_.,..__. ·-·~~· ... _ ·. I ./ 1967251992 ANNIVERSARY I ! TASSA] ARA ZEN MOUNTAIN CENTER A IVERS ARY ZENS H.INJI Twenty Fifth Anniversary 1967 - 1992 The Tassajara Road 4 TASSA]ARA The Sixties ZHNSHIN]l 5 - 5 .. -_-.: -.: -~ - 1 9 6 - _Yo LIST OF STUDENTS _-:l L-i !LAB LE Ken Strauss, unidentified student, Suzuki-roshi, Silas Hoadley Oryoki meals in front of the pine rooms, Summer 1967 There was quite a bit of excitement about the October 18 edition of TIME, since it contained an almost full page article about us. The article was not as good as we had hoped, but neither was it nearly as bad as we had feared . SHUSO LOG, FALL 1968 6 TASSA]ARA The old dining room porch Niels Holm and friends on the bridge Mike Dove Making gomashio Suzuki-roshi at teatime ZE NSHJN} l 7 SPRING 1968 S!lCSO: Philip Wilson ~Y 0 1 IS T 0 F 5 TU D E ~y T S A V AILABLE Jndescrib ing Hal/owe' en, many of us fe lt that it was a kind of an American Buddhist holy-day, and that we ought to Louise P1y or work up some way of celebrat­ ing it at Tassajara. SHUSO LOG, FALL 1968 I t was announced that nobody other than the kitchen crew should be coming into the kitchen . Quite a bit of food has been disappearing. Cayenne pepper was put in the peanut butter as a gentle reminder. T he kitchen has worked out a basic alternating menu: ODD DAYS EVEN DAYS BKFST Leftovers Gruel/Brown Rice Hot Cereal Donny Crockin Fruit Soybeans-plain, molasses, seaweed, etc. Egg, or sometimes Nut Loaf Pickle - miso, nuka, kimchee, cucumber LUNCH Bean Soup-lentil, pea, etc. Vegetable Soup Salad Salad Bread Bread Spread-peanut butter, sesame miso, margarine, cream cheese DINNER Vegetable same Brown Rice Miso Soup SHUSO LOG, FALL 1968. 8 T ASSA]ARA FALL 1968 DOCHO ROSH!: Shuruyu Suzuki -roshi DIRECTOR: Peter Schneider Sttuso: Claude Dalenberg ZENDO DIR: Kobun Chino ASST. Drn Tim Buckley AsST. ZENDO DIRECTOR Dan Weich T he sewing room seems to have HEAD COOK: Ed Brown hit upon a technique for making ]ISSHA: Louise Welch baggy black pants for the zendo, WORK and is turning them out a mile a FOREMAN: Stan Whire minute. HEAD SEAMSTRESS: Sally Block SHUSO LOG, FALL 1968 HEAD CARPENTER: Niels Holm HEAD MASON: Dan Welch HEAD GARDENER: Emily Buckley STUDENTS : Craig Boyan, Jeff Broadbenr, Ron Kobun Browning, Dan Chesluk, Chino-sensei Jack Elias, Christopher Herold, Harrier Hiestand, Jim Mor-ron, Evelyn I3ob Shuman Pepper, Alan Rappaport, Jeff Sherman, Arnold Silberman, Frances Thompson, Jeff William­ son, Liz Wolf, Doug Bradle, Joyce Browning, David Chadwick, Paul Discoe, Chris Flynn, Pat Herreshoff, Pat Lang, Rick Mo1ton, Mary Quagliata, Buncie Shadden , Bill Shurtleff, Katherine Than­ as, Jack Weller, Alan Winter r------------------- ----- - - ----------- --- ---------- ---, I I + FROM MID-PRACTICE PERIOD CELEBRATION I I I "GUIDELINES": I I I ROBES: All students must wear robes in the zendo. I I Robes should be spotlessly clean, wrinkle-free, and : in perfect repair. l Walk in shashu at all times when thinking about i your robe. : I Always wear a layer of clothing over your robes. : Change into and out of robes with no fe·wer than ! nine others present. : I I L --------- ------- -- ------ --- -- -------- - ------- ------ -- ~ ZENSH!Njf 9 SPRING 1969 No Shuso for this Practice Period No LIST OF ST U DENTS AVA IL A BL E Shunryu Suzuki-roshi Buncie Shadden, Kathy Cook, Lynne Faus, Louise Pryor and Sally Block ,-,.<t,.-n ·~ F ALL 1969 Doctto Ros111 Shumyu Suzuki-roshi DmECTOR: Dan Welch SH USO: Jean Ross ZENDO Dm: Ryogen Yoshimura ASST. Znmo Suzuki-roshi and students on picnic DJRECTOR: Eel Brown ] ISllA: Peter Schneider HEAD COOK: Angie Runyon WORK FOREMAJ"\J: Bill Shurtleff SHOP FOHMEAN : Paul Shippee HEAD SEAMSTRESS: Molly Jones H EAD CARPE!\TER: Paul Discoe HEAD MASO!'\ : Bob Walters HEAD GARDENER: Roovain b en Yum.in NURSE: Doris Griffin TEACHER: Jane Westberg ASST. TEACHER:Frances Thompson BOOKK.r.EPER: Stanley White STCDENTS: Jonathan Altman, Craig Boyan, Joanne Bull, Margaret Crowley, Tom Dorsey, Jerry Fuller, Paul Haley, E. L. Hazelwood, Jed Linde, Bonnie Miller, Paul Provosoli, Dennis Samson , Katherine Thanas, Frank Wood, Suzuki-roshi Doug Baty, Steve Brown, Donny Crockin, Marian Derby, Maya Dreimane, Meg Gawler, Bob Halpern, Beverly Horowitz, Maria Linde, Rick Mo1ton , Alan Rabald, Bob Shuman, Audrey Walter, Ken Berman , Doug Bradle, Peggy Cramer, Ruth Discoe, Jack Elias, Diane Goldschlag, Lucille Harris, Margret Kress, Alan Marlowe, Lou Musto, Paul Rosenblum, Ken Strauss, Louise Welch ZENS HI N.f! 1.1 The path to the hill cabins J'A S SA JAR A The Seventies ZENSHJN]J 1 3 SPRI NG 19 70 D OCHO RosHI:Tatsugami Roshi PLU!VIBl>JG: C. Boyan Gooo: Katagiri Sensei KITCHEN : ]. Murphy, L. Harris, J. DIRECTO R: Peter Schneider Elias, 13. Laws, D. Griffin, SHL.>O : Mel Weitsman M. Kress ho: Bob Halpern BAT1 1: Elda Graves Ti:>.ZO : Angie Runyon SEWING: Marian Derby, C. Morton , T:::O ..\:'l.RER : Stan White A. Richmond Katherine Thanas MAINTENA"ICE: E. L. Hazelwood ..\''".'. DIRECTOR: Paul Discoe PIPELI'.\IE : K. Campbell, A.rakisan, M . \\. :-:oi:,: fORDIA'I: Bill Shurtleff Lewis, S. Brown, F. Wood, .!>:-'.>.: Dan Welch Reb Anderson, D. Chad­ .-\.:-:: ..\" Lo uise Welch w ick Lo u Musto CARPEKTRY: N. Holm, J. Fuller, R. Mo­ D : ..,\' RYo: Jane Westberg, Bob rton, P. Haley Shuman, Niels Holm, Meg Gawler, Reb Ande rson, David Chadwick. L:3R.>.RJ..\\': Deborah Madison T ~~"-''CR J H J .'\G : M. Dreimane, M. Q uagliata S:-:OP : P. Shippee, ]. McGuire G .>.RLlE\' D'.GGl\'G: P. Digesu, B. Miller, K. Strauss, M. Kress, D. Grif­ fin, G. Mueller, M. Gawle r, E. Brown f 3E\\.OOD: B. Shuman :\L.\'O:'<J<Y: D .. Crockin, A. Marlowe Picnic. Katagiri-sensei, Meg Gawler Spring Practice Perio d 1970 14 TASSA]ARA FALL 1970 DocHO RosHJ: Tatsugami Roshi GODO: Katagiri Sensei DIRECTOR: Dan Welch SHUSO: Silas Hoadley INO : Jane Westberg AssT. DmECTOR: Paul Discoe TREASURER: Margaret Kress ThNZO: Francis Thompson WORK LEADER: Neils Holm ]!SHA: Stanley White ANJAS: Janet Sturgeon, Debbie Madison DOAN RYO : Francis Blanco, Tim Aston, Angie Runyon, Jerome Peterson, Louise Welch, Peter Schneider, Lew Richmond STUDENTS: Bill Shurtleff, Mary Williams, Tom Dorsey, Naome Rader, Cheryl Hughes, Jerry Halpern, Roovain ben Yuh.min, Mark Harris, Meg Brown, E. L. Hazelwood, John Hopkins, Van Voorhies, Paul Rifkin, Paul Mel Weitsman's Shuso Ceremony. Photo next to Suzuki-roshi's cabin. Shippee, Jeff Sherman, ·" Jonathan Altman, Chuck Hoy, Ma rc Alexander, Jerry Fuller, This training period was given its Ken Sawyer, Lucille Harris, B. Hochberg, character by the presence of Tatsugami Marian Derby, Chuck Silas and Amber Hoadley, 1970 Roshi ... it was characterized by Dagle, Amy Richmond, changes. The first innovation was the Sue Isaacson, Layla establishment of the Rokuch1ji . .. the Smith, Julie Runk, position of Ina was new to us, and the Sandy McDill, David Chadwick, Phil Olson, Doan Rio, which is a sort of liturgical Ed Brown, Les Kaye, orchestra. Alan Marlowe Roshi spent a great deal of time training the Doans to chant and perform the ser­ vice. His voice . seems to come from the deepest regions of the earth. SHUSO LOG, SPRING 1970 Tenken was another new position . .. [which] was formerly done by the Shuso ... everyone disliked this task and protested that they didn't want to be police­ men. Another major change was meal serving. Formerly, the kitchen served meals. Now their duties did not extend outside of the kitchen. SHUSO LOG, SPRING 1970 ZENSHIN} I 15 SPRING 19 7 1 SHuso: Peter Schneider N o LIST O F S TUDENTS A VA ILABLE Tatsugami-roshi and Dan Welch Ready for a ceremony in white tabi: Angie Runyon, Loring Palmer, Fran Thompson, Jane Westberg, Margaret Kress, Paul Discoe F A LL 19 7 1 ABBOT: Shunryu Suzuki-roshi SEIDO: Dainin Katagiri-roshi DIRECTOR: Dan Welch Sttcso: Bill Kwong AssT. DJRECTOR: David Chadwick ] ISHA: Bob Walter A>iJA: Bonnie Miller INO: Janet Sturgeon, Maty Williams Fusu/Sr UKA: Jed Linde WORK LEADER: Bon Ryu ben Yuhmin TENZO: Tom Dorsey DO ANS: Ed Brown, Margaret Kress, Loring Palmer, Van Vorheis, Ma1y Williams STUDENTS: Tina Leong, Gail Strizich, Layla Smith, Sue :1 Iealtime in the old zendo Isaacson, Lucy Eisenberg, Bruce McAllister, Ken Berman, Chuck Hoy, Anna Rodgers, Peggy Rague, Marc Alexander, Davd, Bradley, Steve Bodian, Pam Chernoff, Gloria Coonen, Mark Gripman, Paul Johnson, Arnie Kotler, Todd Sullivan, Alan Klein, Ken Sawyer, John Coonen, Lou Hartman, Lynele Jones, Eric Remington, Paul Rosenblum, Barry Eisenberg, Lucy Bennett, Ken Campbell, Margaret Silva, Margaret Crowley, Norm Randolph, Barrie Mason, David Silva, Bonnie Slater, Barbara Young, Niels Holm, Charles Guilford, Jerry TASSAJA RA Mary Quagliata, Katagiri-roshi Ed Brown Shuso said that there were few blue jays around during Tassajara 's first practice period, but there were many pigeons then. The jikido reported that the sun used to shine in the old zendo for about eight minutes at mid­ day. 10,000 YEAR BOOK, SPRING 1975 Fall 1971 Practice Period Zt:SS IT!Nj! 1 7 SPRING 19 72 Al3130T: Richard Baker-roshi SrnDE>:Ts (continued): STUDE:\'TS (continued): SEIDO: Dainin Katagiri-roshi Barhara Young, John Brown, Doug Huntley, DIRECTOR: Niels Holm Hanlon, Bar-rie Mason, Arnie Kotler, Layla Smith, SHUSO: Dan Welch Todd Sullivan , Charles Fil Lewitt, David Silva, ASST. DIRECTOR: Ed Brown Guilford, Myra Litman, Ann Overton , Pam Cher­ IKO: Mary Williams Steve Bodian, Bruce noff, Sue Isaacson, Tom \XIORK LEADER: Lo ring Palmer McArthur, Richard inkovitch, Ryuho Yama­ Fusu/SIIIKA: Jed Linde Artbur,Chris Miller, Tina da, Jerry Halpern, Marc TENZO: Tommy Dorsey Leong, Toby Grant, Meg Grip man, Ken Berman J!Sl!A: Stan Swanson A1'JA: Lucy Bennett DoAAS: Diane Goldschlag, Marga­ ret Holm, Marc Alexander, Norm Randolph, Jeff Sherman, Bonnie Miller STCDE1'TS : Joe Cohen, Lynele Jones, Nancy Sheldon, Larry Beck, Mary Quagliata, Norman Moziccki, David Bradley, Peggy Rague, Eric Remington, Ken Richard Baker and Camp-bell, Rick Levine, Paul Discoe discussing the kitchen construction Central area, early 1970s- kitchen wall begun.
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