An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY October 28, 1997 Volume 124 • THE • Number 15 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid ewark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit No. 26 Fire damages Foxcroft BY CHARLES DOUG IELLO smoke in the complex. accordi ng to fire ··[ watched the whole fire,'" she said. "It Srat{ Rf!J'Orter officials. was amazing how quickly it spread. I felt so A fire which broke out in the Foxcroft Junior Brandon Volp lives in one of the bad for the residents. Townhouses and damaged five apartments apartments which was damaged in the fire. "They lost everything:· late Thursda) night IS stil l under 'There was a lot of smoke damage in my Junior Allison Lindsay also lives in investigation. ac.::ording to Gail Calvarcse. apartment and the roof was ripped open." he Foxcroft Townhouses and said she is worried manager of the townhouses. said. " I had to throw out my bed. sheets, about the safety of all the apartments. No one was injured in the fire, which was towels and other stuff like that.'" ··r am a little nervous living here now reported to ewark Police at II :54 p.m. by Volp, who was visiting a friend in Ivy because no one knows how the fire started," several neighbors and was brought under Hall Apartments at the time of the fire. was he said. control withm an hour. contacted by friends and told to return to his The residents of apartment B-3 were not The fire started on the first floor of apartment. home when the fire broke out and did not apartment B-3 and damaged several or the "My friends called me and sai d that return until after I a.m. attached tU\\ nhouses. Foxcroft was on fire.'' he said. "[ was just Six fire trucks from Aetna Hook & Ladder Accurdmg to cwark Police officials, the hoping I wasn't the one who started it.'' Co. responded to the call. officers '' ho first arrived on the scene broke Senior Jason Mueller. who also lives in B- The Newark fire marshall was unavailable 1ntu apartments B-4 and B-7 to check for 7, said that after he heard the fire alarms for comment. occupants and fire . going off he noticed smoke coming into hi s The fire drew a large crowd of onlookers "We watched the police and firefighters apartment. from Wilbur Street, Prospect Street and other arrive," said JUnior oelle Pmk. ··we could "After our alarm went off we went with residents of Foxcroft Apartments. fe<'l the heat from across the stn:et.' our neighbors to tell people there was a fire ... Calvarese said the damaged apartments Firefighters were forced to cut into the he said. are being fixed and the renters will be able to THE REVIEW I Bob Weill roof in several places to make sme the fire Junior Jessica Zannetti lives in Foxcroft move back in by the end of the week except Firefighters work to extinguish a blaze at Foxcroft Townhouses last wouldn't spread and to reduce the amount of Townhouses and witnessed the fire. B-3. Thursday. The cause of the fire is still under investigation .. Residents celebrate history, homes Homecoming BY MELISSA BRAL'.: used, Turner said. "I think simple civility. courtesy. would ca e Cup_\ £dum Senior George Spilich. vice president of problems a lot." will not be dry University student and city resident \\ ho live Lambda Chi Alpha fratcrnny. located on West The first interest meeting, held on Wednesday. on West Main Street arc working on a project Main Street. called the plan "a kind of a get-to­ had representatives from both resident and that will make known the historical n1Iue of their know-your-neighbor project that will create a student communities. University, police have no homes and, some hope. lead to better relations harmonious atmosphere in the Although between the two groups. community." there were Long-term residents and stud,·nt renters of Spilich, who is representing his only eight plans to limit weekend alcohol West 11-1ain Street. in a group cffurl. arc working fraternity house in the project. people. two of to have engraved plaques made to be placed on said he hopes the plaque project which were BY DIANNE DOUGHERTY alcohol-free event~ planned by other the outside front of their homes. will budd up a mutual respect ~tudents. at the Swdt:nl Aflmrs Ediwr groups for IIomccommg. The plaques. eng1.tved with the year the house among neighbors, which w11l help meeting. For the second consecutive year Spec1al event\ 1ncludc a pep rally was built, will be pa1d for by each owner avoid problem~ 111 the future. Turner . aid smce the debut of the $770.000 Olt Friday . a KC and the Sunshine individually. If studenb li\ mg down the a rough SUr\ ey Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Band concert on Saturday night. an Landlords and -audent renters "· i!l be notified ~treet are bein>! loud. he sa1d. thc1r of interest she grant tn 19Y6. no programm1ng unpro,·rsatll'nal comedy act Saturday of the project. at whi.:h t1mc. landlords can neighbor> will know v.hn the} arc conducted funded b\ the granl w develop non­ night and many others. decide If thC} :lnd wrll be prior to the alcoholic alternau>cs for student~'' til "The grant rn itself docs not want to more ltkely to meettng take place at Homecoming on provide a lot or money for participate. confront them indi ... ated Sa(urday prngr.tmming .. he said. Instead, The project IS d1reLtly. m<tead many more Juhn B1shop. assistant vice Smnh sa1d a sub-comm111ec of the a great way to of JUSt c ~lltng 1vere intrigued president of Student L1fc <llld chair of Alcohol Usc Committee de 1gncd and bring the the police. THE REVIEW I Andre\\ T Gu,chl by the idea. the Student Alcohol Usc Commillec placed advcnismg posters throughout students and "[Through the "We're sa1d ...There has been no special campus to inform students of Lhe residents project] they'll probably initiauve [for programmmg] under the altcmati>cs w dnnkmg. together in an put a name to the face," he looking at a 30 to 50 percent interest:· she sa1d. grant mvolving Homecoming ... Srnith \aid the project IS not anti­ effort to improve said. A committee of about 12 people v.as formed, The grant. which was awarded to alcohol and therefore IS not opposed relations Virginia Hardwick. a Turner said. but th1s number might change. the university last October following to the events at Homecoming as long between the two. graduate of the university and a "There's not an official committee." she said, a study on collegiate binge drinking as participants do not abu~c the s a 1 d resident of West Main Street, "because ;myone in the surrounding community by Harvard Uni,·ersity, was designed situation. Counci I woman said although she hasn't can participate. So the number wi II swell ur to curb excessive binge dnnk1ng. 'The goal of the grant 1s to work to Nancy Turner, personally faced difficulties decrease accordingly ... Results from the study concluded reduce the ahus1ve usc of alcohol on the resident of with students, she thinks the People who live in areas outside of West Main that University of Delaware students campus:· Smnh said ...The project is W e t Main project will improve the overall Street are welcome to participate in the project, binge drinJ.. at rates 50 percent higher not anu-alcohol. It's agai nst people Street who initiated the idea. relationship between residents and students. she sa1d. than the national collegiate average. 1~ho abuse alcohol. .. Students and residents wi II decide as a group Hardwi ck. who grew up in the house to which The plaques should be ready sometime in the Roland Smith. vice president of Smith added that the project was on the exact design and color of the plaque. who she nov. lives next door. said, '·We don't need to Studem Life. said while funding from not against NcwarJ.. bars either. will make the plaque and what material will be become really intimate buddies. sec HISTORIC page AS the grant has not gone directly to '·As long as they sci"\ e people \vllO programming for Homecoming events. it ha<. gone to fund publicity of see HO.MEC0:\1ING page A 7 Changing registration ''Around the town with DUSC'' could have consequences proves to be a lonely tour BY BETH MATUSEWICZ the Town with DUSc:· elections. Swdem A/jam; Ed1wr Sauers said the meeting was held to "This is a good idea in theory for the Casting ballot in Newark may help, hurt students Only I 0 students and Newark residents clear up misconceptions. 'There has been whole student population:· Sauers sai d. attended Delaware Undergraduate a lot of misinformation and rumors going "But it 's not good for each indi vidual BY LISA D ZAK get a new license. Student Congress' discussion Thursday around,.. he said ...We ha,·c a lot of ideas student. It is a personal decision and it has Swfj Reporta Applicants must supply proof of their social explaining the current workings of City but we wou ld also like some more to work for you:· Students interes ted in making cwark their security number and show two proofs of residency Council. disappointing the organizers. infonnation [from studems].'' Sauers said DUSC \\ill not endorse permanent residence to vote in City Counci l elections with their name and address.
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