Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 1 No 4 Winter 2011/12 incorporating Islington History Journal The fight for Finsbury Health Centre How patients and residents worked to keep it as a place for community healthcare Las Vegas weddings in Georgian London l An armchair cruise down the Fleet river l The company that brought TV into living rooms l Christmas at Beale’s emporium on Holloway Road l A corner garden on Upper Street l Growing up in a tenement in the 1930s l Four pages of winter reading l Your local history questions answered l News and events About the society What we do Memories, reviews, old photographs, Islington Archaeology & ideas sought… contribute to this journal History Society Committee hesocietyarranges President lectures,walks,visits Wewelcomecontributions, streetsorbuildings?Send RtHonLordSmith Tandoutingsabout includingarticlesonlocal theminforourtireless ofFinsbury thearchaeologyandhistory history,memoriesandmore researcherMichaelReading ofIslington. academicpieces. –andmaybeotherreaders Vice-president Weliaisewiththecouncil Eachpagetakesabout500 –toanswer. MaryCosh andothersinmattersof words,andmaximumarticle lSeeLetters,page6 planninganddevelopment lengthis1,000words.Email Chairman and acting torecordandprotect theeditorforacopyofour Copyright secretary Islington’ssitesthatareof writingguidelines. Copyrightofeverythingin AndrewGardner archaeologicalandhistorical Welikereceivingpictures, thisjournallieswiththe [email protected] importance. butpleasecheckthatwecan creatorunlessotherwise Wealsoaimtodocument reproducethemwithout stated.Whileitcanbedifficult Membership and events archaeologicalfindingsin infringinganyone’scopyright. totracecopyrightownership CatherineBrighty theborough. Deadlineforthespring ofarchivematerials,we 8WynyattStreet Localhistoricaland issueis1February. makeeveryefforttodoso. London literarywalksarearranged EC1V7HU forgroups. Ever wondered…? Any questions? 02078331541 Doyouhaveanyqueries ContacteditorChristy Why archaeology? aboutIslington’shistory, Lawrance(detailsright). Treasurer Archaeologyisnotjust PhilipAnderson aboutwhatisburied;it phlpandrsn6@ includesstructuresand Join us and benefit from membership btopenworld.com fragmentsthatstillexist,and thepeoplewholived, Membersreceivethis buildingrestoration, Committee members workedanddiedinthem. journalandareinvitedto entertainment,healthand KathleenFrenchman Weareheretoinvestigate, 10talksayearwithguest healthservices,andcrime. PeterFuller learnandcelebratewhatis speakersandotherevents. Membersalsoreceive MichaelHarper lefttous. Werunawiderangeof thejournalfourtimes DerekSeeley talks,withtopicsincluding ayear. Our website architecture,gardens, Non-membersarealways Academic adviser Gotowww.iahs.org.ukto transport,industry,politics, welcomeattalks–weinvite LesterHillman,former findoutmoreaboutusand socialchange,London’s a£1donationtowardsthe visitingprofessor,London ourevents. waterways,map-making, speaker’sexpenses. MetropolitanBusiness School,London (photocopiesacceptable) $ MetropolitanUniversity Join the Islington Archaeology & History Society Newsletter editor Membershipperyearis:£10single;£12jointatsameaddress;concessions£6;joint ChristyLawrance concessions£8;corporate£15 [email protected] c/o6Northview Name(s).................................................................................................................................... TufnellParkRoad LondonN70QB Address.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. The Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Telno/email(ifweneedtocontactyou).............................................................................. ispublishedfourtimes ayear I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembership,and encloseachequepayableto“IslingtonArcheology&HistorySociety”for................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:IslingtonArchaeology&History PrintedbyCLPHolborn Society,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU 16BaldwinsGardens Cover picture: Finsbury Health Centre by Gordon Cullen, courtesy of John Allan Gordon Cullen, courtesy of John Health Centre by picture: Finsbury Cover LondonEC1N7RJ 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyWinter2011/12Vol1 No4 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Incorporating Islington History Journal Vol 1 No 4 Winter 2011/12 Tales of the course of the Fleet river he Fleet river, which once ran along much of Islington’s Contents Twestern boundary, has long disappeared under roads and pave- ments. Place names remind us of it News 4 and you can still hear it gurgling Modernist gem saved from redevelopment through gratings in a couple of places. Joe Orton’s defaced books go on show In 2012, the society is planning walks Heritage centre plans stall Pump House conversion into flats along the Fleet’s route, taking in the sights, sounds and smells along the way. Letters and your questions 6 A printing firm in Cross Street, a nursing home and a pub family Marriage, Las Vegas style The Fleet gave its name to the The fight for Finsbury Health Centre 8 notorious prison and to the A determined campaign to stop the sale of Lubektin’s masterpiece also-notorious Fleet marriages. The area around the prison was the TV firm boxes clever 10 Las Vegas of its day. Couples could just The Islington firm that made the first televisions turn up and get married, without having to go through the processes Christmas at Beale’s 12 approved by the government and the North London descends on the Holloway store for some excessive shopping church. These weddings were extremely popular – the journal looks at why. The Last Vegas of Georgian London 14 Why couples headed for the Fleet prison area to get married Star of Upper Street As we went to press, English Heritage The garden on the corner 16 announced it is to erect a blue plaque How a small garden on Upper Street came to be to commemorate Gracie Fields, one of the 20th century’s biggest stars. Her A Stroud Green Road day out 18 first home in London was 72a Upper A 1940s coach trip for the workers Street, a flat above a sweet shop. She later moved to a 28-room mansion. Recognise a name? 18 Names on coffin plates from Islington Green burial ground A pioneer beyond TV November saw the 75th anniversary of Islington’s western shores 19 television broadcasting as we know it, An armchair cruise down the Fleet river with much attention paid to Alexandra Palace. Yet it was Islington firm AC Tenement tales 20 Cossor that brought TV to the masses, A first-hand account of growing up near Essex Road in the 1930s as the first firm to manufacture TV sets. The Cossor family firms were also Publications and bookshop 22 pioneers in x-ray tubes, medical devices, radar and air traffic control. Events 26 They deserve to be better known. Directory of societies and museums 29 Christy Lawrance Editor Islington Archaeology & History Society events 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Winter 2011/12 Vol 1 No 4 3 news In brief Modernist 1930s enclave preserved US slaves and owners NorthviewestateinTufnell database opens up ParkRoadwassavedfroma Adatabaseofslavesand “hideous”redevelopmentin slaveownershasbeenset September,aftercouncillors upbytheVirginiaHistorical rejectedplanstobuildan SocietyintheUS.Unknown extrastoreyontopofits NoLongercanbesearched largerblock,againstofficers’ athttp://unknownnolonger. recommendations. vahistorical.org. Northview,builtin1938to avillagegreendesign,is Discuss your work in nearlyintactandretains progress online manyoriginaldecofeatures. Northview: all stepped parapets and Crittall stair windows would Objectingattheplanning have been destroyed; below: deco banisters with papyrus motifs Awebsitewherehistorians committeemeeting,resident canshareandcommenton BenPorterdescribedthe UK,theUKbranchofthe columnist, worksinprogresshasbeen proposalas“ablandstoreyof internationalmodern wrote: established.TheHistory cementandglassthattakes architectureorganisation, “Alteringand WorkingPapersProjectcan noaccountofNorthview’s saidtheproposedstorey enlargingthis beaccessedathttps://libtool. understatedelegance”. was“hideous”.Hedescribed interesting ulib.iupui.edu/wordpress. Hadthestoreybeengiven its“crudityandinelegance” 1930senclave consent,decoparapets, andaddedthatitwould seems Scottish Roman shoe originalCrittallwindows makethecourtyardfeel unnecessary collection unearthed andartdecobanisterswith oppressive.Hecalled andcertainlyundesirable.” papyrusmotifswouldhave Northview“apleasantand Thestoryreceived About60pairsofsandals beendamagedordestroyed largelyunalteredexampleof extensivecoverageinthe andshoesthatbelongedto altogether. 1930spopularmodernism”. Islington Tribune.Residents Romansoldiershavebeen Modernarchitecture GavinStamp,trusteeof weresupportedbylocal unearthedatasupermarket expertJamesDunnettRIBA, the20thCenturySociety politicians. buildingsiteinCamelon, co-chairofDOCOMOMO- andPrivate Eye architecture lwww.northview.org.uk Scotland,National Geographicreported.The cacheisoneofthelargestof Historic Finsbury name must not Biggest Roman baths in itstypefoundinScotland. be lost, says Islington South MP south London found Councils call for tougher RuinsofaRomanbath scrap metal regulation househavebeenfoundon EmilyThornberryMP
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