CATHOLICS IN WORLD MilillBER 400,000,000 Th* Rcslitci B u th« lnteniatioii41 Ntw* Serrlee (Wlra and HaU), tht N. C. W. C. Ntwa SarTtca (Inclndlns ^ d ios and Cablta) Ita Oira Spaetal Sarrica, Ldman Sarviea of China. Intarcational nioatiatad Nawa. and N. C. W. C. Pictnra Saraica. Listening In Leftists in Spain Local .. Local Near Supreme Court Justice Fer­ Editioff Edition dinand Pecora of New York Continue sayst “If all the men and Attacks women who commit perjury Double Ranks in courts were sentenced to jail, we would have to build Religion more prisons than there are hotels and apartment houses in this town.” (The Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Thom- well-known authority on Spanish Of Protestants ing and John V. Hinkel went to history and culture. Mr, Hinkel, a An oath, says the Netc CatU' Spain to make a first-hand study graduate of the University of EGISTER (Name Registered in'the U. S. Patent Office) oUc Dictionary, since it con­ of the religious, social, and eco­ Notre Dame, is a New ICork news­ nomic aspects of the Spanish con­ paperman, and also has been a Islam Closest to .Rome in Total sists in calling upon the /.11- flict. Dr. Thoming is professor keen student of the Spanish situa­ VOL. XIV. No. 29 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1938 TWO CENTS knowing and all-truthful f^rod of social history at Mt. St. Mary’s tion.) to witness the truth of a state­ college, Emmitsburg, Md., and a (By Dr. J oseph F. Thorning and Adherents, Jesuit Monthly ment or the sincerity of a pur­ J ohn V. Hinkel) Social Action Leaders Among Clergy on Faculty pose, is an act of the,; virtue Perpignan, France. — Despite Estimates of religion. A false okth, in radical propaganda to the con­ addition to the evil of a lie, trary, the Spanish Leftist govern­ Summer School for Priests Will Amsterdam.—There are 400,000,000 Roman Cath­ ment has not abandoned its anti- olics in the world at the present time, it is reported in contains the evil of a sin religious program, has not per­ against religion anr|, of itself, mitted the reopening of any of the “Stimmen der Zeit,” well-known Jesuit monthly. The pub­ apart from cases of ignorance few Catholic churches that remain Offer Intensive Economic Study lication says there are 207,000,000 Protestants of all. de­ or lack of deliberation, is al- ISI|[C[IV[D undamaged in its territory, and nominations. It also declares that there are 306,0ft0,000 continues to forbid public religious elude the Most Rev. Robert E. Mays a grievous^ sin. services by Catholics. Chicago.— (Special)—To equip adherents of Islam, and a total of priests for their job of making the Lucey, Bishou of Amarillo, Tex., These and other interesting whose work on behalf of labor and 163,000,000 members of Eastern The INS cables on July 9 Holy Father’s program of social Schismatic Churches. The publi­ BY ill F statements on conditions iti Red reconstruction work, the Summer a better social order has taken him reported tht^f"' a truce went Spain were made to thes^' corre­ all over the country and won for cation says the number of Buddi School of Social Action for Priests k into effect i'/ Austria between spondents here by newspapermen, at St. Mary of the Lake seminary, him an honorary membership in hists was .exaggerated in previous Burgos.—The men who burn foreign consular officials, and other the Amarillo Central Labor coun­ the Catholic Church and the churches, 'murder reli^ous. and Mundelein, from July 18 to Aug. estimates, and that they actually * i travelers from Catalonia, wherein 12 will offer one of the most in­ cil; the Rt. Rev. Monsignpr .John Nazi party^i'and that Cardinal seek to uproot the traditional Cath­ is situated Barcelona, the Spanish A. Ryan, director of the N.C.W.C. total 221,000,000 today. PIIIIICIPLESIF olic culture of Spain are no true tensive short-term courses in so­ Innitzer, '.'Archbishop of Leftist capital. Because most of cial and economic problems ever Social Action department, who has It is said that at the end of the Vienna, and Joseph Buevel, Spaniards, for their very anti- these persons have to return to served the United States govern­ first century of the Christian era Catholicism is anti-Spanish, Na­ their posts in ' Red Spain, the conducted in America. Staffing Nazi commissioner, are to the school will be men who have ment on many policy-making and there were only a few thousand tionalist Generalissimo Francisco writers promised not to divulge administrative boards; the Rt. meet (arly in August to ar- Franco told the new Papal Nuncio, made national reputations not adherents of the new faith; that their identities. only as scholars and authors in the Rev. Monsignor F. J. Haas, head range'final details of a peace the Most Rev. Gaetano Cicognani, (Editor’s note: Since this article of the .school of social sciences at at the end of the third century in a ceremony at which Arch­ economic field but also as adminis­ agreement. We are not too was written, the Leftist govern­ trators of social legislation, arbi­ the Catholic University of America there were about 2,000,000, and New York.—“As a citizen of the bishop Cicognani presented his ment announced it had ordered and a nationally known mediator that around the year 400, owing optUnistic. credentials as the Pope’s repre­ ters of labor troubles, leaders in American republic for nearly two- military commanders to authorize rural resettlement, and organizers of labor troubles. to many wars, only a slow progress score years, I know some of the sentative to the Nationalist gov­ religious services at the front for Also on the staff will‘be the was noticed. ernment. of the workingman. things that have been wrong with In a report to the Journal (Turn to Page 3 — Colum n 3) Members of this faculty will in- Rev. Bernard W. Dempsey, S.J., The number rose to 8,000,000 America, but I also know what is In the presence of a distin­ translator of Nell-Breuning’s Re­ of the American Medical As­ guished gathering of civil and in the year 600, the puljlication right with America,” declared sociation, Dr. Herman N. ecclesiastical authorities. Arch­ organization of Social Economy, says, and remained at that figure Matthew Woll, vice president of Compared to De Valera of Ireland the world’s most authoritative until the year 700, as in the mean­ the American Federation of Labor, Bundensen of Chicago and bishop Cicognani, a brother of the commentary on Pius XI’S Recon­ four associates declared that Apostolic Delegate to the United time there was a heavy recession in a radio address inaugurating a States, expressed his wishes for struction of the Social Orderf the in the number of Catholics in six-month campaign of re-dedica­ pain-killers in childbirth are the success of General Franco’s Rev. John Cronin of Baltimore, a North Africa, owing to the Arab tion to the American bill of rights dangerous to the life of the crusade in Spain. He spoke of Hungary’s Premier well-known student of social eco­ conquest. The occupation of Spain and to democratic institutions. infants. “The administration the Nationalist cause as the be­ nomics; the Rt. Rev. Monsignor by the Arabs in the eighth cen­ “What is right with America,” L. G. Ligutti, president of the Na­ of analgesics to the mother ginning of a “reflowering from tury caused only a small decline said Mr. Woll, “is the faith in which will arise a more beautiful tional Catholic Rural Life confer­ in the Spanish Catholic population, which it was conceived, the hope seems to be more frequent in Spain, the glorious epitome of all ence and founder of the subsist­ while the number of Catholics rose which is held out to the oppressed association with deaths from the spiritual and traditional es­ Great Statesman ence homestead project at Gran­ greatly in Middle and Eastern of all nations, the charity with I asphyxia than in association sence of her long history, so rich ger, la .; the Rev. George Nell of Europe, so that in the year 800 which the people of America have in Christianity, ideals, and hero­ Budapest. — On a par with fies abuses, does not interfere 'Teutopolis, 111., pastor of one of the total must have been more responded to suffering the world with deaths from all other the most famed rural parishes in isms.” Eamon de Valera of Ireland or with the freedom of the press. than 10,000,000. In the year 1000, around.” Woll is a Catholic. causes in infants under two He extended the corporate cham­ America; the Rev. Francis Ken- there were 15,000,000 Catholics A new sponsor of the re-dedica­ Antonio de Oliveira Salazar of (Tum to Page 2 — Column 1) tion movement is the National weeks.” ‘LOST DIVISION’ Portugal as an outstanding Cath­ ber system throughout the coun­ among 18,000,000 inhabitants of Because knowledge of this DESTROYED CHURCHES olic statesman is Bela de Imredy, try. For a long time corporate Europe. Council of Catholic Women. danger is nothing new. Cath­ Zaragoza. — Before retreating Hungary’s new prime minister. chambers had existed for only over the border into France the farmers, engineers, lawyers, and olic moral theologians have Spanish Reds’ so-called “Lost Di­ After a sensational rise from physicians. Now the corporate Vatican Paper Gives Warning warned against the use of vision” systematically destroyed private citizenship to the highest press chamber and a chamber of such drugs except in extreme all churches and religious monu- place in his country.
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