296. INFANTERIE-DIVISION - UNIT HISTORY 43 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1940/02/03 Wehrkreis XIII, Nuernberg, Activation (8. Welle), C.O.: Gen.Maj. Friedrich Stemmermann, 1940/02/06-1942/01/01 Wuerzburg, Regensburg, quartering, formation, Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. XIII, 1940/02/03-1940/05/09 Tr,Ueb.PI, Grafenwoehr training 1940/05/22 Stadtkyll, Kronenberg Transfer OKU (Reserve), 1940/05/10-1940/05/25 1940/05/30 Malmedy,. Huy, Dinant, Beauraing, Invasion of Belgium, advance AK 29, 1940/05/26-1940/06/25 Gedinne 1940/06/07 Givet, Fumay, Revin, Montcornet, Advance into France as a Res,-Div. Rozoy-sur-Serre, Cormicy, Neufchatel-sur-Aisne, Montmirail, Chati1lon-sur-Marne 1940/06/26 .Aisne Department, Laon, Soissons, Movement, occupation duty Gen. zbV I, 1940/06/25-1940/07/10 Saint-Quentin, Vervins 1940/07/11 Liege Province, Belgium Movement AOK 9, 1940/07/10-1940/07/11 1940/07/20 Verviers, Huy, Seilles Occupation duty AK 23, 1940/07/12-1940/07/20 AK 5, 1940/07/21-1940/09/03 1940/08/26 Dunkirk, France Coastal defense, training 1940/09/03 Gravelines, Dunkirk, Prepration for Fall Seeloewe AK 23, 1940/09/03-1940/12/10 Fumes, Belgium 1941/02/01 Mons, Hal, Soignies, Brussels Movement AK 7, 1940/12/11-1941/02/09 AK 13, 1941/02/10-1941/03/05 1941/03/15 Cracow, Katowice, Pszczyna, Biala, Transfer, training AK 9, 1941/03/06-1941/05/25 Olkusz, Kety, Poland 1941/04/24 Tarnow, Bochnia, Debica, Krzeszow, Movement, training, AK 4, 1941/04/26-1941/07/02 Tarnogrod, Bilgoraj, assembly Kunki, Tomaszow Lube1ski 1941/06/23 Wierzbica, Jarczow, Werchrata, Offensive engagements Lubycza Krolewska, Poland Rava-Russkaya, Russia www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 44 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1941/07/02 Velikiye Mosty, Busk, Olesko, Advance, offensive operations AK 44, 1941/07/02-1941/07/05 Brody, Yampol, Labun, AK 55, 1941/07/06-1941/07/16 Polonnoye, Zhitomir AK 34 Hoeheres Kommando, 1941/07/16-1941/07/19 AK 51, 1941/07/19-1941/07/23 1941/07/21 Vatskov, Radomyshl, Vyshevichi, Offensive operations, pursuit, AK 55, 1941/07/23-1941/08/06 Malin, Nezhilovichi, Maydanovka, mopping-up action Teterev, Kodra, Irsha Rivers 1941/08/24 Irpen River sector Position defense AK 17, 1941/08/28-1941/09/11 1941/09/15 Kiev Battle, AK 29, 1941/09/11-1941/09/23 Dnieper River, Borispol, offensive and defensive operations AK 17, 1941/09/23-1941/09/27 Brovary 1941/09/26 Borzna, Nezhin, Advance, offensive engagements AOK 6 (A-Res), 1941/09/28-1941/10/04 Desna River, Korop, Orlovka 1941/10/12 Trubchevsk, Defensive operations, AK 35 Hoeheres Kommando, 1941/10/02-1941/10/22 Ostraya Luka, Altukhovo, advance, offensive engagements Vygonichi Bryansk, Mopping-up operations, AOK 2 (A-Res), 1941/10/22-1941/11/17 Bogdanovka, Orel advance, offensive engagements PzAOK 2 (HGr-Res), 1941/11/17-1941/11/28 Chern, Krapivna, Yasnaya Polyana, Advance, offensive engagements AK 24 Pz, 1941/11/29-1941/12/16 Tula Plava River sector, Upa River, Withdrawal, defensive and assault AK 53, 1941/12/16-1943/03/02 Odoyevo, Sonino, Belev operations C.O.: Gen.Lt. Friedrich von Krischer, 1942/01/01-1942/04/03 Oka River, Bliznenskiye Dvory, Position defense Gen.Lt. Karl Faulenbach, 1942/04/03-1943/01/10 Pozdnyakovo, Zaytsevo, Bolkhov Zikeyevo, Oslinka, Sudimir, Defensive and reconnaissance Gen.Lt. Arthur Kullmer, 1943/01/10-1944/06/20 Nizhnyaya Akimovka, Zhizdra operations Subordinate to: PzAOK 2, 1943/03/03-1943/03/07 Korps-Kommando Scheele, 1943/03/08-1943/03/27 Sukreml, Mglin, Surazh Withdrawal, defensive operations, AK 55, 1943/03/28-1943/08/22 Sozh River sector counterattack AK 23, 1943/08/23-1943/12/07 www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 45 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/12/11 Dnieper River, Khalch, Defensive operations AK 55, 1943/12/08-1943/12/31 Luchin, Zhlobin Records of the 296.ID are reproduced on rolls 1953-1967 of Microfilm Publication T315 as described on the following pages. For additional records of the 296.ID for the period 1940-31 Mar 1942, see Guide No. 34, Records of Army Areas, pp. 159 and 162 (T79, rolls 199, 200, and 203). Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/12/31 were available at the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost, general staff officers personnel file, and records of OKH/AHA/Abwicklungsstab, H 41/10 (T78, roll 139) and H 41/19, 24, and 25 (T78, roll 141), show: 1944/02/04 Rogachev Position defense 1944/06/27 Bobruisk Encircled, C.O.: Oberst Helmuth Issmer, 1944/06/21-1944/06/27 1944/06/29 break out of encirclement 1944/06/30 Chuchya, Svisloch Withdrawal of remnants 1944/07/15 Munich Restkommando 296,ID 1944/08/13 Wehrkreis VII, Munich Disbanded www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 46 296, INFANTERIE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST FRAME la, KTB 1. War -journal concerning quartering and 1940/02/03-1940/04/11 296.ID W576a 1953 1 formation of the 296.ID (8. Welle) in the Nuernberg, Wuerzburg, and Begensburg areas, 3-28 Feb; preparations for and movement to Grafeniroehr, 29 Feb-11 Mar; and training, 12 Mar-11 Apr 1940, A register of officers and a strength report. la, KTB 2. War journal concerning training at 1940/04/12-1940/05/25 296.ID W576b 1953 56 Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr, 12 Apr-21 May, and transfer to Stadtkyll, 22-25 May 1940; a register of officers; and a strength report. la, Anlagen zum KTB 1-2, Orders relating to the 1940/02/24-1940/05/25 296.ID W576c 1953 98 completion of the formation of the 296,11), 24-29 Feb, movement to and training at the Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr, 3 Mar-21 May, and transfer to Stadtkyll, 22-25 May 1940; an order-of-battle chart; and periodic status reports. la, KTB 5 mit Anlagen; Ic, Ila, TB, War journal 1940/07/12-1941/03/05 296.ID W7795/1 1953 223 concerning movement to Liege Province, Belgium, for occupation duty, 11 Jul-25 Aug 1940; relief by the 208,ID and movement to the Dunkirk area for coastal defense, 26 Aug 1940-31 Jan 1941; and relief by the 267.ID and movement to the Mons, Hal, and Soignies areas for transfer to Pszczyna, Poland, 1 Feb-3 Mar 1941* Activity reports of the intelligence branch, 9 Mar 1940-5 Mar 1941, and the personnel branch, 12 Jul 1940-6 Mar 1941; a register of officers, and strength and casualty reports. la, Anlagen zum KTB 5. Orders relating to movement to 1940/07/11-1941/03/03 296,ID W7795/2 1953 489 Liege Province, Belgium, 11-24 Jul; quartering, training, occupation duty, removal of mines, and securing the harvest in the Liege, Verviers, Huy, and Seilles areas, 20 Jul-25 Aug 1940; relief by the 208,ID and movement to the Dunkirk area, 26 Aug-2 Sep; quartering, coastal defense, occupation duty, training, and preparation for Fall Seeloewe (planned invasion of www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 296. INFANTEfilE-DIVISION 47 DATES ROLL 1ST FRAME England) in the Gravelines and Dunkirk, Prance, and Furnes, Belgium, areas, 3 Sep 1940-31 Jan 1941; relief by the 267.ID and movement to the area southwest of Brussels, 1-15 Peb 1941; preparations for and transfer of the advance party and the division staff from Mons, Hal, and Soignies to Oppeln (Opole), 16 Feb-3 Mar; and planned movement of the division to Poland, 6-9 Mar 1941. la, Anlagen zum KTB, Operationsbefehle I. Orders and 1940/05/25-1940/07/08 296.ID W7795/4 1953 758 radio messages pertaining to the transfer to Stadtkyll and Kronenberg, 25-29 May; advance across Belgium via Malmedy, Buy, Dinant, Beauraing, and Gedinne, 30 May-11 Jun; advance into France as a reserve division via Givet, Fumay, Reyin, Rozoy-sur-Serre, Montcornet, Neufchatel-sur-Aisne, Cormicy, Chatillon-sur-Marne, and Montmirail, 7-18 Jun; securing of enemy weapons and prisoners of war in the Montmirail area, 19-25 Jun; movement to the Department of Aisne, 26-29 Jun; and guartering, control and care of refugees, removal of mines, and securing the harvest in the Laon, Soissons, Saint-Quentin, and Vervins areas, 30 Jun-8 Jul 1940. la, Anlagen zum KTB 2 und 5, Operationsbefehle II. 1940/07/04-1940/09/17 296.ID W7795/5 1954 Orders and messages pertaining to control of refugees and securing of the harvest in the Aisne Department, 4-10 Jul, movement to and occupation duty in Liege Province, Belgium, 11 Jul-25 Aug, and movement to the Dunkirk area for coastal defense, 26 Aug-17 Sep 1940. la, Anlagen zum KTB 5, Operationsbefehle III. Orders 1940/09/24-1941/02/07 296,ID W7795/6 1954 280 and messages pertaining to coastal, air, and harbor defense in the Gravelines, Dunkirk, and Purnes areas, 24 Sep 1940-31 Jan 1941; and relief by the 267.ID and movement to the area southwest of Brussels, 1-7 Feb 1941. la, Anlagen zum KTB 5, Pall Seeloewe. Orders and 1940/09/25-1941/01/21 296.ID W7795/7 1954 588 correspondence relating to preparations for the www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 48 296. INFANTEHIE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST FRAME anticipated invasion of England. la, KTB 3, Teil I. War journal concerning securing of 1941/08/15-1941/10/28 296.ID 18740/1 1954 712 the Kodra River sector, 15-23 Aug, and the Irpen River area, 24 Aug-14 Sep; battle, for Kiev, 15-20 Sep; offensive and defensive operations in the Brovary and Borispol areas east of Kiev, 20-25 Sep; advance to Borzna, 26 Sep-5 Oct; crossing the Desna River near Korop and advance from the Orlovka area to the Trubchevsk area, 6-11 Oct; defensive operations in the Trubchevsk area, 12-18 Oct; and advance and offensive engagements in the Ostraya Luka, Altukhovo, Vygonichi, and Bryansk areas, 19-28 Oct 1941.
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