A Bibliography of Loyalist Source Material in the United States Part V: Index Edited by HERBERT LEVENTHAL and JAMES E. MOONEY PROGRAM FOR LOYALIST STUDIES AND PUBLICATIONS Sponsored by the American Antiquarian Society City University ofJ^ew Tork University of London and University ofJ^ew Brunswick ROBERT A. EAST, Executive Director X HI s Part V of the list of Loyalist source material in reposi- tories in the United States consists entirely of a consolidated index to the first four parts which have appeared in these Proceedings over the last five years. The contents of the parts are as follows: Part I (northeastern states, from Maine through Maryland )— Proceedings 85 ( 1975):73-308 Part II (District of Columbia)—ibid., 85( 1975):4O5-6O Part III (southeastern states, from Virginia through Florida) —ibid., 86(1976):343-90 Part IV (balance of United States except Alaska and Hawaii) —ibid., 90( 1980) : 101-62 A consolidated edition, containing the four installments 393 394 American Antiquarian Society above, the three Loyalist finding aids published earlier in the Proceedings,* and a previously unpublished guide to Loyalist source material in the Public Record Office in London, is sched- uled for Mid-1981 publication by Meckler Publishing, 520 Riverside Avenue, Westport, Connecticut 06880 under the title Bibliography of Loyalist Source Material in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, edited by Greg Palmer. Allen, Ethan, 85:418, 423, 459 Allen, Ira, 85:418 Abbott, Jacob, 86:185 Allen, James, 85:300 Abercromby, James, 90:156-58 Allen, John, 85:102 Abingdon, Lord, 85:225 Allen, JoUey, 85:159-60 Abraham, Mohawk Chief, 90:108 Allen, Levi, 85:94 Adair, 90:110 Allen, Lewis, 85:160 Adair, Douglas, 85:411 Allen, Noah, 85:131 Adams, Elisha, 85:97-98 Allen, Samuel, 85:194 Adams, Francis, 85:210 Allen, Samuel, Jr., 85:131 Adams, John, 85:97, 109, 263, 430, 456 Allen, Thomas, 85:158-60 Adams, Jonathan, 90:119 Allen, Thomas, Jr., 85:159 Adams, Nathaniel, 85:154 Allen, WiUiam, 85:160, 273 Adams, Samuel, 85:120; 90:113 AUis, Elisha, 85:139 Adams, William, 85:250 Allison, Samuel, 85:294 Addison, H., 85:210 Allison, William, 85:434-35 Addison, Henry, 85:307; 90:110 Almond, William, 85:302 Address of the Twelve United Colonies, 85Alves: , Walter, 86:351 243 Ambertim, Mary, 85:283 Adgate, Matthew, 90:110 American Archives, 85:241 Agnew, John, 90:135 American Loyalists, 85:85 Alden, Judah, 85:144 American IVhig, 90:126 Aldrich, Daniel, 85:154 Ames, 85:127 Alexander, Robert, 85:270, 308 Amory, John, 85:97, 407, 451 Alexander, WiUiam, 85:175, 217, 418, Amory, Jonathan, 85:407, 412 459 Amory, Thomas, 85:103 Allaire, Anthony, 90:121 Amory family, 90:153 Allaire, P., 85:444 Ancrum, William, 90:114 Allan, A., 85:227 Anderson, John, 85:131-32, 177, 217-18 Allan, Ethan, 85:185 Anderson, Thomas, 85:418 AUason, William, 86:347 André, John, 85:131-32, 177, 217-18 Allee, Presley, 85:302 Andrew, Allen, 90:116 Allen, Mrs. Andrew, 85:265 Andrews, Charles MG, 85:409-10, 439 Allen, Bennett, 85:445; 86:353 ; 90:114-15 Andrews, John, 90:141^2 Allen, Caleb, 85:131 Andrews, Samuel, 90:132, 137 Allen, David, 85:154, 156 Anstey, Mr., 85:111, 444 * JoAnn Fellows and Kathryn Calder, eds., 'A Bibliography of Loyalist Source Material in Canada,' Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 82( 1972) :67-270; Timothy M. Barnes, 'Loyalist Newspapers of the American Revolution 176S-1783: A Bibliography,' ibid., 83(1973):217-4O; and James E. Mooney, 'Loyalist Imprints Printed in America, 1774-1785," ibid., 84(1974): 105-218. Loyalist Source Material: Index 395 Antes, William, 85:292 Ayers, Robert, 85:219 Antill, Edward, 85:284 Aylett, William, 86:347 Antrobus, John, 85:255 Appleton, Nathaniel, 85:97 Apthorp, Charles Ward, 85:166, 207 B Apthorp, James, 85:128 Archbishop of Yorli, 85:276 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 85:175-76 Arms, Consider, 85:131, 139 Bache, Sarah, 85:176-77 Arms, Daniel, 85:131, 139-40 Bache, Sarah Franklin, 85:295 Arms, Eliphaz, 82:132 Bache, Theophylact, 85:218 Arms, Jonathan, 85:131-32 Backbum, John, 85:410 Arms, Josiah, 85:154 Backus, Elijah, 85:171 Arms, Thomas, 85:131-32 Backus, Major, 85:108 Armstrong, J., 85:292 Bacon, Asa, 85:131 Armstrong, John, 85:459 Bacon, Edward, 85:95, 114 Armstrong, R., 90:115 Bacon, John, 85:210 Armstrong, William, 85:423 Bacon, William, 85:407 Arndt, Jacob, 85:299 Badger, Mary Saltonstall, 85:117 Arnold, Benedict, 85:82, 103, 177, 180, Badger, Moses, 85:113, 117, 147 217-19, 222, 229, 232, 235, 243, 246, Bailey, Benjamin, 90:128 249, 253-54, 257, 270, 285, 410, 422, Bailey, Charles, 85:144 425, 433, 435, 449, 453, 457-58; 90: Bailey, Francis, 85:270; 90:119 114^15, 117-19, 123, 129; Tbe Varick Bailey, Jacob, 85:272, 407, 427, 438; 90: Court of Inquiry to Investigate tbe Impli- 127-28, 130-33, 137-38 cations of Col. Varick {Arnold's Secre- Bailey, John, III, 85:144 tary) in tbe Arnold Treason, 85:257 Bailey, Mrs. J. W., 86:378 Arnold, Mrs. Benedict, 85:246, 254, 433 Bailey, W., 90:143 Arnold, David, 85:141 Bailley, Robert, 86:375 Arthur, John, 85:218 Baillie Family History, 86:387 Ash, William, 85:285 BaiUie, George, 86:367, 382-83 Ashbridge, Aaron, 85:298 Baillie, Robert, 86:377, 383, 387 Ashfield, Vincent Pearce, 85:288 Bainbridge, Mrs. H. B., 86:380 Ashley, Elihu, 85:129, 131-32 Baird, Thomas, 85:154 Ashley, John, 85:141, 143 Baker, Benjamin, 85:447 Ashley, Jonathan, 85:129, 131 Baker, John, 85:139--M) Ashley, Jonathan, Jr., 85:129, 140 Baker, Jonathan, 85:185 Ashley, Joseph, Jr., 85:131 Balch, Benjamin, 85:147 Askin, John, 90:119 Baldwin, Ebenezer, 85:172 AspinwaU, Mme., 90:158 Baldwin, James, 90:106 Atherton, Joshua, 85:85-86 Baldwin, Nathan, 85:156 Aticinson, John, 85:110 Baldwin Papers, 85:170 Atkinson, Roger, 86:346 Baldwin, Stephen, 85:238 Atkinson, Theodore, 85:271; 90:153-54 Baldwin, William, 85:120 Atlee, William, 85:423 Balfour, N., 85:185 Atwood, Mrs. Harry G., 86:376 Balfour, Nisbet, 90:114 Auchmuty, Robert, 85:97, 119, 181, 244, Ballingall, Robert, 85:181 269, 410-11, 445 Bancker, Evart, 85:259, 269 Auchmuty, Samuel, 85:171, 271, 430-31; Bancker, G., 85:234 90:126-27, 140, 143 Bancker, Gerard, 85:225-26, 231, 246, Austin, Jonathan L., 85:100 259 Avery, Mr., 85:181 Bancroft, Edward, 85:263 Axtell, Colonel, 85:202 Bancroft, John, 85:140, 149-50 Axtell, William, 85:203,206-7,225,247- Banister, Thomas, 85:162 48, 258, 277 Banks, Joseph, 85:259 Ayers, David, 85:287 Banyar, George, 85:250 396 American Antiquarian Society Banyar, Goldsbrow, 85:218-19,224,228- Bayard, Samuel, 85:200, 220, 224, 238, 29, 250, 271; 90:109 241, 257; 90:118 Banyar, Mrs., 85:219 Bayard, Stephen, 85:231 Baptiste, Jean, 90:110 Bayard, William, 85:163, 175, 181, 183, Barber, Daniel, 90:135 208, 220-23, 254, 259, 408 Barber, N., 85:110 Bayley, Charles, 85:99 Barber, T., 85:191 Beach, Abraham, 90:134, 142 Barberie, Oliver, 85:288 Beaman, Tilomas, 85:154 Barclay, Henry, 85:257 Beatty, John, 85:435 Barclay, Mary, 85:258 Bearcroft, Pliilip, 90:140 Barclay, Thomas, 85:256 Beardsley(Beardslee), John, 85:188,245 Bard, P., 85:210 Beckwith, George, 85:200, 244 Bard, Thomas, 85:275 Beebe, Jethro, 85:408 Bard, Samuel, 85:216, 274 Beechy, Mary, 90:111-20 Barnaby, Ambrose, 85:151-52 Beekaem, Samuel, 85:418 Barnard, Ebenezer, 85:129, 131, 140 Beekman, Gerard G., 85:200 Barnard, Selah, 85:129, 131, 140 Beekman, Gerard G., Jr., 85:190 Barnes, Mrs. Christian, 85:407 Belcher, Gill, 85:135 Barnes, Henry, 85:103, 122 Belcher, Jonathan, 90:159 Barnes, Mrs. Henry, 85:407 Beiden, Reuben, 85:140 Barnes, Roger, 85:281 Belding, Samuel, 85:131-32 Barnsser, Lodowick, 85:238 Belding, Simeon, 90:122 Barnwell, Robert W., Jr., 'Reports on Belknap, Jeremy, 85:418 Loyalist Exiles from South Carolina,' Bell, Andrew, 85:286, 289, 408, 434; 90: 86:363 119 Barrell, Colburn, 85:100, 166, 412 Bell, Cornelia, 85:286 Barret, Charles, 85:272 Bell, James, 85:131-32 Barrington, Mrs., 85:239 Bellinger, Peter, 85:180, 187 Barron, William, 85:154 Bellows, Benjamin, 85:422 Barrow, Thomas, 85:249 Bencker, Evart, 85:265 Bartlett, Calvin Page, 85:84 Bend, Grove, 85:408, 434 Bartlett, Enoch, 85:83 Benezet, Anthony, 85:293 Bartlett, Josiah, 85:89-90 Bennett, Isaac, 85:283 Barton, Thomas, 90:139-40 Bennett, Jacob, 85:144 Bartram, John, 85:299; 90:155 Bennett, Sarah, 85:283 Bartram, William, 85:299 Benson, Christopher, 85:220 Bass, Edward, 85:102, 125 Benson, Egbert, 85:210, 252, 258 Bass, Rev. Mr., 90:129 Benson, Robert, 85:224 Bast, Conrad, 85:181 Berbage, George, 85:189 Batchelder, Joseph, Jr., 85:105 Bernard, Francis, 85:102-3, 125 Batcliellor, Breed, 85:86 Berrien, John, 85:220 Bates, Joseph, Jr., 85:144 Besinger, Conrad, 85:420 Batwell, Daniel, 85:171; 90:138 Betts, Captain, 85:278 Bauman, Sebastian, 85:219 Bevan, Joseph B., 85:418 Baxter, Augustus, 85:202 Beverly, Robert, 85:408 Baxter, Frederick, 85:202 Biddle, Clement, 85:217 Baxter, Phebe, 85:202 Biddle, Owen, 85:112, 268 Baxter, Simon, 90:137 Biddle, W., 90:157-58 Bayard, Catherine, 85:184 Biddulph, Robert, 90:122 Bayard, Colonel, 85:200 Bigelow, 85:119 Bayard, Francis, 90:118 Bigelow, David, 85:156 Bayard, Jane, 85:271 Bigelow, William, 85:115 Bayard, John, 85:271 Biles, Samuel, 85:292 Bayard, Rebecca, 90:118 Billing, Samuel, 85:156 Bayard, Robert, 85:183, 219 Billings, David, 85:140 Loyalist Source Material: Index 391 Billings, Ebenezer, 85:131 Bowdoin, James, 85:98, 127 Billings, Elijah, 85:131 Bowen, Ashley, 85:133 Billings, William, 95:131, 133 Bower, E., 85:185 Birch, Samuel, 85:214 Bowers, Henry, 85:151-52 Birchard, James, 85:143 Bowers, Jerathmel, 85:118, 151-52 Birchard, Matthew, 85:142--1'3 Bowers, Lloyd, 85:151-52 Birdsall, Benjamin, 85:220 Bowne, Gersham, 85:159 Birdsall, Joseph, 85:193, 264 Boyd, George, 85:85-86 Bissett, Penelope ( Mrs.
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