NOV 14 1960 r\a&>** Discarded CSL Eyeopener Editorial Start paikin. Jl»mi». the | Speaking heiuirdevs arc mm in' In. (Enntiirltmt latlg dampus Editorially (See Page 2) Serving Storrs Since 1896' VOL CXV No 37 OHicts in Sludtnl Union Building SIORRS. CONNfCllCUl Complete Associated Press Win Saivica THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. I960 Senator Kennedy Elected; AFT To Take Position Youngest Man, 1st Catholic On Staff Salaries Issue Nov. 7 CAP) Senator John Finally the nation watrhed cushioning the changing of Kennedy has bean elected Illinois, Minnesota and Call- power. Kennedy has given no Presidd* dj the United Slates,; fornia. where rural votes slow- public indication of whom he On Basis Of Questionnaire in the closets election since; ly nibbled Into the Kennedy will select. 1880. Viet • President Nixon. totals. President Eisenhower sent a Tlie auestioii of faculty ami other professional staff salaries is the major conceded deteat today (12:47] It was all over when Minne- congratulatory telegram to concern of the University of Connecticut chapter Of Die American Federation of pm , K'S.T.I. after the state of sota became clearly Kennedy '*. Kennedy shortly after Nixon Teachers, the Daily Campus learned yesterday, Minnesota IWung to Kennedy. | Then the arithmetic of the ihad conceded, Eisenhower in- The A.FT. plain to tike This put the Ml i' V«t the electoral college ihad given the formed Kennedy that he will a definite position of this is- majority, answer. have some suggeatioi - tor the sue. To aid in deciding on the At 43, Kennedy is the young-1 The popular vote also gave Round-Robbin Parties transition period to a new ad- exact position, a questionnaire est man ever ••' cted and the the election high suspense. At ministration. The President was sent out Mondav Novem- first Roman Catholic. i last count, Kennedy had a also sent a telegram to Nixon. ber "• 1° 'be entire pi ofession- It appeared by midafter- little over 32 million votes. He said: "Your hard-fought Begin Fraternity Rush al staff. noon that Kennedy might end Nixon had Just over 31 million, courageous campaign to carry The first Question i* to de- The first open rush party of last Invitational rush party lip with 338 electoral votes. Hej 700-thousand. In terms of per forward the principles of sound termine w h e t he r available the Formal Rush Period was will be held |usi before has 22 states' with 299, and is cenlage. Kennedy had 50-point- government will have my last funds should is- used for mui- held last night front 7:30-10 Thanksgiving vacation on ktedlng in 3 undecided states 3, Nixon 49-point-7. In 1880, ing respect." Nixon is flying npie step Increments under pm, at ail fraternities. The Not ember 21, California, Alaika and New .lames Garfield defeated Win from Los Angeles to Washing- the present salary scale or for next round-robin rush party Silence period will he held Mexico. They have. ,">9 more. field Hancock by only 7,000 ton this afternoon. a new salarv scale will he held tonight at the for live three day period im Nixon carried 24 states with votes out of nearly 9 million— The President sent a mes- Three new s.U.vv scales are a difference of less than one same time Ij after Thankaglv big, 185 votes. sage of congratulation to Sen proposed on the questionnaires tenth of one per cent. Rush parties will also he Sunday, Monday and Tuasda) All night long the election ator Lyndon Johnson In the first of these su^^c-st- held Monriav and Tuesday of ni days, At tins time, victory eluded Kennedy His Kennedy is expected to mmr Presidential winner with Ken- ed, minimum salaries would he next week. These parties arc no fraternity member is ai electoral score remained a few his ohojee for Secretary of nedy. And in Austin, Texas, llO.OOO for a profeaor; 18,000 also open to all rushes*. Invi- lowed to talk with a rush—, votes shy of the needed 269. State fairly soon, In order to Ja'ison made it clear that he for an associate professor] establish foreign policy liaison tational rush parlies will he Kcrelve Bids And as the nlgihl wore on. •will not resign from the Sen- $R12(l for an assistant proles- held Wednesday and Thursday Formal Tapping will take and then the morning, the with the outgoing adminlstra- ate until after the new Con- -i" and J.V4IKI for an in- of next vveek. All rilshi-cs ' Kennedy lead began to wither 'ion. President Elsenhower has gress is organized plsos on Tuesday, Nntrmlier -9 structor. away in stat'' after state.'Promised full cooperation in must receive invitations from in the in H Ballroom At tins The second salary scale in- Congratulations also were ti'ie various fraternities in time all rulheea will be given sent to Kennedy by the de- (Campus Photo Archambault) cludes: $in.Roo for a protes- A new FM antenna has been Installed by M. Ill's. Tom order to return to that house. their bids, anil ti'ie rusliee will feated Vice-Presidential candi- tor; W.-IOO for an associate Sranlan, standing, and Dave Millsnn are preparing the brac- Invitations sign the hid from the house professor: gfi.MM for an as- State Clerks date, Henry Cabot Lodge. An- kets fur the untenna. Along with the new equipment, VVHI'S Invitations are either de of his choice Pledging cere- sistant professor; and .\ IIKI for other leading Republican, Gov- announces the beginning of a new music aeries with linn livered to the Individual's monies at most fraternities an instnictor. ernor Rockefeller of New- Miller. The first program of the series, heard last night, room or the rushes is Invited will he held that Tuesdav The third suggested salary York, said he is deeply disap- featured folk music of many lands. hack orally. The most com- night scale Include: $9,840 for pro- Meet On Campus pointed, but that lbs people mon form of Invitation Is the In most eases the pledge fessor: (8.820 for an associate must unite behind the leader. regular written invitation. Town and city rlerks from | Following Justice Baldwin's period runs a minimum of professor: JT.llto foi* an assist. Soviet Premier Khrushchev- Other invitation rush parlies eight weeks during which some 75 Connecticut communl-1 address, the clerks will al- ant professor, and |>i300 lor has cabled congratulations to Phone Surveys will be held Saturdav Not. -n time the pledge is introduced lies converge on the Uconn tend a panel discussion on the an Instructor, President • elect Kennedy. her 19 at 1 la m. This is the to t.'ie history and laws of the campus tomorrow for a two- effects local government forms The final questions are de- I Khrushchev said he hopes invitational brunch party ' h* fraternity. day skukll session on prob- have on the functions of town signed to determine whether Soviet-American relations will lems of their profession. clerks. This forum, which Is increases based on merit, or again follow the line developed Made On Campus Connecticut Chief Justice hoth "merit" and "automatic" scheduled at 1:30 p.m., lists in the time of Franklin Roose- As a result of a series of number of telephones In earh increments were desired. Raymond Baldwin will deliver the fnliowingg town clerks as velt. He said, "we are con- Talent Show Try-Outs the main address at the An- panelists: Complaints, the Office of dormatory, the number of stu- Further details on Ihe A F.T. vinced that there are no In- Women's Housing, headed by dents using each telephone, the nual Connecticut Town Clerks Newton Street, Woodbridge: plans are not yet available. surmountable obstacles to t.he Miss .loan SfcCall, Initiated a names of these students, and Conference. He will discuss the Walter D. Conors, Hamden: preservation of peace." To Begin Today In HUB campusAvide telephone survey. their semester standing. role of the 'Town Clerk as a Joseph V. Toner, Stamford Kennedy made his victory Trie complaints concerned: The Information was col- Ucortej Te Honor Municipal Officer," Friday at and George J. Tudrn, Wind- apliearanee today at the DOlse, the number of students lected, "when each resident Try outs srili begin todav for' Marsha Harrington, Crawford 10 a.m. In the t'niled Na- sor. Dads On Nov. 12 armory In Hyannis. Massachu- using one phone, i repealed counselor felt that all the a talent show sponsored bv D. [>avid Midler, Sigma Phi tion! Room of the Student Dance contests are to ha At :45 p.m.. Rob2ert Galll setts, and promised to devote number of trips neccaaary for ■bones had been Installed." ■he stud, nt Union, Rei: Kpsilon; It h e a Wrinsteln, held for parents at the Har- Union. About 9t) clerks are ex- van, Hartford town and city , himself to the long range in- the telephone company to In- staled Miss Met all It will he tion wil ltake place at the Claw ford A: and Joseph Clan pected to hear his remarks. clerk, will debate with Ever- terests of the United Slates stall the telephones, and the evaluated as soon as time per HUB control desk chettl. Theta Sigma Chi. vest Moon Bsll Satuiuay, No- vember 12 at 8 p.m. as part ett Dow, West Hartford town and to the cause of freedom late hours that telephones are mils. The actual auditioning on clerk, the pros and cons of | around the world. His wife, ringing. This Survey Is the first nf November 31, vi* Make place Eastman Offers of.the .Wd annual Dad's Day elective and appointie clerks.
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