www.environment.sa.gov.au you have appropriate wet-weather clothing. wet-weather appropriate have you • Weather conditions can change quickly. Ensure Ensure quickly. change can conditions Weather • April 2008 • FIS 80006 FIS • 2008 April route and expected time of return. of time expected and route © Department for Environment and Heritage and Environment for Department © visit areas. visit Inform a responsible person of your proposed proposed your of person responsible a Inform • weather may frequent camp sites and day day and sites camp frequent may weather Keep to the defined walking trail. walking defined the to Keep • Website: www.parks.sa.gov.au Website: Bees seeking water during hot summer summer hot during water seeking Bees - Bees • drinking water. drinking Email: [email protected] Email: and await police direction. police await and Do not rely on tanks or creeks in the park for for park the in creeks or tanks on rely not Do Phone Information Line (08) 8204 1910 8204 (08) Line Information Phone thick smoke or flames. Seek refuge in bare areas areas bare in refuge Seek flames. or smoke thick Carry sufficient food and drinking water. water. drinking and food sufficient Carry • area. During a bushfire, avoid driving through through driving avoid bushfire, a During area. Wear sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen. and hat shoes, sturdy Wear • Web: www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/ Web: Large bushfires have occurred in this this in occurred have bushfires Large - Bushfires • Be prepared when bushwalking: when prepared Be Fax: (08) 8688 3110 8688 (08) Fax: and keep within the speed limit. speed the within keep and hn:(8 683111 8688 (08) Phone: 40 km/h. Please respect the wildlife in the park park the in wildlife the respect Please km/h. 40 seasonal. Walk Safely Walk Port Lincoln SA 5606 SA Lincoln Port reduce track damage. damage. track reduce road with crests and corners. The speed limit is is limit speed The corners. and crests with road areas. Please don’t rely on the water, as supply is is supply as water, the on rely don’t Please areas. PO Box 22 Box PO sandy tracks or beaches. This will aid traction and traction aid will This beaches. or tracks sandy the sealed road is a low speed speed low a is road sealed the - tracks 2WD • rainwater are provided at most of the camping the of most at provided are rainwater 75 Liverpool Street Street Liverpool 75 Remember to reduce tyre pressure when driving on on driving when pressure tyre reduce to Remember service. service. shown on the map. Toilet facilities and limited limited and facilities Toilet map. the on shown West Region Office Region West keep vehicles to designated tracks and obey signs. signs. obey and tracks designated to vehicles keep Heritage does not operate a vehicle recovery recovery vehicle a operate not does Heritage Camping is allowed only in the designated areas areas designated the in only allowed is Camping Department for Environment and Heritage and Environment for Department crusts that bind the sand and prevent erosion. Please Please erosion. prevent and sand the bind that crusts Note: The Department for Environment and and Environment for Department The Note: Traffic over dunes destroys small plants and the fungal fungal the and plants small destroys dunes over Traffic Bush camping Bush the enjoyment of others. others. of enjoyment the Drive with care at all times. times. all at care with Drive For further information contact: information further For Thank you for leaving the bush in its natural state for for state natural its in bush the leaving for you Thank access. Take care on track crests and bends. bends. and crests track on care Take access. seabird refuge and breeding areas. breeding and refuge seabird bogged vehicles. The 4WD tracks are two-way two-way are tracks 4WD The vehicles. bogged the track joins the beach. Beyond this are important important are this Beyond beach. the joins track the • Firearms and hunting are not permitted. not are hunting and Firearms • Information Centre, 3 Adelaide Place, Port Lincoln. Lincoln. Port Place, Adelaide 3 Centre, Information pressure even further may assist in retrieving retrieving in assist may further even pressure Gunyah Beach is limited to 3 km each side of where where of side each km 3 to limited is Beach Gunyah • Be considerate of other park users. park other of considerate Be • office, 75 Liverpool Street, Port Lincoln or the Visitor Visitor the or Lincoln Port Street, Liverpool 75 office, damage and aid in traction. Reducing tyre tyre Reducing traction. in aid and damage please follow the route markers. Access along along Access markers. route the follow please walking trails. walking from the Department for Environment and Heritage Heritage and Environment for Department the from sandy tracks or beaches. This will reduce track track reduce will This beaches. or tracks sandy When travelling on the Gunyah Beach 4WD track track 4WD Beach Gunyah the on travelling When • Keep to defined vehicle tracks and and tracks vehicle defined to Keep • Annual and Holiday Parks Passes can be purchased purchased be can Passes Parks Holiday and Annual Please reduce tyre pressure when driving on on driving when pressure tyre reduce Please disturb animals, or remove native plants. native remove or animals, disturb soft sand may bog 4WD vehicles. vehicles. 4WD bog may sand soft - tracks 4WD • supplies of fuel, food and water. and food fuel, of supplies • Keep our wildlife wild. Do not feed or or feed not Do wild. wildlife our Keep • station located at the park entrance. park the at located station strong rips, large swells and freak waves. freak and swells large rips, strong beyond Yangie Bay. Ensure that you have adequate adequate have you that Ensure Bay. Yangie beyond • Respect geological and heritage sites. heritage and geological Respect • permits can be obtained from the self-registration self-registration the from obtained be can permits creates hazardous sea conditions including including conditions sea hazardous creates Gunyah Beach and to the Coffin Bay Peninsula Peninsula Bay Coffin the to and Beach Gunyah • Camp only in designated areas. designated in only Camp • for your ongoing enjoyment. Entry and camping camping and Entry enjoyment. ongoing your for the exposed ocean that borders this park park this borders that ocean exposed the - Seas • Four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles have access to to access have vehicles (4WD) drive Four-wheel fuel or gas stoves. gas or fuel conservation and to maintain and improve facilities facilities improve and maintain to and conservation walking, fishing or driving near any coastal area. coastal any near driving or fishing walking, • Conserve native habitat by using liquid liquid using by habitat native Conserve • Bay National Park. Fees collected are used for for used are collected Fees Park. National Bay undercut. Extreme care should be taken when when taken be should care Extreme undercut. Yangie Bay. Yangie 30 April. Check CFS hotline 1300 362 361. 362 1300 hotline CFS Check April. 30 50 25 km 0 many cliffs are crumbling and and crumbling are cliffs many - cliffs Unstable • Coffin in camping and entering for apply Fees Thistle Is Thistle Almonta Beach, Golden Island Lookout and Lookout Island Golden Beach, Almonta • Observe fire restrictions usually 1 November to to November 1 usually restrictions fire Observe • West Point West Bay Cape Carnot Cape • Take your rubbish with you. with rubbish your Take • Conventional vehicles have access to Point Avoid, Avoid, Point to access have vehicles Conventional Park fees Park Local hazards Local Sleaford Park to pets, is used in the park to control foxes). control to park the in used is pets, to National Lincoln PARK Travel in the park the in Travel • Leave your pets at home (1080 poison, lethal poison, (1080 home at pets your Leave • NATIONAL COFFIN BAY COFFIN Port Lincoln Port 55 km. Allow 6 hours return. hours 6 Allow km. 55 Cape Donington Cape Boston Is Boston these guidelines: these tea-trees cover limestone areas. limestone cover tea-trees Point Sir Isaac: Sir Point • Coffin Bay Coffin Boston Bay Boston m Bay k 3 4 Avoid Sir Joseph Banks Group Banks Joseph Sir Help protect your national parks by following following by parks national your protect Help lying samphire swamps abound with birds. Dryland Dryland birds. with abound swamps samphire lying 50 km. Allow 6 hours return. hours 6 Allow km. 50 Bay Louth limestone pavements. Patches of sheoak and low- and sheoak of Patches pavements. limestone Park Sensation Beach: Sensation • Conservation Kellidie Bay Kellidie Bay Peninsula The National Parks Code Parks National The Away from the coast there are sand dunes and and dunes sand are there coast the from Away 28 km. Allow 3 hours return. hours 3 Allow km. 28 opportunities. Coffin Bay Coffin Black Springs: Black • offer excellent fishing excellent offer Tumby Bay Tumby sheltered bays. bays. sheltered Four-wheel drive access drive Four-wheel however most beaches most however National Park National surf beaches of the Southern Ocean contrast with with contrast Ocean Southern the of beaches surf are shown on the map, the on shown are Yangie Bay: 15 km 15 Bay: Yangie • Cummins Popular fishing areas fishing Popular windswept cliffs, massive dunes and pounding pounding and dunes massive cliffs, windswept Point Avoid: 18 km 18 Avoid: Point • roads and walking trails. Please let them cross safely. cross them let Please trails. walking and roads Coffin Bay Coffin km 348 Augusta Pt • Drummond Point Drummond • Adelaide 669 km 669 Adelaide • harm you intentionally. Keep an eye out for them on on them for out eye an Keep intentionally.
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