PDF (Report of the Conference on Labour Representation 1900)

PDF (Report of the Conference on Labour Representation 1900)

Report or tbt Conrcrcncc ON LABOU~ REP~ESENTATION H ELD IN TME MEMORIAL HALL, FARRINGDON STREET, 'LONDON, E.O., At TWELVE O,CLOCK (Noon), and FOLLOWING DAY, in accordance with the Resolution of the Trade Union Congress at Plymouth, September, 1899. TO BE HAD FROM The Labour Representation Committee, 3, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, LONDON, W.C. J. RAMSAY MACDONALD, Hon. Sec. 7 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE Labour Representation Committee ELECTED 28th FEBRUARY, 1900. TRADE UNIONS, CHAIRMAN. FREDK. ROGERS Vellum Bookbinders. VICE CHAIRMAN. THOMAS GREENALL Miners' Federation. TREASURER. R. BELL ..\malg amated Railway Servants. PETE CURRAN, Gas Workers. A. WILKIE, Shipwrights. A. GEE, Textile Workers. J. HODGE, Steel Smelters. INDEPENDENT LABOUR PART~ J. KEIR HARDIE. COUNCILLOR JAMES p ARKER. SOC~L DEMOCRATIC FEDERATIO~ JAMES MACDONALD, L.T.C. HARRY QUELCH. FABIAN SOCIETY, EDWARD R. PEASE. SECRET.ARY. J_ RA:MSA Y :!Y.1:AODON ALD 7 3, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. 8 Names and Addresses of Delegates attending the Special Conference on Labour Representation held at the Memorial Hall, London, on February 27th and 28th, 1900, the Names of the Societies and Number of Members which they represent, and the Number of Votes to which they are entitled. ======-==-=====- --- - ...... Delegates' 0 :n ~ Fees Paid NA)fES A)l'D ADDRESSES OF THE -~ to Parlia­ 0 0 mentary DELEGATES. z> Committee, £ s. d. Baken; and Confectioners, Amal- 1 4,800 5 0 10 0 J. Jenkins, 46, Percy Road, gamatcd Operative Shepherd's Bu h, London. Barg Builders 1 400 1 0 10 0 W . O. Steadman,l\I.P., 49, Rectory Square, Stepney, London. Beamers, Twister, , Drawers, etc ... 1 3,808 4 0 10 0 W. C. Robinson, Lane End Cottage, H eywood. ( P. Walls, Exchange Buildings. l\Ioss Bay, Workington. 2 Blastfunrncem n, 1 ational Fed0- 8,400 0 1 0 0 l( L. F enwick, 26, Borough Road, ration West l\Iidcllesboro'. Bookbinder,;' and Machine Ruler.-' 1 B,700 4 0 10 0 J. Kelly, 59, Grosvenor Street, Conscliclat cl C.-on-M., Manche. ter. ( C. Freak, L ..C., 34, Gladstone Street, Leicester. 2 :31 1 0 0 Boot and Shoe Operati Yes, 31,000 ·1 Councillor T. F. Richards, 181, Na,tional I_ Belgrave Gate, Leicester. ( W. J. Davis, 70, Lionel Street, Birmingham. Brns,,workcrs' .i: ational Amalga- 2 9,400 10 1 0 0 ·l. W. C. l\Ic8tocker, 54, Henley mated Street, Camp Hill, Birm'gham. rl J. Wybrow, 6, Derwent Buildings, Glengall Road, London, S.E. F. Kennedy, 13, Butterwick Cot­ 3 1 10 0 1 Builders' Labourers, "Gnited 7,000 7 -l tagcs, Hammer mith, London. D.Haggerty, 6,Hungerford Street, 'ommci:cial Road, London, E , Carel Room Operatives, N.E.L. 1 1,000 l 0 10 0 A. E idsfortli, Commercial ham­ (Accrington Dist rict) bers, Accrington. Chain ~fakers and Strikers 1 985 1 0 10 0 T. Sitch, nity Villa, Sydney Road, Gradley Heath. Cigar l\Iakers' l\Iutual Association 1 2,000 2 0 10 0 B. Cooper, L.C.C., 60, Exmouth Street, Stepney, London. Clothiers' Amalgamated Opcrati ves 1 1,200 2 0 10 0 J. Young, 152, Camp Road, Leeds. H. Brill, Club Union Buildings, Clerkenwcll Road, London. Coal Porters' Union 2 5,000 5 1 0 0 { G. Shelly, Club Union B uildings, Clerkenwell Road, London. C. W. Bowerman, 7-9, St. Bride Street, London, E .C. H. W. Hobart, Garden Road. Ashford, Middlesex, London. F. Knee, 35, Tennyson Street, [ Queen's Square, Battersea, London. Compositors, L ondon Society G 11,415 12 3 0 0 · C. F. Davis, 16, St. Paul',' Cres- 1 cent, Camden Town, London. A. E. Holmes, 34, Woodville Road, Walthamstow, Essex. C. J. Beecher, 92, Wiesbade11 Road, Stoke Newington l L ondon, 9 4 en .... Q;, Qelegates' o.> I.... I o oc Fees Paid N AllIES AND ADDRESSES OF THE NAJ\!E OF SOCIETY REPRESENTED. ~ to Parlia- 0 O i DELEGATES. z~ Z ~ c~~\~~e. 0 I I £ s. d. J. Sexton, 46, Hanover Street, Liverpool. M. Connolly, 46, Hanover Street, Liverpool. A. Smith, 46, Hanover Street, Dock Labourers' National Union .• 5 12,000 12 2 10 0 J F ~~f1fe~~: 46, Hanover Street, Liverpool. P. Christopher, 46, Hanover Street, Liverpool. l'B. Tillett, 425, Mile End Road, London, E. H. W. Kay, 425, Mile End Road, London, E. , T. B. Davies, 25, Egerton Street, Dock,Wharf, Riverside, etc., Union 5 10,000 10 1 2 10 0 Middlesbro'. R. Dommett, 102, Caermarthen Road, Swansea. - Whitehead, "The Green," , Shirehampton, near Bristol. Durham Colliery Mechanics' 1 2,400 3 0 10 0 J. W. Taylor. Association Electrical Trades Union ••...... 1 956 1 0 10 0 F.E. Sims,Club Union Buildings, Clerkenwell Road, London. J. Burns, M.P., 108, Lavender Hill, Battersea, London. Engineers' Amalgamated Society .. 3 85,000 G. N. Barnes, 89, Stamford Street 85 1 10 0 London, S.E. G. Wilson, 128, Earlsfield Road \ London, S.W. Engine and Crane Drivers •..••• 1 1,000 1 0 10 0 Councillor C. Skelton, 203 Barking Road, Canning Town London. Enginemen, etc., National Amal- 1 3,284 4 0 10 0 J. Baker, 24, Victoria Avenue ga.mated Norton Hill, Stockton-on-Tee~ Enginemen, National Amalgmna- 1 4,439 5 0 10 0 Councillor G. H. Copley, Gerarc ted Union Road, Rotherham. Fabian Society ................ 1 861 1 0 10 0 E. R. Pease, 3, Clement's Inn Strand, London. Fancy Leather Workers .. .. 1 343 1 0 10 0 P. C. Wilkins, 245, Eversleigh Road, Batter. oa, London. W. B. Cheeseman, 28, Florence Street, Islington, London. Fawcett Association ••••....•••• 2 3,000 3 1 0 0 { W. E. Clery, Kirk Lynton Sydeuha.m Hill, London. French Polishers' Amalgamated 1 2,816 3 0 10 0 C. F. Hawkins, 5, James Place Society Nunhead, London. W. Thorne, 144, Barking Road Canning Town, London. P. Curran, 144, Barking Road Canning Town, London. A. Hayday, 144, Barking Road Canning Town, London. J. Ward, 144, Barking Road Canning Town, London. J. Gray, 144, Barking Road qas Workels and General 13 48,038 49 6 10 0 ,. Canning Town, London. Labourers T. Camp, 144, Barking Road Canning Town, London. W. Blackwood, 17, Oswald Street City, Glasgow. 1\I. Hutchins, 8, Cavendish Ter race, SilYer Street, Barnsley. W. H. Leach, 3, Neveu Street Hunslet. J. R. Clynes, 176, Union Street, L Oldham. 10 5 rn -cv0 .... .... · 1 Delegates' o ~ FeesPa.id NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE NAME OF SOCIETY REPRESENTED. ~ to Pa.rlia• 0 . b DELEGATES, menta.ry z~ z> 1 A I Committee. £ B, d. ( S. Lakin, 180, Corporation Street, Birmingham. Gas Workers and General H. Lynas, 1, Sunderland Street, Labourers-con. J Sunderland. H. Brabham, "British Work­ l man," New Street, Bristol. Gas Workers, Brickmakers, and 1 4,000 4 0 10 0 R. Toller, 115, Great Francis General Labourers Street, Birmingham. Hosiery Federation 1 3,354 4 0 10 0 Councillor J. Holmes, Exchange Buildings, Leicester. House Decorators' and Painters' 1 4,548 5 0 10 0 H. Newell, 130, Withersley Rd., Amalgamated Battersea, London. [ J. Keir Hardie, Old Cumnock, Scotland. Councillor F. Brocklehurst, 107, l\Ia.uldeth Road, Withington, Manchester. Councillor P. Snowden, 28, Cal ton Street, Keighley. Independent Labour Party 7 13,000 13 3 10 0 Alderman F. W. Jowett, 2, Gran­ tham Place, Bradford. J. Burgess, 17, Oswald Street, Glasgow. Councillor J. Parker, Crossley l Street, Halifax. J. R. Macdonald, 3, Lincoln':-; l Inn Fields, London, E.C. Ironfounders, Friendly Society of 1 17,887 18 0 10 0 S. l\Iasterson, 27, Pullens Build­ ings, Penton Place, N ewington, London. Iron Ore l\Iiners (Cumberland) •• 1 3,000 3 0 10 0 J. Flynn, C.C., 22, High Street, Olea.tor Moor. Iron and Steel Workers' Asso­ 1 6,500 7 0 10 0 . J. Cox, J.P., 6, Mount Pleasant ciation Darlington. H. W. Williams, 29, Rutland Street, Swansea. Labourers' Union, National Amal­ 2 3,695 1 0 0 f gamated * C. l\f. Stenner, 11, Chester Place Cardiff. Labour Amalgamated (Lancashire 1 1,650 2 0 10 0 J. Chatterton, 14, Lonsdale Road a!'.ld Adjoining Counties) Levenshuhne, l\Ianchester. Lithographic Printers, Amal­ 1 3,724 4 0 10 0 G. D. Kelley, J.P., 63i Upper gamated Brook Street l\Ianchester. Matchmakers' Union 1 400 1 0 10 0 W. Mewett, 112, Teviot Street St. Leona.rd's Road, Poplar London. :\Ietal, Wire, and Tube l\Iakers' 1 1,650 2 0 10 0 J. Cuthbertson, 1, Tenby Street Amalga.m:i,ted Birmingham. ( T. Aspinwall, J.P., 1, Liverpoo Road, Skelmersdale, Lanca l\Iiners' Federation (Lanes-shire 2 29,000 29 1 0 0 -I shire. and Cheshire) T. Greenan, 23, Frazer Street l Pendlebury, l\fanchester. Miners and QuMrymen (Cleveland) 1 6,670 7 0 10 0 W. Walker, 7, Wharton Street, North Skelton, Cleveland. :Municipal Employes' Association 1 750 1 0 10 0 A. Taylor, 24, Clifton Road Canning Town, London. l\Iusicians, Amalgamated .. 1 3,600 4 0 10 0 J. B. Williams, 1, Stockton Street, Moss Side, Manchester J. Ward, 12, Great Emsleigh Road, Wandsworth, London. Navvies, Bricklayers' Labourers, 2 3,000 3 1 0 0 etc. { H. C. Rye, 47, Raynha.mAvenue Raynham Road, Edmonton. , J. Hutchinson, 19, Northbrook Road, Croydon. Plasterers, National Association of 2 11,436 12 1 0 0 Operative { !II. Jones, 54, Bushey Hill Road Peckham, London. II ui .... Q.) Delegates' Fees Paid NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE NAME OF Socn.. TY REPRESENTED. : } to Parlia­ z~ ml:lntary DELEGATES. Q Committee. £ s. d. Postal Telegraph Clerks' Associa­ 1 5,500 6 0 10 0 W.

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