INDEX TO VOLUME 19 Leading articles are in bold face type; notes, abstracts and re- views are in ordinary type. only minerals for which definite data are given are indexed. Alderman,A. R.. 90 Banding in fissure veins, cause Alexander, A. E. Dust fall of of. (Shaub) 393 November13, 1933. 230 Bannister, F. A. 233, 389,390 - Recentdevelopments in Barrett, R. L. ComParison of high index resins . 385 ultra-violet sourcesforPro- 132 ducing fluorescencein min- Allanite from Wyoming. (Anal- erals. 578 ysis) (Wells) 81 Barth, T. F. W. and Balk' R. Allophanite. Optical data. 503 Chloritoid from Dutchess Alumo-chalcosiderite.(Jahn) 36 Co.,N. Y.... 345 Amarillite (Ungemach).. 287 Donnay, J. D. H., and 'Warren, Amberg, C. R. and Tunell. G. Various modes B. E. X-ray study of nar- of attack in crystallograPhic sarsukite. 546 investigations. 437 Aminoff, G.. 287 t29 Andersen,O. and Sosman,R. B. Baryte crystalsfrom Yorkshire. Composition-tem perature (Russell).. 284 phaseequilibrium diagrams Beacon sandstone of South Vic- of the refractory oxides. toria Land, PetrograPhY of (Review) 488 (Stewart) ..t32,35I Anderson. G. H. Pseudo-cata- Beavan, A. P. and flawleY, clastic texture of replace- J. E, Mineralogy and gene- sis of the MaYville iron ore rnent origin in igneous 'Wisconsin. rocks .. .. 185 of 13I,493 309 Antarctic rocks, petrography of. Becquerelite..... at (Stewart). 150 Belknap, R. L. Hematite Cape York, Greenland. 433 Anthraxolite. nickelif erous and Berthierite from Romania. uraniferous, from Port Ar- (Zsivny, Zombory) 390 thur, Ontario. (Ellsworth). 426 Beryl, from Mt. Topaz, Utah. Asbestos, unusual occurrence Opticaldata... 14 of. (Analysis) (Wahlstrom) 178 Beryl-molybdenite deposit of igneous and Association of Chaffee Co., Colorado. sedimentaryamphibolites. (Landes).... 131 (Runner) tJz Beryllium minerals,euclase and phenakite, from Africa. Baccaredda,M. 35 (Spencer).. 390 Balk, R. and Barth, T. F. W. Biaxial crystal model. (Rogers) 206 Chloritoid from Dutchess Bixbyite and associatedminer- Co.,N. Y. 345 als in Thomas Range, Ball, C. G. 134 Utah. (MontgomerY).... 82 609 610 THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST Blow-me-down intrusive com- Cassiterite, unusual crystal plex, Bay of Islands, New- habit of. (Gruner). 552 foundland. (Snelgrove, Castanite, Barker's determini- Roebling, Kemmerer) 2l tive angles for. (Donnay). 553 Borgstrom's high index liquids, Century of Progress in crystal- caution against use with lography. (Whitlock). .. 93 lead glassprisms. 181 Ceruleolactite.Opticaldata... 500 Borickite.Optical data... ... 500 Chlorite. Optical data. 503 Born, K. E. Fibrous pyrite from Chlorite (rapidolite) 339 the lead-zinc district of Chloritoid from Dutchess Co.. Illinois....... 385 N. Y. (Barth,Balk). ... 345 Boswell, P. G. H. Mineralogy Claudetite.(Palache). .128,194 of sedimentary rocks. Claussen, G, E, Spectroscopic IBook review] 3+ analysis of galena, sphaler- Bowen,N. L... 131 ite, and pyrite. 221 Brammall,A........... 233 Clayton, P. A.. 90 Brendler,W. Sodalite from Bo- Coalcomposition.(Fisher)... 133 livia.(Analyses).... 28 Collophanite.Optical data. 499 Broughton, M. N. Secondary Colony, R. J. and Howard, selenite crystals in Ter- A. D. Observations on tiary strata in Texas.. 466 spherulites. 515 Buerger,M. J Fluid inclusions Composition-temperaturephase in pyrite. ... 605 equilibrium diagrams of Lattice indices and the refractory oxides.(Sos- transformations in the gno- man, Andersen) [Review]. 488 monicprojection..... .. 360 Cook, C. W. Memorial of. Pyrite-marcasite rela- (Ilunt). It4 tion. JI 'W. Copper, crystallized, from Buerger, N. Unmixing of Franklin, N. J. (Hatr). 480 chalcopyrite from sphaler- Copper, determination of small ite.. .. 525 amounts in rock. (Groves). 390 and Buerger, M. J. Cordierite in Dartmoor granite. Crystallographic relations (Rao,Brammall).. ...... 233 between cubanite segrega- Cristobalite.Optical data..... 504 tion plates, chalcopyrite Crystallographiccomputations, matrix, and chalcopyrite improved method of . (Hey) 285 twins.. 289 Crystallographic investigations, Buttgenbach,H.... .. .. 236 various modes of attack in. (Donnay,Tunell, Barth).129,437 Calcite crystal from Godfrey, Crystallographic relations be- Ontario,unusual. (Parsons). 128 tween cubanite segregation Calkins, F. C. Transfer of plates, chalcopyrite matrix, grains from one liquid to and chalcopyrite twins. another 143 @uerger,Buerger) ...... 289 Cameron, E. N. The synthetic Cuprosklodowskite.(Vaes).... 235 resin hyrax. J/J Curite . 314 Campbell,C. D. Book review.. 388 Currier, L. W. Staurolite and Carobbi,G...... 555 associated minerals from 6t1 JOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA de- schistat Gassetts,Vermont 335 Emmons, R. C. Plagioclase motli- Curti, R.. 556 termination bY the fied universalstage' - . .129,237 r29 Dahllite. Optical data. 499 of. Dendrites, two dimensional, Enargite, pseudo-sYmmetrY 279 and their origin. (Swartz- (West). 500 Iow)... 131'403 Evansite.Optical data'....... Determinants apPliedto crystal- Face-adjustment in two-circle lography, theorY of' (Don- goniometrY.(HeY).'. ".' 285 nay)... 593 Face and zonesYmbols relerred grains and crushed Detrital to hexagonalaxes' (HeY). 285 rock fragments,methods of Faust, G. T. Book review . ' 433 handling, and determina- Ferrari,A...... 556 tion of. (Partridge)'. ' . 482 Ferruccite.(Carobbi) ..... ' 555 Differentiation in Teschenite Fiedlerite.(Palache) .'.... .' 389 sills at El Mulato, Mexico. Fisher,D. J.....' 133 (Watson) 134 Fisher, L. W. GraPhite in Peg- 556 Dittler,E..... matite. 169 T, A' Determination of Dodge, Growth of stalactites. 131 , 429 optic angle with universal 131 stage.. .. .' 62't29 Fisk,H. N.. 131 Donnay, D. H. Barker's de- J. Flow-structures, measurement terminative angleslor cas- of. (Pabst). 137 tanite.... 553 Foshag, W. F. Searlesite from Memorial of G. Friedel 329 EsmeraldaCo., Nevada. .. 268 Theory of determinants Fourmarierite.... ..""" 313 applied to crystallograPhY. 593 Friedel, G., memorial of. (Don- Book review 83 nay)........ 329 Tunell, G', and Barth' Frondel, C. Selective incrusta- T. F. W. Various modes of tion of crYstalforms...... 316 attack in crYstallograPhic investigations. .129,437 Garnetinmuscovite..- '.-'. 79 86 Dravert,P.L........ 89 Garnet-toPazePigrowth. .. Dryden, L.. I32 Geology and ore dePosits of Dust fall of November 13, 1933. Sierra Co., N. Mexico. (Alexander). 230 (Harley) [Bookreview]. '. 555 Glass, J. J. Standardizationof 459 Elements of OPtical Mineral- index liquids. ogy, Pt. II. DescriPtionof Glaucocerinite.(Dittler, Koech- minerals. Third edition. lin). 5s6 (Winchell) [Book review]. 33 Gold-bearing stonY meteorite Ellsworth. II. V. and Osborne, from Melrose, N. Mexico. F. F. Uraninite from Lac (Nininger). 370 Pied des Monts, SaguenaY Goldschmidt, Victor, memorial 106 district,Quebec... 42L of. (Palache). - Nickeliferous and uran- Goldschmidt,V. (Himmei and iferous anthraxolite from Miiller) Kursus der Kris- PortArthur, Ontario. ... 426 tallometrie. [Book review]. 487 612 TEE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST Gonyer, tr'. A. and Moehlman. High-index refractometer.(Em- R. S. Monticellite from mons,Williams).... 129 Crestmore, AJA Calif. High index resins,recent devel- 130 opments in. (Alexander) 385 Gordon, S. C. Book review 487 Hodge, H. C. and McKay, If. Graebite. (Treibs, J. Steinmetz). 491 "Microhardnesstt of min- Graphite in pegmatite. (trisher) 169 erals in Mohs scale t6l Croves,A. W... 390 Hornblende in igneous rocks, Gruner, J. W. Memori"i oi conditions for crystalliza- Friedrich Rinne. t12 tion of. (Kennedy) 284 Strucfures of vermicu_ Howard, A. D. and Colony, R. J. lites and their collapse by Observations on spheru- dehydration. s57 lites.. 515 Unusual crystal habit of Hubbard, L. L., memorial of. cassiteri te 552 (Lane). 118 129 Hunt,'W. F. Memorial of C. W'. Cook... ... 114 Haff, J. C. Crystallized native Book review s55 copperfromFranklin, N. T. 490 Hurlburt, C. S., Jr.. 130 Hall, G. M. Zoisite and other Hydroromeite. (Natta, Bacca- minerals included in mica redda). from Spruce pine, JJ N. Caro_ Hyrax, the synthetic resin lina.... .. Z6 (Cameron) J/J Halloysite. Optical Data 4g7 Harley, G. T. Geology and ore Ianthinite ... 313 deposits of Sierra Co., N. Index liquids, standardization Mexico. [Book review]. 555 of. (Glass) Harmotone, 4Sg new localities in fndium, crystal form. (palache) BritishIsles. (Russell).... 90 . .128,205 Hassell, O. Kristallchemie. Iron-silicide, fictitious occur- [Book review] $3 renceof. (Spencer) .. .. 90 Hawley, J. E. and Beavan. A. P. Mineralogy and gen_ Jahn,A. 36 esis of the 'W, Mayville iron Jenks, tr'. I{eavy minerals ore of Wisconsin.... .131,493 in syenites of pleasant Mt., Heavy minerals from continen- Maine... ... 476 tal shelf off N. E. United States.(Alexander)....... l3Z KrO-AlrO3-SiO2 system. (Schair- Heavy minerals in the syenites er, Bowen).. .. l3l of Pleasant Mt., Maine. Kaolinite in Illinois (Ball) (Jenks) coal. 134 416 Keller, W. D. Mounting me- Heavy minerals in the Tertiarv dium of 1.66index. 394 intrusives of central Colo_ Kemmerer, L., Snel- rado. (Stark). J. Jr., 5g6 grove,A. K., and Roebling, Heliumspectrometer lamp.... 465 III, F. W. Blow-me-down Hematire at Cape york, ireen_ intrusive complex, New- land.(Belknap). ..... .. 433 foundland. ... 2l Hey,M.H.. .. ..233,28s.3g1 Kennedy, W. Q.. 284 613 JOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETV OF AMERICA Kerr, P. F. ... 285 Linnaeite grouP of sulPhides. 130 and Rogers,A. F. Thin- (Tarr) 34 section mineralogY. [Book Lonsdale,J. T. Book review... reviewl 232 Lusakite, a Co-bearingsilicate (Skerl, Koechlin,R. 556 from N.
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