfiil be available J those jnendbhefawiRepiihllcaris^v • • • .-"."" •""" ' - jn;,in m^ich-ihe^ame-nMnnerHis^ ~Ail these changes, as has been widely pub- may be borrowed' for a Udzed, depend on court action, probablyln the: ^^of:28'davB. renewed againfor'asinular arie Smith will1 be the mdard-bearers In -the local J>*«!U*t?W^g... ^Teoaons. this November.at was announced g of the Springfield Democratic on, Monday. Under present .court WtM TWlGS voting-for-the-man, not the Short HUlSf-arei Hagerty, In chargirge ooff '-table' o^rftaohs. ffl t^. \Walte^ Harmy^?^ onlpclety l^ : col Usts, he' is an old' hand,; bbm at elected to it four yws ^ j^g*;an^p^h^^c^nT^^-p[b?^:tb^^ j-Pete McDonough, who lsone i ftO-nignT-p^ *fr< league baset>all -ahd bagketb^llasketball; a<^^ties'activities i^n \ ; toto hehrr candidacycdidcyv. ^." ^' ' ' . -p.,—^ favorite people," the mayor said, "but the Job of ta Hejflmanm. has an Instinctive way of winning friends Andlnfluenclngvoters." . followlng-is _^ wbj>sel7€niembersstrlvetoralseneed--, (Continued ' Del Vecchib characterized Pfaltz, who con- Mayor PhUip Del Vecchio^Hiweek to —Lan^munlclpa^Pemocratic-chalrman,:in reply ;'.; ; period is^Qrjpne_wei|k and ™»v;i-..<<^y;i.qommenfci%youT recw^^^ if the alidea are not in he I ""' -^e Springfield- Leader of A^rj^.^conciarfflnJF^ ; - an^. ,te^ -;r J -T-^. ;'-.^Wer'ed pojitiMinbiing^^ : : : rWM 1 v DONALD: .vote on ^ . "The;fecit lh<t-ft^J>etittW(^tb.X^Q£?™* *'" '' ™ -7rl-^-4«fas-submltted in' opposltionLto .tit^ib"^ I l-T •*iir"i-"""-Pwas answered "atthe-——^--^-« — -• 1 i.,,.-;,: '-I'- .: "••/ '' . " '• ,JP&WP#lt^l&?i-f<>rlyow^efforts~i»[: 6W»ln speakers stated ;t .a minority representative brthe Democratic-—petition-inIavor_of,the c i Vr ?' But, I do •not'.minktme tone of ybwaW ii':'.". "• IS thw;w?y L"^^".1^thar »*"»'frir jinnr-randl—-iynn • pr»y[r^i.]ly .crtttrliwt^TBr^fer";':'M^TO'jjIoy';.'-'•:?' ^. -. «J..« K*.» ef._i._-_"--' •• •..•• .—.... aujULJj>n- adoption - jf^-dtar-B '—" '*"''''' , were seated'oniiieJFownBhlpCmiuniH.tce, and an jineiit museum -^^•issuerwere up for vote which may.prove bj|De~v, ns in the audience waiting longer^ 4^5^ on-—rDepa Silt next' "fourftjay, _—-Hclal to our town, would you recommendjj- - pet r—^. -^^ssBnttogfyote-from-him, mwely tor Johnson, director'of ——unanimltv? '• .'''•' ••' '•• ',-•.> ' ".'.•.....'...."^-!..» :.""-. :. ,—'..••••''.• •.'•.''.••>•,•'"".' unanimity ^^^^^^ ^ , ^., (Contlm^d^n:poa. I : Bailey Civic The> destination is the yh the^'hlghl^ al %s&m^mm... z^mm^sm. FKbrospSctive,Re " is on view; Springfield Friends of Benedict College. tive -of the town's-wiahes,. From my record of , -i^The-concertos, scheduled for $^pjn; at loaworksof sculpture by DuvldSnUtlii, V: ;, Jonathan Dayton Regional High School. Tickets- are onsale at business establishments through-^—1 JheJMW^oi^raid^rsl^cairNormanrBan-;' nn nutn Lat:336aB3i it\ e; $ i j «rB?r, 8 ^^"T rhas undertaken . tfU^be^a^?oTIoTtOpMmmm Qt-ge45at = be available to the public bythafBB "~TD~piange Tjjte^^ajaardispbkissman aald he-could hpt& r ^ UlUCTnBtBB, YAVJ £Ul^l*irvl •Dayton Regional Hlgh~SeHc»l~PrA Syslcal and < i of me college. ' _promise;.that copies of thg*f epoft 'Will have : of the" year tonight in the school's ucsc regulars on-«—once-ln-a-whlle basis,, The ';:' "Springfield supjpofrof the May 4 Benedict arrived from die printer by the time of the hours are 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through', 'Choir concert will help these young people m'eeting. ' ' . Martin Siegel, director of curriculum ')-> Friday, and we try to have two people work 1 become a power for good in our society;" Springfield residents driving to the Deerfield together if wo have enough help. We'll even - regional district, will be moderator, Further Information on the,concert Is avail-1 School can take Ru 22 west to Central avenue. pants will Include WilUam Bureau N.J. able from Robert Johnson at 376-7264. Mountainside, turn right on Central avenue and "take men. '. ' , '.•"•• •, . • ,'•: "—ctor of Health Education; John Brown, • "It is very Interesting, stimulating and re- STAR-SPANGLED — CoU James Root, commander of 4e' Defense! Contract Administration Benedict graduates living in, Springfield then turn right onSchooldrlve to the school. An warding working with and for young people.;, r of physical education for the re- Services District, Springfield; helps as Gloria Plnkel sews a second star on the district's alternate route is through Briar Hills circle, district, and two health teachers at include the Rev. and Mrs. Benjamin F, John- for whom we have secured hundreds of Jobs. Mlnuteman flag, DCASD-Springfield was honored for its 96.5percentemployee participation son and Miss Nellie Johnson of 58 Ruby <st. Possum pass and Charles street to Summit If you are a mother whose child has gotten a i. l, .Mrs. Delores Howard and John In the annual savings bond driye — thlrtl year m a row that the district topped the 90 and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson of 21 Ruby road, right on Summit road and left on either lish. .,.,•• • ' • : job'through our efforts, a grandmother who percent mark •• ' ' ] ~ ' ~ ••st...: •••.."• •' • Sawmill road or Wyoming drive to the school. ...ere will be a presentation of some of needs to fill an afternoon or two to keep busy, or a retired grandfather who is bored, won't. the materials used to Implement the curricu- :v lum, Including tape recordings and film strips. you please contact us? ~ :,;.; -v Thai* will also be a question and answer per- "Also, If each family would contribute $1, looVNew officers will be installed for the we would easily meet our budget. Please help ' coding year at the meeting. us one way or the other. Use' the handy form below and we will be most grateful." ' :list Ibses arm, m YoutK Employment Service m v 379-2567 Sorati Bailey Civic Center fair* condition SprtngfUld, N.J. i condition of Robert H.WlUdns Jr., 22,of \\ Salter St., Springfield, was lilted as fair at Name ..................... i Monday at Overlook Hospital, Summit, ins* left arm was amputated after the prcyde he was driving collided head-on Address .....;... a car In Watchung Reservation, Scotch , at 5:30 p.m. last Friday. Enclosed is my contribution County park police said Wllklns was I would like to volunteer ........ ad onSkytop Drive. The car was driven ... John P, McDonnel, 31, of 53 Rutgers rd., Phone number . ...;;.. Pigeataway. / Police said McDonnel Was treated ^t Over- MOk Hospital, for facial cuts and released. Mrs. Clifford Schwdrtz, Chairman Piorolmen George DeCarlo and Richard Ahle 379-2220 iftvestigattd. ^ . RT TAILOR.Nb - bit 1-0544 Hi WayTdll«r«, A. B..I rtiormauy, 37V-207», U(t Coi Center St.; SprlnglUld -ADV. The benedict Cbilegto Choir of Columbia, S. C:t will appear al Joitpthah Daytofi Regional High School May 4 You Ring, Wk Irlngt 27S MonU Av«. : •'••>,• .'••' I.I. !••' 2 -Thursday, April 17, 1969-SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) VLEADER iethodists prepare for Loyalty Sunday This week in highest priority/ but no date ^recreation Rt. 22 ""LoySIry Sunday will bFobserVed at Spring- ( school entrance rntnpniinda the problem during field Emanuel United Memodist Church, Church - (All events scheduled will be held at the Construction of a Rt. 22 overpass at New Mall at Academy Green, this Sunday at'all".; Sarah Bailey Civic Center unless otherwise rush hours.- ".'z_~ r*- • . Providence-road, Mountainside, has been given "It is understandable that the borough did services-according to Norman Banner, finance -'-'highest priority" by the N.J. Department of not favor the suggestions since it was aware chairman. .The congregatibirwiU be asked to " ,.. —day, - B to lUMU p.m.. Sprint . ransportatlon—but; no" date has been set for. fti^'ap pvefifipr'w5uld~iiltlmately-He~Taig pledge its support to an eight-month budget niunity Players rehearsal, -Gypsy.^-8 toJQ the actual work to be done. from May 1 through Dec. 31. pixtu, advanced, photography, first class; regis- structed at this intersection.-^ — -_— This was disclosedln a letter from Trenton "The Department of ~Transportatioh has ter before class, $15 for 10 classes.
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