60th Year, NO.5 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Thursday, February 15, 1979 SG Candidates On Trail; Presidential Race Begins by Joel Szabat In their addresses to the !-IOYA. and ex-Senator Joe Cammaratta's three HOYA Mana}!lTlg Fdilor in the question and answer periods fol­ proposed vice presidents, wanted to February 14-The campaign for Stu­ lowing, the Presidential aspirants were work with the administmtion to solicit dent Body President moved into high nearly unanimous in calling for, "new more alumni contributions. gear today, with eight teams of candi­ sources of revcnuc to lower the 80% de­ A major tenet of the Steele; Tranter dates and their supporters placing pendence on tuition dollars" (Craven): platform would be to work outside of posters, canvassing students, holding "Reorganizing the Student Govern­ the University. with the alumni house, debates and floor meetings, and reveal­ ment" (Ozmun); "Academic credits for to raise contributions. Steele admitted, ing platform similarities which appear student activities" (Polstein); "Oversee­ however, that, as the alumni house is to outweigh their differences. ing and guaranteeing student use of the incorporated outside of the university, Seven of the eight tickets (Joe Cam­ Rec-Plex" (Garafola); and "the use of that there was no guarantee that the marata and Jeff Craven, Joseph Cos­ polls and surveys to determine the feel­ funds raised would work their wav back tello and Timothy Brosnan, Irwin ings of the student body' (Carter). to the main campus. Drucker and Amy Ballou, Martin Predictably, those candidates with Ozmun's proposal would include Garafola and Joe O'Boyle, Scott Oz­ close ties to Student Government "continued work to increase faculty sal­ mun and Tracey Hughes, Jay Polstein stressed, in the words of Student Sena­ aries and the flow (of funds in general) and Carroll Carter, and Charles Steele tor and Main Campus Finance Com­ towards academic areas". of George­ and Richard Tranter) spoke before the mittee Member Scott Ozmun, "the ex­ town. !-Ie also suggested a 'cabinet' editorial board of the HOYA on Sun­ perience factor ... (from) day-to-day structllTe-constant meetings with stu­ day and Monday night. One pair, Paul contact with the administration." Other dent members of "major committees", Martin and Brian Murray, could not be standard-bearers, who have not served as a means to co-ordinate, "and in­ reached for comment. in the government, attacked. as did crease the effectiveness," of student ac­ sophomore Carroll Carter, "those to tion. A few lone Hoyas shield the second heavy snow to blanket the Georgetown campus. which student government becomes an Academic Credits end unto itself." Jane Bitzer, who would be Joe Cam­ The candidates on the issues: mamta's VP for Academics, said she Possibly Half of Village 'A' to Go into Lottery FINANCES-For the most part, the would push "for academic credits for SG hopefuls favored a look at new clubs with faculty moderators, and for sources of revenue for the main cam­ non-scholarship athletes in minor by Mary Cowhey the total apartment spaces will be of­ of the upper comtruction area will village occupa ncy, but officials see no pus, and called for increased spending sports." It was a theme echoed in one real problems. "New South is currently HOY A C()P~ Etlltor fered in the lottery. Lottery winners probably be completed on schedule ex­ in academic areas. Sophomore Irwin respect or another, by most of the other A lottery allocating approximately would be able to move into the "fully plained Ritz. Equitable Contractor, the close to the construction as occupicd Drucker, an unsuccessful candidate for candidates. one half of the available Village A hous­ finished" apartments in August. project's builder has proposed splitting apartments would be to the unfinished academic council in last vear's scandal­ Bitzer's program is part of the Cam­ ing spaces may take place as scheduled If for any reason the apartment of a the construction site down the middle portion of the project. The in.urancc ridden election, called - the situation maralta slate's "philosophy of total stated Director of Resident Life Tom Village A lottery winner is unfit for oc­ of the upper area-completing the half company might accept it." suggested "very disturbing", while not offering education." She also called for I credit Ritz. cupancy by the time school starts next closest to New South-while fencing off Ritz. any concrete proposals to limit main per semester for instructional sports. "Everything is set. We are now wait­ fall, Residence Life will provide on­ the eastern portion to be completed as Emphasizing that no final decision campus dependence on tuition dollars. Tracey H ughcs, running for second spot ing to hear from the insurance com­ campus housing for those displaced soon as possible, according to Ritz. had yet be~n made concerning the Vil­ Charles Steele and Rick Tranter ad­ on the Ozmun ticket. also promised to pany" on whether or not an arrange- persons. These students may receive Residence Life is currently awaiting lage A lottery, Ritz reiterated, .. Any­ vocated a continued expansion of the partial rent rebates for living in some insurance company approval of partial thing can happen in the next few days." library's reserves . .Jeff Craven, one of Cu//{ifluecl Oil Page 3 kind of temporary on campus residen­ ces. Another alternative would be to grant the displaced students some kind of on-campus housing before the rest of Cleary- Torsney: A Year of Modest Gains the waiting list since they "were winners and should be given their choice of available housing." by Valerie Reitman Elected last February, Cleary and refreshing receptivity and enthu~iasm did not ~et a direCtion for their commit­ "We don't want a full lottery if what. HOY t\ Edaor-m·("hll:1 Vice Presidential rUimingmate Janet their inexperience ultimate Iv proved to tee appointees to move in. we do with people is inconvenient to True'tO' his 'campaign ·sic>gan,- "til,,' -f orsney haw succeeded III a(;c"om·plish~ . bea iiab·ilitY rather than an' asset. Clca'ry succes~.fully petitioned lIni­ them and to the whole campus," said University is not the Universe." Student ing four of their five campaign prom- After spending less than SI.OO in his versity Pre~ident Rev. Timothy S. Ritz. "It might be close to Christmas Government President Pat Cleary's ac­ ises. sclf-proclaim..:d "walk" for the office. Healy, S.J. to allow the Athletic Advis­ before the whole project is finished." complishments of the past year· have While Cleary and Torsney brought a Cleary, an unsuccessful senate candi­ ory Board to reconsider its endorse­ been modest. ment for partial occupancy of the apart­ When the remainder of the project is fresh approach to Hea basement a date of the previous year, promised ment of track coach Joe Lang's contract ment complex would be feasible." Ritz completed those spaces would then be .' :.::/';"~~.; election reform--and delivered it, re- because it was considered during the ,) "::;.;/. ducing the maximum limit for explained. filled from all the Residence Life wait­ ~pending summer in thc ab,ence of the student If realized, this latest development in ing lists, he theorized. presidential campaigns from 5300 to members. Yet when Healy complied the still flexible Village A lottery plans The apartments just below New 5150. with the request and returned the con­ would mean that only about one half of South and those on the western portion Other issues on which Clean' came tract for reconsideration. Cleary con­ through. include: reimtituting the used ,ulted the AAB only. consulting neither book coop as a function of the Student the student body nor the Student Sen­ ate on thi, important contract which in Costello Sale Mix-up essence guaranteed the costly presence Analysis of t'rack on a Varsity Sport, Division One basi, for the next five years. Corporation. aiding in the setting up of Cleary's inexperience also surfaced Results in Confusion the D.C. Federation of Schools-an la~t spring when he allowed his Main Campus Finance Committee appoint­ agreement with Cellar Door; Every :;.association of the student bodv pres i­ by Jay Vogel ees to string him along in an unfeasible concert includes a section on how tick­ ~ dents at neighboring colleges. and ex­ HO\: ,\ Contnhutlt1,!! Edlh.1r tuition rebate scheme: thus Cleary took ets are to be dispersed. Bizzaro is more c: panding and coordinating the 'Free Due to a mix-up between the Student a passive rather than an active role. optomistic for the future, however: "It EUniversity.' Entertainment Commission (S.E.C.) However. Cleary received far too looks like we could come up with an :. Cleary failed to live up to his cam­ and Cellar Door Productions. tickets much blame for th~ ultimate WGTB agreement where we could sell tickets [ ~ paign proposal of utilizing the lnter­ for the upcoming Elvis Costello conert liceme transfer. While Clearv failed to two days-to-a-week ahead of the time, % , ~ school Council. composed of the Deans were in short supply according to appear at'a University Board of Direc­ they go on sale to the public." Outgomg Student Body President Pat Cleary. of the five GU undergraduate schools. S.E.e. Concert director Elaine Bizzaro. tors meeting at which he was to present The majority of Elvis Costello tickets five hcultv members. and the five Chairman ~f the Academic Councils­ a 'Save GTB' petition ,igned by several went on sale to the general public a a proposal which he now says he views hundred ;tudent" allegedly due to his week before they became available to Bogus Magazine Peddler Nabbed as ~~naive:~ detainment by a gasmanat his home.
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