GILLETTE, WYOMING S GILLETTE NEWS RECORD S MONDAY, OCT. 21, 2019 PAGE A5 Crossword BY THOMAS JOSEPH Grandma wishes more ACROSS 46 Enjoy the taste 1 Old radio parts of 6 Machu Picchu 47 Yard plus a bit people would RSVP people 48 African scaven- 11 Cove ger DEAR ANNIE: Please remind to it, and how could mail a check to the des- 12 Baby grand, for your readers how important we respond ignated family “collector.” No one DOWN it is to RSVP. My 6-year-old to our own one was obligated to give or 13 Cutlery piece 1 Cartoonist granddaughter was so excited invitation told how much to give. 14 Wise saying Browne about her birthday party and requests. After a certain date, say, the 15 Castor, for one 2 Roadhouse having her friends come over. first of the new year, the des- 17 Dir. opposite 3 Boxing great My daughter sent invitations DEAR ignated collector deposited all SSW 4 Didn’t bother with instructions to RSVP. My ANNIE: the money collected and sent 18 Enhance, as a 5 Hearty dishes granddaughter’s best friend’s Periodically, a check to the chosen charity. recording 6 Beach in a 1964 mom said she would come Dear I see in your Sometime after the holiday, the 22 October birth- song but would need to leave early. column collector emailed the family stone 7 Veto Fine. Annie the issue of members to let them know the 23 Forge workers 8 Abel’s brother Then, 30 minutes before the Christmas amount they had donated. You 27 Farm towers party, she texted my daughter gift-giving could go alphabetically or by 9 Shortly, in saying they wouldn’t be com- in families age in choosing the charity for 29 Concur poems 31 Poseidon’s 10-21 ing. My granddaughter cried Annie with grown the next Christmas. Then, when 30 Act parts 10 One or more place and cried. Four other friends’ Lane children, and Christmas rolled around the 32 Employ 16 “— Now or 34 Auto mishap parents didn’t even bother to even grand- next year, they were all prepared 33 President pick- Never” 35 Physics particle RSVP and didn’t come either. children, who are now mar- to support another good cause. ers 18 Flag creator 36 Tedious sort Don’t these people know how ried or on their own. We had All this idea would take is 35 Sit-up targets 19 Sweeping tale 37 Petty argument hurtful this is to the little ones? gotten to the point of giving a one person — or several, if 38 Literary planta- 20 Like stallions 40 Had dinner Two friends did come to the gift card, and then receiving you wanted to trade off — to tion 21 Immediately 42 Broad st. party, but a day that was sup- a gift card back from them. It get everyone’s email addresses, 39 November birth- 24 Half of a sextet 43 Harry’s friend posed to be so happy was a day seemed so silly to wrack my and then send out a reminder stone 25 Munich mister 44 Historic stretch of tears. — UPSET GRANDMA brain trying to think of a gift as the holidays come closer DEAR UPSET GRANDMA each year. 41 In the know 26 Beholds : when so often it seemed it was 45 Make a speech I will remind readers about just a habit from years gone This alleviates the chore 28 Fizzy drink SUNDAY’S ANSWER the importance of RSVPs for by. No one seems to really of thinking what to get for a birthday parties — if you will need or want anything these growing number of people in Peanuts remind your granddaughter days. Christmas gift-giving had the family. It also gives them how many people love her. gotten to be a headache and a the opportunity to make a dif- Instead of focusing on those chore. ference by contributing to vari- who did not come, point out to I heard of this idea from a ous charities over the years. her who did come to enjoy her friend, and I wanted to pass it Just a suggestion that may party and celebrate her special along as a possible solution to help families to overcome the day. Your granddaughter had this dilemma: continual question: “What do I a birthday surrounded by two Their family decided upon a get them all for Christmas?” — friends, as well as a loving and charity that they wished to sup- LYN FROM THE VILLAGES, FLA. caring grandma. Sadly, life is port that year. Family members DEAR LYN: This idea filled with people canceling on who were able to come to the certainly does embrace the plans at the last minute, and Christmas gathering brought Christmas spirit of bringing joy we can’t control that. What we cash or a check to add to the to the lives of others. Thank can control is how we respond “pot.” Those unable to attend you for your suggestion. Blondie HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR emotionally and unsure of what impress others on the way. You TUESDAY, OCT. 22, 2019: needs to happen. Try to remain might note your temper is close to centered on whatever you are the surface. Tonight: Burning the This year, you doing. Tonight: Maintain some midnight oil. have a lot of self-discipline. get-up-and-go. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) Once you deter- LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22) HHH Keep reaching out for mine a goal, HHHHH While others might someone you care a lot about. You you might be flounder, you stay centered and might not be sure of your objec- nearly impos- are able to push your agenda and tives or your long-term desires Pajama Diaries sible to stop. plans forward. You might notice when it comes to this person. Your creativity emotions seem to have a heavy Identify as much as you can with and magnetism undercurrent, not only for you but him or her. Tonight: Relax; watch a The soar, making also for others. Remain sensitive good movie. certain desires to feelings. Tonight: As you like. ‘Scopes possible. If sin- CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) gle, you meet VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) HHHH One-on-one relating is people with HHH Know when to step back highlighted. Others might have ease, so take Jacqueline and get centered. By playing a strong reactions to what you your time mak- more passive role, you put your- share at times. Give them space Bigar ing a choice. self in a position of strength. to work through any issues that You might enjoy Anger can quickly come out, emerge. Tonight: Spend time with dating a lot. If attached, the two but some of you could suppress a special friend. of you might be more in sync with that feeling. Keep an eye on your each other than you have been for behavior. Do not allow self-dis- a long time. A lot of laughter and AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) cipline to go by the wayside. HHH Defer to others and do not good communication surround Tonight: Make it an early night. Garfield both of you. LEO loves hanging out feel as if you must respond to every with you. statement you hear. You might be LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22) on overload with others and their HHHH Friends and people in demands. You could be making The Stars Show the Kind of Day general surround you and make more of what is happening than you You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; your day more interesting. Do not need to. Tonight: Sort out options. 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult get too upset if you need to juggle your plans in order to incorporate PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) others and a surprising invita- HHH Your focus might be ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) tion. The end results will be OK. mainly on what you must do HHHH You might be over- Tonight: Where the action is. today. Associates or friends you whelmed by all that comes at sometimes visit with seem to be you from left field. You will need SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) searching for you. You could be to handle the demands, but on HHHH You could be overly surprised by all that you hear. some level, you see the humor in tired and withdrawn. No matter They want feedback from you. Be Beetle Bailey this sudden hectic pace. A child what, you will be able to handle flattered. Tonight: Run errands on or a new friend could delight you. additional responsibilities and the way home. Tonight: Remain responsive. TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20) HHH Stay centered and know what you need to do in order to stabilize an emotional or domes- Cryptoquote tic issue. Recognize what has A X Y D L B A A X R happened around a loved one or friend. Let your perspective and is L O N G F E L L O W sense of humor kick in. Help the One letter stands for another. In this sample, A is used for the other party gain perspective too. three L’s, X for the two O’s, etc. Single letters, apostrophes, the Tonight: Happiest close to home. length and formation of the words are all hints. Each day the code letters are different. 10-21 Hagar the Horrible GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20) HHHHH Keep reaching out for a loved one you care a lot about. You might not be sure of yourself at this moment with an import- ant interaction.
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