Hainan Airlines Infl ight Entertainment Magazine Nov. 2019 200+ 600+ 1300 Movies TV Shows CDs THEME 主 题 人们常说什么样的人做什么样的事,当我们不断给 到自己有效的正向身份植入时,就会匹配相应的价值观。 而不断激活自我的不同面向,则可以探索和接受一个更 激 加丰富而复杂的自己。著名心理学家埃里克森认为,自 活 我认同是每个人非常重要的人生任务。自我认同,是我 们对于自己是一个怎样的人,将要去向何方,以及自己 自 与社会的关系,有了一种相对稳定且连续的认知。 It is a common saying that a leopard will never change its 我 spots, so is a human being with regard to his acts. Many will 不 accordingly get supplied with corresponding values once 忘 effectively implanted with positive identity without cease. 初 A We can, by constantly reviving the various aspects of the cti vat self, attempt to confirm a much more colorful and mixed ing 心 S el self. According to Eriksson, famous psychologist, as a highly f to significant task in everyone’s life, self-identity proves to be K e a relatively stable and continuous cognition, which indicates e p F what we really are, where we are heading, and how we i r m behave in the society. l y i n 本月精选的多部影片大都与“身份”一词息息相关。 M i The key word "identity" finds its way in most of the selected n d I movies this month. n i t i a l 每个人的内心,都潜藏着对自身身份的一种难言的 A s p “焦虑”。可有谁曾真正审视过这种身份的焦虑呢?《狮 i r a t 子王》中睿智的小狮子王辛巴做到了,它在众多热情的 i o 朋友的陪伴下,最终成为了草原之王。而《X 战警:黑 n 凤凰》中的琴 • 葛蕾却是在认清自己的身份后,逐渐黑 化并引发 X 战警陷入了空前的危机。说到危机感,人工 智能的今天,科技日臻成熟,人们已经开始研究 AI 替 代人类工作的可能,而格兰特 • 斯布托尔执导,希拉里 • 斯万克、萝丝 • 拜恩主演的科幻惊悚电影《人造母者》 则更前卫更大胆。影片探讨了人类与机器的关系,以及 人工智能身份认同的问题。被机器人" 母亲 " 抚养长大、 并被告知人类已经绝迹的“第一代新人类”少女,在遭 遇陌生女性的到来后,对外面世界的一切以及“母亲” 的意图产生了怀疑。 Anxiety, embarrassed to be mentioned, concerning one’s own identity, can find its shelter in everyone's heart, which nearly everyone has hardly really gazed at. Exceptionally, Simba has succeeded, to be sure, the wise little lion king in “The Lion King”, who is finally hailed as King of the Prairie, assisted by the passionate company of his friends. Jean Grey in “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”, after reclaiming her identity, gets caught in sadness, gradually triggering her superpower, which caused X-Men to be beset with an unprecedented crisis. When it comes to the sense of crisis, with the increasing advanced science and technology in the era of artificial intelligence, mankind has taken to the research of AI feasibility of replacing human work. The sci-fi thriller “I 1 主 题 THEME Am Mother”, for instance, directed by Grant Sputore, and 李 • 伊瑟列尔原本是优秀的传记作家,为谋生,她 starring Hillary Swank and Rose Byrne, is as leading a 多次改行但因性格孤僻而接连被炒。生计无着之 pioneer as bold, which inquires into the fact how human 际,她的伪造名人信件之路就此启程,到后来她 beings and devices interact with each other, and how AI 甚至从档案室和图书馆偷取真实的信件和文件。 identity will be all the rage. The "first generation of new 因为屡屡犯案,她被 FBI 盯上,回到贫困的原点, human" girl, who was brought up by the robot "Mother" 却收获了友谊与迟来的成长。 and informed that human beings had been extinguished, There are still others, who might as well be reduced to is getting suspicious of everything in theft of other people's identities, thus leading a life the outside world, alongside the of others. The hit “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”, intended feelings of "Mother", adapted from a memoir of the same name, after the unexpected arrival sets an amazing example with its of a strange female. weird plot. Lee Israel, originally an excellent biographer, changed 一直游走在黑白两道 her profession many a time 之间,只要锁定目标就从 for a living, ending up 不失手的安娜则是多重身份 being fired one after 的象征。故事聚焦神秘 another because 女杀手安娜的成长及 of her lonely 执行各种暗杀任务 personality. While 的经历,美艳的 nearly staying 超模安娜,同 above water, 时又拥有聪明 she switches 绝顶的头脑和 to forging 强大的战斗 celebrity 技巧,是世 letters as a 界上最恐怖 shortcut, 的杀手之一。 which lures 吕克 • 贝松近 her, later, 年来执着于塑 even to steal 造强悍的女性 real letters 角 色, 继 14 年 and documents 的《超体》之后, from archives and 此番带来的《安娜》 libraries. Repeated 由真正的俄罗斯超模萨 crimes get her targeted by 沙 • 露丝出演。 Anna, a synthesis symbol of multiple the FBI, who is obliged to face identities, is sandwiched between good and the poverty like the past, finally embracing, evil forces, and whoever falls prey to her trick, will fail to however, fortuitous friendship and long-in-coming maturity. be freed. The plot of the hit focuses on the growth journey 在成长中,很多人会有生活在异乡的体验,在 and various attempts in assassination missions of the 流动的人潮中,异乡人对自我身份的困惑在《飞 mysterious female killer, Anna, a beautiful supermodel, 翔吧!埼玉》和《过春天》中均有所体现。前者 being one of the most horrible killers on the earth for 发生在东京屈指可数的名校白鹏堂学院。外表气 her brilliant intelligence and amazing fighting skills. Its 质不凡,看似东京人的丽,其实是埼玉县人。对 director, Luc Besson, persistent in shaping strong female 丽明里暗里庇护着埼玉人的行为,百美感到不解, characters in recent years, has offered us, “Anna”, starred 渐渐的,事情发展成一场东京和埼玉之间的抗争, by now-active Russian supermodel Sasha Luss, after his hit 甚至连隔壁的千叶也被牵扯进来。后者的主人公 “Lucy” in 2014. 佩佩努力在香港和深圳之间寻找归属。白天,她 还有些人则干脆选择盗用他人身份过上了别人的 是在香港校园上学的 16 岁少女,步入黑夜,佩佩 生活,例如跟据同名回忆录改编的《你能原谅我吗?》。 则切换全新身份——边缘少女(深港水客),游 2 THEME 主 题 Shenzhen and Hong Kong), who makes her round trips 走在香港、深圳两地街头冒险带货,一段颇有“冒 between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, venturing to smuggle 险”感的青春故事就此开始。特别是片中将手机捆 valuables. Thus, begins a youth story filled with a sense 绑在身上的戏份,恰到好处地拍出了青春的躁动与 of “adventure”, for instance, the scenes, in which she is 荷尔蒙的美感,又不逾越尺度的界限。 Many, on the way to their maturity, will tend to feel being tied up mobile phones next to her skin, captures the estranged like staying in an alien place, who, roaming agitated youth and the esthetic feeling of hormone to the about like strangers in their own native homelands, point, however, perfectly doing justice to the exposure. become terribly confused about their own identities. 身份反映了人们的人生观、价值观和世界观, The very type of guys is vividly embodied in “Fly Me to 决定了你思考问题的方式和行为。米兰 • 昆德拉在 the Saitama”, and “The Crossing”. The backdrop of the 自己的作品《身份》中曾探讨了陌生的自我问题, former hit happened in Hakudo College, one of the few 沿着自我疑虑的途径,小心翼翼地抵达意识的深处, prestigious schools in Tokyo. Rei, Tokyoite-seemingly, 进行自我观察与诘问,也许会发现内心中居然还有 with amazing temperament, turns out to hail from 另一个“我”。 Saitama County. Yumi is quite puzzled by the fact that Identity, can reflect itself in human outlook on life, value Rei shelters the natives from Saitama both in secret and and the world, thereby determining the way one thinks in appearance. The plot, little by little, ends up to be a and acts. Milan Kundera, in his work L'identite (The struggle between Tokyo and Saitama, in which even Chiba Identity), probes into the issue of unfamiliar self, which next door, gets herself involved. In the latter hit, Pei Pei, makes it clear that, anyone, along the path of self-doubt, the film heroine, strives to find a place of retreat between can discover cautiously the depth of consciousness; by Hong Kong and Shenzhen. During the daytime, Pei Pei is observing himself in the interrogation, will not fail, at all, a 16-year-old who attends school in Hong Kong whereas to come across another "self"within his heart. switching to, at night, her new identity as a marginal girl (shui ke in Chinese, amateur smuggler shuttling between 3 好莱坞新片 Hollywood Latest 2019 狮子王 小狮子王辛巴在众多热情的朋友的陪伴下,不但经历了生命 The Lion King 中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,最后终于成为了 森林之王,也在周而复始生生不息的自然中体会出生命的真 剧情 Drama/ 动画 Animation 义。 导演 DirectorJon :Favreau 乔恩·费儒 主演 Cast : Donald Glover After the murder of his father, a young lion prince flees his kingdom 唐纳德·格洛弗 E F G R only to learn the true meaning of responsibility and bravery. 118mins/ 中 /PG 适用机型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350- 900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-300/B787- 8/A330-200 2019 驭风男孩 2019 安娜 The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Anna 13 岁的 Kamkwamba 因家里没钱交 80 美 故事聚焦神秘女杀手安娜的成长及执行各 元一年的学费而被学校开除,热爱学习的 种暗杀任务的经历,在美丽的外表下, 他溜到学校的图书馆,找到了一种拯救饥 安娜拥有聪明绝顶的头脑和强大的战斗技 荒村庄的方法:用父亲的自行车的主架打 巧,是世界上最恐怖的刺客之一,她游走 造了一个简陋但可行的风车,为西部地区 于黑白两道,只要被锁定的目标,从不失 提供了急需的电力,不受政府断电的干扰。T 手。 Against all the odds, a thirteen year old boy in Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a Malawi invents an unconventional way to save secret that will unleash her indelible strength his family and village from famine. and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins. 剧情 Drama 动作 Action/ 惊悚 Thriller Chiwetel Ejiofor Luc Besson 导演 Director :切瓦特·埃加福特Chiwetel Ejiofor 导演 Director :吕克·贝松Sasha Luss, Helen Mirren 主演 Cast :切瓦特·埃加福特 主演 Cast :萨莎·露丝 海伦·米伦 E E F G R 113mins/ 中 /NR 118mins/ 中 /R 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-T 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-A 300/B787-8/A330-200 300/B787-8/A330-200 Audio: E English F French G Deutsch R Russian Sp Spanish 配音 英文 法语 德语 俄语 西班牙语 4 Hollywood Latest 好莱坞新片 2018 你能原谅我吗? 2019 伯纳黛特你去哪儿了 Can You Ever Forgive Me? Where�d You Go, Bernadette 故事围绕传记作家李·伊瑟列尔伪造名人 本片改编自《发展受阻》前制作人玛丽亚·桑 书信出售等事件展开。 普所著的一本小说,整本书都是通过电子 邮件、来往信件、FBI 档案等形式呈现, 通过 15 岁小姑娘 Bee 之口,讲述了她妈 妈伯纳黛特在一家人准备前往南极旅游之 前突然神秘失踪的故事。 When Lee Israel falls out of step with current A loving mom becomes compelled to reconnect tastes, she turns her art form to deception. with her creative passions after years of sacrificing herself for her family. Her leap of faith takes her on an epic adventure that jump- starts her life and leads to her triumphant rediscovery. 剧情 Drama/ 喜剧 Comedy 剧情 Drama 喜剧 Comedy Marielle Heller Richard Linklater 导演 Director :玛丽埃尔·海勒Melissa McCarthy 导演 Director :理查德·林克莱特Cate Blanchett, Judy Greer 主演 Cast :梅丽莎·麦卡西 主演 Cast :凯特·布兰切特 朱迪·格雷尔 E E F Sp 106mins/ 中 /PG-13 109mins/ 中 /PG-13 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-C 适 用 机 型 Applicable Aircraft Model:B787-9/A350-900/A330-300/A350-900/A330-200/A330-W 300/B787-8/A330-200 300/B787-8/A330-200 2019 鹈鹕的故事 2019 人造母者 Storm Boy I Am Mother 影片围绕澳洲海岸边一个关于友情与爱的 影片讲述一名少女在人类灭绝后,被一个 故事展开。 用于构造生命让人类重现于地球、被称为 “母亲”的机器人所创造,成为了新一代 人类中的第一位,并且与“母亲”保持着 独特的关系,然而一名受了伤的陌生人的 到来使得这个关系受到动摇,让这名少女 对于母亲告诉自己关于外面世界的一切以 When Michael Kingley, a successful retired In及母亲的意图产生了怀疑。 the wake of humanity's extinction, a teenage businessman starts to see images from his past girl is raised by a robot designed to repopulate that he can't explain, he's forced to remember the earth.
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