THE EVENING STAR No. 2 in B Minor for Violini Music Time: Fantasy on ON THE AIR - ‘ ' Wos/tmjlert, D. C., Wtdnttday, DdcarnW 31, 19Si J _ and Orchestra, Opus 7 by How Brightly Shines B-12 Paganini. Our Morningstar by Bach and •:M, WGMS (579 Ke.) Romanian Christmas Car- \ Opera House: The Merry The Missing Murrow ols by Bartok. TELEVISION—RADIO i4||| Widow by Lehar (com- Television Today—w edne«ioy, d«. 31,195 plete). ] 11:95, WGMS (579 Ke.)—New s a 9:99, WOL (1459 Kc.)—Good Year's eve Pops Concert. P.M. WRC (Ck. 41 ;WTT6 <Ch. 511WMAL < WTOP tCh.T) Makes Point 4B twee far nwtMita't Antnt* ItKMirU* By BERNIK J.ll ¦Ms IMet 1 Im«sUM licrat turn HARRISON ’ * (ter CiMtiMtr AauMcaa C4tl <• Nlgtt TT Crlttn * i*! hrt r«u " IhUM i * * There’s s new TV award (hat makes sense, even IfIthought to Sant ¦ !*« Milt tmrMM Tilinlytkaw it up. so here goes: m • ill|Am Satktfi Iran Me* Iinitial 'Criae I) Ni*tt" The award is for refusing to accept an award. w :» tens , lmees is. Hit MicSej Meeee CM lee* Wyaaa en 4 I " " “ ” The Ed Murrow and Friendly, sill5 M | title Fit* tawftee winners: Fred who were ~ _ _ their dramatic W 44 a*4 IMilt treat Me* ICharlie Ctaa lerwee Ca*a* conspicuous by absence last night from the teete Carry :1» Min Newi; Marts Tie testr Me* annual distribution of Look awards on the Moore ahow M Seat; 4-Cast MU. Fm» AaesMM 1:34 Spetlitkt tCBS-9). 6 ” " :45 NIC Niwe | *eiy E4*arDi; hews The Look citation was their See It Now series _ I. ~~ for defunct HAPPY ”~«4 Tie Cra) Wkirlf Birft B'Cleck Fleet Tie-Few and the Messrs. Murrow and ” \i " * (tost |" McCaffrey; AIM Friendly both pleaded “prior bitten the dust, t34 «iyei Trite lairs at e. lawraate I lew last along with * " commitments” their official 7 .45:1S! "Tts tick Met- Intel laaaan Matt as Gleason. " excuse for not showing. ?* * * ¦l4 art mb hn-ttm Perynrt ttari" * " necessary Trail Faatira "Tie tart: CI«M" But it Isn’t to talk On The Run: Natai gauge 8:15:St irta erica "Martai Or; a laa Skarilaa to either to their real NBC’s Kaleidoscope has Ben 41 i la licet (•) M)Sweat" au namet Darryl RickMM feelings. Hecht's first full-hour drama NEW 44 Miltan lari* "llikPawill Dana teat Millinaira There’s only one award for “The Ten * • for TV. Command- ill Staw (Cater) ClalriTraaer Me* See It Now that would interest ments,” set for Sunday, Feb. S, 9 M I let Mastanai Ckarlaslayar reassert ti 111 Sat a them—an award by a sponsor with Kennedy star •4S | (aw terry Stars Oaafer _J Seer.l Arthur as for a new contract that would . will play Ttilts Ike Tricar wnaeslay Fiftts U. S. Stall Near Kennedy t news- m * * return this excellent series to paper reporter 4 A ; lk Tear Ufa I keny Mat "Caal-kya—tit It who becomes |U:N uncka’aPlay lialiwia Carlas Ortir taasi't (a Away" the air. a Hollywood gag-writer after 44 aftMNait I ” haws: Nttr : Mti ! lift Damatl Privately, Ed must be grate- the death of his young son, YEAR! ¦IB Barkans. Wart News C*4a) 11 S M depart ful to the TV editors who chose then turns cynically to evangel- B iH W’ttr; haws: Spta. Starliflt TMatar " " Tka Lata Skate See It Now for what amounts ism and filially pretends that :3t lack Saar Skaw “Oace Upaa a Falla* Tkat Mia "Air tail to “posthumous” award. I he • * ” *' a is a faith n:ls:4S Haeayeiiae" j | Nartiea” healer. I think this outspoken critic of Friday night —fete j~Cary trait leigta i~*<~» The Cavalcade TV’s head-in-the-ground pro- of Sports (NBC-4) continues to gramming might have gone on slowly rhursdoy, jo n. i, 1959 move away from the Television Tomorrow— at that, had the Moore program steady diet of lack-luster fights. lay; Tally supplied him with about NSC (Ct. 4)—1:41. Nans; 1:45, Fane: S:H, Leak ta This T. *rtk temway; 10 min- ... On Jan. 23. it willpresent 7:25, Spratea; 125. Crikkaa: WMAI (Ck 7)—T:SN, News: 7:55, Tkaifkt at Cad: I, utes in which to recap his blis- the second half of the ninth Pita M# HIS Pals. WTOP (Ck. 5)—4:55, MaliUtiias: 7, Tke Maniif Skew: 7:29, tering speech the subject in Skew; Sattaa, on > annual East-West all-star pro lacai Hews, Sittia: 7:M. Tka Mama* 7:55, Heal News: I, Captara Chicago of last October. game. kaapraa; t:45, dancer Hal basketball In absenting themselves from The Neilsen top-ten for the A.M. WRC <Ch. 4) WTTG (CK. StIWMAL (CK.7IWTOP (CK. 9) Garry’s show, however, Murrow two weeks ending Dee. 6: Wag- :M \*tr, Maktata kartiaeCM Bulat - dancer Hal and Friendly effectively drama- " * * ‘ " “ on Train, Maatace Gunsmoke. Wonder- * * * “ " * tized their position. The ques- :3t' Tapper I ful Town. Have Gun, Perry 9:15:45 Maatace: Inca * " " " daicar HWi M'k Tin tion is simple: When will there Como, Maverick, Pro Football any M (aick-Ra Mi TV Hair at Start TrtutiaWitk Far lira be another See It Now. on (Saturday), High Adventure, a ak:it * ' "A Trip ta Fatter ar Malay of the three networks, in prime Ed Sullivan and Perry Mason My Play I IJ:}a Tnasirs Hut Paris" little Vaar viewing time? . The average audi- * Neilsen ¦ Spriac tyiictia :4i I Marcia Hawk ‘This instrument,” Murrow ence top ten, incidentally, gives At Tka Price Is Mr and Mrs Year Bay it Artkur Celtray CBS five, and •' * said, “can teach, it can illumi- ABC three NBC Bi(fet Hart* Caart two. 33 Hast Bawl Tien tar Tsaruaieat Tap Oallar nate; yes, and it can even in- * n:IS:4S dene* l Scieaca as Basis " spire. But it can do so only to Belated season’s greetings WRC rch74» WTTG TChTS) WMAL (Ch7' , l WTOP (Ch79l j (the extent that humans are from Duke Ellington: “Metric ThC Is Christmas, Happy m Teiraaateet Cirtan Playttm Parade lira at Ufa determined to use it to those is New " " " ” Year’s, •**•«•» ! I !entls.” So have a Happy and I / :3t Parade (c) diaper Bara Bawl Prerraw That puts it squarely up to a Merrie...and may the Mer- " ” " ' " " ,45 j Oraacißawt ,us. riest be many Happy’s later.” stars In “Goodbye—But It Doesn't Go ” " “ « " " Jeff Donnell tt TV deadar*a **** * ...I dig. (10 o’clock, " * “ " " ” tonight’s U. S. Hour drama 4:15 i Oldest Away,” Steel " " ” * •• >• Easy guess: 1:55 late laack Marla The show-shuffling season is to In the mail WTQP —9) about a domineering, egotistical husband. <45 “ “ “My Pal, laacle •• " here for fair. NBC announced comes a little box containing The story shown four years ago features an all-new ac Satar Bawl Waif” Malic Biac* " a realignment earlier; now it’s the little plastic figure of an cast. !" " |. " " •• •• Jill Ism ad with the bulletin that Indian. ... We should get nine ” ” CBS. :5t | " Skarya Meffett Oar Miss » more, adding up ” " " " Trackdown will to the “Ten 2:15 ’• " move out of its ,45 Braaks Little Indians” •’ " Friday night spot to replaced of the Agathie M Jitsiwtiu Beat tka be . ” ” by hour-long Christie mystery, (Eydie Gorme) The date Click " •• an Western called which will be Rawhide. presented TV special Tuesday . Note: 3,15:3t Crndpa s P'»ca WkaDaVai Cettaa Bawl The second half-hour as a Janu- was Pvt TODAY'S GOOD ,45 ” “ I “ " Inst " ” of Rawhide will take care of: ary 18. 7 to 8 p.m. (WRC—4). Lawrence, the Army Band and _ :((” " PickTeMpla’a .American ~u~n the slot vacated by Jackie ! ' Aside to the fan inquiring chorus will have a CBS radio MUSIC DIAL • ” " •• 4:15 duck I Baadstaad •> Gleason. ;about the Peter Gunn network show upcoming in a ” ’ music: 4,.l iSparts Pace American •• ” 6:05, WASH-FM (97.1 Me.) * Henry * " Write to Mancini, care weeks. ” Trackdown going i few :45 Reseßiw: | Bandstand isn’t off. It local girl, In the Concert Hall: Ben- - of Peter Gunn, NBC-TV, Radio Bonnie Belson. a ” " will vacation for a few rdl Tke Milt WaskiactM weeks City, the Trucking venuto Cellini Overture by ” " •• >• New York. will be on \ r:ls Brut Skew Baadstaid until it resumes Wednesday, Berlioz Concert " ” » ” The College Association’s float in the Tour- and Violin j:3*l CVO Clark Disney's Jan. 28, 8:30 to 9 pm. CBS Bowl quiz series, FROM " ” " " ” - begins in D Major by Tchaikovsky. t45 Adreitira Tim hasn’t yet decided on what willI which Sunday, will give nament of Roses Parade tomor- “ (107.3 Washingtonian Judith Cohen, row (which will be televised by 7:30, WMAL-FM Me.) (a) Dentes pracrams telecast in ctfat fill the 8 to 8:30 spot that night. —Opera Echoes: Highlights WRC—4). ••WTTt News, Weatker, Tima Capsili ID ttraict 1 p.m., itery iof 1454 WMAL—7 and . YOUR FRIENDS AT kear n tie kaat. Rawhide has Wagon Sheridan street'N.W., by a Train- chance to win some loot The float is reportedly the from La Vie Parisienne ish sound. It will be a dramatic ja for Offenbach. : dear old Brown. Her team longest in the parade and de- Today—Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1958 series “dealing (107.3 Radio with the Ameri- ' will face four panelists picts a Viking ship and a sea 5:00, WMAL-FM Me.) can legend of the annual cattle from —Concert Stage: .
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