Extract from: UNITED NATIONS JURIDICAL YEARBOOK 1967 Part Four. Legal documents index and bibliography of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations Chapter IX. Legal documents index of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations Copyright (c) United Nations CONTENTS (continued) Page 9. Question whether the Office of Technical Co-operation has an obligation to disclose to Governments the cost of fellowships awarded to their nationals 329 10. Requirement of parity between administering and non-administering Powers within the Trusteeship Council under sub-paragraph 1 c. of Article 86 of the Charter-Question raised by Nauru's accession to independence. .... 330 11. Obligation under Article 102 of the Charter to register with the Secretariat treaties and international agreements entered into after the coming into force of the Charter-Question whether Article 102 also covers extensions of treaty inherited from a former colonial Power ............. 332 12. Question whether the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 10 June 1958 has been designed to supersede the International Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 26 September 1927 ......................... 334 13. Question whether the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, replaced as between parties to it the earlier narcotics treaties enumerated in para­ graph 1 of article 44 of the said Convention-Question whether the obliga- tions of these earlier treaties continue as between parties to them, who are not parties to the Single Convention and parties who are also parties to the Single Convention ......................... 335 14. Date of entry into force of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic of 9 April 1965 with respect to States having deposited their instrument of acceptance or accession between the date of deposit of the last instrument of accession required for the entry into force of the said Conven- tion and the date of entry into force-Interpretation of Article XI of the Convention ............................ 337 15. Procedures for amending the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization-Article 27 of the Convention .............. 338 B. LEGAL OPINIONS OF fHE SECRETARIAT OF INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO THE UNITED NATIONS International Labour Office .. 371 Part Three. Judicial decisions on questions relating to the United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations CHAPTER VII. DECISIONS OF INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNALS 375 CHAPTER VIII. DECISIONS OF NATIONAL TRIBUNALS 376 Part Four. Legal documents index and bibliography of the United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations CHAPTER IX. LEGAL DOCUMENTS INDEX OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND RELATED INTER­ GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS A. LEGAL DOCUMENTS INDEX OF THE UNITED NATIONS xv HeinOnline -- 1967 U.N. Jurid. Y.B. xv 1967 CONTENTS (continued) Page 1. General Assembly and subsidiary organs 1. Plenary General Assembly and Main Committees (A) (i) Documents relating to an agenda item of legal interest (fifth special session) Question of South West Africa (agenda item 7). ........ 380 (A) (ii) Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest [twenty­ second session (19 September-19 December 1967)] (1) Implementation ofthe Declaration on the Granting ofIndepen­ dence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation ofthe Declaration on the Granting ofIndependence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (agenda item 23). ......... 380 (2) Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Grant­ ing of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern Rhodesia, South West Africa and Territories under Portuguese domination and in all other territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism, apart­ heid and racial discrimination in southern Africa (agenda item 24). ....................... 381 (3) Installation of mechanical means of voting: report of the Secretary General (agenda item 25). ........... 381 (4) Non-proliferation ofnuclear weapons (a) Report of the Confer- ence on the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (b) Report of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference of Non-Nuclear Weapon States (agenda item 28). ...... 381 (5) Question of general and complete disarmament (a) Report of the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Dis­ armament (b) Report of the Secretary-General on the effects of the possible use of nuclear weapons and on the security and economic implications for States of the acquisition and further development of these weapons (agenda item 29) ...... 382 t6) Urgent need for suspension ofnuclear and thermo-nuclear tests: report of the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (agenda item 30) ............ 382 (7) International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space: report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (agenda item 32) .................... 382 (8) The policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa (a) Report of the Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa (b) Report of the Secretary-General (agenda item 35) ....................... 383 xvi HeinOnline -- 1967 U.N. Jurid. Y.B. xvi 1967 CONTENTS (continued) Page (9) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (a) Report of the High Commissioner (b) Question of the continuation of the Office of the High Commissioner (agenda item 50). ....................... 383 (10) Draft Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (agenda item 53) ................ 383 (11) Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance (a) Draft Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance (h) Draft International Convention on the Elimina- tion of All Forms of Religious Intolerance (agenda item 54). 384 (12) Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (a) Impleme:l­ tation of the United Nations De:.:1aration on t~ Elimination of AlI Forms of Racial Discrimination: report of the Secretary­ General (b) Status of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: report of the Secretary-General (c) Measures to be taken against nazism and racial intolerance (d) Measures for the speedy implementa­ tion of international instruments against racial discrimination (agenda item 55) Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including policies of racial discrimination and segregation and of apartheid, in all countries, with particular reference to colonial and other dependent countries and terri­ tories: report of the Secretary-General (agenda item 56). .. 384 (13) Status of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: report of the Secretary­ General (agenda item 57) ................ 384 (14) International Year for Human Rights (a) Programme of measures and activities to be undertaken in connexion with the International Year for Human Rights: report of the Secretary­ General (b) Report of the Preparatory Committee for the Inter­ national Conference on Human Rights (agenda item 58). .. 385 (15) Question of the punishment of war criminals and of persons who have committed crimes against humanity (agenda item 60) 385 (16) Question of South West Africa (a) Report of the Special Com­ mittee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (b) Report ofthe United Nations Council for South West Africa (c) Appointment of the United Nations Commissioner for South West Africa (agenda item 64) ... 385 (17) Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its nineteenth session (agenda item 85) . 386 (18) Law of treaties (agenda item 86) 386 xvii HeinOnline -- 1967 U.N. Jurid. Y.B. xvii 1967 CONTENTS (continued) Page (19) Consideration of principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations: report of the Special Committee on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (agenda item 87). .................... 386 (20) Question of methods of fact-finding (agenda item 88) . .. 387 (21) Draft Declaration on Territorial Asylum (agenda item 89) . 387 (22) United Nations Programm~ of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law: report of the Secretary-General (agenda item 90). ... 387 (23) Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin Ameri- ca (agenda item 91). .................. 388 (24) Examination of the question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present nationaljurisdiction, and the use oftheir resources in the interests of mankind (agenda item 92). .......... 388 (25) Need to expedite the drafting of a definition of aggression in the light of the present international situation (agenda item 95) 388 (26) Conclusion of a convention on the prohibition of the use of nuclear weapons (agenda item 96) ............ 389 (27) Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Indepen­ dence to Colonial Countries
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