SCHOOL OF BIO AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY UNIT – I – MICROBIAL ECOLOGY – SMB2101 1 UNIT:1 MICROBIAL HABITATS Microbial ecology or environmental microbiology is the ecology of microorganisms: their relationship with one another and with their environment. It concerns the three major domains of life— Eukaryota, Archaea, and Bacteria—as well as viruses. Microbial Habitats • Microbes are present in every kind of habitat. • Microbes are incredibly diverse thriving in environments from the very cold to the extremely hot. • They are also tolerant of many other conditions such as limited water availability, high salt content and low oxygen levels. • Not every microbe can survive in all habitats. Terrestrial Microbial Habitats: Microbes lives in/on soil. • Only one percent of microbes that live in soil have been identified. • These organisms take part in the formation of soil and are essential components of their ecosystems. • Bacteria and fungi that live in soil feed mostly on organic matter such as other plants and animals. • These microbes are very sensitive to their local environment. • Factors such as the levels of carbon dioxide, oxygen, pH, moisture and temperature all affect the growth of microbes in the soil. Microbial Habitats in Other Organisms • Microbes also live on other organisms. • As with the ones found on people these microbes can be harmful or beneficial to the host. Example: 2 • Bacteria grow in nodules on the roots of pea and bean plants. • These microbes convert nitrogen from the air into a form that the plants can use. • In many ways animals and plants have evolved as habitats for the millions of microbes that call them home. Extreme Microbial Environments • The microbes living in extreme conditions are called extremophiles. • This literally means that they love the extreme conditions of their habitat. • The extremophiles are so well adapted to their own environment. • Some like the ones in hot springs need extreme temperatures to grow. ROLE OF MICROBES IN BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLE Nutrients move through the ecosystem in biogeochemical cycles. • A biogeochemical cycle is a pathway by which a chemical element (such as carbon or nitrogen) circulates through the biotic (living) and the abiotic (non-living) factors of an ecosystem. • The elements that move through the factors of an ecosystem are not lost but are instead recycled or accumulated in places called reservoirs (or “sinks”) where they can be held for a long period of time. • Elements, chemical compounds, and other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another and from one part of the biosphere to another through these biogeochemical cycles. • Microorganisms play a primary role in regulating biogeochemical systems in virtually all of our planet’s environments. This includes extreme environments such as acid lakes and hydrothermal vents, and even includes living systems such as the human gut. • The key collective metabolic processes of microbes (including nitrogen fixation, carbon fixation, methane metabolism, and sulfur metabolism) effectively control global biogeochemical cycling. 3 • Incredibly, production by microbes is so immense that global biogeochemistry would likely not change even if eukaryotic life were totally absent! • Microbes comprise the backbone of every ecological system, particularly those in which there is no light (i.e. systems in which energy cannot be collected through photosynthesis ) MICROBIAL SUCESSION • Ecological succession is the process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time. The time scale can be decades (for example, after a wildfire), or even millions of years after a mass extinction • Succession of micro-organisms including fungi and bacteria occurring within a microhabitat is known as microsuccession or serule. • Like in plants, microbial succession can occur in newly available habitats (primary succession) such as surfaces of plant leaves, recently exposed rock surfaces (i.e., glacial till) or animal infant guts, • Growth on disturbed communities (secondary succession) like those growing in recently dead trees or animal droppings. • Microbial communities may also change due to products secreted by the bacteria present. Changes of pH in a habitat could provide ideal conditions for a new species to inhabit the area. Membrane biofouling in waste water reactor: An example for microbial succession • In Phase I (0–2 days), small sludge flocs in the bulk liquid were selectively attached on membrane surfaces, leading to the formation of similar extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and microbial community composition as the early biofilms. • Dominant populations in small flocs, e.g., Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, and Acinetobacter spp., were also the major initial colonizers on membranes. 4 • In Phase II (2–4 d), fouling layer structure, EPS composition, and bacterial community went through significant changes. Initial colonizers were replaced by fast-growing and metabolically versatile heterotrophs (e.g., unclassified Sphingobacteria). • The declining EPS polysaccharide to protein (PS:PN) ratios could be correlated well with the increase in microbial community diversity. • In Phase III (5–14 d), heterotrophs comprised over 90% of the community, whereas biofilm structure and EPS composition remained relatively stable. • The overall microbial succession pattern from autotrophic colonization to heterotrophic domination implied that MBR biofouling • In some cases the new species may outcompete the present ones for nutrients leading to the primary species demise. Changes can also occur by microbial succession with variations in water availability and temperature. SOIL MICROFLORA • Microflora means, bacteria and microscopic algae and fungi, living in a particular site or habitat. • 1 g of soil contain • 100,000,000 bacterial cells • 11,000 species of bacteria • Also fungi and larger animals Types of Microbes in Soil • Prokaryotic Bacteria, Actinomycetes • Fungi • Algae • Protozoa • Viruses 5 BACTERIA • Tiny 1µm width, one celled • Single cell division • 1can produce 5 billion in 12 hours in lab • (in environment limited by predators, water and food availability) • Abundant in rhizosphere • Zone surrounding root –dead root cells and exudate stimulate microbial growth MAIN TYPES OF SOIL BACTERIA • Agarobacterium, Alcaligenes • igenes, Bacillus • Arthrobacter, Cellulomonas Corynebacterium • Caulobacter, Micrococcus • Clostridum, Pseudomonas • Flavobacterium, Achromobacter • Methanobacterium • Chromobacterium • Agarobacterium, Alcaligenes • igenes, Bacillus • Arthrobacter, Cellulomonas Corynebacterium • Caulobacter, Micrococcus • Clostridum, Pseudomonas • Flavobacterium, Achromobacter 6 • Methanobacterium • Chromobacterium SOIL BACTERIA-ROLE IN SOIL • Degrade organic matter • Fix N2-and other steps of N cycle • Rhizobium-nitrogen fixation • Nitrification-Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter • Organisms involved with vital functions may be in lower aboundance • Organisms present will depend on many factors-Nutrients, O2, Moisture, pH. SOIL ACTIOMYCETES • Degrade organic matter • Fix N2-and other steps of N cycle • Rhizobium-nitrogen fixation • Nitrification-Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter • Organisms involved with vital functions may be in lower aboundance • Organisms present will depend on many factors-Nutrients, O2, Moisture, pH. • Actinomycetes are slow growing compared to bacteria and fungi • Streptomyces may be up to 65% of soil population • Nocardia and Micromonospora upto 35% of population • Other common genera • Streptosporangium • Actinoplanes • Thermoactinomyces 7 • Thermomonospora • Role of Actinomycetes in soil1. Organic matter decomposition • Starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, humus 2. Antibiotic production • Streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol • 3. Maintain Microbial equillibrium in soil • Control pathogenic organisms • Produce proteases lyse cells of pathogens • Fungi Grow as long threads (hyphe) • Push through soil particles, roots, rocks • Often group into masses called mycelium (look like roots) • Higher fungi have basidium: club shaped structure • Bearing fruiting body PREDOMINANT FUNGI IN SOILFUNGI IMPERFECTI: MOST PREDOMINANT GROUP IN SOIL • Cephalosporium • Verticillium • Monilia • Trichoderma • Fusarium • Cladosporium • Gliocladium • Role of fungi in soil Organic matter degradation: Degrade starch, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, • Ammonification: degrade proteins, nucleicacids and release NH3 8 • Control of other organisms: some fungi kill nematodes • Pathogenicity: Many fungi associated with plant disease-ythium, Sclerotinia, Puccinia • Formation of mycorrhizae, symbiotic relationship with plant root. • AlgaeFilamentous, colonial, unicellular • Photsynthetic • Most in blue –green group, but also yellow-green, diatoms, green algae • Form carbonic acid (weathering) • Add OM(Organic matter) to soil, bind particles • Aeration • Some fix nitrogen • Algal groups in soilChlorophyaceae-Green algae • Cyabophyaceae-Bluegreen algae • Bacillariophyaceae: Diatoms • Xanthophyaceae-Yellow green algae • Importance of algae in soilProvide organic matter • Many algae produce polysaccharides, improve soil structure • Produce oxygen, provide oxygen to rice plants • Fix nitrogen and provide to rice plants after decomptosition STRATIFICATION OF FRESHWATER • Freshwater are areas which having low salt concentration approximately less than 1%, and organisms that can not survive in other regions that have high salt concentration such as sea and oceans. 9 Types 1. 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