University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 6-13-1979 Kabul Times (June 13, 1979, vol. 17, no. 69) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (June 13, 1979, vol. 17, no. 69)" (1979). Kabul Times. 956. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/956 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \ .- , \ _f I' ., " , , ,y 1 " , ." .. ..' II • ~ • \, , I " , " I ... ,. , " .. <"t' • L desi,tou's~ . , '. '- " . , '~L'- 0>\-,5r.~efji'~tlt,\~~Jja~~~."."." " ••.r.. .., ~ ~~.,' :~ , ~ ,~( ~ ~~~~ ~lg!1e'• d Ye&:t~f~...... • Ed~cation;-' Co: Ship' ;- I (l • \ .. • I reo':' ,',: •• 'I .; ({..... .. t mOl' Pohanwai MiitiSter .of I1se~'YOU'mYhlltncere l~\(I'··" I"mpg~at .¥iIil,~olIJI,-, 10mliO at Kabul Inter-national AirPOrt: Some 'members of tan '~!' ~ '.·St...·g..'e for the sliKe of '•. '(l ".' the..~)I• rid ' b t.: 'Iies_~an'...... .. d I ,"- 8 , I' • '. 1 I f' • Oull .~.e."I'\ "'1,t J ministers are also seen' in the picture, ,' a es,!Wis 'tliat freedom J'democracy .:1tnd ' 'Deiit'friends,-"J"" 1 -, ormation 'I'l"" '? :"'-7-'::-'-:"'''-.:.--";:''''':'-'-'""'-_ Iof the Pe'ace. and,' SOllllj- '··so~ial' phlgress·{'.~the\ C<lin- 't' Please"a'~-"'\I ,~y -~best '~, The ~tocol-l"as ~sl.i ' I I, I "Ir • ~'l' - 'f, l"1,,>'" ~~ , 1'" • L.~half f :n.:.......... 10 \ '. I. ", " ' " , mtln<strliggle lof ap the ,.wishelf for"'Jlierso/:lal'heolth on uc 0 -..:"','" f, " ,•• Dr. Jalili· back ·from' Afghan revo utlon .benefactor of peoples of the world.' The- and success Udallr untir- Gul Piilw~nd, !I~P\'ty ,. a', 'Taraki " ,;' I -, , refore the sUCCess achieved ing struggle. • nl.ster 'of mfo\""ation an 'cultur~ J~ 9 5 percent Pak totters· Bez80J·O ,by tne people of'a 'cOuntry t, -"" and by DPRK KABUL, June 13. (Bakh­ USSR presented the Great WIll be further fOIled 10 our , • in course of slith a stru' Khayal Mohammad Kim. Ryogan, ,a"1b~S9A~Rt' Colombo nonaligned meet ,the L~ader Leader of the people of Af­ country and other countries , ' ~. t~at tar).- The Great I\ccordmll to reports rea- He said. If full, IIberiy ggle will 'cauSe delight to Katawazl' ' o( countl'Y. ,.,"\' ghamstan Noor Mohammad and opporlumty WIll be KABUL, June 12. IBakh- countrIes held ID Colom· giv~n Pl:O},ll~~~, of the 'poople of Mghams­ ching' here' Ghaus Bakhsh is to these elements. aU'the peoples especially WIth this , ' tan Noor Mohammad Taraki, Tarakl good wishes and prOVIded to our people to tar) - PohanlVal Dr. Ab· boo Bezanjo, President of the to publlc/se their SPecial jd- the ,neighbouring 'peoples PreSident of tbe Peace cooperation .OOt'rC~'li'; dUlrashld Jal)h, minister He was welcomcd at Ka· DPR~ General Sea-etary of the warm greetmgs of the Co­ construct theIr desirahle so­ newly estab1Jshed Pakistan cas permission shoUld also an,d'just it is for this reas·,' and Solidarity of Afghan- and m. t,he, I cIety voio of explOItation of of edUCatIOn and head 01 ltul InternatIOnal Airport al\~' Central CommIttee of the. mnuttee of Defence of Pc· National Party in a press he glven'to those who hel. on that they shoulder the 'tsfan. cultural, sclentiflc People's Dem~allc Party ace and of all the peace·lov­ man by man theaelegation of the Dem- hi some me",bers of the interVIew held m Karachi Ive In l drdJnary Ideas _ of \ catlqn will ,expan~, ' ;, l of Afghamstan and PreSId­ mg people of the Soviet ocraUc. Repubhc of Afgh· CounCIl of Ministel's, First on JaUM 14 m connection humanity, brotherhood and Genel al Secreta, y of the PDPA CC, aOlst'\.n/ returned to Kablll Deputy MIDlster of Educat· ent of the Revolutionary Co­ Umon our beloved leader In respollse the MIDIster Great Leader of he People of Afghamstall Noor Mohammad rarakl, WJth relations betwecn Af- progressivlsm.o that tltey of Education of the SovIet and PreSIdent RC receIving Minister of Educahon of USSR yesterday after attendIng 1110 and some heads of dcp­ unCIl Tecelved Prokofyev, said Nations and peoples ghamstan and Pakistan could make use of the right who struggle for the const­ Umon while thanklOg the the,meeting of ConrdlDat- 1I1 tments of EducatIon Nil­ mmlster of "l!ucatlon of saId to gIVe specJaJ response UOIon of Soviet SOCIalist Re­ ructIon of the new society Great Leader of the people , illS Bureau of non.Ji~ned Illstry and ChIef 0; Proto­ Some elements who repl' Bezanjo urged the gove- publIcs at the People's Ho­ are ID need of peace and of Afghanistan Noor Moh­ We wi II ~ot Mazdooryar speaks to H. Ami n meets Barikzal col of the MlOlstry of Fa- esent speCial Ideas want to loment of PakIstan to ser­ secunty more than anyth mmad Tarakl General Se· J elgn Affairs use at 10 00 a m yester­ pOIson the relatIOns betw- lously follow the pobcy of day 109 else and certamly the cretary of the PDPA CC, On arrlval at Kabul In· een Afghamstan and f'ak- non-mterferenee m the Soviet Edu. telllollonal Airport Pohan­ victory IS theirs because In and preSIdent of the RC for leave alope compatriots from Paktika I'.tao WJth Jl narrow--mmd- mteron1 affaIrs of other inspects IVai 1,II1h sSld the meetmg Prokofyev has rome to the world today peace and recelvmg him said Durmg ed out look agam,t the gO- (ountnes and stop Immed· clble Sauf Hcvoh1ll01l and ,,"':.. " of the Bureau, held Kabul at the head of a dele· peace·)oVlng for:ces over­ OUT seVCI a) days stay In Af­ KABUL. June 13. (Bakh­ vemment of AfghaDlstan ;dtely the propaganda and ' Its gams and meaSUfes tao Minister at mlntsterlal level, diSCUS­ gatlon of the Peace Defence come the war·mongers and gharustan we met the presl· our frien4s- lal) -Sher Jan Mazdooryar, Salma dam pUbhclty carried out by Comnuttee of USSR the Impef1altst camps are dent and members of the minister of mtenor affairs ken and al e bemg taken by 'J~ERAT, June 12. (Bakh­ sf'd thc overall current In. political profit makmg el­ KABUL. June 13. (Ba­ ternatlonal polItical and ee· Dunng the meetmg pre­ faclOg defeat Peace and SolIdanty Organ· met ulamas, and elders of our Khalql state for welfa· tar).-Eng Mohammad Ju­ rmcnts and theIr press aq­ Brezhnel' on pl'ople of Sar Rauza district re and prospent)' of th(' khtar) - HafIzullah Amlll onom)c sJtuatIon III the h­ MAZARE SH "nJEF. Ju­ sent were also Khayal Mo­ Isatton of Afghanistan and rna Hankzal. deputy miniS­ mnst the government of hanunad Katawazl, minister The Great Leadel of thc realised the revolutIonary of Paktlka province at that noble people and blossom Secretary and Member of ght of the deCISIons and ne 12, (Bakhtar) - A num­ MghanlStan. ter of water dnd poWCI VI­ of IOformation and culture people of Afghamstan ad splnt of Lhe Afghan youth Nhmsl ry at 5 pm yester· 109 of Afghanistan and con­ Ihe Pohtburo of Central Sited different sectIons of 1eso]utlons of prevIous co­ ber of InstItutes and nat­ Afghanistan Committee of POPA and and preSIdent of the Peace ded Our khalql regune 10 the way of defencelof the day demned the plol and cons­ tbe Salma project yestel­ nferences of nOfl3hgncd co­ IOnal traders of Balkh pr­ !lezanjo said Unfortuna­ Flfst Mll1lster ~eceJvcd for and SOhdanty Organisation IS also 1raversmg proudly country and their khalql re The MlIllster of InterIor pH acy of ('nemlCS 01 people day momlDg untries .as well as on pre· oVince have donated afs tely relatlOns between Pak­ MOSCOW, June 12, (Ea a courtesy mcetmg MIOIs­ of Afghamstan and the c0­ the path of constructIOn 01 volutlon and we got fully Affaus conveyed thf' warm and revolutIOn The cdnstructlon \VOl k on )Imlnary preparatIOns of 2,005,000 to natIOnal defen­ Istan and AfghanIStan ha. khtar) - Leomd Brezhnov, ler of EducatIOn of Unton ce fund Deputy Minister of Infor matton and Culture and Am bassador of the Democratic mpanIOns of H E Prokof the new socIety of Afgha­ sure that the tOIl 109 people and passIOn aLe and SIIlCI'f(' Salma projec;t which IS be­ the sum,nut conference of ve developed 10 a way that General Secretary of the of SOviet SOClallst RepubliC yev, and Alexander M nistan and IS strongly In of Afghanistan arc full of greetmgs of Great Leadcl The MU1Jstcl ot lntl'f101 109 flO anced from the long heads of state and govern, The cheque \Jearmq the It had led to a state of con­ People's Republic of Korea slgnlDg the cultural and SCI entillc agreement, between Central Comnuttee of the Prokofy('v, at tht' FIrst MI Puzanov, ambassador of need of peace We are des· SPlrtt of revolutIOn a,nd pa­ of the People of Afghan salll, the enemlcs of people' term loan of SaudI Arabia ments of nonahgned IQU­ sum was handed over to fhct on our borders. These the two countries Commumst Party of the So Illstry Palacf' at 2 p m yr.s~ n tnes wh,ch IS scheduled to the Soviet Umon In ITOUS and follower of peace trIOtism and Will succeed In 1stan, NoO! Mohammad 01 Afghanistan level dlvPI Abdul Ahad Wolesl, secret­ acts should be stopped Im­ viet Umon and PreSident of tt I day Includes construction of res­ Kabul and hope that the conspira­ constructlDg their deSirable Tarakl, Genf'1 al Secretary se ac(.'usatlons On us At a diverSIOn be held ,n Septem\Jer thIS ary of the provlncaa) com­ the PreSIdIUm of the Sup­ DUllllg thr mf'cltng, wh ervOir dam, water medIately so as the possib­ CIes and plots of Impenallsts society of the POPA CC and Pn'­ t Imr t hey say they .Ire mf I­ year In Havana, capltill oJ mittee and governor or In their meetlDg after It'me Soviet In a receptIOn and power tunnels.
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