OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF- J^HE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS n iE S B n E iu s M AY 1972 Volume 14 Number 35 President’s Column THE NINETY-NINES, INC. Will Rogers World Airport International Headquarters Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 Return Form 3579 to above address It was gratifying to discover that Heritage Press 2nd Class Postage pd. at North Little Rock. Ark. intends to make good its efforts to GET THE MAGAZINE INTO THE POST-OFFICE promptly. We Publisher Lee Keenihan received our copy of the magazine in a very timely Managing Editor................ Hazel McKendrick Jones manner this month. And we think the H's are doing Art Director ............................................. Lucille Weeks a very fine job — Heritage and Hazel, that is. Production Manager.................................. Ron Oberlag Circulation Manager .............................. Loretta Gragg Your president experienced some more of the Contributing Editors wonderful Ninety Nine hospitality recently — jo u r- Arliene Dando Darlene Gilmore nied out to Arizona to teach two workshops — 8 Becky Thatcher Lois Feigenbaum hours to medical records personnel from Arizona, Virginia Thompson Barbara Bonnett Utah, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado — a n d a Betty McNabb Dottie Sanders Edith Denny half-day to Health Agency personnel from Arizona. Hazel Jones Mona Budding In the latter workshop was Beth Ussher, Phoenix Chapter, who Eleanor Bailey Ruth Thomas graciously flew me down to Phoenix from Francisco Grande where the Director of Advertising Paula Reed meetings were held, and then hostessed me in her pleasant apartment. Millie Dawes entertained in her home for me and then a group of us 99s and 49-1/2er, went to Camel Back for dinner. What fun! I wish everybody could have a round of the presidency! Contents I caught Alice Roberts in the midst of wall-paper and paint, but as AWTAR Ways & Means ..................... 3 usual she looked perfectly charming. Next I walked in to Hangar One in Convention News..................................5-7 Atlanta to collect 24C and start for home, and there were Esther Wright and Virginia McKee of the Georgia Chapter! So we had old home week Crossword Puzzle .................................. 10 for awhile. Powder Puff Derby ............................... 9 To our utter desolation, not enough people signed up for the Australian Safari, so if you think you HAVE to get in touch with the Who Were the Girls that president-no-less during April, don't cable. I’ll be at home. But — I w o u ld Flew 60,000,000 Miles like to ask you to use the address in the NEW roster, the Panama City For the AAF ......................................... 4 address, as that is where we have been living officially since July, and the Albany address just wanders around for awhile. In case your roster isn’t handy — try Beachwood Drive, Panama City, Fla. 32401. Board w ill have met by the time this magazine reaches you, and we did REGULAR FEATURES have a lot of things to consider which you asked us to think about. I will let you know next month what came out of Board meeting. President’s Column Inside Front Meanwhile — PLAN FOR TORONTO! Headlines from Hazel............................................ 1 This Ninety-Nine year is now half finished — so let’s pick up the Ninety-Nine News Award .................................... 3 tempo! Keep on with your recruiting, the membership must not slump Coming Events........................................................ 3 from one year to the next, IT MUST GROW. Backward Glance.................................................... 4 Get APT! This proves to the world at large that the women pilots on Safety Tips................................................................. 8 this globe are willing and able to sacrifice time and money and effort to Committee Reports................................................ 9 stay proficient and safe. Chapter Reports.................................................11-28 HELP OUT wherever you can — with Wing Scouts and Direct Relief F o u n d a tio n — (Wings for International Health) — with the Mercy flights that many of our members do, sans fanfare; with Civil Air Patrol and INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS projects such js Juanita Newell’s activities in Arizona’s “ Girls Ranch’’ — P resident Betty W McNabb 3114 Beachwood Dr. Panama City, Fla. 32401 and the warm support of Ninety Nines to Helen McGee whose middle Vice President................................................................................... Susie Sewell name is Courage — c/o Catlin Aviation Co. Will Rogers Station. Oklahoma City. Okla. And when you travel, look up Ninety Nines and make new friends — S ecretary Pat Jetton and tell us about your adventures in far lands — attend your CHAPTER Airport Flying School Addison Airport. Dallas. Texas meetings, attend your SECTION meetings — Treasurer ..................................................................................... Virginia Britt Stemming from our activities with the Talent Bank comes an invitation 6121 Cypress Rd.. Plantation. Fla. 33313 to participate in the Management Training Seminars for Career Women Executive Board ........................................................... Pat McEwen 16206 E. Central. Wichita. Kan. 67230 sponsored by the Business and Professional Women’s Club Foundation. Edith Denny If you are interested in attending any of these top-level seminars, con­ 439 Temagami Cres.. Pt. Credit. Ont.. Canada Joan Hrubec tact Mrs. Lenora Cross, Foundation Director, 2012 Massachusetts Ave., 16902 Dartmouth Ave., Cleveland. O. 44111 N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. AND — if you have the sort of qualities Published monthly, except bi-monthly July-August and January- for top-level policy-making appointments, FILL IN THE TALENT BANK February Annual subscription rate is $4.50 and is included as a part of the annual membership of The Ninety-Nines. Inc. QUESTIONNAIRE from the last magazine, and SEND IT IN. Don’t hide Mailing Addresses your light under a bushel. Headquarters Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City. Oklahoma 73159 MEANWHILE, there's something else you should fill in — th e Editorial Office P. O. Box 38499 registration blank for INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION in Toronto this Dallas. Texas 75238 s u m m e r! Advertising Office P O. Box 4228 North Little Rock. Arkansas 72116 SEE YOU IN TORONTO. be delighted to use them. aviation in general.” This is from our con­ 3. Keep the Newsletter under the control stitution. One of the ways we have of ac­ o f the 99’s. complishing this (hopefully) is with the o £ * ° u N m e m o s ? It is totally under the control of the 99's. magazine. In making the magazine more Nothing goes in the magazine without the professional it is hoped that women in REpORTS? permission of the Editor. If the contents are aviation will appear as being professional CORRECTIONS! Editor not satisfactory, then the board should ap­ and making meaningful contributions to point a new Editor. aviation. If we have failed in this, we have 4. Lim it ads — we object strongly to the lost the ballgame. oil company ads, etc. NOTE TO REPORTERS The board had set the guidelines for the Please remember to double space your acceptability for ads. These general material. I have been getting several guidelines have to do with alcoholic reports that are single spaced, zeroxed beverages, smoking products, sanitary copies, and handwritten copy. This won't Many times in the past it has been goods, and unclad forms. Anything per­ do. I do not have the time or inclination to taining to aviation that is in good taste is suggested that we have a "Letters to continue redoing them. Also remember that acceptable. Personal experience tells me we cannot use color photos, negatives, or the Editor” column for our magazine. that airplanes will not fly without the newspaper clippings. They just won't Ordinarily we don't get enough dif­ products produced by the oil companies. reproduce. ferent types of items to make it in­ 5. Be selective in accepting ads— NOTE TO READERS teresting. However, we have at long See the answer to question 4. Thanks to all of you who noticed that the last received some complaints about 6. Mail earlier so that copies are received Cardinal RG was not retractable. This was the News. It was so long in coming I the first week of the month. the color separation provided and the copy thought we had it made. The letter The magazine was mailed on the third of was printed as received. We seem to make listed several items of concern. In the March. I received my copy on the 16th. As a monumental goof on each issue. long as we use 2nd class mail we must interest of placating the ladies from Hopefully one day we will get a perfect tolerate excessive delays. To mail the isue. The March-April issue had a salute to the east and in the hopes that it might magazine 1st class would cost an ad­ Juanita Newell with a picture of Louise answer some other unasked ditional $1200.00 per month. The magazine Sacchi. We have been holding the Newell questions, I am going to devote my has been mailed under 2nd class for the story for awhile and somehow the picture column to their eight items of con­ last 5 years. Having ads in the magazine got lost. We are frantically looking for it at cern. has nothing whatever to do with the cost of headquarters and will print her picture. 1. Retain our original cover and design. mailing. We are continuing to seek some Sorry Juanita. The lack of picture does not When it was decided to go to advertising, relief from this excessive delay. take away from the story. the front cover becomes part of the 7. Do put word limits on reports . package. If someone wants to buy the back We have tried to put word limits, page Spring has sprung — the grass has riz — cover and pay for the color separation on limits, suggested guidelines etc. People I wonder whare my APT button izl! the front cover, so be it.
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