Maximum Longevity: Eating for a Heathier You Volume 1 David A. Kekich Copyright © 2021 David !" #eki%h All rights reserved. This document is intended solely to educate the consumer on current trends in more vi- tality as you age and the life science technologies that are closing in on rejuvenation and real-life Fountains of Youth. It should not e construed as medical advice, nor is the author rendering any "rofessional service. Al#ays consult your "hysician efore start- ing any new diet! exercise, sup"lementation or medical treatment program. The First Amendment information herein is not o%ered to diagnose or "rescri e for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent! treat! mitigate or cure such conditions! nor to recommend s"eci&c products as treatment of disease or to provide di- agnosis! care, treatment or reha ilitation of individuals! or a""ly medical! mental health or human develo"ment "rinci"les! to "rovide diagnosing! treating! o"erating or "rescri ing for any human disease, pain, injury! deformity or physical condition. Contents The Do#nside of 'a# Food............................................................................................................ ( Tickle Your )aste *uds #ith 'a# Foods........................................................................................+ ,hen a -alue .eal Isn/t................................................................................................................. 0 1rocessed Food................................................................................................................................ 2 Breakthrough Discovery – 4o# to 5to" Your Aging 6o#.............................................................7 8aloric 'estriction.......................................................................................................................... 9 Do You 6eed to 5tarve Yourself:.................................................................................................... ; 8ar ohydrates............................................................................................................................... <= 1roteins.......................................................................................................................................... <> Fats................................................................................................................................................ <+ ,hy ? esity is Becoming @"idemic.............................................................................................<0 ,hy Dia etes is Becoming @"idemic............................................................................................<0 Eat a ,ide -ariety of Fresh or FroAen 1roduceBand Cots of It.................................................<9 Congevity Dietary 'ecommendations..........................................................................................>= A""les or Bananas for Congevity:................................................................................................>2 AcidDAlkaline Balance................................................................................................................... >7 Digestion....................................................................................................................................... >9 )o" )en Foods for Conger Cife...................................................................................................... (= Fasting........................................................................................................................................... (< .ore Fasting Bene&ts................................................................................................................... (( 4o# Fasting )riggers Your Congevity Eenes...............................................................................(+ Fasting and @$erciseF Are They 8om"ati le:...............................................................................(0 Deto$ifying.................................................................................................................................... (2 The G4ealthiestH Alcoholic Beverages..........................................................................................(2 Are There @$ce"tions to .y Diet 'ecommendations:.................................................................(7 Nothing tastes as great as being healthy and fit feels. “A Healthy Person Has 1000 Wishes. A Sick Person Has Only ONE” e have identi&ed 7 sim"le ste"s for you to take to thrive at 1==… and beyond. W ###..a$Cife.org All seven ste"s are vital. If I #ere forced to "ick one a ove all though! it #ould e 6utrition a.k.a Diet! edging out @xercise. 4o#ever! this assumes you are at least mod- erately active, and it/s only your starting "oint! not your endpoint. @xercise is more ef- fective than most standard models of healthy diets. *efore you start your steps! you might #ant to determine your G iological age.H ,e all kno# our “chronological age.H That/s the num er you give #hen asked ho# old you are. It/s the num er of years since you #ere orn. 4o#ever! some of us age #ell! #hile others look and feel older than their chronological ages. You might s#ear a 0=-year-old is no older than +=! #hile one of his or her classmates might look closer to 2=. Eenetics "lay a small "art in the di%erence. Cifestyle ha its are the ig di%erentiator in our io- logical ages. ,ant to kno# your iological age? Then go to hJ"sFDD ioviva-science.comDcollec- tionsD"roducts and click on G)imeKeeper.H ?nce you kno# your iological age, this vol- ume and the si$ that follo# should ena le you to reverse it. Finish these volumes! "ut #hat you learn into "ractice, and get tested again. If you do that! I/ll et you/ll shave years from your age. 6utrition is critical! ecause the largest volume of chemicals to #hich your internal organs are e$"osed come from your food. The most "o#erful #ea"on you currently have for fighting the ravages of aging is a healthy diet. A good diet lo#ers risk of death from all causes. 5ome foods can e to$ic, es"ecially in the ,est. For millions of years! the alance be- t#een oxidants and antioxidants #as "retty even. *ut starting a out <=!=== years ago! < David A. Kekich - .a$imum CongevityF @ating for a 4eathier You #e got a#ay from the 1aleolithic, hunting-gathering diets that consisted of a out 7=K ra# fruits and vegeta les! started gro#ing our food, and got a#ay from eating a #ide variety of ra# foods. Then #e gradually started cooking more and "rocessing food as #ell. 8ooking can destroy many vital nutrients! and overcooking can create carcino- gens. The L.5. government reports genetic mutations are res"onsi le for an estimated 2!=== diseases! including all cancers. Researchers elieve if this one factor #ere elimi- nated, humans would routinely live to 1== years and beyond. In fact! if every cell/s DNA re"laced itself "erfectly during cell division, #e #ould e more likely to reach a lifes"an of a""roximately 1>= years. *ut they don’t! thanks in "art to the #ay #e cook our food. ,ell-done, grilled, fried or arbecued meats instead of aking or ste#ing at moderate tem"eratures are mutat- ing your genes. Eating poultry with skin does the same. Key Points Regarding the E%ects of Cooking on Food and Health .uch of food’s life force is greatly de"leted or destroyed #hen it is overcooked. The ioelectrical energy &eld is altered and greatly depleted and has een gra"hically demonstrated with Kirlian photogra"hy. Fi er in "lant foods is roken do#n into a soM! "assive su stance that loses its room-like and magnetic cleansing quality in the intestines. 6utrients! like vitamins! minerals! and amino acids are depleted, destroyed, and altered. The degrees are sim"ly a matter of tem"erature, cooking method, and time. For exam"le, if you cook ra# roccoli in the micro#ave, #ith a little #ater added to it! it can lose u" to ;7K of the antioxidant enefits that the food con- tained "rior to eing micro#aved. If you steam roccoli! it #ill lose less than <<K of its nutrients. L" to 0=K of the "rotein may e coagulated #hen cooked. .uch of it may e rendered unusa le. The interrelationshi" of nutrients is altered from its natural synergistic makeup. > David A. Kekich - .a$imum CongevityF @ating for a 4eathier You ?vercooking creates unusa le #aste material! #hich has a cumulative congest- ing and clogging e%ect on your ody and is a urden to the natural eliminative "rocesses of your body. .any enzymes "resent in ra# foods are destroyed at tem"eratures as lo# as <<9 degrees Fahrenheit. Some of these enzymes are im"ortant for o"timum digestion. 5ome ra# food is more easily digested and may "ass through the digestive tract in a half to a third of the time it takes for some cooked food. AMer eating some cooked foods there is a rush of #hite lood cells to#ards the digestive tract! leaving the rest of the ody less protected by the immune system. From the point of vie# of the immune system! the body is being invaded by a for- eign (toxicP substance when some cooked food is eaten. And it goes on and on. In general! your aging "rocess is accelerated y too much cooked food. 1eo"le #ho lean to#ard ra# food oMen ecome iologically and visi ly younger. .a$Cife recommends you o tain a minimum of (=30=K of your food as uncooked. -egeta le juicing and a salad at lunch will easily put you at that volume. &he Do'nsi e of Ra' *oo .any "eo"le #ith "oor digestion don’t handle ra# foods or eans very #ell. The higher "ro"ortion of nutrients
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