HEWS MEDIA GROUP "When you look at all the women that marched, Donald Trump got more obese women off the couch than Michelle Obama did in eight years." Larry Elder on the Winner of Fourteen LA Press Club Awards from 2012-2018. 2017 Woman's March. Serving Cerritos and ten other surrounding communities • September 3, 2021 • Vol 35, No. 47 • loscerritosnews.net SB 9 'Duplex Bill' Headed to the Governor BY BRIAN HEWS to as many as four units on a single-family plot. The bill was pushed by home building groups According to a broad and fiercely opposed by some collection of economists and cities, homeowners and local housing experts California needs government groups. more housing.... of any type, it The bill addresses two is the only solution to the state’s simultaneous strategies: Make growing homelessness problem it easier for owners to build and housing affordability crisis. backyard 800+ square foot Yet for years California cottages that they can rent, while lawmakers have kicked the can allowing small condominium and down the road fearing voters will apartment buildings in single- kick them out. family neighborhoods. On Monday, the California Many cities in the U.S. have State Senate voted to send moved this idea to the top of its Senate Bill 9 to Governor Gavin CERRITOS MEMORIAL DEDICATION urban agenda. Cities including Newsom who will now decide Portland, Ore.; Sacramento; THE CERRITOS AIR DISASTER MEMORIAL pays tribute to the victims of the air tragedy that on whether to loosen up zoning Charlotte, N.C.; and Minneapolis; occurred in Cerritos on August 31, 1986. The City placed a wreath in honor of the victims. At the dedication rules in California that would have moved to allow multifamily was Councilmen Naresh Solanki and Frank Aurelio Yokoyama and (center) Mayor Grace Hu. allow duplexes and lot splitting buildings on lots previously in residential neighborhoods that limited to single-family houses. have been reserved for single- Ten other states have Breaking the cycle of poverty Gambling Initiative family homes. considered new zoning laws, By allowing two units per including Connecticut, New Would Set Aside Funds parcel and permitting property Hampshire, Montana and North BY LAURIE HANSON owners to subdivide their lots, Carolina. for Homelessness and the law would increase density So far only Oregon has passed See BILLS page 11 Successfully serving students Public Education from pre-school to college in San- ta Ana, a city heavily impacted SCE Stalling Pico Rivera Streetlight Program by COVID-19, is a lesser-known BY BRIAN HEWS avail. nonprofit called KidWorks. BY BRIAN HEWS Backed into a corner the City Founded in 1993, KidWorks Council considered eminent do- serve 600 students in three cen- A coalition of California cit- main at their last meeting. In November 2020, Pico Ri- ters. KidWorks offers programs ies has submitted language to the In order to exercise eminent vera obtained ownership of over for preschoolers (ages 3 to 4), California AG’s office for a ballot domain, three criteria must be 2,900 standalone streetlights and after-school children (K to 12th initiative they are proposing for present: The public interest and poles from SCE and immediately grade), a College Success Initia- the November 2022 election. necessity require the project; the saw big savings. tive program (10th graders on up The measure is known as project is planned or located in the A KIDWORKS success story, The City proceeded to explore to current college enrolled stu- the California Sports Wagering manner that will be most compat- Gilda Gallardo, who after the option to purchase the street- dents), and an alumni network and Consumer Protection Act. If ible with the greatest public good graduating from Georgetown lights located on SCE poles. program. passed by voters, funds collected and the least private injury; and University, lives abroad in Spain A study by the city showed a Their preschool program is would be appropriated by the the property sought to be acquired and is pursuing her interests in savings of $2.8 million over 20 viewed as the first step students Legislature to deal with home- is necessary for the project. music and film. years, or approximately $135,000 take on their road to college. lessness, affordable housing, pub- In the case of the streelights per year. Kids from kindergarten to 12th program for 10th graders and up lic education, and mental health. all criteria was met to allow the Purchasing the lights would grade are provided educational, through college seeks to break the The initiative would legalize City to exercise eminent domain. allow the City to upgrad the aging enrichment, and youth devel- cycle of poverty by providing stu- sports wagering in California. But the City Council decided fixtures and achieve mandated opment services in their After- dents the tools needed to graduate Economic surveys estimate il- to table the domain push and try greenhouse gas reduction targets. School Program, including tutor- from college and launch careers. legal sports gambling generates to get SCE back to the table. But SCE is dragging thier ing, homework help and STEAM In the College Aps Academy, over $10 billion in revenue entire- In other City Council news, feet. (Science, Technology, Engineer- high school juniors and seniors ly outside the regulatory system. the effort continues to get the The City has attempted to ing, Arts, and Math) lessons. learn about post-secondary edu- The Act would allow betting city’s PFAS water numbers down work with SCE since March of Leadership development is also cation, explore careers, and learn on amateur, collegiate and profes- termed the PFAS Treatment Sys- 2021 but was unable to reach an provided through Franklin Cov- what it takes to succeed. A men- sional sports while prohibiting tem Project (PTSP). agreement, the latest rejection on ey's "Leader in Me" curriculum, tor who continues to help high betting on high school sports and Per- and polyfluoroalkyl June 24, 2021. the only after-school program school seniors up through college on potential injuries. substances (PFAS) are a group City Manager Steve Carmona in the nation implementing their enrollment. The college students A statement from Cities For of man-made chemicals that in- programs. encouraged SCE to engage in The College Success Initiative good-faith negotiations, but to no See KIDSWORKS page 12 See GAMBLING page 4 See PICO RIVERA page 4 2 LosCerritosNews.net To advertise call 562-407-3873 SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 YAMSHIRO others) will open at West Harbor with Artists rendering of sandwiches, fries, and more. Yamashiro restaurant, Internationally-known Sugar Fac- the Hollywood icon tory, part sweets stop and part party-time will open at the West Harbor brasserie, will also open at West Harbor; along with other the chain shares an ownership group with high-end eateries. Yamashiro. Expect lots of color, shiny lights, and plenty of sugar (plus savory fare and for years now, though initial opening cocktails) from the restaurant, which also timelines for the project west of Long boasts locations in Miami, Chicago, Las Beach have been scrapped as a result of Vegas, New York, and internationally. the pandemic. And while some longtime Given that the property totals more Angelenos have been concerned about than 40 acres of redeveloped waterfront, the wholesale changes to the former including walking paths, outdoor seating Ports O’ Call Village property, others are areas, and even boat access, it’s likely that there will be more names to announce at looking to West Harbor to spark a new West Harbor as time goes on. renaissance in surrounding San Pedro. The Yamashiro ownership group, for Here’s what to know, restaurant- one, is working to open an unnamed New wise, about West Harbor, which aims to Mexican cantina concept that will occupy West Harbor completely shift the conversation about more than 5,000 square feet of patio space the gigantic Los Angeles harbor area itself. when it opens at the end of 2023. There are also plans for Hopscotch, Waterside Dining Yamashiro will indeed open along the experiential art facility, to open at West the water in San Pedro, and should come Harbor with a 17,000 square foot gallery complete with tall warehouse-like ceil- that will also include an on-site lounge Development Raking ings and the same touch of kitsch and and outdoor seating. history that has helped to keep the Hol- One name you won’t see at the devel- lywood original busy for so many years. opment: Gladstone’s. The beachy group in the Restaurant San Diego-based Mike Hess Brew- from further north along the coast pulled ing will open at West Harbor with its out of the development during the early Tenants own 15-barrel brewhouse and 20,000 stage of the pandemic. square foot outdoor beer garden. The It’s worth noting that the always-busy brewery will also operate a restaurant San Pedro Fish Market, famously one of at the same indoor-outdoor facility, all America’s most lucrative independent res- Here’s what to know, ast week’s announcement that less than a mile from existing San Pedro taurants with more than $30 million in an- restaurant-wise, about West Yamashiro, the famed pan- brewery Brouwerij West. nual sales, will relocate further down the Poppy + Rose, the well-regarded Asian restaurant overlooking shore from its current location eventually. Harbor, which aims to Downtown Los Angeles Southern res- Hollywood, would be opening That move shouldn’t impact West Har- completely shift the taurant, will open a second outlet that La new location in San Pedro has brought bor’s development or the operations of the conversation about the gigantic will keep daytime through dinner hours.
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