JUL 31 2021 SONG INDEX 200 COPAS (Girl Power Publishing, ASCAP/ BEAUTIFUL MISTAKES (Sudgee 2 Music, CAMBIA EL PASO (Sony Discos Music Publish- DRIVERS LICENSE (Liv Laf Luv, ASCAP/Sony GOD WHO LISTENS (Capitol CMG Paragon, HIGHER POWER (Universal Music - MGB Songs, Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/On BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Bear Trap ing LLC, ASCAP/Contenido Autentico Music LLC, Tunes LLC, ASCAP/Daniel Leonard Nigro Music, BMI/S.D.G. Publishing, BMI/Spirit Two Nash- ASCAP/MXM, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music The Drums Publishing, ASCAP/Daniel Obar Felix Publishing, BMI/FRNDzone Music, BMI/Songs ASCAP/Baluarte Music Publishing Inc., ASCAP/ ASCAP/Sony Allegro, ASCAP), HL, H100 43 ville, ASCAP/4TheKidz Music, ASCAP/Spirit Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Fede Vindver Publishing, Publishing Designee, BMI) LT 37 Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ GKu Music, BMI/Primary Wave Beats, BMI/ DRUNK (AND I DON’T WANNA GO HOME) (Elle Vault Songs, ASCAP/EMI Blackwood Music SESAC/W.C.M. Music Corp., SESAC/TheLady 2055 (Tegan Chambers Publishing Designee, BMI/ Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Music BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/Sony Tunes LLC, King Music, BMI/EMI Blackwood Music Inc., Inc., BMI/Cricket On The Line, BMI/Round Hill Productions, BMI), AMP/HL, RO 16 Great John Publishing Designee, BMI/uv killen By Whiskey Water, BMI/Rap Kingpin Music, ASCAP/Buddys, TONO/Sony Music Publishing BMI/Real Johnson Publishing, ASCAP/WC Songs II, ASCAP/Caleb’s College Fund, ASCAP/ HIS & HERS (BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/ em, ASCAP/The Administration MP, Inc., ASCAP) ASCAP/Prescription Songs, ASCAP/Hot Girl Scandinavia AB, STIM/Warner-Tamerlane Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP/HL, CS 13 ; H100 Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI), AMP/ Nick Mira Publishing, BMI/Electric Feel Music, H100 87 ; RBH 36 Music, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 29 Publishing Corp., BMI/Music By Duars Publish- 59 ; RO 6 HL, CST 22 BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Taz Taylor ing, BMI/Risamar Publishing, BMI/Sony Songs 2/CATORCE (Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BED (Universal Music Publishing Ltd. (UK), PRS/ GOING DUMB (Alefune, STIM/Warner Chappell Beats, BMI/Artist 101 Publishing Group, BMI/ Sony Music Publishing UK Ltd, PRS/Spirit LLC, BMI/Nuyorican Publishing, BMI), AMP/ -E- Music Scandinavia AB, STIM/Universal Music Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/Duars Publishing, BMI/Jorge E. Pizarro Pub- HL, LT 42 lishing Designee, BMI/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/ B-Unique Hits, BMI/JackBack Publishing Ltd., EN TU PERRA VIDA (Grupo Firme LLC, BMI) Sweden AB, STIM), AMP/HL, DES 40 BMI/Wigdahl Publishing, ASCAP/mjNichols Duars Music Publishing, ASCAP), AMP, LT 16 SACEM/Write Here Music, SACEM/Shapiro, CAN’T LET IT SHOW (Tank 1176 Music, ASCAP/ LT 41 GONE (Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Publishing, BMI/Gunna Music, BMI/WeRunItEnt, Bernstein & Co., Inc., ASCAP), AMP/HL, DES 15 Sony Music Publishing UK Ltd, PRS), HL, RBS 12 LCC, ASCAP/Clean Face Music, ASCAP/Edgard 2 VECES (JG Publishing, SESAC/11Once Music, ESSENCE (Sony Music Publishing UK Ltd, PRS/ BMI/A Boy Named Ford, BMI/Ben There Wrote BEEN LIKE THIS (Doja Cat Music, BMI/Prescrip- CAN’T TAKE AWAY (Only In You Publishing, That Publishing, BMI/Artist 101 Publishing Herrera Publishing, BMI/Cxdy Sounds, ASCAP/ BMI/Sony Bailar, BMI/Editora Jago, SESAC), MBUK, ASCAP/ISONG, ASCAP/BMG Gold Songs Of Avex, ASCAP/Pharaoh Vice Publishing, HL, LT 47 tion Songs, BMI/Trism, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs SESAC/Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/Songs By Songs, ASCAP/Oniko Evawero Okiemute Group, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Aaron Bow Jsapp, BMI/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Weistribe America, Inc., BMI/Hits From The Tape Room, BMI/Ultra Empire Music, BMI/Papa George Publishing Designee, PRS/Oniko Eddie Uzezi Music, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing 30 (Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/ Publishing Designee, BMI/Yeti Yeti Yeti Music, Publishing, ASCAP/Sony Cross Keys Publishing, Publishing Designee, PRS/Temilade Openiyi BMI/Round Hill Compositions, BMI/W.C.M. Sony Songs LLC, BMI/Majesty Moese Publishing ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP, RBS 15 ASCAP), AMP/HL, CST 41 Music Corp., SESAC/Niko Moon Publishing, Corp., BMI/ASCAPUZI, ASCAP/WC Music Corp., Publishing Designee, BMI), HL, H100 67 ; RBH ASCAP/Epidemic Music, BMI/Giorgio Lorenzo Designee, BMI/Steven William Victor Publishing 24 ; RBS 6 SESAC), AMP, H100 63 Deisgnee, BMI), AMP/HL, H100 97 ; RBH 39 BEGGIN’ (EMI Longitude Music, BMI/Seasons CARRY ME (Bear In The Bunker Music, BMI/ Ligeon Publishing Designee, BMI), AMP/HL, Four Music, BMI), HL, H100 35 ; RO 3 Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., ESTE LOKO (Ozuna Worldwide, BMI/Songs Of GOOD 4 U (Sony Tunes LLC, ASCAP/Liv Laf Luv, RBH 49 4 DA GANG (Dion Hayes Publishing Designee, BELIEVE FOR IT (Little Pooky’s Music, BMI/Pure BMI/(SKMP), BMI/Rubadub Rublishing Publish- Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ ASCAP/Sony Allegro, ASCAP/Daniel Leonard ASCAP/Narquise, ASCAP/Universal Music - ing, ASCAP/Capitol CMG Genesis, ASCAP), Nigro Music, ASCAP), HL, H100 2 HOLD ON TO ME (Centricity Songs, BMI/Pubali- Psalms Music, BMI/Fair Trade Tunes, SESAC/ HBTF Pulishing, BMI/NumeroUno Publishing, cious, BMI/Centricity Music Publishing, ASCAP/ MGB Songs, ASCAP/Arabella Musikverlage HL, CST 38 ASCAP/Rich Music LTD, BMI/Universal Musica GmbH, GEMA), HL, RBH 43 From The Void, SESAC/So Essential Tunes, GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY (Capitol CMG Genesis, So Essential Tunes, SESAC/Flychild Publishing, SESAC/Integrity’s Praise! Music, BMI/Capitol CHAIN MY HEART (Edition Tobias Topic, GEMA/ Unica Publishing, BMI), HL, LT 31 ASCAP/sixsteps Music, ASCAP/Inot Music, SESAC) CST 2 911 (Rich Music LTD, BMI/Universal Musica CMG Paragon, BMI/Big Buddy Music, ASCAP), Sony Music Publishing GmbH, GEMA/Universal ASCAP/Ariose Music, ASCAP/9T One Songs, EVEN AT MY WORST (Mike Curb Music, BMI/ HOLY SMOKES (Michael Lamar White IV, BMI/ Unica Publishing, BMI/Omar Maldonado Rivera HL, CST 13 ; GS 2 Music Publishing Scandinavia AB, BUMA/BMG Curly Pop Music Publishing, BMI/Anton Gorans- ASCAP/Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/Sojka Songs, Publishing Designee, ASCAP/Eduardo Fernandez Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ASCAPUZI, BEST FRIEND (All I Want Is Pub Pub, ASCAP/ Platinum Songs US, BMI/Kiss Me If You Can son Publishing Designee, BMI/Isabella Sjostrand BMI), HL, CST 3 Publishing Designee, BMI), HL, LT 7 Music, BMI), HL, DES 28 ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Copyright Con- BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP/Doja Cat Music, BMI/ Publishing Designee, BMI), AMP, CST 28 GOOD THINGS (BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/ trol), AMP/HL, H100 50 ; RBH 17 ; RS 13 -A- Icy Grl Music Publishing, ASCAP/Kasz Money CHASING AFTER YOU (Songs Of Mojo Two, Bad Robot Music, BMI/Beats And Banjos, EVERY CHANCE I GET (Give Thanks Publish- HOME SWEET (BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/ Publishing, ASCAP/Prescription Songs, ASCAP/ ASCAP/Addington Music, BMI/WC Music Corp., ing, BMI/BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/Four ASCAP/Caleb’s College Fund, ASCAP/EMI ACT JUSTLY, LOVE MERCY, WALK HUMBLY Supakaine Publishing, BMI/T.N.T Explosive Pub- ASCAP/Who Wants To Buy My Publishing, Blackwood Music Inc., BMI/Iris In The Sky With Music That Is Russelled, BMI/Blue Corolla Okla- (Capitol CMG Genesis, ASCAP/Vamos Publish- Entertainment Music, ASCAP/Wolf Pack Global homa, SESAC/Feel Your Creative Pulse Music, lishing, ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Where ASCAP/Highly Combustible Music, ASCAP/ Music Publishing, ASCAP/Quality Control QC Diamonds, BMI/Round Hill Songs II, ASCAP/WC ing, ASCAP/Housefires Sounds, ASCAP/Capitol Da Kasz At, BMI), AMP, H100 40 Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Get Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP/HL, CS 31 SESAC/The Best I Could Do Publishing, ASCAP/ CMG Paragon, BMI/S.D.G. Publishing, BMI/ Pro, ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/Durk WC Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP, CS 39 BLAME IT ON YOU (Makena Cove Music, Ur Seek On, ASCAP), AMP, CS 12 ; H100 58 Banks Publishing Designee, BMI/Lakeith Legacy GOOSEBUMPS (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ So Essential Tunes, SESAC/J Ingram Tunes, HOUSE OF THE LORD (Phil Wickham Music, SESAC), HL, CST 50 ASCAP/BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP/Zona Blue CHILD OF LOVE (Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/We Publishing, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Hard Working Black Music, BMI/Lee 45 Music Publishing, BMI/Irish- The Kingdom Music, BMI/Capitol CMG Genesis, Corp., BMI), AMP/HL, H100 22 ; RBH 8 ; RS 3 Folks, ASCAP/Top Dawg Music, ASCAP/Uni- BMI/Sing My Songs, BMI/Simply Global Songs, AIN’T SHIT (Doja Cat Music, BMI/Prescription sonmusic, BMI/BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/ ASCAP/Bay19, ASCAP), HL, CST 6 -F- versal Music Corp., ASCAP/Cardo On The Beat, BMI/Be Essential Songs, BMI/Cashagamble Jet Songs, BMI/Trism, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Peertunes, Ltd., SESAC/MTNoize, SESAC/SB21 ASCAP/Sony Music Publishing GmbH, GEMA/ Music, BMI) CST 15 Publishing LLC, ASCAP/wellhellothere music, CLOUD 9 (Sony Songs LLC, BMI/Sony Tunes LLC, Music Publishing, SESAC/BW Tunes, SESAC) ASCAP), HL, RO 35 FAMOUS FRIENDS (Songs Of Universal, YeX Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music HYMN OF HEAVEN (Phil Wickham Music, BMI/ BMI/Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, CS 7 ; H100 36 Inc., BMI/They’ve Gone To Plaid Publishing, Publishing America, Inc., BMI/Nasrok Music Simply Global Songs, BMI/Be Essential Songs, Inc., BMI/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Kurtis McK- COLD AS YOU (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ BLAME MYSELF (ILLENIUM Publishing, BMI/ BMI/W.C.M. Music Corp., SESAC/Roc Nation Publishing, BMI/The Administration MP, Inc., BMI/Bethel Music Publishing, ASCAP/SHOUT! enzie Publishing Designee, BMI), AMP, H100 31 Bootleg Lyrics, BMI/Cowboy Revival Music, US Music, SESAC/Bennett’s Dad’s Songs, BMI), AMP/HL, DES 3 MP Brio, BMI/Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI), ; RBH 12 ; RS 7 Reservoir 416, BMI/Havenwood House, ASCAP/ BMI/No Man Can Eat 50 Eggs Music, BMI/War- Prescription Songs, ASCAP/Universal Music SESAC/Songs Of Rhythm House Black, SESAC/ GOSPEL SONG (Ships In A Bottle, SESAC/So HL, CST 49 ALIVE (Big Tall Guy Music, BMI/Sony Songs LLC, ner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Sullivan S WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Georgia Song Vibez, Publishing Ltd.
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