special report just a few years ago. The bad news is that “high two of those and you’ve got something approaching speed” is a relative term. Internet respectability. Cabin electronics Inmarsat and its partners refer to Swift64 as provid- The main suppliers of Swift64 and SwiftBroadband ing an in-flight high-speed Internet connection, calling it claim that it will be possible to convert the Swift64 keep passengers Swift64 to reflect the data exchange rate of 64 kbps. But equipment to SwiftBroadband with simple software up- the fact is, 64 kbps is fast only when compared to what it grades once the higher bandwidth services become was several years ago. When compared with equipment available. On the other hand, Inmarsat has said it may connected and available in the typical ground-bound office, better ask require special SwiftBroadband hardware, which would how “slow” it is rather than how “fast” it is. In fact, most mean sending the Swift64 box back to the manufacturer Swift64 customers are opting for dual- or quadruple- for an upgrade. entertained channel systems. And even at the more “civilized” rate Alas, no one seems to know what the price of Swift- of 256 kbps, it is a fraction of that of the typical office Broadband service will be. Swift64 currently costs by Kirby J. Harrison connection in which access speeds of three to five about $8 or more per minute for so-called circuit-mode megabytes per second are common. That’s about 46 to data, which refers to a connection that is always on. or a long time–too long some say–the industry 78 times faster than a DSL or cable modem connection. Company officials have hinted the per-minute pricing has been struggling to give passengers on corpo- Midcoast Aviation, a major completion and refur- for SwiftBroadband could drop to levels that would rate aircraft the same business and entertainment bishment center in Cahokia, Ill., has completed more stop the erosion of Inmarsat’s voice-calling business to tools at 41,000 feet that they enjoy at home or in than a dozen Swift64 installations, according to director competitor Iridium–about $1.50 a minute for calls their offices. And the truth is it’s going to take a of avionics Bob Staples. placed anywhere in the world through its network. That little longer. The reasons are multiple–size, Buyers of the multi-channel systems, said Staples, is considerably lower than the $9 to $12 per minute that fweight and power considerations; logistical complica- have higher levels of satisfaction than those who opted Inmarsat can cost. tions unique to airborne environments; and the addi- for a single-channel system. tional complexity of certifying the equipment to meet But do not despair. SwiftBroadband (not to be con- Coming Soon to a Smaller Business Jet FAA requirements. fused with the Australian telecommunications com- While the size of the satellite antenna that must be Take high-speed Internet access, for example. The pany of the same name) expects to bring its new installed atop the tail limits Inmarsat Swift services to good news is that it’s a lot closer to reality than it was 432-kbps in-flight system on line later this year. Bond larger business jets, that seems to be changing and there 20aaAviation International News • February 2006 • www.ainonline.com are whispers that some equipment might fit signals just as a flat-surface phased-array Rockwell Collins and Boeing have an- airplanes as small as a King Air. antenna does. But at higher latitudes, as nounced an agreement to provide broad- According to EMS Satcom strategic mar- the satellite signal strength is degraded, the band data exchange for the corporate keting manager Alan Mak, future antenna antenna opens in a manner similar to Ve- aviation market with the rollout of Collins technology is a key piece of the puzzle that netian blinds into individual panels. Even eXchange, an Inmarsat rival. It will com- will allow manufacturers to bring true high- so, it comes in a relatively small package bine the real-time satellite communications speed-data service to a much broader range and has low power requirements. capabilities of Connexion by Boeing broad- of airplanes. EMS Satcom is among those. The company claims that data transfer band network with Collins Airshow 21 X can reach data speeds from 500 kbps to The company’s new high-gain AMT-3800 rates will be in the neighborhood of 10 to cabin information and entertainment system one megabyte per second. antenna is fuselage-mounted, about 2 inches 12 megabytes per second. architecture and hardware. The eXchange Gulfstream has received multiple STCs high, 12 inches wide and 38 inches long. According to Starling CEO Micha package will debut on two Global Express for installation of its Broad Band Multi- “With the AMT-3800 we’re able to Lawrence, the company has met with Gulf- XRS business jets, as well as Bombardier’s link high-speed Internet connection system serve midsize business jets and turboprops, stream to discuss bringing the antenna to Global 5000 demonstrator. on several of its aircraft models. The sys- [and] in terms of mechanical and size limi- the midsize G150, which is built by Israel AirCell of Louisville, Colo., is also in tem uses SkyLink service to provide Inter- tations we’ve reached a new threshold,” Aircraft Industries. the game, with the introduction last fall of net access at speeds comparable to those of said Mak. EMS has also introduced the Starling has also met with Rockwell its Axxess system for medium-to-large ground-based cable or DSL lines. AMT-3500, an intermediate-gain antenna Collins executives who are grappling with business aircraft. The multi-channel wire- Gulfstream is guaranteeing minimum for even smaller aircraft. design matters related to the eXchange less and broadband-ready satcom system is connection speeds of 512 to and 128 kbps EMS Satcom competitors Chelton Sat- high-speed-data service that will use the nearly available, with certification on track from the aircraft and says normal data com and CMC Electronics have also Connexion by Boeing satellite link. for the second quarter. speeds with the system range from 700 announced sleek, lightweight Arinc 781- The twin-panel Mini-Mijet antenna is Iridium channels provide voice and nar- kbps to more than one megabyte per sec- compatible antennas that will fit on smaller designed to be installed atop an aircraft rowband data services, while expansion ond. In fact, the Savannah, Ga.-based business airplanes. fuselage. It is 14 inches in diameter, sits ports permit the addition of two more OEM claims data speeds as high as 3.5 Chelton’s HGA-7000 can be mounted five inches high and weighs 55 pounds. channels. Through the system’s Ethernet megabytes per second are possible. on midsize and larger business jets, accord- The price has yet to be determined, but port, operators can add a high-speed Last summer, Rockwell Collins’ new ing to the company. Lawrence said it would be less than current Inmarsat connection on a plug-and-play SAT-6100 satellite communication system Measuring 33.9 inches long, 11.77 Ku-band antennas used with Connexion basis. The standard Axxess headset in- made its debut aboard a Bombardier Global inches wide and 1.88 inches high, the 18.7- and SkyLink services, both of which are cludes a color display, advanced noise-can- 5000. The system is a baseline component pound HGA-7000 antenna is the smallest larger and heavier. celing and standard ear bud/headset jacks. of Collins Ethernet-based Airshow 21 cabin and lightest in this class. Electronic steer- The first flight of a Mijet antenna is Baseline list price is $47,000. electronic system, standard on the Cana- ing eliminates the need for moving parts expected to take place in April on a Boe- Last month Cessna Aircraft selected dian-built business jet. The SAT-6100 con- and–along with hermetic sealing of the an- ing 737, marking the start of the certifi- Axxess as a factory option on its Citation sists of the Rockwell Collins SRT-2100 tenna–contributes to what the Lewisville, cation program. X, Sovereign and XLS models. It will be satellite terminal and one or two HST-2100 Texas company believes will be a high available on the Citation line starting in high-speed transceivers providing three level of reliability. Inmarsat Has Competition the third quarter. Aero-I/H/H+ channels and one or two The recently introduced phased-array There are other providers of in-flight Satcom Direct, a Florida-based provider channels of Swift64 high-speed data. SatLite satcom antenna from CMC Elec- high-speed Internet services–Connexion by of satcom service, has introduced a new The SAT-6100 interfaces with all In- tronics is touted by its manufacturer as Boeing and Arinc Direct’s SkyLink. Both service called Aero X that the company marsat-approved high-gain antennas, in- being “optimized” for business jets. The provide relatively fast speeds, but possess claims will provide significant increases in cluding top- or fin-mounted setups. In top-mounted antenna with its integrated limited coverage areas. Connexion pro- the Swift64 data transmission rates. addition, the SAT-6100 can be used with beam steering unit is based on the propri- vides data access over most of the North- Using Satcom Direct’s proprietary com- any Inmarsat-approved intermediate-gain etary technology and architecture used ern hemisphere. SkyLink offers coverage pression algorithms and EMS Satcom’s antenna to accommodate Aero-I service. In in CMC’s CMA-2102 high-gain antenna only over the U.S.
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