Vol. XV DECEMBER, 1914 No. 180 JOURNAL The New York Botanical Garden EDITOR ARLOW BURDETTE STOUT Director of the Laboratories CONTENTS PAGE Index to Volumes I-XV »33 PUBLISHED FOR THE GARDEN AT 41 NORTH QUBKN STRHBT, LANCASTER, PA. THI NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY OFFICERS 1914 PRESIDENT—W. GILMAN THOMPSON „ „ _ i ANDREW CARNEGIE VICE PRESIDENTS J FRANCIS LYNDE STETSON TREASURER—JAMES A. SCRYMSER SECRETARY—N. L. BRITTON BOARD OF- MANAGERS 1. ELECTED MANAGERS Term expires January, 1915 N. L. BRITTON W. J. MATHESON ANDREW CARNEGIE W GILMAN THOMPSON LEWIS RUTHERFORD MORRIS Term expire January. 1916 THOMAS H. HUBBARD FRANCIS LYNDE STETSON GEORGE W. PERKINS MVLES TIERNEY LOUIS C. TIFFANY Term expire* January, 1917 EDWARD D. ADAMS JAMES A. SCRYMSER ROBERT W. DE FOREST HENRY W. DE FOREST J. P. MORGAN DANIEL GUGGENHEIM 2. EX-OFFICIO MANAGERS THE MAYOR OP THE CITY OF NEW YORK HON. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL THE PRESIDENT OP THE DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC PARES HON. GEORGE CABOT WARD 3. SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS PROF. H. H. RUSBY. Chairman EUGENE P. BICKNELL PROF. WILLIAM J. GIES DR. NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER PROF. R. A. HARPER THOMAS W. CHURCHILL PROF. JAMES F. KEMP PROF. FREDERIC S. LEE GARDEN STAFF DR. N. L. BRITTON, Director-in-Chief (Development, Administration) DR. W. A. MURRILL, Assistant Director (Administration) DR. JOHN K. SMALL, Head Curator of the Museums (Flowering Plants) DR. P. A. RYDBERG, Curator (Flowering Plants) DR. MARSHALL A. HOWE, Curator (Flowerless Plants) DR. FRED J. SEAVER, Curator (Flowerless Plants) ROBERT S. WILLIAMS, Administrative Assistant PERCY WILSON, Associate Curator DR. FRANCIS W. PENNELL, Associate Curator GEORGE V. NASH, Head Gardener DR. A. B. STOUT, Director of the Laboratories DR JOHN HENDLEY BARNHART, Bibliographer SARAH H. HARLOW, Librarian DR. H. H. RUSBY, Honorary Curator of the Economic Collections ELIZABETH G. BRITTON, Honorary Curator of Mosses DR. ARTHUR HOLLICK, Honorary Curator of Fossil Plants DR. WILLIAM J. GIES, Consulting Chemist COL. F. A. SCHILLING, Museum Custodian JOHN R. BRINLEY, Landscape Engineer WALTER S. GROESBECK, Clerk and Accountant ARTHUR J. CORBETT, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds JOURNAL OF The New York Botanical Garden VOL. XV December, 1914 No. 180 INDEX TO VOLUMES I-XV Abutilon pictum 15: 208 Aaronsohn, Aaron 14: 147 Savitzii 15: 207, 210, 213 Abelia chinensis 5: 147 Sellovianum 15: 208, 210 Abies 4- 87; 13: no Sellovianum marmoralum 15: 207 balsamea 13: in Souvenir de Bonn 15: 207, 211, 213 brachyphylla 13: in striatum 15: 208 bracteata 12: 102 striatum kewense 15: 208 cephalonica 13: in, 117 striatum spurium 15: 208 cilicica 13: in, 117; 14: 87 striatum Thompsonii 15: 207-210, concolor 13: in, 117 212 ', firma 13: 111, 112 Thompsonii 15: 207, 208, 212, 213 Fraseri 13: in venosum 15: 209 glauca 11: 239 venosum Savitzii 15: 210 grandis 13: 4 Abutilons, Variegated 13: 207. pl. 141 homolepis 13: in. 1*2, 117 Abyssinian banana 13: 79 lasiocarpa 13: in Acacia 5: 175; 7- 90, 96; 8: 76, 83 nobilis 11: 239; 13: 111, 117 Baileyana 7: 96 Nordmanniana 11: 239; 13: in, 117 coriophylla 10: 136, 267 numidica 13: in cornigera 7: 76 Picea 13' m cyanophylla 5: 33; 7: 96 Pinsapo 13: m dasyphylla 5: 33 sibirica 13: 112 dealbata 7: 96 subalpina 2: 132 decurrens 7: 96 umbeliata 13: 112, 117 Farnesiana 2: 164 Veitchii 13: 112, 117 longifolia 5: 33; 7: 96 Abrams, L. R. 6: 11S; 9: 4. 57; "• 163; mollissima 7: 96 12: 117; 13: 11. 12: 15; 201 neriifolia 7: 96 Publications during I9°5> 7: 29; platyptera 9: 228 I0: 2 1910; 12: 29 Acacias 4: 5i» 7; *4: 9 Abronia 12: 238 Acalypha hispida 7: 78 Abrus precatorius nobilis 7: 238 marginata 10: 28 Absence of undergrowth in the hemlock Sanderi 7: 78 forest, The 8: 237./. 34 Acanthocereus pentagonus 12: 228 Absinthe 8; 189 .AcaMtfjo^atta* Maximowiczii 5: 145 Abutilon 15: 209, 211, 213, 219 sessilifiorum 5: 145 arboreum 15: 209 spinosum 5: 145 Darwinii 15: 208 Acanthophoenix crinita 7: 58 Darwinii tesselatum 1$: 207 Acanthorhiza aculeata 4: 217; 7: 55 Eclipse 15: 209 Accessions, see N. Y. Botanical Garden hybridum 15: 208 Account of explorations in Jamaica 4: megapotamicum 15: 208, 209 109. £/. 15. /• *4. -TJ megapotamicum variegatum 15: 207, Acer carolinianum 15: 74 macrophyllum 13: 3 209, 213 233 234 Acer Negundo io: 69 Adulterants in foods and drugs and platanoides 14: 203 their detection 9: 95 rubrum 8: 206 Aechmaea 2: 164; 9: 165 saccharinum 2: 60; 3: 125 Aeria attenuata 7: 138 Acetabula vulgaris 11: 103 Aeschynanthus 1: 81, 131 Acetabulum 2: 84 grandiflora 1: 131 crenulatum 2: 84; 5: 59, 164; 9: 43; Lobbiana 1: 131 12: 219 pulchra 1: 131 pdlyphysoides 10: 116 zebrina 1: 131 Achras Sapota z: 132 Aesculus Hippcastanum 12: 230 Acicularia Schenckii 8: 52 Agapanthus umbellatus 1: 131 Ackee 10: 22, 26 Agardh, C. A. 5: 221 Aconite 1: 120; 8: 189 Agardh, J. G. 5: 221; 10: 116 winter 15: 86 Agardh collection of algae 5: 221 Aconitum Fischeri 13: 164 Agardhiella tenera 15: 63 Acorus 14: 181 Agaric, fleshy 9: 137 Calamus 7: 62, 92; 10: 121 fly is: 163 gramineus variegatus 7: 92 honey 9: 205, 210, 213; 10: 201 Acrista monticola 3: 178; 7: 134; 12: Agaricus 10: 29, 32; 12: 18; 14: 38 223; 14: 104, 107; 15: 102 arvensis 10: 33 Acrocomia 10: 103, 104; 13: 147; 14: 174 campestris 12: 205 fusiformis 12: 224; 13: 170 crocodilinus 14: 38 media 3: 179; 4: 16; 7: 55; 12: 223 Agassiz, Mrs. 10: 57 Acrostichum 2: 164; 3: 32; 4: 85; 6: 86; Agathis 8: 164 10: 260 Agathosma apiculata 7: 90 aureum 6: 10; 10: 134, 258 Agati grandiflora 12: 225 excelsum 10: 134 Agave 1: 148; 3: 33; 5: 94; 6: 8, 9, 82, lomarioides 4: 123; 10: 134 IOI, 182, 188; 7: 72, 130; 8: io, Act of Incorporation 15: 131 78, 171; 10: 104, 114, 166; 11: Actinidia 9: 143 13. 35. 59. 68, no, in, 193, 197. Actinophyllum 10: 230 234; 12: 89, 90, 92, 94, 95, 265- Adam, M. 14: 146 268; 13: 24, 57, 70; 15: 102, 105 Adams, F. Y. 3: 89 americana 5: 179; 6: 8; 7: 72; 11: Adams, George 1: 69 64, 124, 193; 12: 227 Adams, Herbert 6: 141 amoena 7: 72 Adder's-tongue 13: 160 atrovirens 12: 227 Addison 1: 165 callosa 5: 179 Additional decorative planting in the ferox 7: 72 conservatory court 14: 187 filifera 1: 148; 7: 72 Additional endowment, The need of 1: geminiflora 1: 148 113; 3: 21; 6:57;8:95;10:217;15:23 horrida 1: 148 Additional funds for construction 6: 88 Lecheguilla 5: 89; 7: 197 Additional members of the Garden Legrelliana 12: 89 staff 7: 4 lurida 10: 191 Adelia acuminata 5: 147 Palmeri 5: 179; 7: 197 ligustrina 5: 147 rigida 7: 72; 8: 171; 11: 58, 193 Adiantites 6: 148 sebastiana 12: 265 Adiantum 1: 133; 7: 87; 10: ill, 260; sisalana 9: 48; 12: 227 11: 89 univittata 12: 106 bellum 6: 154; 13: 192 Vera-Crus 10: 191; 11: 124 cuneatum 13: 192 Victoriae-reginae 1: 148; 7: 72, 140, fragile 15: 99 163; 11: 124 macrophyllum 1: 146 Wildringii 12: 92 pubescens 2: 141 Agave 2: n; 8: 221; 15: 51, 52, 58, 60- Adicea microphylla 7: 82 Queen Victoria's 7: 72, 140; 10: Adirondacks, Collecting fungi in the 13: 190; 11: 198 174 Agave in flower, An 5: 178. /. 29, 30 Adonis vernalis 1: 85 Agave, The flowering of 7: 163. /. 21,. Adonis, spring 1: 85 22 Adoxa 12: 251 Ageratum 13: 164 235 Ageratum conyzoides 13: 164 Algae, green 1: 100 Aglaonema 14: 181, 186 Algae, marine 2: 177; 4: 44, 139, 171; costatum 14: 186 13: 97. 100 marantifolium 14: 186 red 15: 90 pictum 14: 186 Algae, Collections from Florida and the Agrimonium 2: 184 Bahamas 5: 164 Agropyron caninum 12: 274 Algae, Report on a visit to Jamaica for Agrostis kyemalis 12: 274 collecting marine 8: 51. /. 9-14 Ailanthus 8: 160, 253 Algae, The collections of 9: 123. pl. 46. Ailanthus 10: 108; 14: 175 f. 17-21 Ainsworth, Lawrence 15: 217 Algae, The Pike collection of 5: 86 Air-plants 15: 73 Alkaverdin 4: 38, 39 Aitchison, Thomas 13: 103 Allamanda Hendersoni 7: 67 Aithurus polvtmus 10: 38 Allen, C. E. 15: 199 Aiton, William 11: 81; 12: 79; 14: 88, 98 Allen, J. A. 8: 123 Akebia quinata 9: 143 Allen, T. F. 1: 76, 105; 2: 35, 52; 3: 4; Albertini, J. B. 10: 184 9: 124, 178; IS: 132 Albizzia Lebbeck 14: 174 Collection of Characeae 2: 52; 7: 2 Albugo 8: 17 Death of 3: 232 Alcicornium 7: 86, 87; 14: 63 Allescher 1: 40 aethiopicum 4: 125 Alligator-pears 7: 69; IO: 22; 12: 8, 173 andinum 14: 63 Allison, Mr. 6: 101 angolense 4: 125; 14: 64-67 Allium 12: 266 bifurcatum 4: 125; 7: 87; 14: 64, 66 neapolitanum 2: 91 coronarium 14: 63, 64 Allspice 10: 23 Ellisii 14: 64, 65 Almond 1: 34; 10: 232 grande 4: 125; 14: 64, 66, 67 tree 7: 80 Hillii 4: 125; 7: 87; 14: 64, 66 Alnus Alnobetula 5: 137 madagascariense 14: 64, 65 glutinosa 1: 90 Stemaria 14: 64, 66, 67 rugosa 1: 54, 88, 89./. 18; 5: 137; stemmarium 4: 125 8: 205 sumbawense 14: 64 serrulata 10: 206; 14: 76 Veitchii 14: 64 lenuifolia 5: 137 Wallichii 14: 64 Alocasia 14: 181 Willinkii 4: 125; 7: 87; 14: 64, 66 cuprea 7: 8 Alder 1: 42, 44, 45, 54, 72, 74.
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