TaTasksk ForceForce PenetrationPenetration By LTC James H. Lynch This article is part of ARMY Maga- zine’s ongoing commemoration of the Army’s service to America during the Korean War, which began 60 years ago and ended Korean three years later on July 27, 1953. War The retrospective series covering at the war and its aftermath will run 60 through 2012. This article appeared in the January 1951 issue of ARMY. 60 ARMY I September 2010 To link up with the 31st Infantry Regiment, a task force of the 7th Cavalry Regiment drove 178 miles through enemy territory, engaging in a sharp skir- mish at a river-crossing on the first night and a remarkable tank-killing spree on the final night. t 1700 on September 21, 1950, near Tabu-dong, which is 12 miles north of Taegu, LTC William A. Harris, commander of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, issued a warning or- der. As soon as the 1st Battalion had taken Tabu-dong and joined with the 8th Cavalry about 2 miles south of it, the order aaread, I would organize Task Force Lynch and move my force in a motorized column to seize and secure the river-crossing at Sonsan on the Naktong, some 25 miles to the northeast. The territory my force would move through to get there was held by part of the North Ko- rean 1st and 3rd Divisions. These elements had been badly mauled by the 1st Cavalry Division and the Republic of Korea (ROK) 1st Division in 10 days of recent fighting around Waegwan, Tabu-dong and the walled City of Kasan. The enemy appeared about Soldiers of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, move north of Chipyong-ni, Korea, on an M4A3 tank in late February 1951. Photographs: U.S. Army Photographs: U.S. September 2010 I ARMY 61 Company, Company M, Company I and the field artillery battalion (minus). We went 5 miles without incident through a devastated country. The Air Force had done a complete job of de- stroying enemy weapons, tanks and ammunition along that route. About 5 miles out, the point came under sporadic small-arms fire and de- ployed to return it. I went up and got them back in their vehicles with in- structions to push right through any- U.S. troops dig in against the communist- thing except determined resistance. led North Korean invaders. Task Force Farther along, the point was again Lynch endured repeated enemy attacks as it pushed forward. halted several times by hand grenad- ing from the paddies on the right of the road. With the assistance of the divi- ready to collapse and pursuit to the Naktong River would sion commander, GEN Gay, and assistant division comman- follow the breakthrough. der, GEN Allen, this brief resistance was also eliminated, To make up the task force, my 3rd Battalion was to be re- and the column moved on. Our pursuit had been so imme- inforced by two platoons with a total of seven M4 tanks; diate and aggressive that the enemy had had no time to also, the regimental intelligence and reconnaissance (I&R) mine the road. After the hand-grenade fight, I decided that platoon, one engineer company with a bulldozer, a 4.2 the tanks should lead the column and had the I&R platoon chemical mortar platoon and the 77th Field Artillery Bat- follow them. The column now continued rapidly, and there talion, less one battery. We would also have an air control was little resistance. party to furnish us air cover. Throughout the move, the air patrol kept attacking the By 1900, the 7th Cavalry took Tabu-dong and joined the fleeing enemy column 5 to 10 miles ahead of us with good 8th Cavalry to the south. I moved the battalion into a effect. perimeter defense for the night of the 21st, just west of Tabu- As the tanks rounded a bend of the road at Naksong- dong, closing by 2200 hours. My staff at once went to work Dong, the lead tank was hit by fire from two antitank guns planning the task force organization with the idea of setting concealed by the road about 200 yards ahead. On order, the out on the new mission at 0600. At 0200 LTC Harris and his tanks pushed forward and eliminated the two guns, allow- staff came to our command post (CP) and confirmed his ing the column to keep on moving. warning order with an execution time of 0630, September 22. The planning was done by 0330, and I called for a meet- t this point I received an air-dropped message ing of all commanders for first light at 0530. from 1st Cavalry Division headquarters. It was But around 0400, some 2,000 North Koreans let loose. unsigned and unauthenticated. It changed our They had been trapped between the 7th and 8th Cavalry objective to the ferry-crossing at Naktong-Ni, Regiments and now tried to break through and get away to some 10 miles beyond our original objective. the north. Their supposed escape route included our battal- After a talk with GEN Gay, who was still with ion perimeter and the area just to the east of it. For the next us and didn’t know about this change, it was decided that two hours we were busy. But repeated banzai attacks into Awe would keep on toward Sonsan, as originally ordered. We the CP and the area around it were all repelled, and the would verify the change of orders as we moved. Verification North Koreans finally shifted their escape effort to the west. would probably come before we reached Sonsan. I had decided that we couldn’t organize the task force Several miles farther on, the I&R platoon got involved in under fire, and the regimental commander approved the a grenade fight with a squad of North Koreans holed up in idea of holding up the commanders’ meeting until the lo- a culvert beside the road. It was a peculiar and amusing cal situation cleared. We held it at 0600 and set 0800 as the fight to watch. As I came up, I saw the I&R men dash up to hour for Task Force Lynch to move out. the ditch and drop grenades into it and then dash back. At At that hour the I&R platoon led out, followed in order by once several enemy grenades came out of the culvert, and the two tank platoons, the engineer company, my command the I&R platoon scattered away from them. One I&R jeep group, Company L, Company K, Battalion Headquarters was stalled in the road above the culvert. In trying to place a close one in the culvert, one scout missed and landed his LTC James H. Lynch, Infantry, was commanding officer, 3rd grenade right under his own jeep. It caught fire and Battalion, 7th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division, at the time he burned briskly. But after 10 minutes of the fight, the culvert wrote this article. He was a 1938 graduate of the Military became quiet and the column proceeded again. Academy at West Point. At 1530, we came in sight of Sonsan on the Naktong, and 62 ARMY I September 2010 still there was no verification of the changed mission. An halted for some reason, and I went forward to see what the I&R scout came running back to report a large enemy trouble was. I found the head of the column had reached a counterattack coming across the river. I dismounted Com- bluff overlooking the river-crossing. Just as I arrived, a pany L and started forward with them to block it. When tank opened fire and a tremendous fire flared up just in we reached the head of the column, we could find no resis- front of the lead tank. Then all hell broke loose. It was an tance there. We did find a rather shamefaced lieutenant, enemy ammunition truck loaded with heavy stuff, and it who explained that his message must have been garbled. began to blow up a part at a time. By the light of the fire it made, we could see a column of about 400 enemy foot t was 1600 now, and our immediate concern was secu- troops crossing the river on the sunken bridge below the rity for the night. There was still no word on the change bluff to our left. Our tanks commenced firing on them, but in our orders. We were 25 miles in enemy territory. I for some reason word was shortly passed back to cease fir- knew nothing about the situation except in my own im- ing. But in a few minutes the staff got both tanks and in- mediate area. I did have permission from the division fantry to take up the fire again, and the resulting slaughter commander to hole up for the night on my original ob- in the river was terrific. jective at least until the change was verified. So we pulled in In all this confusion, word spread back to our own foot Ithe two-hour-long column and organized a perimeter. We soldiers that the big explosions up ahead (from the ammu- had just gotten this done, at 1800, when the orders came nition truck) were enemy infantry dropping grenades on through to head immediately to Naktong-ni, 10 miles north, us from the bluff above us on our right. I sent a platoon up and secure the river-crossing there. The delay wasn’t entirely on the bluff to end that rumor and secure that flank, and wasted.
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