No.48 975 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'IVIE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 16 MAY 1974 Land Taken for Road in Block IV, Ruakaka Survey District, SCHEDULE Whangarei County NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 3 roods and 2.1 perches, situated in Block II, Opaheke Survey District, and being part DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General Allotment 55A, Parish of Hunua. Balance certificate of title, A PROCLAMATION Volume 101, folio 194, North Auckland Land Registry. PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Edward Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby General and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, proclaim and dedare that the land described in the Schedule this 30th day of April 1974. hereto is hereby taken for road and shall vest in the [L.s.] F. M. COLMAN, Chairman, Councillors, and Inhabitants of the County of for Minister of Works and Devc:lopment. Whangarei, as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! and after the 16th day of May 1974. (P.W. 34/3575; Ak. D 0. 15/3/0) SCHEDULE NORTII AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 91 square metres, situated Amending a Proclamation Defining the Middle Line of a in Block IV, Ruakaka Survey District, and being part Lot 14, Portion of the Auckland-Hamilton Motorway in the City D.P. 35976; as shown on plan M.O.W. 27821 (S.O. 48670) of Auckland deposited in the office of the Minister of Works and Develop­ ment at Wellington and there·on marked "A". Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General General and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, A PROCLAMATION this 30th day of April 1974. PURSUANT to section 4 of the Public Works Amendment [L.S.] F. M. COLMAN, Act 1947, I, Sir Edward Denis Blundell, the Governor­ for Minister of Works and Development. General ·of New Zealand, hereby amend the Proclamation GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! dated the 25th day of February 1960, published in the the Gazette, IO March 1960, Vol. I, page 316, and (P.W. 33/2303; Ak. D.O. 50/15/11/0/48670) registered as Proclamation No. 17442, North Auckland Land Registry (hereinafter called "the former Prioclamation") defining the middle line of a portion ·of the Auckland­ H'.1mi_lton Motorway in Block XVI, Waitemata Survey D1stnct, so that the former Proclamation shall affect not Land Taken for Road in Block II. Opaheke Survey District, only the land shown situated within the limits coloured Franklin County red on the plan marked P.W.D. 160855 referred to in the former Proclamation, but also the land described in the Schedule hereto. DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION SCHEDULE PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Edward NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby ALL that land sLtuated in the City of Auckland described as prodaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule follows: ' hereto is hereby taken for road and shall vest in .the All the land on D.P. 24436 (C.T. 642/ 116); Allot­ Chairman, Councillors, and Inhabitants of the County of ment 39 of Section 7 of the Suburbs of Auckland (C.T. Franklin as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I 1853/47); Lot 13, Block I, D.R.O. 477 (C.T. 523/66); Lots 19 also declare that this proclamation shall take effect on and and 20, Block II, D.R.O. 477 (C.T. 523/ 18); part Lot l, af.ter the 16th day of May 1974. D.P. 65143 (C.T. 20D/354). 976 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No.48 As shown on plan M.O.W. 27819 (SVY 3647) deposited Papatoetoe City, Papakura Borough, Otahuhu Borough, in the office of the Minister of Works and Development Howick Borough, and Manukau City in place of Mrs J. E. at Wellington and thereon coloured red. Amos, resigned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Dated at Wellington this 26th day of April 1974. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, R. J. TIZARD, Minister of Health. this 11th day of May 1974. [L.S.) F. M. COLMAN, for Minister of Works and Development. Goo SAVE 1lIB QUEEN! (P.W. 71/2/8/0; Ak. D.O. 71/2/8/0) Resignation of Justice of the Peace IT is noted for general information that Consenting to Land Being Taken for the Purpose of a Parking Bernard John Llewellyn Roberts Place in the City of Nelson of Otorohanga, has resigned his appointment as a Justice of the Peace .. DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General Dated at Wellington this 10th day of May 1974. ORDER IN COUNCIL E. A. MISSEN, Secretary for Justice. At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 29th day (J.P. 53/218 (7)) of April 1974 Present: THB HON. H. WATI PRESIDING IN COUNCIL PvRSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent Cancelling Appointment of an Honorary Welfare Office, of the Executive Council, hereby consents to the land described Under the Maori Welfare Act 1962 in the Schedule hereto being taken for the purpose of a parking place. PURSUANT to section 5 (5) of the Maori Welfare Act 1%2 notice is hereby given that the honorary welfare office1 SCHEDULE named in the Schedule hereto has resigned. NELSON LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 21 perches situated in the SCHEDULE City of Nelson, being Lot 5, D.P. 29 and being part Name Gazette Reference to Appointmern Section 173 of the City of Nelson. All certificate of title No. lA/787, Nelson Land Registry. Hannah Elizabeth Stafford No. 92, 9 November 1972, p. 240i P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of May 1974. (P.W. 53/364/1; Wn. D.O. 19/2/16/0) I. W. APPERLEY, Deputy Secretary, Maori and Island Affairs. (M. and I.A. 36/5/8, 36/ 5/9) Consenting to Land Being Taken for the Purpose of Laying out a New Street in the Borough of Birkenhead DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General Officiating Ministers for 1974-Notice No. 11 ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 6th day of May 1974 PURSUANT to the Marriage Act 1955, the following names o. Present: officiating ministers within the meaning of the said Act an published for general information. THE HON. H. WATI PRESIDING IN COUNCIL Roman Catholic Church PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and The Reverend Peter James Carde, s.M. consent of the Executive Council, hereby consents to the The Reverend Theodore Marra Feldbrugge. land described in the Schedule hereto being taken for the The Reverend David William Mullins, S.M. purpose of laying out a new street. Unitarian Church Mr Graham Monrad. SCHEDULE Dated at Wellington this 6th day of May 1974. NORlH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT J. L. WRIGHT, Registrar-General. ALL those pieces of land situated in the Borough of Birken­ head, described as follows: A. R. P. Being 0 1 12 Lot 6, Deeds P}an No. 1348. All certificate of Officiating Ministers for 1974-Notice No. 12 title, Volume 771, folio 43 (limited as to parcels). 2 0 Lot 5, Deeds Plan No. 1348. All certificate of title, Volume 560, folio 37 (limited as to PURSUANT to the Marriage Act 1955, the following n:ame parcels) .. of officiating ministers within the meaning of the said Ac are published for general information. North Auckland Land Registry. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. Mr Laurence Edward Hansen. (P.W. 51/3824; Ak. D.O. 15/93/0) Mr Allan Robert Patterson. Bishop Douglas Herbert Strother. Bishop John Phillip McCullough. Member of Auckland Hospital Board Appointed Mr John James Murphy. Church of Scientology of California PURSUANT to section 36 (3) of the Hospitals Act 1957, His Mr Bernard Roundhill. Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint Congregational Chirstian Church of Samoa in New Zea/an John Brinsley Irwin The Reverend Pouvi Sua. of 126 Union Road, Howick, to be a member of the Auckland Dated at Wellington this 13th day of Way 1974. Hospital Board representing the constituent district of J. L. WRIGHT, Registrar-General. 16 MAY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 977 Officiating Ministers for 1974-Notice No. 13 Land Held for a Secondary School, Set Apart for an Institu­ tion Established Under the Child Welfare Act 1925, in the City of Dunedin IT is hereby notified that the following names have been removed from the List of Officiating Ministers. PURSUANT to section 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Church of Jesus Chris1 of Latter Day Saints Minister of Works and Development hereby declares the Mr Barry Ives Rusden. land described in the Schedule hereto to be set apart for Mr Mathew Terrence Chote. an institution established under the Child Welfare Act 1925, Mr William Ashdown. from and after the 16th day of May 1974. Mr Robert Brown Munro. Dated at Wellington this 13th day of May 1974. SCHEDULE J. L. WRIGHT, Registrar-General. 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 10 acres and 20.5 perches (4.09B7 hectares) situated in Ocean Beach Survey District Crown Land Set Apart for an Institution Established Under (D.P.
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