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ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REMEDIAL CONTRACTING STRATEGY (ARCS) REGION III CONTRAC 68-W8-009. TNo 2 WORK ASSIGNMENT No. 92-05-3L23 ! i FINAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS PLAN 4. JULY 1990 CENTRE COUNTY KEPONE SITE REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY : - • . ' I - J- ! " " r j ,STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA ! TETRA TECH, INC. TCN 4205 AR500037 TCN 4205-09-CRP ORIGINAL REVISIO3 . NNO (Red) FINAL 7/90 TABL CONTENTF EO S PAGE 0 OVERVIE1. 3MMUNITC F O W Y RELATIONS PLAN 1 0 CAPSUL2. E SITE DESCRIPTION 3 (3.0 COMMUNITY BACKGROUND 8 J i i -•'•••$". i COMMUNITY PROFILE 8 CfiRONOLOJS; 2 3. F COMMUNITfO Y Y INVOLVEMENT 8 :'! , 3'.3 KEY COMMUNITY CONCERNS 10 0 4. HIGHLIGHTj COMMUNIT' SOF Y RELATIONS PROGRAM 15 0 TECHNIQUE5. TIMIND SAN G 17 i i : .*-;:!. I APPENbtclS;1 i - ••;:."• . -1 ~ .! H 4 i-' - . A LIS F CONTACTTO INTERESTED AN S D PARTIES A-l ]B. MEETING AND INFORMATION REPOSITORY '": LOCATIONS B-l ! :C. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERl/IS AND ACRONYMS C--1 . D TECHttCALJASSISTANCE GRANTS INFORMATION D-l LIST OF FIGURE FIGURE ""GENERAL• - i " ] LOCATIOP NMA 4 JFIGURE 2 - SURROUNDING AREA LOCATION MAP 5 FIGURE 3 - SITS LOCATION MAP 6 FIGURE 4 - COMMUNITY RELATIONS ACTIVITY SUMMARY 20 FIGURE B-i "MEETING1 AND INFORMATION REPOSITORY : : ! LOCATION MAP B-4 ! f H flR500038 ORIGINAL N 4205-09-CRTC P (Red) REVISIO3 . NNO FINAL 7/90 1.0 OVERVIEW OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS PLAN This community relations plan (CRP bees )ha n prepareo dt aid the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in developing and conducting community relations activities durind prio an Remedia e o grth t l Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) at the Centre County Kepone Site in State College, Pennsylvania. An effective CRP for this site should anticipate the possibilit renewef yo d community interes thin ti s site, as well as inform local residents and other parties about the RI/FS process. Community interest regardin sit e bees gth e ha n sporadic ove lase rth t twenty years since contamination related site toth e first became known. communite Mosth f to y interest has been from special interest groups, concerned mainly with the impacts of former site activities on surface waters, fisheries, and recrea- tional activities. Present community involvement and interest is low. However, new activities at the site will probably resul increasen ti widespread dan d community interes involvementd tan . majoe Th provido rt s goa i thi f elo P srecommendationCR s USEPe tconductinr oth fo A g community relations activi- ties which|are most effectiv efficiend e an th r tfo Centre County Kepone Site. Successfully implemented, the procedures detailed in this CRP will keep the community well informed about the RI/FS activities and will also allow for community input and communication during appropriate RI/Fstagee th Sf s o process . e informatioTh n presente thin i d s documen obtaines twa d from the USEPA, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources (PADER), and other sources, including newspaper consultantd san s reports. Additional informatio gaines nwa d through interviews, conducten i d early August 1989, with community officials, residents, and groups [interested in the site. AR500039 ORIGINAL 4205-09-CRN TC P (Re£K REVISIO3 . NNO FINAL 7/90 This CRP is presented in the following sections: Section 2.0 Capsule Site Description Sectio 0 nCommunit3. y Background Sectio 0 n4. Highlight Communitf so y Relations Programs Sectio 0 nTechnique5. Timind san g In additio sectione th o nt s described above, thiP sCR also includes several appendices which detail lists of contacts and interested parties, recommended locations of information repositor meetind yan g facilitiesa d ,an glossar technicaf yo l term acronymd san s frequently used in RI/FS reports and associated Superfund documents. leae USEPe th d Th s responsibilitAha managinr yfo d gan implementing the proposed activities in this CRP, and for overseeing all community relations activities. AR5QOOW N 4205-09-CRTC P fl?!X m " REVISIO 3 . NNO FINAL 7/90 0 CAPSUL2. E SITE DESCRIPTION Centre Th e County Kepone Sit locates ei Collegn i d e Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania (Figur. e1) site compriseTh s ei Ruetgers-Nease th f o d e chemical plan aread tan s adjacen plane th to t wher e contami- nation may have migrated. The main portion of the site (plant location) is situated on Struble Road nea e intersectiorth n with Pennsylvania Highwa, y26 approximately 2.25 miles northeas borouge th f to h of State College (Figure 2). The Ruetgers-Nease facility covers 32.3 acre consistd san numerouf so s buildings, storage areas oped ,an n land (Figur. e3) Land use; in the vicinity of the site includes industrial, commercial, residential agriculturad ,an l areas; . Ruetgers-Nease operate chemicasa l manufacturing facility/ specializing in the manufacture of custom organic chemical pharmaceuticale th r sfo , agricultural, plastics, metal plating, and detergent industries facilite Th . formerls ywa y operatey db Nease Chemical Company from 195 1977o 8t . Through- histore plante th th t f ,yo ou operations have generated hazardous substances and wastes, including the pesticides Kepone and Mirex, and a variety of other organic chemicals. Process wastes were previously store drumn i d siten so treater ,o d dan disposed!on site, utilizin concretga e lagoono ,tw earthen lagoons sprad ,an y irrigation. i Previous[waste handling and disposal activities have resulte contamination i d sitee th .t na Results of previous investigations have indicated that soils, surface waters ground ,an d wate sitn re o ear contaminated with Kepone, Mirex, tetrachloroethene, toluene,ixylenes, trichloroethene, ethylbenzene, l,2,dichloroethene othed ,an r compounds. Organic chemical pesticided san s have also been detecte off-sitn i d e areas, including Thorton Spring and Spring Creek detectioe Th . Keponf no Mired ean x in fish tissues prompted the Pennsylvania Fish Commission to curtail recreational fishing in Spring QRIGlrtiL (Red] AR5000143 ORIGINAL TON 4205-09-CRP REVISIO1 . NNO FINAL 7/90 Creek, a
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