TH . R~ID NT 18 APPOl ENT SATURDAY, OCTOBD l, 1955 FITZSl ON A Y HOSPITAL ,_, 3:52 pm Hon. Sherman Adatns (Visited with the Presi ent until 4:13 pm). 0 A , OCTO 3, 1 5 4;39 pm Hon. Sherman Adams At this time the Pr i ent signed the followin iteme: Trade Agreement An approv 1 of report to Congrea A note to Vice Presi ent ixon (Governor Adams d e art d the room at 4t52 pm). TUESDAY, OCTOBE 4, 1955 Hon. her man am 19 At thi time the President igned three commiaaions and two nnisaster elief Terminations". The vi it was completed t 4t08 pm. EDN DAY, OCTOBER 5, 1955 1:30 pm Hon. Sh rman .Adams General Martin E. Orlffin, Com ndin& General of i'ltsaimona A~my Hospital At this time the President aigned the following: o r rec s appointmeut• One Navy Selectiol\ Board lht One claaaified do~wnent ATIONAL SEC RITY COUNCIL 260th EETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER , 1955 10:00 A. M. "IHE VICE P FSIDENT P ESIDING Hon. John Foster Dulles Hon. Charles E. ilson Hon. A rthur S. lenan~ng Hon. Ceorge . Humphrey Hon. Herbert rownell Hon. Percival F. Brundage Hon. Harold E. Stassen Hon. V 1 Peterson Hon. Theodo:re C. Streibert Admiral A:rthur . Radfor Lt. General C. P. Cabell, for th Dir . ctor of Central Intelligence Hon. Dillon nderson Hon. Sherman Adam• Hon. Wilton B. Persons L Colonel Andrew J. Goodpaster Hon. Ja.mes S. Lay, Jr. Hon. S. E verett Gleason Hon. Robert Bowie Hon. Reuben obertson General 'Iheod.ore S. Parker CABINET ME TING FltlDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1955,, 9.iJO A • . THE VICE P .· ESl . ENT PilF.slDINCi Hon. John Foster Dulle . , Secretary 0£ St te J{on. :Robert it. Humphl'ey, Secretat"y of the Tre1uury Hc:m. Charles lt. WilsQD, Secretary of th• l)efeaa .., Hem.. Herb.ert rownell. 'lhe Attot'ney Cieneral Jlon. .Arthur E. SummeJ'field, Postmaatter General Mon. Sinclair w .eekB. Secretal'y of Commer<;e Hon. Ezra 'lah Benson, S ecretary of A riculture Hon. Douglas McKay. Secretary of the l:nteTior Hon. l&mes P. · itchell, Secretary of Labor Hon. Percival Brundage, Deputy Director, - ureau of the Budget MQn. A Jtthur Flemming. Director Defense Mobiliza ti en lion. Philip Young, Cha.irinan Civil Service Commiesion Hon. Arthur urns, Council of Econoinic Advia1~r lion. H -nry Cabot U»dge, Jr. Won. Haro!; E. Stassen L Mr. Don Paarlberg, A••ia.tant to the Secretary o:l .Agrioultul"e Hon. Herold Chri ti . n Hunt, Under Secretary of Health. Education nd Welfare Hon. Sherm n Adams Hon. Wilton B. Persons Hon. Fred 5 ~ton HQn. Charles Ma. tel'&on Hon. Bryce a.dow Hon. Gerald Mot-gan Ron. M:url'ay Snyder Hon. Oabriel }{~mg Hon. I. Jack _ artin Be>n. Kevin McCa.nn Hon. Maxwell Rabb Hon. Al'thur innich Hon. Bradley Patter on Hon. Andrew J. Qoodpaster (Colonel) THE ID NT' A POI T :W""lT ZSIMONS ARMY HOSPITAL FRIDAY, OCTO 1. 1955 1;05 pm Chief U. E . au hrnan SUNDAY, CTOB 9, 19 10:58 am Hon. Richard T . Nbcon on. ~ herman Adams . OND Y, OCTO 10, 1955 4 : 15 pm Hon. Sherman Ad ma rs. Ann Whitman During this tbne the P:t>esident signe s even documents. Am ng these were: P romotion of Rear Admiral Chadea • Brown ( s igned as De puty Commander and Chief of Staff, U. S. t1 ntic leet). romotion of jor General Clyde Davis Eddleman to the rank of Lt. General to succeed General 0 vin as Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of P lana. eces appointment of Harold • Vance, Chairman of Executive Committee, Studebaker-Packal'd Cor oration as a member of the Atomic Jtnergy Commi sion for the te?"m expiring June 30 , 1960. L tter to Meyer Ke tenbaum who is now b ein ppointed Special Assi tant to the President. TU A , OCTO . ER 11, 1955 9t59 am Hon. John F os ter Dulle ( e ined with the President until 10:29 am). •:03 pm Hon. Sherman Mrs. nn hi tman (Durin th · tim e the P l'eaident signed the following): Appointment of Mr. Thoma• C. Mann as Ambassador to El Salvado:r e assignment of Mi-. obe r t C. HUl a s Special A 11 • tant to Under Secretary of tual Se curity Aff irs Letter to r . o &l't • Hill, a c cepting MJ'. Hill'• r signation as mba ador to El alvador Interim r eply lett r to ul ni.n 1 s previou• lettei' to the P r esident. 12., 195 1Z:3Z pm D r. "lton · senh e r ( irst of several visits this day). 3:57 pm HQn. herman Adams r • hitman 4:51 pm Mr. Aksel i elaen Dr. Howard McC. nyder RIDAY, OCTOB 14, 1955 (The Preaident•s irthday) SATURDAY, OCTOB ER 15, 1955 12:58 pm Hon. QeoTae Humphrey {Hon. Sherman Adam• joined the Secretary in the :Pre1ident'a room at 1:23 pm). Tl m vie \_1 L CA l · .T ME FIUDAT, OCTOB · 10s O A. • S VIC THE ES!DENT ' ~ A POINT ENT SUNDAY, OCTO 16, 1955 lOtO? m H Qeorge Humphrey 10d9 m Ho S erman 0 Y, OCT B · l 7, 1955 lh41 m ford ilson 4: 7 pm on. Sherman dame Mr • Aun At thi ·me, the reJi ent igne the followin : roclamation terminating ctober 1 the bilateral tr e agreement wit th public of auatemala. P:rocl ma ti on of Nation 1 lympic Day, 195!). Li at f promotion and ra e of officera. pproval of new Jordan Amba eador. Ap rov 1 of raisin Icelandic Diplomatic Mission to • • to status of Emba ey. Appr v 1 of Denti t requirement or Department of Defen•e N tional Day of Pr yer Prod rnation roc!a ti.on f Great Lake Fisheries Convention with Can da. Approval of thl"ee repre entatives of the Depal'tment of Agriculture to be members of the ational Research Council. Appi-oval of CA d cision to renew the authority of Midet .Avi tion Corporation for 3 yeax to render sel'Vice between lorld and est End, Grand Bahama Island. Approval of ft waii n ond hsue. ece appointment of t . General Randolph l.CC. Pate# to be Commandant of the rine Corps. THE P ID.ENT 'S .APPOINTMENTS TU£SDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1955 11TZSIMO ARMY HOSPITAL 3:59 pm Hon. Sherman Adams Mrs. Ann Whitman .EDN.iSDAY. OCTO•ER 19, 1955 9:00 am Hon. John Foater Dullea 9:20 am Hon. Shei-inan Adam• 9:23 am Bon. Dillon Anderton 3:55 pm Hon. Sherman Adams Mrs. Ann Whitman At thia time, the President 1igned the following items: 1. Transmittal of Lend.Lease Report to Congress 2. Aareement on new Ambaa•ador from Chile. 3. Designation of Joseph Simonson to head US Delegation to 25th Anniveraary of Coronation of Emperor Haile Sela a sie •. Designation of L. Conn Stron1 ae RepreaentaUve of the President to attend ceremonies of 50th Anniversary of the reign of Kil).I Haakon VU of Norway 5. Recess appointment of Frederiek C. Peters as Collector of Cuatoma at Philadelphia 6. eceas appointment of John Muccio aa Ambassador to Iceland 7. .A pproval of Colonel Byrne• to r•preaent the Air Force on the National lleaearch Council . ecett appointmente in Public Health ervice 9. Approval of Depal"tment of Defense Doctors Quarterly requirement 10. Message io the U. S. Army A••<>ciation re: trat annual meeting to be held at J't. enning, Georgia, October 21 and 22. NATlO AL SECURITY COUNclL THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1955 9l30 A. M. THE VICE P . ESlDENT PRESlDINO Hon. John Foster Dullee, Secretary of State Hon. Chades E. Wilson, Secretary of Defen•e Kon. .A l'thur • lenuntng, Director, Office o! De{en•e MobUiaaiion H on. Qeorge M. Humph'l'ey, Sec retary of the Treasury Hon. Herbel't Brownell, lr., the .Attorney (ieneral flon. · !lowland R. ffughes, Dbec;tor, Bureau of the Budget Hon. Ha~old E. Stassen, Special .Asshtat\t to the Pre•ident Hon. Lewis J..,. Sttauss, Chairma , Atomic Energy Commis•ion Hon. Theodore C. Streibert, Director, tr. S. lrdormation Agency /u:lmbal Arthur W. llad£ord, Chairman, .foint Chiefe Of Staff Mon. Allen W. Dullea, Director o! Cen.tral Intelligence tton. Wilton». Pei-soQs, Deputy .Aeabtant to the Preeide11t aon. Dillon Anderson, Special A1sbtant to the PTeaident lion. Nelson Jlqckefelle?'; Special Assistant to the President Colonel Andrew J. Ooodpaster, White House Staff Secretary Hon. Jame• S. Lay, J~., Executive SeeJOeta.ry, NSC Mon. S. Everett Oleason, Deputy Executive Secretary CABlN . M.EETlNQ FlUDAt. OCTO. · 21, 1955 t:OO A. ff u. Ullt.m P. o er• Hou. Arthur • amm .rfletcl Hon. Ctarnce A. Davla Ron.. t •ca ou. i l& - • H • Do'lgla• c .. y Hon. &l'loa B. Fol•om Hots. l:owla1ul 111.lah•• Hotl. Pblllp You a· Hon. ,_. B . nl• Hon ~ A•ttlu em l 1 .Holl. na 0 .• Hon. Hotl. ele Ho • &¥Well a Hon. O&brlol H& Holl. M rray ayder Ha11.. rye: tla:tlow Ho • H W&ltd yl Ron. ev cCan Hoa. Adbur lntl\4 .Ron.. radl•y Patt.el'• Colonel Andrew J . PlTAL a • i s tJS m 9:U a t . Clltfol' o • • •rt• t · o die room). 8: 1 • ..•• , • t •l . elevea Pl'eal enUa.1 patdou.a). L A U A , T 9 ' 1955 11:14 am ff~ c r. ba ey).
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