TOMORROW ■ - . i ANOTHER COOKING TQE WEATHER , state Library-^®P- Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureao, Conn ' Hartford. n e t p r e s s r u n AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULA'nON Cloudy probably occasionid rain for the Month of January. 19S0 tonight and Wednesday; wanner to­ night, colder Wednesday night. 5,547 v/ Menibcrs of the Audit Bureau of Circulations SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1930, (Classified Advertising on Page 14) VOL. XLIV., NO. 125. GAS COMPANIES Coolidges Visit Movie Studios PREMIER OPBIS HOOVER ASKS A U DOMINICANS FACE w HISnGHTFOR ARE INDICTED IN BAY STATE TO AID MOVEMENT A SERIOUS REVOLT A NEW REGIME] TO CUT EXPENSES Upon Vole of French Cham-1 Thirteen Firms and Eight h - Santo Domingo Quiet But R e -1 f|YE HUNDRED * ber of Deputies Depends | dividoals Charged With [SQQ WOMEN AT iSays Only Small Per Cent ports of Revolution Re- ^ DANCE AT THE Of Proposals to Spend ceived from North; Wash­ V Life of Ministry and Per-! Conspiracy to Destroy | CQOKING SCHOOL | MASONIC BALL haps Sea Parley Success.! Competitor’s Business. | ___ Money Comes from^Mem- ington Watching Situation ______ V BULLETIN! Brockton, Mass., Feb. 25.— (AP.) First Session This Afternoon bers of Congress— Says Santo Domingo, Dominican Re­ Brilliant Affair Brings Out Thirteen gas and petroleum com-1 public, Feb. 25.— (AP)—Faced with Paris, Feb. 25.— (A P )—Dark­ panics and eight individual officers i Taxes Capacity of Mason­ J They Come from All Parts ness closed in upon the Cham­ of the concerns have been indicted i a revolutionary movement in the ber of Deputies tonight with Record Attendance; New­ by a Plymouth coimty Grand Jury j north of the republic and disturbed C. Chautemps defending the ic Temple Hall. i Of the Country. by local trouble yesterday, the city program of his government charged with conspiracy to destroy i of Santo Dimingo was quiet today. er Gowns Feature— Or­ stubbornly and elaborately the business of the Keith Oil Cor­ hearing his policies assailed by poration of this city, an independ- j . ,1 Washington, Feb. 25 — (AP) — President Horacio Vasquez and four successive, speakers in one The Herald s Horne Ma ng an j pj-ggjjjgjjj. Hoover today reinforced ent operator of service stations in Vice President Dr. Jose IJ. Alfon- chestra Music Excellent. of the hottest fights ever seen Cooking school being conducted | seca passed the night in Santo i his appeal to Congressional leaders in the French Parliament. Plymouth, Norfolk and Bristol i Domingo fortress, the commander I here this week was openea this Many speakers were still counties, it was learned today. to keep expenditures within budget of which had remained loyal to the ' afternoon with 500 women attend- More brilliant than ever was the listed at 6 o’clock tonight and estimates by calling upon the “peo­ government. Madame Vasquez, wnfe nineteenth annual ball of Manches­ The company officials named in | ing. It was the largest affair of a vote was not expected until of the president, took refuge in the ter Lodge of Masons, held in Cheney the indictment were: Donald G. its type ever held in Manchester. ple back home’’ to rally to the sup­ American Legation. Hall last evening. Fully five hun- late. Smith, of Brockton, Standard Oil The school continues this afternoon port of the administration in its pro­ President Vasquez, whose term ot e UclY '-'*0 ------------ ^ Company of New York; Wilfred H imtil four o’clock and will open to- gram of economy. Here they are with Will Hays, left, movie Paris, Feb. 25.— (A P .)—Camille office expires in May, has not re­ I movies are made. Holt, Brockton, Cities Service Re- 1 morrow night at 7:30. The other At the same time the Senate be­ signed, but it was understood Vice Chautemps, new French premier, fining Company; Harry J. Selig, i sessions this week will be Thursday came embroiled in a discussion of • President Alfonseca had resigned today opened his fight before the Brockton, Tidewater Oil Sales Cor- j afternoon at two and Friday afts^- appropriations. Carter Glass of poration; Herman Halverson, Eas-! ^oon at two. Tomorrow’s will be Virginia, a Democrat, accused the his post in the face of the opposi­ Chamber of Deputies for a vote of tion. ton. Gulf Refining Company; (j^g only evening session. chief executive of trying to blame RETURNED MISSIONARY confidence presenting his ministerial Charles B. Jones, Newton. Stand- i -pj^g session this afternoon Congress for the expenditure of ard Oil Company of New York, and ^.a_g opened by Thomas Ferguson, funds. He argued Mr. Hoover had CONDITION SERIOUS declaration which immediately drew i heavy fire from the opposition, general manager in this district; ' gditor of The Herald. Mr. Fergu- set up a straw man and then knock­ Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Feb. 25.— Tlarold W. Boynton, Cambridge, j welcomed the women of Man- ed him down. (A P .)—Reports that the revolu­ t e l l s o f q u e e r f o l k s i Upon the vote to be taken by Shell Eastern Petroleum Products, i gj^gster to the school sponsored by The President in his remarks 1. the Chamber depends the life of tionary movement in the Dominican ___ “ Inc.; Roy K. Qark, Millis, Beacon Herald. Then Mrs. Jennie the White House said that only a republic w'as extremely serious, and j the new ministry and the question | Oil Company, and Joseph Kelley, j gj^grldan, hostess of the afternoon, small per cent of the proposals to that it had spread throughout fnost of how soon a new French delega­ Boston, Cities Service Refining Com- j introduced Mrs. Katherine Delaney, spend money emanated from Con­ I L I.-. » ( Kna'v tion can be sent to the London naval of the country, meeting with little Idanil GANGSTERS SEAL pany. i who is conducting the sessions here. gress, making clear it was his opin­ opposition, were received in Port- Inhabitants of Loneiy Island y i c x i M ’S G R A V E conference which is now marWng ion that such propositions originated time in anticipation of the French Other Companies Mrs. Delaney proceeded with her au-Prince today. class immediately. Programs car from groups all over the country. At least three deaths were re­ were: Have Never Even Seen a return. Other companies indicted rying printed recipes of foodstuffs Mr; Hoover said many of the pro­ ported at various places with half Promises Low Taxes Jenney Manufacturing Company, demonstrated were distributed by posals teventually should be and a dozen wounded while motor vehi­ Buried in Quick Lime and The premier in his ministerial Richfield Oil Corporation of Massa­ The Herald. undoubtedly would be undertaken m cles were said to have been com­ Bicycle; Ship Stops There Covered With Cement — 1 declaration took over Tardieu’s chusetts; Tidewater Oil Sales Cor­ future years, but added that this mandeered in order to transport in­ Third Brother to Die by I naval policy and his economic con- poration, Shell Eastern Petroleum was "no time for general expansion surgents to the capital. 1 stmetion program but promised Violence. and Products Inc., the Texas Com­ of public expenditures’’ although Colonel Joseph Fegan, command­ Only Once in a While. i lower taxes. He specifically asked pany, Gulf Refining Company, Sun DR. PHELAN DEAD there were sufficient resources to ing the Haitian National Garde the vote of confidence in order that Oil Company, Atlantic Refining meet budget needs and “ such neces­ forces in northern Haiti, today re­ Gary. Ind., Feb. 25.— (A P )— Foreign Minister Briand and the Company and the Mexican Petro­ The reason Paul Percontl failed sities as marginal cases of disability ported the arrival of Commander Buenos Aires, Feb. 25.— (AP)— j leum Corporation. Bridgeport, Feb. 25.— (AP) Di. to telephone his wife last Tues­ among veterans and the speeding up Bissett, retired naval officer, from There are fourteen girls of mar-1 (Continue on Page \£) Robert E. Phelan, 36, of 2184 Main of public works. * the city of Santo Domingo by way riagable age on the lonely South day altemoon at 5:30 o’clock The charges were brought after was because he was dead; shot an Investigation by the office of street, Stratford, one of the best Debate In Senate of Santiago and Monte Cristi. Atlantic island, Tristan da Cunha, known physicians and surgeons in In the Senate the remarks by The uprising was reported to Harold L. Preston which is so far removed from the to death; a victim of the Dune- District Attorney Winfield M. Wil- I bar who had received a complaint this part of the state, died at h;s Glass, a former Democratic secre­ have been led by a former leader rest of the world that a ship come.s laqd gangs. dred -were on the floor and many They foxmd his body late yes­ TRIES PASSING ! from the Keith Company. home early today from pneumonia tary of the treasury, drew a vigor­ named Estrella supported by Gen­ but once a year. ous reply from Senator Watson Of eral Trujillo, commanding the Dom­ witnessed the ever-changing spec­ terday, buried in a quick lime and attendant complications. tacle from the gallery. The dresses There are 21 young men of mar- j It was charged that the com­ News of his death came as a Indiana, the Republican leader, in inican Guardia. A concerted move­ crypt sealed with freshly poured panies conspired to destroy the of the women dancers were unusual­ riagable age from which those four­ cement under the floor of an shock to members of the medical defense of the White House break­ ment in the principal cities begin­ teen girls may pick husbands.
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