TUf. AFRICAN ~IETHODIST POCKET HUCTID FllOX DIFFERENT AUTHOR~. FIRST EDITIO~ PlIILADELPHIA. ron1.1mrn . llY Rlrsnn A - llrruonis·r cu l.ll:<, FOR Tl!E . !<!<1:CTIO!I • .UIIC~1' I ~ITtD ST.lTE;, I!< TIU; =-- J II Ci 11111ingham p . l ~IH ' f'IJl(C,·, VQ f\ 1-J·' i TO THF. ~ffi~fBERS l i OF Tffll i I _,,. ,J j - •9fric an .,l/etltodist Episcopal Churc!t. l ... -l .. -1 ULOTJ;D IIRJ:TIJJIJ:'f, -...l. \: IN April last, we prE-sented you with the ofour Church: was ~; Discipli ne It re- "'i - quisite that we should exhibit to the 'i , Chri stian worhl, the rules of govern- i - ment and articles of faith, b'° which we "'_.,.. - i11tended to be influenced a·nd o-overn- ., ed. I ~ doing 0is, we were unJer the r - lllJIIl)? ne~ess1ty of before the puulic a - hlam statement uf facts; which we a.re ./Ptpy to fiud , ha,·e gi,·en general sa~is dCIOO. - Ha,·ino- become cl" ti" rate body of a 18 n~t ancl sepa- tion of hrm nt~~te, ~~ere _i s no collec- a.dopt. 11°'1 ; ,·er c~: 'wnh propriety tune, bec•n cul l '. e have for so1ne • ect1u,l' 11 t . I>rt ~ent work . d l> lll. ena 1s fo1· ti- of , ,111 we t 1e of Ott' 1nbour will rec . _ru st, the result 1 th 10 :;t•gregation~ ~:~de e sanction over a ser: s~an:hes, We ha; our charge. teein1i a,~t hon of H VninQ\ not passed ntination . b Ui-ed by a pa t'. ecause es. J Ut ltavl' enu r,1cular deno- J. ea., oured to col- T llB 4 XFRICAN ~IE'fIIODI \Jct s~ch as were ~P\>licable to the ·\'a. pocKET 11ous state,.s of C. hn,;t1an es.perien ce. A nu muer o1 new hymns haw b introduced into •t his •,, ·ork • in co neesen- HYJ\1N BOOK. quence o f tl 1e es t.1mahon in which the , were held. ~ n_d we _flatter ourseh-e~, t he pre~e nt e~1t1on, will not sulfer by a c om p~nson with any collection of equd magmtudc. AWAKENING AND INVITl~G. lt n~ay I.re proper to inform the con- gre;at10ns, tha.t our H,;mn Boo!. is de- Portsmoutl, .,1-..,.) HYMN J. 6,6,6,6,8,i. signed to !e>Upersetle those heretofore 1 BLOW ye the trumpet, blow, u :,: ed among us. The gladly solemn sound : \\. e e xho11 y ou to retain the spirit of Let all tbe nations know, To earth's remotest boun<l si no-in!::: al ways recullecti n:; that it i; _a Tl' he year of Jubilee is come . ' pa11. ol" Divine worshi~: When t~e sp!1· ., ,eturn '·ve rans om 'd sinners,. 'home. rit antl the under:, tam.tn.; a~ uU1ted, _t - Jesus our o-,, at ff I . Hath ru1re 1g l Priest, is bclie,·ed to be a sen ~ce ace:piablern y ~tonemcnt made . the ~ight of God , an<l benefic ial to the e ~veary spirits rest . \ c mournful soub j year of l ·1 . >C r;lad, . The J 1 ::; ouls of the people, LE\' Heturn )·e u ' cc L~ come RlCH.-\RD ..\~ ·' ' ransom'd . ' u:tol th smncrs, home D -\·,7EL co~ER, 3 c Lamb f · j _-01.ES CI-L\~fl'IO"· The :ilJ.atou· o Gutl, Redemption . Lamb ; Throughout i ms bloo<l 1'ht year ofJ bi] e \~orld Ptochi .. llctum ,·e u ee is come m : J',':ilo delp,~~• l 4 . ' , ransom'd . , 'i e sla,,s of'. sinners ho .UMch, 1sns. S Y011r libcrt~ and_hell, '. nit> . > rec eive . 43 . Aoon1ox1 ,\ODrr1oi-AL \lY~t:- 5, •. L H Y,11~s. ft ,ring joy~ of sense lil'l1N Cc 1\t. ,111 fo01ish heM"t, . J. L:xxxn ' l'l'id mY •w malicious ,k,11 , 1 t 11ga d I. _.,, 1, siun, WI . -'·rt LET me d o to be hei•, "i;cided the pois'nous ""' . W Well on · \ Vhilc lcpand love Golgotha, r,U heneath the str?ke, 1 Bui fell to rise ag--.un! . W eep a sdec him on tJmy life away' an isb rous'd me ,nto hfe, . " T ' 11 bleed ie h-ee - hat d e·ir bl , and die~ • »r,.. fi,1e:isure spTUng from _v;n- Shews ' _oodfor si n ormc! 0 1D 1rkJ1eS!, and shame, and i;nc ' Ah m my sin in all •Its nci,; spi lt Tl ' Y soul I b f,'l11lt . ' OppreS!'d my gloomY ~nd ; ,., ,ou hast s1'am. l e tJi oreL the loa •d [)ook'd around me for relief, ., Hark ! his d . e amb ofG~d But no relief could find. 11 l-'ather let ·" S: word, "Fo . · 3At\ength, to God 1 cl') 'd ;_ Sinne r', . the sinner lh-c . rg,re, He he:1r<l. my pl:1inti,·e sigh, I v1pe th . thy ransom f y te, ars away lie he11rd, and instantly he sent 4 WI ·1 rec y pay."·• Salration from on high. u c I hear th· Anrl obtain • ,s g-race reveal '<! 6 My drooping head h e r:us'd , All m_v soft ~l,,:t:<.lon scal'd, ' My bleeding: woun<ls he h eal J . \\'aken ·u b ct,ons move rordon'd my sms, and w1tl1 :i sllllle Y the fore f 1 ' The gracious pardon seal'd. 5 Farewell world ti " o ove. Now I see the bl 'I gold is dross . ; 0 may l ne'er forget ,Jesus dj 'cl t ec mg cross . • The me1-cy of my God ; Fro~ the In~ set me_fr ee • Nor C\'CT want o. tongue to spreaJ. 6 He Ji , ' and sin, nnd th ee , His louJcst pn.i.c abroau. L ord·15, 'ear1 1 _v boug-ht m,· sou l · ' accert aud cl• . ' To tJ1y wil I nil :um 11 ,c II hole! ll'iMN ccux:s.Y. Now t'<·si,,.,1, l)ay of Judgment. ' no more my o wn, but tJ1i11 e. 1 B f.HOLD th~ :iwfo\ tromp~t sour.ds JIY)l.:\T CCLXXXI\". The sleeping ,\~ (\ to r.use, And calls the n::,,tions unuer brro1un<l : 1'raise for co1n•enirm. 0 how tl,e srunts will pn.ise Bcho\c\ t\1c SaviouT, \1ow h e comes 1 C O~fE, .ye t hat l<"ar the J.orJ l)cscc11dingfrom his throne, And hstcn whi le J tell ' 'l'o burst ;isu11der :.\\ our tombs, HowTh n:in-ow)y m .y feet esc.· ., •p 'd And \c~ his cbi\clren home. c snares of J eatli anJ lie!/. 1, 3 ~-1 8 r .1 DDiTlOSAL 11n1NS • cctxxxv 1 .Farting for II. uvMN cci.xxx-vm. 1l SOLE:\I:'\ Ete11u·1!'• Lumr11ti11g the lo ss of <1 Child. I' -\ Toward; march we rn . \KE up my muse, con~ole the loss . loc!g-i n,. II the si lent al.:c, APlrl <> a m11 st . graw, ·,v or those that mourn tins <lay; carnal pl q111 ckh· tlk l.tt tc:U-S distil on every face, 0 what a str·k· easures lca,c r, , .\nd ~v ery mourner pray• . I I. t ·r ng s . n t l1s col-' ccne, Death, A mo -t u grare a :11t, tffant, c:\Jlle _rushmg m, .1 a turn'd t Jlpcars, I wt 11igl,t his po\~•er ~•cl s\~ew, Quite spun ° dust aglin o,iofthis world tins clnld d1<l ta.kc, .\ ntl we ·h out all his ) ears' n,ath laid its visage \ow. · ' 1 o no · :\lust soon _w atten,J, : ~o more llie plcascnl chilcl is seen God will the resl1gn our breath ll d so emn su . , To please its parent's eye, Y reaclful ghastl · dmons send The tender plant, so fresh :mu green, -~ If I the ne ·t I Y eath. ' ls in eternity. Tl x s iould be I Tue golden howl hy death is broke, ~[y s~~~ll'."hblc with the dust. The pitcher burst in twain, 11 at then b · Hast tl1ou • lot .thecomcs of thee , Toe cistern wheel l,as fdt the stroke, · ·• wi Vhr· 1 11,e pkasant child is slain. 5 rn ce I atte nded he 1st . \ly re, l I Tue winding-sheet doth bind its limbs, -\ · I tomcnts swiftly g-lidc . The coflin hohls it fast, · n, .' ca_th upon their ,~·in • • To-day it's seen by all its friends, As <puck perpetual ti 1 _r;s the: bear, l '.\'ow I 'c. llut this must be the last, . et me home return . 1cnt:1I the Lon\ doth come to judge I ~-\.ncl _stri,·c my soul to ;ave . Tlis natio ns great 011<1 smtlll, . c St I 111 _h e ll should ev,• r bur~ .\ntl ) ou ond I before him st:md, And ,nth the damncJ r:i,·c. And al his pi•esence fall. J es,, s, <l cspisccl frie nd ~-JI ~li g-_li t thy hH~ n~ more; HY~IN ccLxxxrx. Dear Sanour now th •· sp· _.t . l \\."hich I so gric\·',.(bctb:c.~cw , 'l'hc g lory •f J,.u.s. 8 Then I'll prepare to meet, 1 BIJRST ye em'rald 1;~tes, and bring !tly Jesus at his bar To my rnpt.ur,d vunon, . For eve: worship at 1i'is fed, All the cxtatic Joys, that_spnng :\nJ sing Ins praises tiler~.
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