
POllACll Mailer Advocates ''N.Y�C.·State'� In .Campaign Address At Yeshiva a, Pau� Pollack Mr. Mailer then presented . a viate this problem and reduce 'ten­ · · . Lindsay! Wagner! Procaccino! three-point plan that, he and Mr. s10ns. Mailer! Mailerf · Yes, Norman Breslin hoped, would ·ameliorate. · Mr. Breslin, who was the first M1c1iler, winner of the National this problem. First, he said, steps speaker, upstaged YCSC President Book· Award, . is a· ·candidate for would be· taken to make New York Kenny Hain. Hain, who had in­ . • inayor of the City of New York: City "the 51st state. He stated that vited the duo, had prepared an in­ He,< along with his running-mate the residents of New York, have troduction- for Mr. Mailer based columnist Jimmy Breslin, visited no great love for New York City, · on the . _novelist's B_ar Mitzv'ah Yeshiva during club hour on April• . and that upstate residents probably speech. He neglected, however, to 24, and told why they should be feh closer to Montreal. This step inform Mr. Breslin who, at the allowed to try �heir hand. at· run- · would render unnecessary the conclusion of his short speech pro• 1iing this city. mayor's constant trips to Albany in ceded, to introduce' his running search of badly needed funds to · M r. Mailer prefaced his re- . mate. Mr. Breslin- began his re- YUPR remarks with an anecdote concern- finance city programs. ( Continued on pa9e 4, column 4) Jimmy Breslin addresses student body as Norman Mailer looks on. ing ·his- ·youtl_iful experiences w_ith · The second refon� would be to the 'Talmud. "Being of an impe- rewrite th� city's charter to elim- . tuous . nat�re," he grin11ed, "I inate red-tape and chances for cor­ quickly deserted gemara for the ruption. Finally, as governor. of Zohar.JI. When the laughter died this new state he. would seek to · dowr he added that he has recent- have . the five boroughs become ly become curfous about what he dti'es unto themselves. Within these aGhtGtommtntator � h�d. miss�d and co�sequently has cities, townships could be drawn Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshi,Ta C�lleg.e· '_- gone through the first 17 volumes up aldng traditional community _ o� · ·Soncino's English Talmud. lines, such as Flatbush or Wash- Vol. LXIX YESHIVA· UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1969 No. 8 . The articulate activist then de- ington Heights. He_ noted that one dared. that -·people in the Western of the main reasons for the com­ Hemisphere, · and particularly in . paratively good behavior of YU Professor Peli Attacks YU Administration · New York City have lost some- studen\5 is because they have a very thing that··is possessed by students deep-rooted sense of· culture and For University's Token· Presence In Israel at· Y:_U: ''they've lost a sense· of community, something which 0th- having an authority greater than· ers· do not hive. People in this city Qy Andrew Geller gram on April 25, Professor Pin­ asham'ed by their ignorance of tra­ themselves." New York, he stated,· have lost faith in their own en- There is at least one Israeli ed- chas Peli, ' visiting professor at ditional practices and beliefs re­ as the natµral capital of the world, vironment and have no sense of ucator who is not in complete _ EMC and YC, discussed the turned to Israel determined to reflects this lost feeling and also community. His plan of bringing agreement with the proposed plans planned kollel in Israel. He is dis­ learn and understand; But noth­ suffers most from the effects of the governm�nt hack to the people . for a YU "presence" in Israel. turbed that Yeshiva intehds to ing can compare to the Six Day .terhnol�gical revolution. , would do much, he felt, to alle- Speaking at an 011rg sliabbat pro� · hide its true image in Israel. It War, said professor Peli. This is import?nt for YU to come,· to "cataclysmic ev'ent" drove home to -::undergrads Celebrate lsraeli- Independence; Israel not orily with a ko/lel, but the Israelis, religious and non-re­ as a university as well as a ye­ ligious alike, their place in con­ · �Building Occupat_io_n' Marks Joyous Holiday shiva.· tinuity of •Jewish, History and re­ - · It is extremely important that ligion. Dr. Peli related that stand­ brew object "vo." First, we must 'the Israelis be ·exposed to the YU ing at_the Kotel Hamaaravi some · rejoice in G-d, for his miracle concept of "synthesis," or, as Dr. two hours after its liberation, he ' sp�ke to a young girl, a non-reli­ macJe the dav possible. And sec­ Peli, put it, "Torah - meeting the, ond, ,ve inu;t· r�}oice in the day challenges· of the modern world_ -' gious member of the Israeli Army. itself, because iit is indeed, a true Not · that Israel possesses no i1_1- When he asked her why she was holidar. s�itutions which combine th·e re­ ( Continued on· page 5, co�umn 1) Afterwards, students were pro-· ligious arid . secular · discipline; vided with an exposition of edu­ there is, of course, Bar Ilan Uni­ GertelWins Runoff cational and occupational oppor­ versity as well as numerous· ye­ Electionto Become tunaies in Israel. A discussion of shivot which also give technical Sl,enll La'am ( th'e Israeli Peace training to their students. How­ Editor ·of Masmid Corps) was led by Dvorah Har­ ever, thes'e schools are dominated Not to be outdone by Barbra kavy. Theodore Friehert spoke for by the right wing · Israeli rabbi­ Streisand, Katherine Hepburn and the Friends of Hebrew Univer­ nate and are thus unable to pro­ the Motion Picture Academy of sity.· Those interested in attending duce the type of Jewish leaders Arts and Sciences,. the first round an Israeli yeshiva or Machon Gold that Israel so desperat'ely needs. of elections for editor-in-chief of met with Rabbi Aryeh Julius, di­ As an example of this domination, Masmid ended in a tie between Professor _Peli cited•ian agreement Harvey Gertel and Jay Lewko- rector of the Torah Education \ 1 YWTI �itz. Yom Department of the Jewish Agency. which Dr. Pinkhos Churgin had Student8 celebrate Ha'at2maut on Dancinger Campus. Unlike the Oscar, · however, l Rabbi Daniel Trapper spoke about been forced by the right wing re­ Y 0111 H< atzmaut, 1969, was skovics offered two parallel in­ the Gesher Foundation, while . ligious elements to sign before the there are not two Masmids to go highlighted at YU by the student terpretations to explain the He- ( Continued on page S, column 4) founding of Bar I_lan University. around, and the coveted post of "occupation" of Furst Hall, as re- He agreed that Bar Ilan would editor-in-chief could iiot be made por.te·d in TJ,e New York Times. not confer semicha on any of its - The memorable day, however, was Ma,ntenance· Workers Protest students, and, to insure this, all marked by more than the "occupa- Talmud classes would be co-edu­ .·tidn" of a building. Dancing, sing- StQ /J_ Ing • ,. n LJnlOn • N egc;,f IQ • fIOnS • cational. Therefore, Dr. Peli feels, . discussio and, most impor- ing, n_ Last. Monday, May 5th, many Joe Powper, the union organizing the revitalization of religion in Is­ tant, the Yom Tov spirit were the studerits found neither their beds representatives, stated that · the rael must be directed from outside order of the day. made nor their breakfast trays col­ purpose of the 10:30 A.M. dem­ the country, with a major effort Many began the· morning of the lected as the maids, porters and onstration was to. show the soli­ on the part of Yeshiva University, · fifth of lyar with specialSl,acl1arit cafeteria help staged a job-action darity of the employees since close its students and . alumni. services, including the ·recitation of sit-in in F024 of · Furst Hall. to 100% of them had returned Israel Bonds · hal/e[. By noon, students were be- Their aim was to obtain from the pledge cards to the union. They There -is evidence that such a , ginning , to gather on Danciger university the recognition of Union claimed that the union should im­ revitalization will succeed. With Campus to dance and sing. Char- Local 1199 of the Hospital Divi- mediately be given· official recogni­ the establishment of Israel twenty- 1:ered buses from Stern College . sion of the AFL-CIO a.., their col­ tion -because of the pledges and .one y·ears ago, the atheistic at­ added many more people, and soon lective bargaining 'agent in future since an official election, which mosphere of the early Zionists be- as with Uni­ · gan to. disapp«:a.r. Israelis work­ the campus w swarming contract negotiations with the would be run by the National I. Teitelbaum inde- L ing to save the remnants of their students celebrating Israel's · versity. abor Relations Board, would New /Ua,naid Editor Harvey Gertel pendence. This has been the first time that forestall any bargaining for an­ people in Europe and the Middle Speeches and Dances sue� action has been permitted at other four to six months. .. East began to search for the com­ into a two-man post. Therefore, a Before the program moved to Yeshiva. A New York State sta- Mr. HenryWoicik, Labor Rela­ mon bonds which unite all Jews run-off election was held a week . FUTSt Hall, students were privi- tute, effective since April 1st, baris tions Director for YU, addressed and which can be found on!y in later, on May 1, and Mr. Gertel leged to bear Dr.
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