2 North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : IStApril 2008 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 1'' April 2008 Page Application No. Applicant DevelopmenULocus Recommendation No 4 N/08/00046/OUT Mr. & Mrs. Airlie Construction of a Refuse (P) Dwellinghouse 201 Lochend Road Gartcosh 9 N/08/00254/FUL Mr. & Mrs. W. Construction of a Refuse (P) Dunbar Dwellinghouse Gavell Farm Gavell Road Queenzieburn 14 C/07/01126/AMD AMG Properties Ltd Residential Development Grant Comprising 20 Dwellinghouses, Access Road and Landscaping at Land West of 70 Main Street Longriggend Airdrie 24 C/07/01427/REM Barratt West Erection of 81 Grant (P) Scotland Dwellinghouses at Archers Request for Site of Airdrie, Carlisle Road, Visit Airdrie 33 C/07/02007/FUL Gladman Construction of Ten Two Grant Storey Business Units at Hagmill Road, Shawhead, Coatbridge 40 C/08/00145/FUL Orange PCS Ltd Erection of a 20m Mast and Grant Associated Telecommunications Equipment at Land At Upper Mill Street Industrial Estate, Upper Mill Street, Airdrie 45 C/08/00186/FUL Barracuda Group Part Change of Use of Bingo Grant Limited Hall to Public House and Restaurant Including Removal of and Part Re- instatement of Single Storey Extension at 2 - 10 Hallcraig Street, Airdrie 50 C/08/00219/AMD Link Group Erection of 18 Grant Dwellinghouses on Vacant Land at Scarhill Street & Kirkshaws Road, Coatbridge 55 S/08/00044/FUL c/o Charles Chiu Two Storey Rear Extension Grant 7 Forbes Drive, Motherwell 60 S/08/00088/FUL Mr James Mitchell Erection of One and a Half Grant Storey Dwellinghouse and Detached Double Garage Crestwood, Greenfield Crescent. Wishaw 69 S/08/00156/FUL Thomas Nailen Erection of a Dwellinghouse Grant (P) Land South Of Stewart Quadrant, Holytown 76 S/08/00234/FUL Song Zhou Change of Use of Retail Grant Shop to Hot Food Takeaway 216 Main Street, Bellshill 82 S/08/00249/FUL Mr & Mrs McNee Increase the Height of Rear Refuse Roof and Creation of Flat on Request for Site First Floor Visit & Hearing 64 West Main Street, Harthill, Shotts 88 S/08/00274/FUL Fred Davis Construction of Two Refuse (P) Dwellinghouses Land Adjacent To Heathfield, Wishaw Road, Wishaw (P) N/08/00046/0UT: If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Development in Green Belt) N/08/00254/FUL: If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Development in Green Belt) C/07/01427/REM: If granted, Section 69 Agreement required S/08/00156/FUL: If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Loss of Open Space) S/08/00274/FUL: If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Development in Green Belt) Application No: N/08/00046/OUT Date Registered: 17 January 2008 Applicant: Mr & Mrs Airlie 201 Lochend Road Gartcosh G69 8BE Agent JFS Architects LLP 5 Viewfield Place Stirling FK8 1NQ Development: Construction of a Dwellinghouse Location: 201 Lochend Road Gartcosh North Lanarkshire G69 8BE Ward: 5 - Strathkelvin : Councillors Hogg, McGlinchey, Shaw & Wallace Grid Reference: 269578668904 File Reference: N/08/00046/OUT Site History: No relevant site history Development Plan: The Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan. Strategic Policy 1 applies. Northern Corridor Local Plan, 2005. Policy ENV 5 applies. Contrary to Development Plan: Yes Consultations: Scottish Water (No comments) West of Scotland Archaeology Service (No objections) Representations: None. Newspaper Advertisement: Advertised on 27th February 2008 Recommendation: Refuse for the Following Reasons:- 1. In the interests of the proper planning of the area in that the proposed dwellinghouse would constitute inappropriate new development in the Green Belt and as such would be contrary to Scottish Planning Policy 3 : Planning for Housing, Scottish Planning Policy 21 : Green Belts, the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure Plan 2000 (Strategic Policy 1) and Policy ENV 5 of the Northern Corridor Local Plan 2005. 2. That should planning permission be granted for this development, a precedent may be set which would make it difficult for the Planning Authority to refuse other similar applications. JOHNSTON LOCH NOTE TO COMMITTEE: If granted, this application will have to be notified to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 2007 because the proposed development falls within an area of land designated as Green Belt. Background Papers: Application form and plans received 15 January 2008 Letter from West of Scotland Archaeology Service received 2gth February 2008. Northern Corridor Local Plan, 2005 Glasgow & the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000. SPP 3 : Planning for Housing SPP 21 : Green Belts E-mail of representation received 6 February 2008, from Councillor McGlinchey Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Ms Erin Louise Deeley at 01236 616464. Date: 20thMarch 2008 APPLICATION NO. N/08/00046/0UT REPORT 1. DescriPtion of Site and ProDosal 1.1 The application site is located within the west facing garden ground of Lochend House, Gartcosh. The site is accessed by a long un-surfaced driveway of Lochend Road to the east. To the north east of the site is the approved Dawn Homes residential development for 35 dwellings (N/06/00342/FUL). Immediately south of the site is an area designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. Also south of the site and approximately 90 metres away is Lochend Nursery and associated public tea room, beyond which is Johnston Loch. 1.2 The outline planning application proposes to establish the principal of a single house with a detached garage, garden ground and parking in the garden ground of Lochend House, Gartcosh. 2. DeveloPment PlanlNational Plannina Policv 2.1 The application site lies within the Green Belt and planning policies relevant to the consideration of the proposed development can be summarised as follows :- I.Scottish Planning Policy 3 : Planning for Housing The key themes are promoting development in brown field sites rather than green field locations and seeking to maintain the effectiveness of existing Green Belts and safeguarding the character and amenity of the countryside. 2. Scottish Planning Policy 21 : Green Belts The three main purposes of the Green Belt are :- 1. To maintain the identity of towns by establishing a clear definition of their physical boundaries and preventing coalescence 2. To provide countryside for recreation or institutional purposes of various kinds 3. To maintain the landscape setting of towns. 3. Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 Strategic Policy 1- Strategic Development Locations : The Metropolitan Development Strategy requires the continued designation and safeguarding of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Belt within which there is a presumption against the spread of built up areas and the encroachment of development into the countryside. Local Plans shall define the detailed boundaries and policies to safeguard the Green Belt. 4. Northern Corridor Local Plan 2005 Policy ENV 5 : There will be a presumption against new residential development in the Green Belt unless it is shown to be necessary in the direct interests of agriculture, forestry and horticulture or other uses appropriate only to a rural area. Policy ENV 13 : There will be a general presumption against developments that could adversely affect Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. 3. Consultations and Representations 3.1 Scottish Water has not yet responded to their consultation. Should the Committee decide to approve the proposal, then any requirements from Scottish Water can be attached as a condition recommendation to the Scottish Ministers (see para.4.6 below). 3.2 West of Scotland Archaeology Service has no objection to this application. 3.3 My Traffic and Transportation Section have no objections to an additional house being served off the access driveway to Lochend House subject to junction site lines being improved. 3.4 One letter of representation was submitted by Councillor McGlinchey. The Councillor’s comments can be summarised as follows: “I would like to formally object to the construction of a dwellinghouse on the application site as it in an environmentally sensitive location and is zoned as Green Belt in the Northern Corridor Local Plan 2005” Comment : Beyond the southern boundary of the site is a designated Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). If the application was approved, a condition could be attached requiring that no construction vehicles or materials shall infringe on the SINC. The site is located within the Green Belt where there is a presumption against residential development. 4. Planninn Assessment and Conclusions 4.1 In terms of Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, planning applications must be determined in accordance with the relevant development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 4.2 In this case, Strategic Policy 1 of the Structure Plan and Policy ENV5 of the Local Plan do not support the proposed dwellinghouse at Lochend House. No justification has been submitted by the applicants to support a departure from the above policies. 4.3 The approved Dawn Homes residential development currently under construction to the north east of Lochend House has a definite southern boundary line, established by extensive vegetation. The boundary differentiates between the residential setting to the north and the adjacent Green Belt in which Lochend House is located. Approving this application would potentially set a precedent making it difficult for the Council to resist similar proposals in a Green Belt setting. 4.4 In the draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan (NLLP), the area within which the application site is located and the surrounding vicinity is a proposed ‘urban expansion area.’ Until the NLLP has been adopted, any application for residential development in the Green Belt is premature. Given that the SINC is adjacent to the application site, it is unlikely that future development would be approved in close proximity to Lochend House.
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