* Senate ratifies neutrality treaty WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- The Senate It is the second part of the trea- Several senators said their votes Latin America. approved the first of two Panama ty which will be taken up next month for the neutrality treaty should The President also expressed con- Canal Treaties Thursday by a vote that would actually turn over the not be taken as an indication they fidence that the second canal treaty of 68 to 32, one vote more than the canal to Panama. had decided to vote for the second will be approved. two-thirds margin that was required. The agreement was amended to in- treaty. In Panama Thursday, most business The vote occurred on the 22nd day clude language establishing the Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd activity halted as residents stopped of debate and after intensive last right of the United States to inter- has been trying to get an agreement to listen to the treaty vote in the minute lobbying by the Carter Admin- vene, militarily if necessary, to setting a date early in April for U.S. Senate. istration and the Democratic and Re- keep the canal open. the vote on the second treaty. The vote brought a favorable reac- publican leaders of the Senate. Another change guarantees U.S. Presdient Jimmy Carter said the tion, but the country's leader has The neutrality treaty approved warships the right to move to the American people owe the Senate a not commented. Thursday commits the United States head of the line to go through the debt of thanks for approving the However, a spokesman said General and Panama to guarantee that the canal in time of emergency. first treaty. Omar canal will remain open to all ship- Torrijos is "not euphoric" be- Pres. Carter called the Senate cause of amendments to the canal ping after Jan. 1, 2000. The Senate now moves immediately ratification a "courageous act" and treaty. That's when the Panamanian govern- to begin debate of the second treaty added it marks a promising step Torrijos is said to be studying ment would assume control of the which deals with the transfer of toward a new relationship, not only the ammendments "to see if they waterway. control. with Panama but also with all of violate the intent of the treaties. U. S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA QInwztnniT-~zt r, Vol. 33 No. 53 The Navy',s only shon.e-baed daily Friday, March 17, 1978 U.S. demands withdrawal o Israeli troops (COMPILED FROM AP/UPI) -- Israel He said the ultimate objective is Israeli diplomats say that Israel guerrilla positions and were in had no immediate comment Thursday to extend the Lebanese government's would not accept Syrian troops or an striking distance of Hasbaya, a Pal- night on the United States demand authority to the Israeli border. Arab peace-keeping force on its estinian stronghold. that it withdraw from Southern Leb- But U.S. officials point out that northern border. Israel appears close to gaining the Lebanese army is still in a In Lebanon Thursday, the fighting complete control of the area. They However, one Israeli official said shambles as a result of the civil went on despite the statement Wed- now control about one-tenth of Leb- privately that Israel might have ob- nesday by Prime Minister Menachem anon, Begin said Wednesday that Israel jections to U.N. forces in the re- Officials say the U.S. is consid- Begin that the punitive raid had miles gion to keep the peace. ering an interim plan to bring in a ended. plans to hold a strip about six small number of Lebanese soldiers The Israelis apparently are still wide all along the Lebanese border trying to consolidate with Isarel until an agreement is That was one possibility being and have them augmented by a tempor- their hold on worked out that will prevent Pales- explored by the State Department in ary U.N. force. the region formerly known as "Fatah- tinian terrorists from re-entering discussions at the United Nations The State Department said 48 mem- land" because of its domination by the buffer zone. and elsewhere Thursday. bers of the U.N. Mixed Armistice guerrillas of the Al Fatah faction. The Israeli Military Command said State Department spokesman Nodding Commission, including nine Americans, Yasser Arafat, head of Al Fatah last night 14 soldiers have been Carter said discussions have been currently are stationed in Southern and of the Palestinian Liberation killed and several dozen wounded going on in Washington, Beirut, Je- Lebanon. Organization, is reported in South since Israel's invasion of Southern rusalem and in New York with other If the Security Council agrees, Lebanon, organizing the Palestinian Lebanon to avenge a Palestinian at- embers of the Security Council and the Armistice Commission force could resistance to the Israelis. be enlarged. But the invaders took two more tack on a tourist bus last weekend. .?. officials. Italians protest kidnapping of Aldo Moro ROME (AP/UPI) -- General strikes, agency in Turin, Italy said Moro Moro has been premier of Italy suave idealist with a white forelock massive demonstrations and cries of will be killed unless 20 terrorists five times, and his political peers in his black hair. "civil war" in parliament characte'- are released from jail. say his vast influence over Italian He is a devout Catholic who takes ized Italy Thursday in the aftermath The caller said Moro would die politics has been due to his stead- communion every morning and always of the kidnapping of the nation's within 48 hours if that demand was fast dedication to democratic prin- keeps a glass of cognac under his most influential politician, former not met. ciples seasoned with his knack for his seat in Parliament for tense Premier Aldo Moro. Another caller claimed that Moro compromises. moments. The Red Brigades terrorist group had already been executed. But one cartoonist, after hearing Moro was the main architect of the is claiming responsibility for Moro's The government has deployed 50,000 Moro speak about "converging paral- Christian Democrat's current pact abduction and for the murder of his troops and police in a manhunt of un- lels," concluded Moro's fame rested with the communists, as he was the five bodyguards. precedented magnitude. on his ability to make speeches that decisive negotiating force in his Millions of workers walked off the Police combed hundreds of homes can be read two ways, and named the party's first alliance with the so- job to protest the kidnapping and from Rome to the borders, but auth- science "Morology." cialists back in 1962. the murders and to demand an end to orities believe Moro and his kidnap- violence which strikes in Italy on pers are still inside Rome. Whether due to his high idealism Politicians say Moro was the only the average of every four hours. Meanwhile, Christian Democrat Pre- or Morology, Moro remains one of man capable of holding his party to- Moro was abducted as he drove to mier Andreotti, who was just voted Italy's most powerful and influential gether and pushing through ne- parliament to vote on Premier Giulio into office by a majority including men, and therefore one of the like- gotiations with Italian Communists, Andreotti's new communist backed gov- the -ommunists, summoned party lead- liest terrorist targets in the na- in the face of angry opposition from ernment. ers to discuss anti-terrorist poli- tion. both Washington and party conserva- An anonymous caller to a news cies. Moro is described as a gentle and House passes amended Humphrey-Hawkins Jobs Bill WASHINGTON (AP)--The House has pass- fore passage, especially in the last tute that would have put a three she spoke briefly with Hawkins and ed and sent to the Senate a heavily four days. percent target on inflation to go the House Speaker, "Tip" O'Neil. amended version of the Humphrey- Those amendments raise some ques- along with the bill's goal of lower- At mid-day members rejected a move Hawkins Jobs Bill. tion about whether the Senate will ing unemployment to four percent by by Republican Charles Wiggins of accept the jobs bill in it's current, 1983. California to kill the measure. He The final House vote on the con- watered down form. The GOP substitute also would have contends it has become so loaded troversial legislation was 257 to Essentially, the bill aims at in- created a presidential task force to with amendments that it's now an 152. creasing jobs by committing the gov- study unemployment among young "absolutely unworkable monster." House passage of the bill culmin- ernment to a full-employment economy. people. ates four years of effort by it's But the original goals have been Most of the amendments were first prime sponsors Representative Aug- expanded through amendments to ex- As the final votes were being cast, offered by Republicans in thinly- ustus Hawkins and the late Senator press concern over inflation, a bal- Senator Muriel Humphrey, D.-Minn. veiled attempts to kill the legisla- Hubert Humphrey, D.-Minn. anced budget, foreign trade, veter- who succeeded her husband in office, tion or at least amend it to death. Despite the support of a broad co- ans and parity for farmers. entered the House chamber for a rare In most cases, Democrats offered alition including labor and Blacks, The final vote came after the visit. watered-down substitutes that were the bill was amended many times be- House rejected a Republican substi- She was greeted with applause, and accepted instead.
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