ft. DOCUMENT RESUME 'ED 197 961 SE 034 029.- TITLE Focus on Energy; A School TranspOrtation Handbook. -" Proceedings of the Midwest School Transportation Fleet,Management.Seminat (Lansirc7 ,Michigan, November 21729, 1979). 'INSTITUTION Michigan State Dept. cf.Commerce, Lansing; SPONS AGENCY :Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. PUB.DATF Nov 79 NOTE. 142p.: Contains occasional light and brokei type. AwAILABLr FROMEnergy Administration, Michigan bept. of Commerce,., P.O. Box 30228, Lansing.MI-48909 (free). DVS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus P*stage. DESCRIPTORS Cost Effectiveness: Educational Administratid.n Elementary Sectndary Education: 2nergy; *Energy Conservation: Program. Descriptions; *Schodl Buses: *Student Transportation: Technological Advancement ABSTRACT Presented are proceeding's and supplementary reports of the Midwest School Transportation Fleet Managnment Seminar,which was held in Lansing Michigan,.November 28 -29, 1979. Among the school bus energy management topics discussed are energyfeasibility studies, the use of programmed information systems; energy. conservation strategies, and technical improvements. In addition to transcripts of these presentations, this handbook includes summaries of cfroup discussion sessions and reports submitted,by school transportation 'officials on results of their school -bus energy conservation prOgramS; (we) a ***********************************************************p********** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be,made *0 1* from the original document. * *i***************.***************************************************** Or' 4Al/iczn = frtit:,t\ "A",4;,K-Rgl.NS U S DEO EDU N4T1 THIS DOCU/1 DUCE° EXA THE PERSON ATING iT PO iSTATED DO I , SENT OFFIC EDUCATION TRANSPORTATIOI HANDEI00 Energy Administration Michigan Department of Commerce November; .1979. "4, Vtor."..1.0. `;' 41,,.14,4',11:MtalialaRegattEWS70,40050Rairgyl,,,,,, ki..4y44 ,f.t.;;;; -' 4r-14'"?..:1 ' . _ Ht; '?4{.. ? ' r u* 4 de.-1:1hce;11.1x,11'::',4g%,!,*;1!.'$.'JWV,Orj.:4,."Si.'1444ir4.i4:4";=4;''''54% 'TMENT OF HEALTH, room aWELFARE AL INSTITUTE OF DUCAT ION 1T HAS BEEN REPRO .Y AS REOEIVED FROM t ORGANIZATION ORIGII I. TS OF VIEW OR OPINION'S T NECESSARILY R EPRk NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SITION OR POLICY 4,}faa:r Ler:' .2 STATE OF OF MICHIGAN William G. Milliken, Governor DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE William F. McLaughlin,'Director ENERGY ADMINISTRATION Peter S. Walters, Director FOCUS ON-ENERGY: t A School Transportation Handbook Proceedings oF the Midwest School Transportation. Fleet Management Seminar November 28 -29,, 1979 LANSING, MICHIGAN . This handbOOk prepared. by.the Energy.Administration, Michigan Department of Commerce was fundedby an Energy Policy and Conservation Actgrant` from the U. S. Ppartment of Energy. A WAIVER NOTICE This Teport was prepared as an account of work sliQnsored by the State of Michigan. Neither the State nor the Michigan Department of Commerce Energy Administrationmakes any,warranty or assumes.any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy; completeness or usefulness of any infcrmation, produce or process disclosed herein. Reference to-any specific commerical product or service'in thisdocumeWdods'not constitute endorsement-or re- - -commendation by the State of Michigan. The opinions of the speakers expressed herein are their own and 'do necessarily reflect those of the State of Michigan or any agency thereof. e, a o $ TABLE OF_C0NTENTS at. INTRODUCTION 1 OVERVIEW 2 THE ROLE OF SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS Jr 1 ENERGY CONSERVATION: o Robert,Muth, Michigan State University 3 WELCOMING REMARKS: Nancy_Baerwaldt, Deputy Director, Michigan Department of Commerce, Phillip O'Leary, Michigan Depart4nt of Education, School Support Services Division FUEL PINCHER*: Bill Myatt,.Defroit Diesel,Allison SCHOOL FLEET ENERGY MANAGEMENT STUDIES: Hanford Combes, School'Tiansportation Services, Inc. 4 USE OF PROGRAMMED INFORMATION: John Rankin, Mainstem Corporation 33, SCHOOL BUS ENERGY CONSERVATION ACTIVITIES: Larry Loudeiback, Michigan Department of-Education, 43 Salool\ Support Services Division TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS IN'NEW AND:USED BUSES: William Sulak, Voluntary Truck and Bus Fuel 'Economy 14ogram U.S. Department of Transportation 53 CONCLUDING REMARKS: Kenneth G. Johnson, Director of Operational Projects,' U.S.,Department of Energy, Region V 58 APPENDIX ONE: Croup Discussion of Goals and Policy Directions in Maximizing Energy Conservation in the School Transportation Fleet 60 APPENDIX TWO: '02 Ways 0 Conserve Energy in School Transportation Systems 63 APPENDIXTHREE: - STS Fuel Ftonomy,Through Teamwo- rk 69. APPENDIX FOUR: . Programmed Info Assists Oregon Fleet 114 APPENDIX FIVE: "Who Cares?", a leafleton this 16mm movie .116 APPENDIX'SIX: Reports from school transportation managers on energy management techniques. 118 1 INTRODUCTION On November 28th and 29th, 1979, the Michigan Department of COmmerce, EnergyAdministrOionand Department of Education sponsored the Midwest :School Transportation Fleet Management Seminar, Focus on Energy. Approximately 30 representatives from six states, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, WiscOrisin, Minnesota and Indiana were in attendance. Speakers from both the public and private sectors discussed a wide variety of school bus energy-ManageMent topics, including new teOhnical improvements, energy feasibility studies and-the use of 'programmed . inforMation systems in energy fleet management: The school.transportation officials wttoattended Were asked to submit' written reports on what they have done in school bus energy management together with the results of such applications. These reports, along with edited tran- ripts of the s9ssions, are included in this-handbook. The seminar's goals were to both--gather and disseminate information on e ergy fleet Management, so the _group was comprised of school transportation officialg'who have demonstrated previous expertise in this area. They came together in Lansing to lear6 from each other and to. share information through-this-handbook. ' The limited number of participants encouraged group discussion. Those on hand agreed more emphasis needs to be put on school transportation energy management.. The seminar and this hangbOok are initial steps in this direction: c r. e t. 'OVERVIEW This overview is designed quickly give the reader an idea of what each speaker discussed. - . -Dr. Robert Muth, Executive Secretary of the,Michtgall-SaTO61 Business Officials (517-355-1720) spoke on the scope anddepth of the energy problem facing school transportation offiCials. Members of his staff also moderated a group dis- ,cassion on school bus,fleet energym anagement. The proposals generated by this discussion appear'as Appendix One. William Myatt of.DetroitDiesel Allison (313-565-0411)gave a presen1ation on a new fUel-efficientdiesel engine, nowavailable"through chassis manufacturers; including General Motors. Corporation, International-Harvester and Ford.' Hanford Combes of School Transportation systems, Inc.,(614,891-6696) 4 dismissed methods of performing effective energy managementfeasibility studies. His "102 Ways tO Conserve Energy" and "FuelEconomy through Teamwork" appear as Appendix Two and Appendix Three. John Rankin of the Mainstem Corporation(614-237-9710) discussed the use of programmed informationtoheliVehicle fleets contain costs. An article from "School Bus Fleet Magazine" oh Mainstem appearsas Appendix-Four:- Larry Lobderback of the Michigan Departmentof Education, School Support_ Servites Division (517-373-3314) describedproblems encountered and solutions pro-, posed by his office for Michigan schooltransportation systems.. William Sulak of the U.S. Department ofTransportation's Volmntary Truck (202-426-9502) described possible Aechnical,improve- and Bus. Fuel Economy. Program ments in buses and discussedeffective purchasing techniques and driver motivation.. Fie showed a film on bus drivermotivation entitled, "Who,Cares?"A leaflet on the movie appears as Appendix Five. U. _Department of energy Region V officialKenneth Johnson cave the concluding remarks, describing what DOE hasdone in the past and hopes to do in the future regarding school transportation. Parti6ipating school transportation officials wereasked to submitwritten These reportsdescribing what they have done to date in energy fleet management.' . reports appear as,Appendix Six. Moderator for the seminar was Hank Dderrof the Energy Administration, Conservation_ Consumer Assistance'Division. This handbook wasc.;,edited by Hank Doerr and Joe McElroy of the EnergyAdministration. .8 . THE ROLE OF SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS IN ENERGYCONSERV.CONSERVATION ''.. :.." . Dr. C. Robert Muth - Michigan State University . , This is a-gathering uf experts in school transportation and experts in the conservation of energy intransportation. I am pot going to,belabpr already -known procedures'-or actions that result in-'energy savings --everyone here As aware of the economics of efficient routing, oroptimizing vehicle size with need, the advantages of diesel engines,-the mileage'benefits from radial tires, the driving pattefts and operational proCeduresthgt extend each gallon of gas orlhe . effectiveness of consistent and efficientmaintenance-programs. Rather,I wouldlike to talk-with yau about:the magnitude-of the tr1L%1 . , problem of whichconservationin schooltransportation is but a part. Then I , , will wantto'dirJ ett your attention to three. issues: \ 1. The contribution of the school transportatimprogram to attitude° development for understanding
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