Article — Artikel Socioeconomic, health and management aspects of working donkeys in Moretele 1, North West Province, South Africa † ‡ D Wellsa and R C Kreceka MATERIALS AND METHODS ABSTRACT A questionnaire was implemented near Structured interviews using a questionnaire were conducted to gather information on Hammanskraal in the Moretele 1 area of socioeconomic aspects, health, nutrition, breeding and management of working equids in the North West Province of South Africa 3 study areas of Moretele 1 near Hammanskraal, North West Province, South Africa. during a 1-year period (1995/1996), The questionnaire addressed questions about the role of animals with a focus on donkeys chosen for its proximity (i.e. 35 km north used for work in these areas. Extension and animal health officers and donkey owners of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, participated. The analysis highlights the use of donkeys for transport of water, wood and Onderstepoort) as well as the willingness people; that ticks, wounds and harness sores are the conditions reported most frequently of the staff of the Department of Agricul- by owners; and that the range for the body condition score index of 2.7–4.0 suggests that an ture (previously AGRICOR), North West overall adequate level of nutrition and management is maintained in the donkeys in these Province to assist with this study and help villages. liaise with donkey owners in the area. At Key words: animal health issues, management, resource-limited communities, socioeco- the same time, faecal samples for assess- nomic questionnaire, working donkeys. ing helminth parasite levels were col- 12 Wells D, Krecek R C Socioeconomic, health and management aspects of working donkeys lected (reported previously ), animals in Moretele 1, North West Province, South Africa. Journal of the South African Veterinary were examined clinically and basic pri- Association (2001) 72(1): 37–43 (En.). Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases, Faculty of mary health care services rendered when Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort, 0110 South required. Africa. Moretele 1 is located approximately 60 km north of Pretoria, in an area of the North West Province that was part of the INTRODUCTION used for ploughing in Zimbabwe where former Bophuthatswana homeland. There are more than 300 000 working they are needed7. In Botswana, the demo- There are an estimated 350 000 inhabit- (traction or draught) equids, including graphics and use of donkeys were stud- ants in the area. Three study areas were donkeys, in South Africa, which comple- ied1, and key issues for donkey users in selected in the Makapanstad district of ment mechanisation in resource-limited both a rural and an urban area of the East- Moretele 1: Tladistad, a semi-rural communities8,10. Little is known about the ern Cape region were examined3.Inthe community, and 2 rural communities, socioeconomics, health, nutrition, breed- Eastern Cape studies, reasons for keeping Transactie and Thulwe (Fig. 1). Each ing or management of these animals or donkeys included poverty, unemploy- study area was visited monthly. One was their role in communities in South Africa. ment and disability, while the role of the also visited weekly during a 3-week Studies on the health and use of don- donkey is ploughing and transport of period. Moretele 1 is part of the summer keys in Zimbabwe include characterisa- wood11. These authors also highlighted rainfall region of South Africa. Summer tion of the donkeys and their draught the lack of access to veterinary services as months include October to April while performance5,6. Although cattle are the a key issue to the animal owner. the winter period, often a dry, minimal preferred source of draught animal Following extensive investigations or no rainfall period, is from May to Sep- power in Zimbabwe, donkeys are becom- (national workshops and reports) to tember. ing increasingly important5,6,10. This has assess the status of veterinary research The questionnaire comprised 3 sections. been a result of the decrease in cattle and training and status of working Section 1 was given to 3 animal health or numbers following droughts since the animals in South Africa2,4,10, one of the extension officers, 1 from each study area, 1980s. Cattle losses in the semi-arid recommendations was to develop a socio- to complete as far as possible according to regions of Zimbabwe are up to 75 % and economic questionnaire to focus on ani- their experiences. Section 1 included donkeys 10 %7. In Zimbabwe, the same mal traction (or draught animal power) questions on the number of equids and author reports that ploughing is the most and to conduct a survey in suitable com- work performed, the average price paid important draught task and is done by munities4. The aim of the current study for an animal, type of feed, advantages cattle, whereas donkeys are used for was to evaluate the socioeconomic role, and disadvantages of using donkeys for lighter tasks, mainly transport. With health, nutrition, breeding and manage- work, perceived problems and condi- appropriate training, level of experience ment status of donkeys in several villages tions/diseases observed. and use of implements, donkeys can be of a resource-limited area in the North Sections 2 and 3 of the questionnaire WestProvince of South Africa, where they were designed for a structured interview. aDepartment of Veterinary Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Private Bag are used for work, by using the question- Section 2 focused on which animal spe- X04, Onderstepoort, 0110 South Africa. naire. Such information is vital to develop cies were owned and on the work carried †Present address: PO Box 70725, Bryanston, 2021 South appropriate recommendations to owners out by equids. Section 3 was the most Africa. ‡Corresponding author. to improve the use and management of extensive part of the questionnaire, since Received: June 1998. Accepted: February 2001. these animals. donkeys were the predominant working 0038-2809 Jl S.Afr.vet.Ass. (2001) 72(1): 37–43 37 and weight loss, internal parasites, minor respiratory and skin conditions were mentioned. Demographics and animals owned Twenty owners of working equids were interviewed between February and Octo- ber 1995. Of these, 11 came from Transactie, 4 from Thulwe and 5 from Tladistad. Eighty percent of the owners were male and 20 percent female and the average age was 59.2 years. Heavy labour was performed by old men and women with the help of their donkeys. The home language of the residents was predominantly Tswana (85 %) with some Fig. 1: Map of South Africa showing the provincial location of the study areas. Enlargement includes Hammanskraal and the 3 study areas, Tladistad, Transactie and Thulwe, which North Sotho (5 %) and Zulu (5 %). A total are encircled and are in the North West Province. of 19 donkey owners, who together owned 102 donkeys, and 1 mule owner, animals observed during preliminary were either ridden or transported people who had 2 mules, were interviewed. Of visits. Questions included source(s) of by cart. Donkeys were ridden, or trans- the 102 donkeys, 94 (92.2 %) were work- income, how often donkeys were used ported water or wood by pack, or trans- ing donkeys, with the remainder being and distances travelled, who made use of ported water, wood or people by cart. considered to be too young (usually less these animals, problems with their health Donkeys and some cattle were used for than 2 years old) or too old to work, by the and actions taken by owners, which prod- ploughing and planting. owner. Both the mules performed work ucts or remedies were used and their The average price of a trained adult regularly. Although 55 % of the owners costs, disease conditions, nutrition, water donkey was R110.00 (US$15). A male kept cattle, they were not used for any availability, perceptions on the condition mule cost an average of R300.00 and a type of work. of animals and grazing, origin of animal, female mule R250.00, while a horse cost Animals kept by owners included chick- cost of donkey cart, where and how less (R200.00 for a male and R150.00 for a ens, cattle, goats, donkeys, sheep, mules, animals are managed, which implements female). Cattle were estimated to cost an dogs and cats (Fig. 2). are used and for what purpose as well as average of R1250.00 for a male and Both mules were used for transporting sources, and who trained the owners to R1150.00 for a female. water and wood in a cart and for plough- use their animals. Roughage was not readily available for ing and planting. All 94 (100 %) of the Owners were interviewed at the initial sale, but a bale of lucerne hay was esti- working donkeys were used to pull carts meetings arranged with the community mated to cost an average of R14.00. In carrying various commodities (Fig. 3), to introduce the study. Each question that Transactie, peanut residues were sold as while 14.9 % were used for pack work and appeared on the questionnaire was animal feed for R1.00 per bag. 6.4 % for riding. Agricultural work asked, and rephrased or translated as The advantages that the officers listed (ploughing, weeding or planting) was required and recorded. During each for using donkeys were that they performed by 72.3 % of the donkeys, but interview, which lasted approximately provided a source of cheap, readily avail- only during certain seasons, July to 30 min, owners were encouraged to talk able transport that was easy to maintain September. about all aspects of their donkeys. Each and an affordable alternative to tractors study area was visited monthly to gather for ploughing. The disadvantages Focus on working donkeys further information, make observations included that donkeys were slow and that and hold discussions with interviewees.
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