THE MUSLIM STUDENT 2012 GUIDE Compiled by Rakan al-Eidi SUPPORTED BY SUNNAH INSPIRATIONS AND AUSTRALIAN YOUTH MUSLIM NETWORK MUSLIM STUDENT GUIDE TO BRISBANE Foreword Bismillahi-Rahmani-Rahim To our cherished guests, the International Students, from beyond the four horizons, Welcome! Welcome to Brisbane, Queensland ± the beautiful Sunshine State of Australia! Leaving home for a distant land can itself be quite a challenge. But, Brisbane, as with the rest of Australia, can be your sweet home away from home. Brisbane boasts a rich multicultural society with people from a diverse ethnic background, FXOWXUHVDQGODQJXDJHV,W¶VTXLWHDSOHDVDQWVXUSULVHWRDUULYHLQ%ULVEDQHWRD mouth-watering variety of cuisine that is as rich in its colour, taste and aroma as the richness of the personal friendships and life-long relations that Brisbane takes pride in building amongst its international guests. You will not be alone in Brisbane, inshaAllah! Our Universities are a world in themselves -new people to meet, the intellect to stimulate, skills to acquire and memories to cherish for the rest of our lives. Student Services and Student Unions at all Brisbane Universities cater for most of DVWXGHQW¶VVWXG\DQGVRFLDOQHHGV,QIDFWDOl Universities even have a prayer room for daily prayers, Friday congregational prayers with Khutba and daily Iftar in Ramadan. The wider Brisbane offers additional social, recreational, sports, cultural and religious events that are sure to satisfy a StudHQW¶VVSLULWXDODVZHOODVWKH µZRUOGO\¶QHHGVLQWHUHVWVDQGKREELHV7KHUHDUHQXPHURXV+DODOPHDWDQG+DODO food outlets, Mosques and even regular weekly Islamic classes and events! Tapping into these resources is now so much easier with The Muslim Student Guide to Brisbane! This guide, a joint effort between Muslim students of Queensland and the %ULVEDQH&LW\&RXQFLOLVDµIULHQG¶WKDWZLOOKHOS\RXIHHOFRV\DQGDWKRPHULJKW here in Brisbane. Refer to this guide for any of your academic, social, recreational DQGUHOLJLRXVQHHGVDQG\RX¶UHVXUHWRILQGKHOSIXOGLUHFWLRQV May Allah reward Brother Rakan El-Eidi, Saudi Students Ambassador for Brisbane, for this great initiative, sincere thanks to the Brisbane City Council and all those who helped to put this Muslim Student Guide to Brisbane in our hands ± and Brisbane in your hearts; and you in ours! Your Brisbane Brother, Dr Aslam Hussain B. Shariah (Medina), B. Dental Sci. (Qld) Director, HikmahWay Institute 2 7+(086/,0678'(176¶*8,'(72%5,6%$1( INTRODUCTION Welcome to Brisbane. This is a guide that will contain useful information for Muslim students to practise their faith whilst pursuing their studies in this city. AUSTRALIAN VISA INFORMATION Should you have any issues or queries regarding your visa, please contact the Department of Immigration and Citizenship by visiting their website at http://www.immi.gov.au7KHGHSDUWPHQW¶VRIILFH(Ground Floor of 299 Adelaide Street, Brisbane) is open from 9 am to 4 pm. It is advised that students call ahead to the general line at 131 881 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm in order to confirm the documentation that is required for visa matters. TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Incorporated http://www.ausit.org/ Ph: 1800 284 181 Institute of Modern Languages ± Translation Service http://www.iml.uq.edu.au/translation.html Ph: (07) 3346 8207 National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd http://www.naati.com.au Yungaba Centre, 120 Main Street, Kangaroo Point, QLD4169 Ph: (07) 3393 1358 ONCALL Interpreters & Translators Agency http://www.oncallinterpreters.com 2/67 St Pauls Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD4000 Ph: (07) 3018 0333 Queensland Interpreting & Translating Service http://www.qits.com.au Level 3, 303 Adelaide Street, Brisbane 3 PUBLIC TRANSPORT There are three main modes of public transportation in Brisbane that are managed by the Queensland Government: bus, ferry and train. You can find schedules available online at http://www.translink.com.au or use the Journey Planner which will show you the quickest ways to travel. Timetables are also available from council libraries and the Brisbane Visitor Information Centre, which is located opposite Wintergarden in the middle of Queen Street Mall (Ph: 07 3006 6290) Aside from public transportation, Brisbane City Council also offers a City Sights µKRSRQ± KRSRII¶EXVWRYLHZYDULRXVKRWVSRWVLQWKHFLW\VXFKDVWKH%RWDQLF Gardens at Mt Coot-tha. This is a great way to acquaint yourself with the city, its history and popular destinations around Brisbane. Please visit http://www.citysights.com.au for more information. 4 UNIVERSITIES IN BRISBANE: 1. University of Queensland (UQ) http://www.uq.edu.au Ph: (07) 3365 1111 The University of Queensland (UQ) has four campuses, which are located in St Lucia, Gatton, Herston and Ipswich. During Market Day, Muslim students can choose to register with the Muslim Students Association of the University of Queensland (MSA-UQ) or contact them at [email protected]. For those studying in the St Lucia campus, regular prayers are held everyday at the UQ Multi-Faith centre, which is on the ground IORRURI%XLOGLQJ-XPX¶DK prayers are also held at 1:10 pm every Friday. Please bring your student card to gain access to the facility. Please find information regarding mosques in the next section 2. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) http://www.qut.edu.au Ph: (07) 3138 2000 There are two campuses for the Queensland University of Technology, which are located in Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove. Allocated prayer rooms for Gardens Point is room 217A and 217B of the G-H Link Building ZLWK-XPD¶DKSUD\HUVDW the N block, whereas prayer facilities can be found in B104 (for brothers) and 5 B104A (for sisters) of the Kelvin Grove campus. Friday prayers are held at 1 pm in the Gymnasium (44 Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove). You can find the entrance opposite Subway. 0XVOLPVWXGHQWVFDQHOHFWWRMRLQWKH0XVOLP6WXGHQWV¶ Association of QUT, (MsaQut) and their website can be found at http://www.msaqut.com 3. Griffith University http://www.griffith.edu.au Ph: (07) 3735 7111 University is divided into five campuses in Nathan, Mount Gravatt, Logan, Southbank and Gold Coast. Students of Griffith University are welcome to join the Griffith Uni Muslim Students Association (GUMSA). You can find their website at http://www.gumsa.org which includes information about prayer times. For those studying in the Nathan campus, the prayer room is located in the Multi- Faith Centre (BuildLQJ1 0W*UDYDWW¶VSUD\HUURRPFDQEHIRXQGLQ/RIWKH Student Services Building, whereas the prayer facility at the Gold Coast campus is located in room 2.31 of the G01 Building. Students at the Southbank campus are advised to use the non-denominational prayer room located underneath the stairwell in the C Block of the Southbank Institute of Technology. -XPX¶DKSUD\HUVDUHKHOGDWroom 1.01 of WKH1DWKDQFDPSXV¶V0XOWL-Faith Centre, with the Kuthba taking place at approximately 1:15 pm every Friday. The nearest YHQXHVIRUVWXGHQWVIURPRWKHUFDPSXVHVSHUIRUPLQJWKH-XPX¶DK6DODKDUH - Mount Gravatt: room 1.01 of the Multi-Faith Centre (Building N35) of the Nathan campus - Logan: Logan Mosque (corner of Third Avenue and Cutis Street, Marsden) - Southbank: West End Mosque (12 Princhester Street, West End) 6 - Gold Coast: Gold Coast Mosque [Lot 1 & 2, 144 Allied Drive (corner of Allied Drive and Olsen Avenue), Arundel] Please refer to Google Maps (http://maps.google.com) if you require further directions. Griffith University - Nathan Campus Griffith University - Gold Coast Campus 7 Southbank Institute of Technology PRAYER TIMES You can search for prayer times and download the Azan from http://www.islamicfinder.org MsaQut has also made available a yearly schedule for prayer times. This is available from http://www.msaqut.com/qutDocs/Brisbane_PrayerTimesSchedule.pdf MOSQUES AND ISLAMIC CENTERS ALGESTER The Islamic Society of Algester (Musallah) 48 Learoyd Road, Algester QLD 4115 Ph: (07) 3272 4111 http://www.isoa.com.au Open for five daily prayers. BALD HILLS Masjid Taqwa 119 Telegraph Road, Bald Hills, QLD4036 (corner of Telegraph Road & Musgrave Avenue) Ph: (07) 3261 1471 http://www.isbh.org.au 2SHQIRUILYHGDLO\SUD\HUV-XPD¶DKVWDUWVDWSP 8 BRISBANE AIRPORT Brisbane Airport ± International Terminal Musallah Level 4, International Terminal, Airport Drive, Brisbane Airport, QLD4007 Ph: (07) 3406 3000 http://bne.com.au/terminal-guide/facilities-services-general-information#Prayer Room BRISBANE CBD Queensland University of Technology Musallah 2 George Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000 Rooms 217A and 217B of the G-H Link Building -XPD¶DKSUD\HUVDUHKHOGDWWKH1EORFN BURANDA Darul Uloom Academy of Brisbane 6 Agnes Street, Buranda, QLD4102 Ph: (07) 3392 1310 CAPALABA Capalaba Mosque 26 Veronica Street, QLD4157 Open for five daily prayers EIGHT MILE PLAINS Rochedale Mosque 2674 Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains, QLD4113 Ph: (07) 3841 2504 HOLLAND PARK Holland Park Mosque/Islamic Society of Holland Park 309 Nursery Road, Holland Park, QLD4121 (corner of Nursery Road and Crest Street) Ph: (07) 3343 4748/04 19798629 (Imam Uzair Akbar) http://hpmosque.org.au/ Open for five daily prayers. Independent Islamic Sisterhood Inc. 430 Nursery Road, Holland Park, QLD4121 Ph: (07) 3343 4541 9 IPSWICH Ipswich Mosque/Islamic Society of Ipswich Inc. 30 Waterworks Road, Brassall, QLD4305 (corner of Waterworks Road and Gardiner Street) Ph: (07) 3294 6081 Open for five daily prayers GOLD COAST Gold Coast Mosque Lot 1 & 2, 144 Allied Drive, Arundel, QLD4214 (corner of Allied Drive and Olsen Avenue) Ph: (07) 5594 9097 or 04 1873 7621 http://www.goldcoastislam.com.au
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