Vo[ume 30, N umlbe:ir JI.JI. AUG UST, 1959 AAMS EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT APJ ADS BUY SELL WANT LISTS RATES: EAGERLY Wanted, Stamps British, FOUR CENTS PER WORD per insertion. French. Dukh Colonies this hemisphere; Minimum charge one dollar. Remittance also Latin America; offering Bolivia, Par­ must accompany order and copy. The aguay, Peru, etc. Ludwig Horn Flach, AIRPOST JOURNAL. 350 No. Deere Park Casilla 415, La Paz, Bolivia. *353 Drive, Highland Park, Ill. WANTED: Exchange of first and Spec. FOR SALE: Historical North and South flights of all the world. Prefer Zeppelin Pole Expedition Flight covers, US, United and Trans Atlantic flights. A. Houweling, Nations, Foreign dispatches. List lOc. Also: Amsterdamse weg, 453, Amstelveen, Hol­ Rockets, Balloons, Semi-official Airs, Pio­ land. *353 neers, Zeppelins etc. Belham Exchange, Box 119, Ridgewood, 27, N. Y. *354 NEW BRUNSWICK Air Mail Field: Post­ marks wanted on cover. Also information ARTCRAFT Engraved First Day Covers. about AMF operation. Exchange or buy Request illustrated folder on our Envel­ scarce AMF covers. Perham C. Nahl, ope and Cover Club Plan. LINCOLN 2014A Lincoln, Evanston, Illinois. *355 CLVB Box 211A, Chatham. N. J. *355 20 DIFFERENT CAM's or 15 FAM's, cata­ loging over $20, for $5; want lists filled as far as poGsible. George Chapman, 883 SEPTEMBER ROCKET MAIL Euclid, El Centro, Calif. *352 SCHEDULED BUY \Vorldwide airmail issues at face! Directory listing complete instruction'l, The Society of Applied Rocketry will $1.00. Bedard Publications, Box 637-K Detroit 31, Michigan. 333 launch two mail carrying Rockets from HUNDREDS of jet covers selling at $2.00 the rock-bound shores of Maine in early and up, Pilot signed - Foreign - Military September, each to carry about 3003 - Comet 1, 2, 3 & 4 - ask for selection, Baxter, Box 25, E. Haven Conn. covers. This is the first time since 1936 that such a rocket will carry mail on the AAMS EXCHANGE ADS east coast of U.S. 110 FINE US 3c-4c Commems given for either two 4c or one Sc US Commem. Each cover will have a special rocket Plate Blocks of 4. Fred W. Borcher, 1502 Sonom::i, Albany 6, California stamp to be cancelled with a device in GUAM Guard Mail Stamps wanted on the shape of a rocket,• bearing the name cover, Also 1n04 St. Louis World's Fair of the rocket as well as a cachet of a Postcard and early Aeropla"le cards,Murch 9560 Litzinger, St. Louis (21) M::i. *353 different color. Covers will be numbered PHOTOS WANTED: Nungesser & Cali's and autographed by an officer of the "Whit-e Bird": Connor & Bovd's "Miss Columbia": Me:>rs & Brown's "City of New society. Mail in second rocket will have York". J. Langabeer, Westmere, Auckland, different cachets and other identifying New Zealand. features. PHOTOS WANTED: Baron von Huene­ feld's "Bremen": Archibald & D:i.rrell's Since both perf and imperf rocket "Bluenose". Will trade> or purchase. J'. Langabeer, 23 William Denny Ave., Auck­ stamps are being used, it is possible to la"ld W.2, New Zealand. secure four different combinations of I OFFER 100 m'.··ed 3c-42 US Oar.,-e) covers. A full set consists of four covers. Comm<em's for 200 mixed used forei!l"n Immediately after the flight, they wili airm:iils (no iron-curtain). Fred W. Borch­ er, 15C2 Sonom'l., Albany 6, Calif. be mailed at the nearest post office, using the new airmail balloon stamps, 1926 C.A.M.s - 500 (Route 1 to 16) "E3.rlv­ bircis" to trade for Zeps, Balloo~". Hi>tori­ with a hand cancellation. The covers cal or Crash covers. Chas. A. Koch, Box are of lightweight paper, standard size. 415 Englewood, Fla. CRASH COVERS - 28.3, 23.5, 27.2, 27.9, The Rocket stamps are being made in 27.10, 28.3, 29.6, 30.2, 30.15, 31.1, to trade souvenir forms, each sheet containing for other, Zeps, B3lloons, Historicals. Ch::is. A. Koch, Box 415, Englewood, Fla. four stamp>, both perforated and im­ perforated. Address all communications SEND 100 to 1,000 well-mixed Airm'1ils. Receive equal quantity and quality. No lo Society of Applied Rocketry, Perry F. junk, No Catalogue basis. Satisfaction Zwisler, Secretary, P. 0. Box 362, Holy­ guaranteed. Super-Exch:o.nge, Cranford, "Je·,v .Tcrsey, U.S.A. oke, Mass. THE AIRPOST JOURNAL THE AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY A Non-Profit Corporation Incorporated 1944 OlJBNAL Organized 1923 Under the Laws ---21rr of Ohio PRESIDENT Official Publication of the John J. Smith AMERICAN AIR MAIL socmn Ferndale & Emerson Sts. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Volume 30 No. 11 Issue No. 352 SECRETARY-TREASURER Ruth T. Smith Ferndale & Emerson Sts. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Contents for August, 1959 VICE-PRESIDENTS Bernard Davis Articles Joseph L. Eisendrath, J'r. Convention Week-End - Part I ............ 282 Florence L. KleJnert Convention Week-End - Pari II 284 Robert W. Murch Who Was Who at the Convention ........ 286 BDI'l'OR - Other Publications L B. Gatchell Photos Taken at Convention . ... .. .. ....... 289 ATTORNEY The Airmen's Journal ............................ 298 George D. Kingdom Convention Committee ... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. 301 DmECTOR OF FOREIGN RELATIONS Interim Between Ist and 2nd Jet Dr. Max Kronstetn Services ............................................ 302 AUCTION MANAGER Jet Meters ................................................. 310 Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. Double Flown Australian Cover ............... Inside Back Cover DmECTORS Alton J. Blank Samuel S. Goldsticker, J'r. Regular Features Louise S. Hoffman Official Section . .. 295 Ernest A. Kehr Dr. Southgate Leigh C.A.M. Cover Notes ................................ 307 Lester S. Manning Dr. Tomas Terry Philatelic Story of Flight . .. 309 Earl H. Wellman Tips by Julius ........................................... 311 ADVANCE BULLETIN SERVICE Herbert Brandner EDITO!l 4038 Forest Ave. Joseph L. Eisendrath, Jr. Brookfield, Ill. 350 No. Deere Park Drive, Highland Park, llL SALES MANAGER ASSISTANT EDITORS Herman Kleinert Robert W. Murch 213 Virginia Ave. Ernest A. Kehr L. B. Gatchell Fullerton, Pa. DEPARTMENT AND ASSOCIA'l'E EDITOU R. Lee Black, N. Pelletier, Florence L. Klein­ MEMBERSHIP DUES ert, Dr. Max Kronstein, Thomas J'. O'Sullivan, '4.00 PER YEAR Richard L Singley, William R. Ware, Sol Whit· Dues include subscription to man, Julius Weiss, James Wotherspoon. John THE AIRPOST JOURNAL. Ap­ Watson, William T. Wynn, Frank Blumenthal plicants must furnish two ref­ Samuel S. Goldsticker, J"r., ;r, S. Langabeer. erences, philatelic preferred. At least one must reside in Appli­ Published monthly at Albion, Erie Co.. Pa.,U.S.A. cant's home town. AppliCants Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office under 21 years must be guar­ at Albion, Pa., February 10, 1932, under anteed by Parent or Guardian. the Act of March 3, 1879. The AIRPOST JOURNAL is not conducted tor Membership may be terminated profit. The Editor, and all others, serve Without by the Society in accordance compensation. Receipts from advertising, sub­ with its By-Laws. scriptions and contributions are applied to the betterment . of the magazine and the promotion Correspondence concerning sub­ of aero-philately. scriptions, back numbers and The Editor and Officers of The American Air bound volumes, address changes Mail Society assume no responsibility for the and other matters and all re­ accuracy of statements made by contributors. mittances should be sent to the Every effort is made to insure correctness of Treasurer. All general com­ all articles. munications and advertising Subscription Rates: $4.00 per year, line per copy. should be sent to the Editor. Advertising Rate Card available from the Editor. A!UGUST, 1959 PAGE 281 CONVENTION WEEK-END - PART I Business, Auctions, and Sightseeing By Joseph L. Eisendrath, Jr. It may be a matter of surprise to some Nahl, 2014 Lincoln Street, Evanston, members to learn that the 36th conven- Ill. ) tion was tlie 25th convention actually Friday night's Jamboree and Benefit held, although the Society is rightfully auction were well attended. The auction 36 years old! The first convention wasn't was hilarious and side-splitting. Auc­ held until 1930 and during the years of tioneer John Fox, New York dealer of World War II, no national conventions note who conducts many of the auctions were held, although various regional containing classic material at fabulous meetings took place. George Angers is prices, sold, resold, and re-resold the do­ preparing a history of the Society, which nation lots in an atmosphere that defies will appear in next month's Journal, description. If he didn't like a bid, he'd which will give fuller details. tear up a cover, and auction the pieces Chicago turned on the heat for our separately, or if he got a high bid, he'd week-end. After ten days of gorgeous take a cover or two from another lot and cool weather, the convention was greet- add it to the lot that was being sold. ed by the worst storm in Chicago in over Needless to say, he alienated the auction two years, followed by four days in the clerks! "Stamps for the Wounded" got nineties, in humid, uncomfortable weath- richer as one lot was sold three times for er. You might know that the day after them. Auction Manager Goldsticker tells the convention .the beautiful cool weath- us that contributed material is low, and er returned, and as this is being written says he'd like some generous members to (July 6th) its been with us ever since. donate more (and better) material for The air conditioning of the LaSalle Ho- future sales. The Society benefits - tel was a tremendous comfort. proceeds help pay for conventions, pub- The exhibition was easily the most lications and other items. Give gener­ varied of all such shows that the Society ously and send him something.
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